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20150930 Talk

30 Sep 2015|Duration: 00:19:44|English|Others|Balarāma deśa


♪♪♪ śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda śrī-advaita  gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda ♪♪♪

Guru Mahārāja

♪♪♪ Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare ♪♪♪


♪♪♪ Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare ♪♪♪

Guru Mahārāja

Nitai Gaura Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol


Nitai Gaura Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Nitya Gaura Hari Bol

Guru Mahārāja

I am very glad that I could finally reach Balaramadesh.


Hari Bol!!

Guru Mahārāja

And see so much enthusiastic devotees. The ladies during foot bathing they were holding on to each other, so I think they were more united.

Devotees – Hari Bol Laughter

Guru Mahārāja– Men were looking.

Devotees – Hari Bol Laughter

The past year has been full of tests. We thought 2008 the stroke was the test. In 2014 I had the Ascites from liver disease. Then I went to various experts on the liver, then I went to the world famous doctor 3.18----- and he was more positive and so I somehow had got some trust in him. So all the disciples from different parts of the world they got me a new medicine that just came out and that cured the liver disease. I took the medicine and it showed negative in every test that I have taken. So the liver disease is cured.

Devotees – Hari Bol.

Guru Mahārāja

But the liver is a wreck. The disease has damaged the liver. They say that the liver regenerates more than any other organ in the body. So I have a new diet taking 100 grams of protein everyday not too much not too little if I take too much I get ammonia poisoning if I take too little I get Ascites. So it has to be between 90 and 110. So the protein should not be much dal, so it should be from milk like dahi and paneer and whey protein. So I was supposed to come here in May. But one day they gave too much pulse and I became a little delirious. They took me to a hospital in Kolkata and this is a multi-specialty new hospital. They thought that they will be able to cure me. Although they have a nice hospital, the doctor on duty, he was not able to come up with a cure. So he said “Well! Looks like the Swamiji may die here”. So my servants and medical staff, some by phone, some on the site, they stabilized me and then I was airlifted to Delhi. And I spent about almost 4 weeks in the ICU. So then my Bahrain residency card expired. The doctor said that I can travel but I still need to take sufficient rest and he said I should not travel too quick. I must stay long enough in each place. So when I stay in Bahrain I have to stay for a long time.

Devotees – Hari Bol.

Guru Mahārāja

I know that is a real austerity for all of you. But I hope you can tolerate my presence.

Devotees – Hari Bol!!

Guru Mahārāja

I want to thank all of you for your help and your prayers. It is important that the devotees in Bahrain when they go back to India and when they go back, they keep following the process of Bhakthi Yoga, by  maintaining the regulative principles, chanting the 16 rounds and also helping me to fulfil Prabhupāda’s mission.

Devotees – Hari Bol!!

Guru Mahārāja:

Actually, I think the devotees here could do a lot to spread the message and they are doing something already. So keep up the preaching and step up the outreach. That will give me more life. One way of making devotees is your children. I see so many children who are chanting. They are not children anymore they are grown up.

Devotees - Laughter

Guru Mahārāja

It is very important that we try to convince others, what the purpose of human life really is? It is meant to re-establish the lost relationship with Kṛṣṇa. 11.48---- it a special program, a synthesis of science and religion, at the Parliament of religions at Chicago in the 100th year of Vivekananda. Vivekananda had spoken about Bhakthi Yoga, how that every Hindu they accepted the Bhagavad Gita, they tried to worship Krishna as the Avatar, the God who came down to Earth. And then he switched and he said of course the Absolute truth is impersonal and he started speaking Monism. For a while he was speaking like a Vaishnava and then he began speaking like a Monist. In that lecture an interesting question came up, why are there so many religions? And the answer was given that since Bhagavaan, He has unlimited forms so He assumes some form, just based on what form is suitable to a particular people, what form they have faith in. Ultimately there is only one God. He may appear in different forms. Just to reciprocate with the faith of different people. Then the actual original form is described as Lord Brahma where he said Anadir Adi Govinda Sarva Karana Karanam. And Kṛṣṇa is the Lord, He is the Parameshwar.  That He was the beginning and he has no beginning. And he is the Absolute truth. Sarva Karana Karanam. He is the cause of all causes. He also said in the Rig Veda Om Krishna maya Sachidanada Guna Kṛṣṇa Aadi Purusham Krishna Purushotthamaha. So when Lord Shiva, he was telling Parvathi how one should chant the holy names of Lord Vishnu. That one name of Ram is equal to 1000 names of Vishnu, SAHASRA NAMA TAT THULYAM RAMA NAMA VARANANE Oh! my Dear Devi beautiful faced one, one name of Ram is equal to 1000 names of Vishnu and in the same Shiva Purana he says that one name of Kṛṣṇa is equal to 3000 name of Vishnu. So in this year the Government of India, amongst other great personalities, is celebrating Lord Caitanya’s rediscovering of Vrindavan, the 500th anniversary. So this is a significant step forward. I went to Mathuradesh and there was a lady there. She said, “Gurudev, I am very sorry, this year I didn’t make many devotees. I didn’t reach my goal.” She was bowing her head down. I said how many devotees did you make. “Only 76.”

Devotees – Hari Bol!!

Guru Mahārāja:  “What was your goal?” “108.” So I think if everyone of our devotees will make 76 we will have no problem.

Devotees – Laughter

Guru Mahārāja : Even if you can make 5, and  I remember as Bhakti Siddhantha Saraswati Thakur said that even if one disciple can be a pure devotee of Krishna , then our whole mission is a success.


Transcribed by Srinivas Ganti
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