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20200913 Renaming of Gaṅgādhara Bhaṭṭācārya as Śrī Caitanya Dāsa

13 Sep 2020|Duration: 00:23:53|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation By His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on 13th September 2020 in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India.

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram
Hariḥ oṁ tat sat!

Introduction: So today we are continuing with the Caitanya-līlā class. The Lord is in Katwa, taking sannyāsa, Gaṅgādhara Bhaṭṭācārya personally witnessed the ceremony of sannyāsa. So, this gives what happened from the point of view of an eyewitness. Hare Kṛṣṇa.

The chapter is entitled: Renaming of Gaṅgādhara Bhaṭṭācārya as Śrī Caitanya Dāsa.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.20

jaya jaya śrotāgaṇa guṇera ālaya
ebe yā’ kahiba śuna haiyā sadaya

Jayapatākā Swami: All glories to the listeners, who are the houses of virtuous qualities. What I am about to say, please listen, being merciful.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.21-22

bhāgīrathī-tīrabartī śrīcākhandi grāma
tathā baise vipra śrīcaitanyadāsa nāma

Jayapatākā Swami: On the bank of the Ganges, there is a village named Cākhandi where a brāhmaṇa named Śrī Caitanya dāsa lives.

pūrbe gaṅgādhara bhaṭṭācāryākhya ihāra
e nāma haila yaiche śuna se prakāra

Jayapatākā Swami: Previously, his name was Gaṅgādhara Bhaṭṭācārya. How he got the name Caitanya dāsa, hear what happened.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.23

navadvīpacandra gaura guṇera sāgara
gaṇasaha nadīyā vihare nirantara

Jayapatākā Swami: Navadvīpa Candra, Lord Śrī Gaurahari, who is the ocean of transcendental qualities, with His associates, He manifest His pastimes eternally in Nadia.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.24

prakāre sakale jānāiyā manaḥkathā
kaṇṭakanagare āilā śrībhāratī yathā

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Gaurāṅga, He conveyed His heart’s desire to His associates, and He left for Katwa, where Śrī Keśava Bhāratī lived.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.329-330

bhuvana mohana prati aṅgera
mādhurī ki chāra kanaka cāṁpā vidyut keśara

se rūpe tulanā nāi bhuvana bhitara

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Gaurāṅga, whose every bodily limb, attracts the whole world, whose sweetness puts to shame the Kanaka cāṁpā flower. There is no comparison of His form within the entire world.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.331

sucāru cāṁcara keśe jagata mātāya
kebā nā bhulaye gaṇḍa lalāṭa chaṭāya

Jayapatākā Swami: His beautiful, curly hair maddens the world. Who will not be bewildered by the effulgence of His cheeks and forehead?

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.332

śravaṇa yugala bhuru parama sundara
ākarṇa paryanta netra nāsā manohara

Jayapatākā Swami: His two ears and eyebrows were supremely beautiful. His eyes reached back to His ears, and His nose was the most enchanting. 

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.333

koṭi koṭi candramā jiniyā candramukha
dekhitei ghuce koṭi janamera duḥkha

Jayapatākā Swami: His moon like face defeats the beauty of millions and millions of moons. Simply by seeing His beautiful face, millions of lives of suffering are mitigated. Lord Gaurāṅga had come from Navadvīpa now to Katwa, and Gaṅgādhara Bhaṭṭācārya was seeing the Lord there. His village is close to Katwa, in between Katwa and Navadvīpa, on the eastern bank of the Ganges. Katwa is on the western bank.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.334

ājānulambita dui bāhu vakṣapīna
siṁhera śābaka jini kaṭideśa kṣīṇa

Jayapatākā Swami: His two arms reached down to His knees. He had a broad chest, and His waist was thin, defeating the thin waist of a lion cub.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.335

nitamba madhura urū caraṇa bhaṅgite
koṭi koṭi kandarpa nāraye sthira haite

Jayapatākā Swami: The sweet movement of His hips, thighs and lotus feet, were so beautiful, so graceful, that millions and millions of cupids could not maintain their composure, on seeing this. So, the beautiful description of Lord Caitanya’s transcendental form is given here. Since the name of the Lord, the form of the Lord, the pastimes of the Lord, are all Absolute. So, we can meditate on the beautiful form of Śrī Caitanyadeva. 

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.336

rāṅgāpadatala dekhi mane vicārila
kata śata aruṇa śaraṇa bujhi nila

Jayapatākā Swami: The soles of His lotus feet are reddish in color. Seeing them, causes one to think of their beauty, how many hundreds of suns have taken shelter there!

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.25

sannyāsa grahaṇa karibena gaurarāya
haila sarvatra dhvani śuni’ loke dhāya

Jayapatākā Swami: When the news spread that Lord Gaurāṅga would accept sannyāsa, the people of Katwa, they came running to see Him.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.26

ki bālaka, yuvā-vṛddha, strīpuruṣagaṇa
haila mohita, kari’ gaurāṅga darśana

Jayapatākā Swami: Whether youth, young boy, old man or woman, or woman or man, they all became enchanted and they went to see Lord Gaurāṅga.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.27

śrīcāru cāṁcarakeśa pāne sabe cāñā
citrera puttaliprāya rahe dāṇḍāiyā

Jayapatākā Swami: Seeing the beautiful curly hair of Lord Gaurāṅga, people were gazing. And almost like painted dolls, they stood and watched.

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.28

strī puruṣagaṇera manete haya bhīta
tāhā ekamukhe vā kahibe kebā kata

Jayapatākā Swami: The ladies and men in their minds they felt fear. Which I, with one mouth, how much can I tell?

Bhakti Ratnākara 2.29

antaryāmī gauracandra kahe sabā prati
āśīrvāda kara – kṛṣṇe hauka bhakati

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Gauracandra who is the internal Supersoul of everyone, He told to everyone, “Give Me your blessing, that I will have bhakti to Lord Krsna.” So, we see, this is a very beautiful description of the wonderful form of Lord Caitanya. How the editors, have mixed this with the previous description, that are told by various scriptures. What Candraśekhara Ācārya told the Navadvīpa-vāsīs, what the notes were of Lord Caitanya’s participating in the sannyāsa-yajñaSo, from different points of view, we are hearing these wonderful descriptions. So, this description tells us a lot about the beautiful form of Lord Caitanya. So, we will continue this description tomorrow.

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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