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20150208 A Class

8 Feb 2015|Duration: 00:28:32|English|Others|Hyderabad, India

Guru Mahārāja: 

♪♪♪ mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ paramānanda-mādhavam śrī caitanya īśvaram♪♪♪

Who is from this Hyderabad temple?  And who is from Secunderabad temple? 


And who is any other part of India?

So I think that Mahavaraha Das has given you my health report. If I was here for more days I would visit the Mechal farm and the Secunderabad congregation as well.  And Vedanta Caitanya Das has been asking us to come for a long time. And now we are headed back to Māyāpur for the annual GBC meetings and festivals.

And we just got permission from the doctor to leave Delhi. So we saw there was bookings available for us to go to Mayapur tomorrow, so we halted here in Hyderabad.

In the Mayapur.tv show on internet where they show the Mayapur daily programmes and you can also see those. I also have a dedicated channel ‘Jayapatākā swami channel’, so depending on various factors I may be talking on that TV. And in Delhi, I was giving daily Prabhupāda class on that channel, in the evening.

In the mornings we would do Caitanya book, now there will be GBC meetings and other things. But you can always check if there is any class being announced. 

We were discussing how Srila Prabhupāda, I wrote to him that by his mercy Lord Caitanya message was brought to the West.  [Mike Disturbance] And he replied that he was caring out the orders of his previous spiritual masters and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur said he would be blessed by Lord Caitanya by spreading Kṛṣṇa Consciousness to the West. 

He said, “Not only you, but those who help you.” 

Guru Mahārāja:  So how many are trying to help Srila Prabhupad? [Guru Mahārāja raised his hand and asked]

[Devotees raised hands]

So all of you are getting blessed. 

Guru Mahārāja: Even this small girl, she wants to help. 

[Little girl offers a bouquet of flowers to Guru Mahārāja

Devotees: Hari Bol!!! [Clapping

Guru Mahārāja: So this is a great opportunity we have, to render some personal service to the Lord and his devotees].Anyway, I like to give you a chance to any question you can ask. These should general philosophical questions, not personal questions.


Guru Mahārāja: So no question? No reason to come here. [Interrupted by a devotee

Devotee: Although this process of Krishna consciousness is simple. Why not many people are taking up this?

Guru Mahārāja: So many are taking up, room is full. [Gesturing

Devotees: [Clapping] Hari Bol!! [Laughing]

Guru Mahārāja: Distribution of Kṛṣṇa bhakti is something very rare.  Most people are interested in getting nice material results, nice looking children, lot of money, good house, good car, good health, good education but Krṣṇa bhakti not so much interested.  When Advaita Gosai, his followers, tried to give out Kṛṣṇa bhakti; people were laughing.

Guru Mahārāja: Hahaha!! I have big house, I have money!! Why do I need your Kṛṣṇa bhakti for? Hehehe!! [Gurumahārāja laughing and speaking loudly]

Devotees: [Laughing

Guru Mahārāja: They didn’t even think ‘What’s the next birth?’ They do not think that inspite of all this facility they can get heavy sickness. There was one family a wife, sons, daughters everyone was chanting everyone one was initiated, except the father. He forgot his spiritual values. Waste of time, enjoying life. Then he was diagnosed with cancer reached stage one, stage two, stage three finally stage four no cure. He was bed ridden, then some people walked through his room walls. They had muscular bodies, fine teeth, hairy bodies, clothes of leather and they were looking at him. NO! NO! NO! NO! NOT ME!! , and they deserted him. But he call for his wife,” I want to wear Tulsi beds [Devotees laughing] I want Japa beds. ‘Please read some Bhagavad Gita to me’ and that small kirtan box. Fill up the room with kirtaṇ. I think you are doing the right thing.” So he began to chant ♪♪♪ Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare♪♪♪. [ Guru Mahārāja sang the Mahāmantra ]

♪♪♪ Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare♪♪♪

Guru Mahārāja: So he left, very peaceful happy. [Break] 

So people wait till the Yamadutas come, to chant.

Devotees: [laughing along with Guru Mahārāja]

Guru Mahārāja: And people may ask why there are so many more people in the grocery store and so few in the jewellery shop? Jewellery shop keeps jewels and is very precious. So naturally you will get less customers, but that’s why we need all of you to be active and preach it. Although the Lord is giving out jewels, he is not asking the price. If there is someone who gives out free jewels. Then they think is this real, is this glass, how someone gives away real emerald?  But it is real. The Lord is independent and he can do whatever he likes, so when he comes as Lord Caitanya, He gives out love of Kṛṣṇa. Chirin Chiraat, So LONG!!  [21.59-22.09]  It seems almost like eternity, I told today in the class I mentioned, Kṛṣṇa  comes once in the day Brahmā. That is a thousand yugas cycles, that’s 4 billion 320 million years and that equal night, 4 billion 320 million years. That equals 8 billion 640 million years. 8 BILLION!!! [Gurumahārāja speaks stressing loudly 8 BILLION]

Who knows where we will be in 8 billion years from now, Lord Caitanya is giving out his treasure just like Kṛṣṇa gave makhan [makhan is butter in Hindi] to monkeys. People are so foolish they are not taking this mercy; they should take it ,be happy. And try to convince as much as you can, when they see that you are happy, chanting. Everyone wants to be happy, so they also will chant. 

He said only two questions he didn’t say how many answers. 

Mahavaraha prabhuji:  Two questions has become one. [Guru Mahārāja laughs]

Guru Mahārāja: I will answer short. 

Mahavaraha prabhuji:  Question if possible from mataji side, very short answer, 1 minute answer 

Translator: This mataji is asking in Brahma day time all this activities happen, but what happens during Brahmas’ night time.

Guru Mahārāja: Sleep. [Laughter]

Not like Hyderabad has the night life [Devotees laughing] 

When Brahma sleeps everyone sleeps, that time the souls go into the Garbhodakasāyi Vishnu.  When Brahma wakes up, he recreates again, the four higher planets where the four Kumaras, the other rishis stay they don’t get destroyed, while the rest of the universe gets destroyed and recreated by Lord Brahmā.


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