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20151006 Class

6 Oct 2015|Duration: 00:37:36|English|Others|Balarāma deśa


We were just combining the different books on Lord Caitanya, lila by lila to get a more complete version of the pastimes. Each author wanted to respect the other authors, so they don’t repeat what the others said. So as a result they may have in Caitanya Caritāmṛta  2 verses and in Caitanya Bhāgavata  16 verses and in Caitanya Mangala 8 verseṣ and in the Murāri Gupta Kadacha 4 verses and so on. And other pastimes you may have in Caitanya Caritamṛta. And the wedding of Lord Caitanya with Lakshmi Priya was narrated in all 7 or 8 bookṣ. There are details in Caitanya Mangala, a little bit in Caitanya Caritāmṛta, just a reference. But Caitanya Bhāgavata also had a significant portioṇ. And there is Caitanya Caritāmṛta Mahākāvya by another associate of Lord Caitanya. And that again had  some significant verses. And the Murāri Gupta’s Kadacha also had verses. So it takes a lot of time. 

Lord Caitanya, he was alone. His father had already left and he was with his widowed mother.  He said I am earning money, I am living in a house, I am just a house holder. But I don’t have a wife. A home is not actually made by bricks and stone. Home is actually made by a wife. And she is known as the Grihini. So if I want to be real Gṛhastha I should have a Grihini. He was thinking like this. At that time, the ghatak, Vanamali Acarya, he came to see Lord Caitanya’s mother. And he proposed that he had a good proposal for Lord Caitanya’s marriage. She wanted him to marry but she thought, “Oh!! He is too young, let him do his studies for a while.” 

 In those days in India, people married fairly young at 13 or 14 or even younger. So Vanamali was frustrated. He didn’t get any positive remark from Mother Saci. Vanamali in his previous birth was the brāhmaṇa who brought the message from Rukmini to Kṛṣṇa. And he also had a similar seva in Rāma Lila. So it seemed that in every Lila of the Lord this is the person who came as the marriage matchmaker. Of course he doesn’t know that. He doesn’t remember. This is the Lord’s pastimes that the Lord knows but His devotees don’t remember. So he left the house and he was thinking, “Lord is a Kalpavrksha, He satisfies all the desires of His devotees. But in my case why didn’t he listen. I want to serve, serve Him. But why doesn’t He listen. Why does he have this name Kalpavrksha?”

 Meanwhile Gaurāṅga was in school studying. So he bowed down to His teacher and took His books ran out to the ghatak. And then He was just naturally walking and He said, “Oh! Vanamali Paṇḍita, What a fancy, meeting you here. Why are you looking so sad? Where are you coming from?”   “Well, my Lord I was coming from your house. I suggested to your mother a marriage proposal, but she wasn’t interested.” And the Lord smiled and said, “I will talk to her and see why?”

 But no one could understand what the Lord was thinking. And when he went home, He enquired from His mother, “Why did that Vanamali Paṇḍita leave frustrated? Why didn’t you give him a proper reception?” And from these she could understand that Lord Caitanya was interested in marrying. So she said, “Ok, I will call him tomorrow.” And it’s a long story. But all the arrangements were made. Vanamali got the permission. He went to the house of Vallabha acarya and proposed that his daughter, Lakshmipriya to be married to Lord Caitanya. And he said, “Oh! I will be honoured. He is the greatest Paṇḍita, Nimai Paṇḍita. I am a poor Brahmin. I can’t pay dowry. I can only give 5 haritaki spices.”   “That’s ok, that’s not an issue with Nimai.” So all the things were arranged. 

 And I will tell you some other time all the details. Lord Caitanya had earrings, arm bands, bracelets, rings, all gold studded with jewels. And His colour was the colour of gold. And it reminded one of Sumeru mountain. It’s said His eyes were so nice, that they were like lotus eyes touching His ears. You know in the Gaudiya marriage you wear a helmet, you wear a crown. And he was all decorated with chandan  beneath. So, He was so attractive that millions of cupids were embarrassed to see him, they were defeated. And He climbed up on the palanquin. And he was being taken in procession to the house of Lakshmipriya. And everybody felt so happy. And all the ladies they all ran and they said, “Come on, lets be part of Gaurāṅga’s marriage.” And young ones were running, the elder ones were looking. Proud people forgot their pride, they just ran. And all around you could hear the men chanting Haribol!![ All prabhujis chanted Haribol!!] The ladies chanting Haribol and ulu dhwani. [Haribol and ulu dhwani by matajis)

Guru Mahārāja chants Haribol, followed by all devotees.

Kids too. [ Guru Mahārāja asks the kids to chant Haribol too]

All kids, matajis and prabhujis loudly chant Haribol with Guru Mahārāja.

It’s said that there was a flood of ecstasy that came over the townspeople of Navadvīpa. Just when I was translating the story that there was flood of ecstasy, they came to my room and told me that Mayapur is flooded. [All devotees say Haribol!] 

Prabhupāda said that Māyāpur is the birth place of Lord Caitanya, it floods. It means that now you have to step up the outreach and flood the whole world with Lord Caitanya’s mercy. (Guru Mahārāja raises both his hands, Haribol by devotees).

All people were pushing and struggling to see Lord Caitanya to see, the street was crowded, there was no room anymore. Ladies are usually very shy and spoken in shy manner, but they were yelling, “Come on!! Come on!! Hurry up!! To the others they said, “Wear your silk sarees, your bangles, your sindoor, come on, hurry up, don’t miss it.” The ladies were running and their clothes were half on, they weren’t fully adjusted. Everybody wanted to be a part of it, even children and adults. Everyone was running to be a part of this procession. The elderly brahmins were standing on the side of the palanquin and chanting Sāma veda. And before, the band was playing, I knew some of the instruments the Mridangas, Kartals, Pakhwaj. But the other instruments there are no synonyms. Even the dictionary didn’t give any help. Well, I have to find them and take a picture. Some kinds of local trumpets and some horns and all kinds of things. And the whompers.[ Guru Mahārāja shows action of playing the whompers] So it’s said that if you hear the whole pastime, from beginning to end, you can be free from the attacks of Māyā and you will never be attacked again. So it’s a very nice thing. 

The book I made, the Gaurāṅga book, that’s just from a few lectures. But this is a systematic study of Lord Caitanya’s pastimes. When Radhanath Swami got the book, he asked that, “Is this the book that we have all been waiting for?” I wasn’t there, but the book that I am working on now is the book that they are all waiting for.

 (Haribol by devotees)

 So, by your mercy I was able to do something on the book while I was here.  (Hari Bol by devotees) I just wanted to share with you. This pastime, was it very interesting to the children? She has fallen asleep. [All devotees laugh]

 I told last night was children’s day and I told the pastimes of Lord Gaurāṅga in the Ganges. As a child all the naughtiness He did. When Lord Caitanya was going to school, after school he ran off with Gadādhara and Jagadānanda. And they came across the path near the Alakananda  river by the Harihara Kṣetra. You can still see the Harihara Ksetra. And Lord Caitanya said, “Oh a parrot!!” He looked just like Sukadev. Suka means parrot. So he said, “Please chant the name of Radha and Kṛṣṇa. But the parrot started to chant “Gaura Gaura” [Guru Mahārāja chanting flapping his hands like a parrot] (everybody repeating).

 Everybody has to chant like the parrot flapping the wings. [ All the children and devotees started chanting flapping like a parrot, Guru Mahārāja points out to some children who are not doing the action and asks them to flap and chant] “No!! NO!! No, said Lord Caitanya. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear this. I am a devotee of Radha and Kṛṣṇa. So chant Radha and Kṛṣṇa. And again the parrot started singing “Gaura Gaura” [Guru Mahārāja again starts singing flapping his hands] (Devotees follow Guru Mahārāja) “No, No, What’s wrong with you parrot? This place is non-different from Vṛndāvana,so why don’t you chant Radha and Kṛṣṇa. You see, I have been doing this bhajan, this meditation, since time immemorial. And yes, this place is non-different from Vṛndāvana. But here Radha and Kṛṣṇa are before me as Gaura and Gadadhara. Gaurāṅga is the combined form of Radha and Kṛṣṇa. Sri Krsna caitanya Radha krsna nahi anya.  So I chant Radha Kṛṣṇa in my way and you chant in your way. Gaura!! Gaura!! ( Devotees chanting along with Guru Mahārāja).

Who is the best parrot? Gaura!! Gaura!! (All chanting flapping their hands)

Devotee: Yellow parrot is the best parrot.

Guru Maharaja: Stand up. Give her a big hand. [All clap in appreciation]So Lord Caitanya and Lord Kṛṣṇa and all His wonderful expansions, they have all wonderful pastimes. But not all these pastimes do we have much to do with.

 But Varāha is very great. And he saved the earth and he defeated Hiranyaksha. So some of the great sages were chanting His glories. And he swished the water of his back and sprayed them. That was like giving the abhishek water on your head. But generally you could not have so much association with Lord Varāha. Kṛṣṇa, He was more accessible but still it was hard to get His association. But certainly there were thousands who got His vision during the great Mahabharat war and other many timeṣ.  He went to the house in King Bahulashva and a poor Brahmana, [Guru Mahārāja trying to remember the name of the brahmiṇ, he asks what was his name?]  One devotee replies, Shrutadeva. So when he went to the house of Bahulashva, the King he was accompanied with very great Rishis like Vyasa and many others. And the same rishis simultaneously expanded and took Kṛṣṇa to Shrutadeva’s house. And at the King’s palace the King gave Him a royal reception. The Queen poured the water and he massaged the lotus feet and of those of all the rishis. Bahulashva the King gave Kṛṣṇa gifts like bangles and pearls and a fine seat to sit on. He gave cows to the rishis with gold on their horns and a fine tapestry around them and offered Him a feast of 56 items, Chappan bhog. [ All devotees say Haribol] And with tears in His eyes, he asked Kṛṣṇa to please stay for some days.

 Meanwhile Kṛṣṇa went to Shrutadeva’s house. He was so poor he had no proper seats.  He just put down some grass mats. And he went next door and borrowed some cups and things. And there also his wife poured the water and he washed the feet of Kṛṣṇa and all the rishis. His wife cooked the bhoga and offered it to Kṛṣṇa and all the rishis. But it was very simple. Dal, rice, some sabjis. He was poor. But he was serving the Lord and he became so happy. “Kṛṣṇa, has come to my house.” He started dancing. He became ecstatic. Kṛṣṇa came to my house. Hahhahah [Guru Mahārāja laughs and chants loudly Hari Bol, all devotees chant along with him]

 How many would like Kṛṣṇa come to your house? [Guru Mahārāja questions and all raise their hands] But we only read about Kṛṣṇa visiting a few houses. But Lord Caitanya for 6 years would go to a house every night and stay at the house, take their prasadam, give talks, lectures to them and their local neighbours. In that time it was customary in South India and India in general it was customary to bathe sanyasis feet who came to your house. So like this calculate for 6 years 365 days minus the rainy season. He stayed in Srirangam for about four months. So how many thousands of houses he visited? That’s why amongst all the avatars He is the most merciful. 

Saba avatara,sara siromani, kevala ananda-kanda [Guru Mahārāja sings and devotees follow him singing]  amongst all the avatars, He is the crown jewel and the process he gave was simply blissful. Chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, playing with some music and doing some service for Kṛṣṇa, taking Kṛṣṇa prasadam. How many of you only like Kṛṣṇa prasadam? [Guru Mahārāja questions and all raise their hands] And hear some pastimes of Kṛṣṇa. How many like the pastimes of Lord Caitanya and Kṛṣṇa? [Guru Mahārāja questions again and all raise their hands]

So we are very grateful that you are teaching the young people and children. And I saw the school and I was very impressed. You see naturally as Gṛhastha’s you go through a long time in raising your children but to make Kṛṣṇa consciousness interesting, to make it successful, our children should be naturally, wholeheartedly, inclined to take it up. And certainly this is a group effort, the friends, the teachers, the parents, they all have a part to play. So today we would like to thank the teachers for their wonderful part. We would like to encourage the children and the parents to also take this very seriously.

Hare Kṛṣṇa!!

His Holiness Jayapatāka Guru Mahārāja ki jai!!

Śrīla Prabhupāda ki jai!!

Tags:  Lord Caitanya, Caitanya Caritāṃrta, Caitanya Bhāgavata, Caitanya Mangal,  Murari Gupta’s Kadacha, wedding of Lord Caitanya and Lakshmipriya,grihini, Vanamali Achārya, marriage matchmaker, Sumeru mountain, flood, outreach,palanquin, band, Radhanath Swami, school, Harihara Kshetra, parrot, King Bahulashva, Shrutadeva, Srirangam, most merciful,children, naturally inclined, teacherṣ.



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