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20150831 Addressing BCC Youths

31 Aug 2015|English|Class / Talk / Lecture / Address|Penang, Malaysia

Addressing BCC Youths

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Monday, August 31, 2015


Inspiration series - 2015

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31/AUG/2015 Addressing BCC Youths Penang, Malaysia


I would like to thank you for the drama and the various programs you did. The dramas you did in fact were 2 one on the stage which was as you said it was inspired by an idea I gave you, didn’t follow exactly but was very interactive and interesting. I didn’t know who it was who was hovering over me with the club. I didn’t know if that was Yamaraja or who it was!! At the time I was bit scared surprised may be! At the same it was humorous but I wonder if the audience understood the hundred years of devas by calculations is one of our year is one of their days so that means a hundred years of their time is 36,000 years of our time then the 10,000 years of the golden period would be over. I don’t know if everyone would catch uo that secret. In general it was a very nice drama and the shadow drama on ‘yadi prabhupada na hoito’ that left many devotees in tears (claps). The poem has been rendered in English by Ekalavya Dasa and he had (how many) 30 dancers and 6 singers. At Ratha-yatra he had a competition of dancing and the best 30 were selected. That means there were hundreds of youth that came up and danced and similarly a competition for singing so he took the best 6 or so for singing. So it was in English and they had a screen behind where they put the translation. Instead of ‘yadi prabhupada na hoito ki hoita’ he used the words who else! Who else! Who else would have done this! Who else would have done this so you might get his English songs and see how you like it. I wrote another song after that to the previous acaryas which include Srila Prabhupada back to Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaja (I don’t know whether Maha varaha has it otherwise Saci Kumar Dasa might has it) it is little longer and it gives four stanzas of each acarya and at end and beginning is like a triplet for Srila Prabhupada so I was thinking I would like some designers to come and see our exhibition in Mayapur and take your suggestion of what to do and see if our youth can be inspired. By your inspiration, activity, gallery and everything is superb. (Claps) we hope that you all also take the apps which Ekanath Gaura Dasa is been working hard and use it on your smart phone ( I’m sure you all have smart phone)if one or two have dump phone you can try to get them a smart phone as I was talking to the ______ devotees, it seems that this temple would be the largest ISKCON temple outside of India in Asia and may be in the whole world and if we have any indication from yesterday, we saw like a huge crowd so it will be nice if you put your creative intelligence together that all the people who visit the temple they will take something with them and especially and others, they should realize that the deities are people that here is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and his energies and expansions. So we have an indication that these deities are every much active and some atheists came by he just watched and he thought it would be nice if I could meet my first love (just thought), he was looking at some CD and some lady behind him asked how much is that CD, he looked and he saw she was his first love (ah…) Krsna he exists, I believe! I believe! I didn’t even pray he came and gave me what I wanted so this is any indication, you better be careful, only wish spiritual things but take care of the deities very nicely, I wasn’t kidding when I said when everyone was visiting the temple, if they can’t give some donation give a piece of fruit, rice or something, have that culture that when we come to see Krsna we always want to give him something. Srila Prabhupada told me when I went to see the brother of Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura I would give him something because that is our culture, the senior Vaisnavas, deities, we give something even if it is an orange or apple or something idea is everyone come, is served. You are doing such a wonderful service before the temple opened now that temple is there please keep on serving, dancing, drama, whatever comes to your mind, you can talk to your senior devotees and then go ahead and do it. Kalesha Dasa is very supportive, he had everyone laughing yesterday. He was a very good spontaneous announcer!!!! So eventually we won’t be there in this world, while we are here we are trying to help you. But in future you will be the one to take the responsibility of these temples so that’s why we want to see you while at the young age, using your intelligence to serve Krsna using your creative ability your body and mind to get a taste of ‘how nice it is to serve Krsna! Actually people they don’t understand how nice it is to chant, dance and to serve Krsna so if you could show them that it would be a great contribution. Hare Krsna


(Transcribed by Rasa Priya Gopika Devi Dasi 05/OCT/2015)

Transcribed by Rasa Priya Gopika Devi Dasi
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