Question: I am doing good sādhanā and have good service in ISKCON. But I do not have that much real joy in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, what can I do to feel the bliss in Kṛṣṇa consciousness?

Author: Devotee
Date: 2024-02-02
Question: I am doing good sādhanā and have good service in ISKCON.
But I do not have that much real joy in Kṛṣṇa consciousness,
what can I do to feel the bliss in Kṛṣṇa consciousness?
Category: [Emotions / Confusion], [Emotions / Happiness]

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A lot of us who are working and or students, we often face a lot of anxiety and stress at work, and those days our mind does not want to focus on Lord Kṛṣṇa or think of Kṛṣṇa, so what is the best say on those situations, in those days to try to focus or mind to remind us of Kṛṣṇa?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-09-04
Jayapatākā Swami: I don’t know why your mind doesn’t want to think about Kṛṣṇa!
Kṛṣṇa is our shelter.
And we can apologize for feeling some anxiety, that I should not be feeling like this,
so we pray to Kṛṣṇa to give us strength,
so that we don’t succumb to these modes of ignorance and passion.
He is our best friend, right?
From seventh - dāsyam, sakhyam, ātma-nivedanam, eighth He is our friend!
You want to tell your friend, you are feeling some anxiety.
What are friends for? Right?
After finishing studies, what āśrama should I take? Should I be a gṛhastha or join the temple?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2024-02-20
Jayapatākā Swami: Śrīla Prabhupāda said that if someone thought whether I should be a gṛhastha or a brahmacārī,
being a brahmacārī is a difficult proposition.
If they think that let me try being a brahmacārī for some time that is one thing.
But now when you are studying to think immediately after studies should I be a brahmacārī or a gṛhastha, how is that possible?
Śrīla Prabhupāda said that you need to be determined and firm to become a brahmacārī.
This is called bṛhad-vrata.
I see some devotees stay as a brahmacārī for five years and after that discuss with the guru what should I do.
When I joined the movement, I was only 19 years. The temple president’s wife in the temple I was in told me that if you want to go back to Godhead, you should become a gṛhastha.
Then I went to Śrīla Prabhupāda and asked him, “What should I do?” I did not think that at this age I want to be a gṛhastha.
Śrīla Prabhupāda said, “You be a brahmacārī for 25 years and after that discuss with your guru and he will decide.”
Śrīla Prabhupāda gave me sannyāsa when I was 21 years old.
Now I have completed 50 years of sannyāsa.
Anyway, from 25 to 30 one should think,
if they think that which āśrama they will be stronger in. In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam there is the Gajendra-mokṣa episode
where Gajendra is the king of elephants.
He was fighting with the king of crocodiles in the water.
The fight went on for many days.
Because elephant is a land animal
and crocodile is a water animal
and is in the water,
the crocodile is having some more strength.
Gajendra understood that I am slowly getting weak.
In the purport Śrīla Prabhupāda said we should see in which situation will we be stronger to serve Kṛṣṇa.
Being a gṛhastha or a brahmacārī, we have to think.
But why should you do it right now?
You have to make up your mind that some days I will be a brahmacārī and then will think.
But if someone thinks that I will be stronger as a gṛhastha,
the purpose is that we should do service to Kṛṣṇa.
Then it is advisable to get married to a Kṛṣṇa conscious girl.
Many non-devotee girls will say, “I will eat veg.”
There was a case in Māyāpur.
The devotee after discussion with me, married a non-devotee.
They had a child
and then the girl started eating nonveg.
The devotee said, “You promised that you will not eat nonveg.”
The girl said, “You know what family I come from,
I was trying
but I cannot.
I will eat chicken.”
One thing is that I will not be a brahmacārī, I will be a gṛhastha. And then being a gṛhastha, you have to be in such a situation that you can be Kṛṣṇa conscious.
If you get married to a non-devotee, then there will be lot of inconvenience.
Anyway, stay a brahmacārī till the age of about 25 and then after that decide.
Hare Kṛṣṇa!
After spending some years in devotional service, sometimes it so happens that our past sinful saṁskāras troubles us in practicing the process. How should we deal with such a situation?
Questioner: Harṣavardana Gaurāṅga dāsa
Date: 2022-08-05
Jayapatākā Swami: We want to take shelter of Nitāi-Gaura.
Also, Lord Kṛṣṇa.
And if we are harassed with memories of our previous mistakes,
we should pray for forgiveness,
and proceed with devotional service.
It is not worth giving attention to these sinful memories.
Are we responsible for all the thoughts that come in our mind?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2024-05-13
Jayapatākā Swami: You see, in Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara yugas,
any thought you have you are responsible.
In Kali-yuga you are responsible for what you do.
Not what you think.
But if you think bad things again and again, you may have a tendency to do that.
Just like we saw in the drama today.
Remember Nitāi-Gaura, keep Them in your mind.
Did we fall from the spiritual world or were we never there to begin with? Many mixed opinions, kindly clarify.
Questioner: Rucika
Date: 2022-10-05
Jayapatākā Swami: Well, Śrīla Prabhupāda said both things.
But more often he said, we fall from the spiritual world,
and that is why our magazine is, Back to Godhead.
So, there is a whole book on this.
At different times, different things were said.
When the question was given to Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura,
if we came from the spiritual world,
why did we decide to come here?
He said, a person falls from the ship
and a lifeboat comes to save him.
Are you going to ask first, before I get into the boat, tell me how did I come here?
Sharks are spinning all around.
First you get on the lifeboat, then you will understand how you fell.
We don’t understand any way.
Even while doing service, mind says that the current service is not good, do sādhana. And while doing sādhana, mind tells us to do some service. Kindly guide me how to overcome this?
Questioner: IYF Māyāpur
Date: 2022-08-03
Jayapatākā Swami: I was chanting 32 rounds a day.
I felt very proud.
I thought I was doing sādhana.
Śrīla Prabhupāda asked me, “What are you doing?”
I said, “I am chanting 32 rounds!”
I thought Śrīla Prabhupāda would be very happy.
He said, “If you stay here all day and chant rounds,
who will go out and preach?
Chant 16 rounds and go out and preach!”
So we have a dedicated time every day
for chanting.
2 hours a day.
22 hours we can spend in preaching, little time in sleeping and eating.
Category: [Emotions], [Emotions / Confusion], [Sādhanā]
Few days ago in your class you explained about the different separation ecstasies of Lord Caitanya for Kṛṣṇa. Can we experience these eight transcendental symptoms of separation from Lord Gaurāṅga as He is the Supreme Lord, or only in love of directly from Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself, can these moods of symptoms be experienced? Please enlighten us.
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-10-23
Jayapatākā Swami: One can also experience separation from Lord Caitanya, Lord Nityānanda, etc.
And even you can experience separation from devotees.
Separation is possible.
When Śrīla Prabhupāda would leave, some devotees would feel separation at Śrīla Prabhupāda’s departure
and others would be chanting and smiling.
Later when Śrīla Prabhupāda saw the video he pointed out that devotees who were laughing at the departure of Śrīla Prabhupāda,
they were not as advanced as those who were experiencing separation.
How can we be sure if it is Kṛṣṇa or the devotees guiding us from within or just the mind?
Questioner: Vijaya Rādhā devī dāsī
Date: 2022-10-17
Jayapatākā Swami: While the guru is present, 
you shouldn’t feel any doubt. 
You can always ask the guru 
if your idea is correct or not. 
I asked Prabhupāda several times about different things like this 
and somethings he said, they are sent by Kṛṣṇa, 
somethings not. 
To be sure, that is why we have a guru, 
because we cannot connect directly with Kṛṣṇa in our conditioned state. 
Hare Kṛṣṇa! 
How can we counsel somebody who is depressed, without getting carried away by their problems ourselves?
Questioner: Rasapriya Gopikā devī dāsī, Māyāpur
Date: 2022-10-04
Jayapatākā Swami: Some people are more sentimental, and they get carried away by other people’s problems.
But actually, as Kṛṣṇa said in the Bhagavad-gītā,
we should not lament for the living or the dead.
So by reading the Bhagavad-gītā,
Kṛṣṇa advices how one can
give the teachings of Kṛṣṇa, but avoid being affected by the problems.
Thank you.
How do I balance material and spiritual study? Is not material study a hindrance to spiritual preaching?
Questioner: Jagatbandu Pal
Date: 2022-10-04
Jayapatākā Swami: So we should do our study as a service to Kṛṣṇa.
By this education we will be able to reach out more effectively to many people.
Like Jīva Gosvāmī, he went to university first.
So that he could serve his gurudeva more effectively.
So if you see your education as part of service to Kṛṣṇa and guru,
then it should not be a hindrance,
for your spiritual advancement.
How to be certain that the messages we receive from within are from the mind or from Kṛṣṇa ?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2022-08-08
Jayapatākā Swami: In the beginning the only way to be 100% sure is by asking the spiritual master.
One can check with other devotees, senior devotee, especially the spiritual master, then one can be fully sure.
Just like we would sometimes get an idea and we would ask Śrīla Prabhupāda and he would say that idea was inspired by the Supersoul.
Sometimes, someone would give an idea and he would say that idea is inspired by māyā.
(devotees laughing)
Of course, by hearing, by reading, we have to only get an idea, we have to learn to analyze it, that, just like we pray, guru-mukha-padma-vākya, cittete kariyā aikya, I mean… how does it go?
cittete kariyā aikya - “May the consciousness be made one with your instructions, with your orders.”
Whatever the word of the spiritual master is, our consciousness we want that to be filled with those words and to be one with, in harmony with those words.
So, we do something, we have an idea, we want to have it confirmed.
This is the system of paramparā – whatever a person does; does it only if it’s authorized;
directly you can see that, guru has said, Kṛṣṇa has said in the śāstra.
And the śāstras are so vast, the Vedas, that one does not have to leave anything for speculation even if one knows in his heart that this is Kṛṣṇa conscious.
Also one trace out the effort; immediately also, Kṛṣṇa gives the example, there is this example in the Vedas or this devotee, or this situation.
There are so many millions of examples that have been given on these even in the Bhāgavatam and the Bhagavad-gītā that most of all the situations have already been covered, if one has the eyes to see.
So, the spiritual master has the eyes to see, therefore we take his advice.
There also symptom that over endeavor is usually a symptom of a māyā idea.
Just like a person gets an idea to do something for Kṛṣṇa and it happens very easily or it happens, it seems to be just going on.
But when we have an idea when we do this for Kṛṣṇa, but the number of steps of the material activities one has to do before it finally gets around to being something which is directed at Kṛṣṇa are so many
and so rot with difficulties, that is a symptom of over endeavor, an over endeavor for an unproportionate result.
If one has to do something, an over endeavor, they may be attached to Kṛṣṇa and think, let me do this for Kṛṣṇa, I want to build a house for Kṛṣṇa, whatever, something, it is very hard to say any particular thing.
Maybe one wants to make an aeroplane.
The same thing might be Kṛṣṇa conscious in another situation, so it is not the particular thing, but in that particular situation, there were other easier ways of using time.
Kṛṣṇa preferred you do in a different way so that particular way, He keeps, māyā keeps giving so many obstacles so that one will take the other way.
But if one is so fixed on that particular idea due to some kind of preconceived idea that in spite of every obstacle, they go on trying, and so at every step they meet difficulty.
Lot of practical examples I can think of.
They always involve devotees; I don’t want to embarrass them.
There was one older devotee in our movement who was doing nice service but then he got an idea… someone turned him on… turned him… gave him some rubies
and they got into a whole thing that he started mining rubies, he bought a ruby mine and he started going there.
He just became overwhelmed by these rubies and jewels, like kind of a gold fever. He got a ruby fever, a gem fever.
Prabhupāda kept telling him that it is an over endeavor, it is unnecessary, just preach Kṛṣṇa consciousness, Kṛṣṇa will provide, this, that.
“No, no, I want to make money for Kṛṣṇa.”
and even Pra… you know, even his guru told him don’t do it, he said, “No, no.”
And so of course whatever money he did make didn’t go to Kṛṣṇa, he just re-invested it in his business again and again; what usually happens.
And then finally he just became farther and farther and removed from Kṛṣṇa and more and more in māyā.
Now he is, for the past many years he is completely out of touch.
You see him sometimes.
Still going to make it one day.
So, it’s like over endeavors, misdirected.
So, of course, ultimately the guru is the custodian of one’s spiritual progress, you have to take his advice and as one advances more and more, then, one can tell when one makes a wrong decision, Kṛṣṇa usually smashes it.
As you become more advanced in devotional service the slightest mistake will create an immediate result.
You see karma might take hundred births.
When you surrender to Kṛṣṇa you make a mistake you may get the reaction, “pshew!” five seconds or five minutes or five hours.
There was a devotee riding in a taxi cab in Calcutta, who started to criticize Śrīla Prabhupāda and different devotees for God knows what reason, must have gone mad or something.
And another devotee who was with him, immediately he stopped the car and got out and said, “I am not going to hear any offense of pure devotees.”
That person went on and within one hour, went to the railway station, missed the train, got into a fight with one of the coolies there, one of the porters, they call them coolies in India,
that is the official name, hey coolie! They don’t mind being called coolies.
So then, there was a whole riot and about a 150 of the coolies came out of their walls with bricks and sticks and they stripped the so-called devotee completely down naked
and only he had on was the brāhmaṇa thread and they beat the pulp out and he was running down the street naked and finally jumped into a moving bus.
You know, the whole bus emptied out, they couldn't believe it.
(His Holiness Jayapatākā Swāmī and devotees laughing)
And all this happened within one or two hours after he blasphemed the devotees.
He was in the hospital.
He’s a blooped devotee, wasn't… that criticizing others always.
After that he came by and bowed down hundreds of times in the temple and personally went to each devotee, begging for forgiveness.
So that way he was able to learn.
Sometimes we are repeatedly told to be cautious in a particular way or to avoid some kind of activity; we don’t listen, we don’t listen, we don’t listen and then finally Kṛṣṇa says, “Well, “Let what be happen!” and māyā takes over.
Kṛṣṇa lifts up, He doesn’t personally do it; He just lifts up some of the shelter, and lets māyā move in, otherwise the devotees are always under the yoga-māyā shelter.
But if we neglect Kṛṣṇa, if we neglect the guru, or we blaspheme, then that shelter is removed, and then we are at the mercy of māyā.
See, she’s already upset that we are trying to get out of her clutches, so she puts her full load on us, you know.
How to manage bhakti and family relationships at the same time, when they are not devotees?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-01-20
Jayapatākā Swami: Very critical,
but you have to think how I can make them devotees.
I met a devotee she was an actress.
She knew the Bhagavad-gītā cover to cover!
But she went to her husband and said, “You are very great, you are very intelligent, please help me!
I cannot understand this verse. Can you help me?”
He read it and that is how he got purified!
It says one daughter-in-law or one devotee in the family can liberate the whole family.
I am bereft of devotee association and am somehow trying to keep my bhakti alive. Due to a demanding schedule, it is hard to find time for book reading and other devotional services. I can barely just finish my 16 rounds. In such situation what should I do to stay fixed at your lotus feet?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2022-08-27
Jayapatākā Swami: Ladies, they have to do a lot of housework.
They ask me similar questions.
But you see to be working plus have to do the housework.
So, the thing is that now we have the Bhagavad-gītā and different books that only association was face to face, now we can contact each other virtually.
You can have an iPod
and listen to the audio, Gītā and other audio śāstras.
So in this way while doing your work like washing and cooking,
you can hear the śāstra.
But also you can download the classes from the internet,
there is my Jayapatākā Swami App.
That gives access to the different JPS Archives and different programs
so you can hear the classes.
Many other things are there like SoundCloud.
You can also attend my daily classes which I give at 7pm.
And so there are different ways where you can hear classes, you can associate,
on Facebook,
You can download and you could also associate with different devotees,
So there must be also classes of the IYF which you can attend.
So this way you can get some devotee association.
Actually, as I said,
I don’t have much personal contact with the devotees.
But all day long, I am meeting devotees.
And I don’t even feel that I am not meeting them.
I feel contact with them,
as I feel contact with you!
It used to be that only association was face to face, now we can contact each other
I am divided in my desire to surrender completely to Mahāprabhu. Sometimes, there is a desire for name and fame. Also there are the expected responsibilities of married and working individuals. What should I do ?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2022-09-14
Jayapatākā Swami: Since this verse is about Dhruva Mahārāja
and he was the great grandson of Lord Brahmā.
The grandson of Svāyambhuva Manu.
So Manu was obviously a gṛhastha.
He was grandfather of Dhruva,
he also was the father of the mother of Kapila Muni.
And so it is said that he went back to Godhead.
But he was a gṛhastha
he had children, he had responsibilities,
but he did everything Kṛṣṇa consciously.
When he did his things, he did everything thinking of Kṛṣṇa.
So like that our gṛhasthas sometimes have deities in their house.
They may have Jagannātha Baladeva Subhadrā, Nitāi-Gaura,
so by doing their daily activities in a Kṛṣṇa conscious way they can balance.
We should always remember that our prime duty is to serve Kṛṣṇa.
But we may have other duties.
Those we do in a Kṛṣṇa conscious way
and that way we always stay under Kṛṣṇa’s shelter.
In the 10th topic of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it says āśraya.
We want to be under the shelter of Kṛṣṇa.
So we pray to the Deities as gṛhasthas, that we want to have a Kṛṣṇa conscious healthy, long lived suputra or putrī.
Only gṛhasthas can have children.
Brahmacārīs, vānaprasthas, sannyāsīs no children.
It says if your child becomes Kṛṣṇa conscious and goes back to Godhead, putra or putrī,
then if they go back to Godhead, 14 generations will go, also, minimum,
7 backward and 7 forward.
Kṛṣṇa is very grateful.
I have one family they said we don’t know if we will go or not but please train our son in Kṛṣṇa consciousness so he goes back.
If you think, oh I have a responsibility for my parents who are sick, old,
you think I will help them to remember Kṛṣṇa
or remember Rāma, that is the interest.
In this way our service, our responsibility, is Kṛṣṇa conscious.
Bhakti-yoga is very practical.
We want - everything will be naturally balanced because we do everything in a Kṛṣṇa conscious way.
Hare Kṛṣṇa!
I am facing difficulty in practically applying the teachings of the Bhagavad-gītā. Even though I have read a particular verse, when it comes to applying it in a situation, I forget it. Need your guidance?
Questioner: IYF Māyāpur
Date: 2022-08-03
We read something, we want to apply it,it stays with us.
You say at the time you forget.
What should I do?
I used to go out, I would preach and sometimes I would forget.
And I would tell people, ok I will see you tomorrow.
Then I would think there was an answer but what is the answer.
So I would talk to some senior devotee
and I would be ready to face them.
Next time I had the answer.
I fear that if I convey a harsh truth to a dear one, it could strain the relationship. Please guide me what to do?
Questioner: Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
Date: 2022-08-27
Jayapatākā Swami: That is why we only tell the palatable truth.
We don’t tell things that we know which would disturb the people.
I have been in ISKCON for the past 6-7 years chanting 16 rounds and following regulative principles for 5 or 6 years. I want to go back to Godhead. I want to follow the orders of Śrīla Prabhupāda and want to surrender my life to Lord Kṛṣṇa. I want to choose a guru, but I am very confused. ?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2024-04-27
Jayapatākā Swami: Many people ask this question.
This is one thing that every disciple, every devotee has to choose.
After some time, I will stop initiating.
But at the present time I am still taking.
But who you will choose, is truly up to you.
Who you think Kṛṣṇa is speaking thru to you.
And many gurus, they can be your śikṣā-gurus.
You have to choose one as your dīkṣā-guru.
So, dīkṣā-guru has the responsibility to take care of your karma.
And you can pray to Śrīla Prabhupāda, you can pray to the Deities,
to reveal to you who your guru is.
I have heard pastime of Śārabha, a form of Śiva fighting with Lord Narasiṁhadeva and other versions mentioned in various tāmasika and rājasika Purāṇas, I feel very painful, it disturbed me a lot. I felt I should not have read or heard. What should be the proper understanding of this pastime? Why such different versions? How a devotee of Lord Narasiṁhadeva understand these versions?
Questioner: Murāri Mādhava dāsa
Date: 2023-07-08
Jayapatākā Swami: Different Narasiṁhadevas have come in different kalpas.
But we should hear commentaries of Vaiṣṇavas.
We don’t know if non-vaiṣṇavas will give proper explanation.
So actually there should be no conflict if it is properly explained.
I don’t particularly know the Purāṇa, pastime, you are referring to.
We know in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, there is a demon of Bāṇāsura who had the blessings of Lord Śiva.
And the ultimate weapon of Lord Śiva met the ultimate weapon of Lord Nārāyaṇa.
And Śiva’s weapon was defeated.
And Sudarśana cakra cut off the thousands of Bāṇāsura and left four arms.
I read the Bhagavad-gītā and other books but when I go to preach, it does not stay in my mind. What should I do ?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2022-08-27
Jayapatākā Swami: If you read, it should stay in your mind.
So, I don’t know why it doesn’t stay in your mind.
You can read a little bit
and say that
if something that doesn’t stay in your mind, you can tell them that you will read and tell them later.
So then you can read again,
refresh your mind
and use it.
If you don’t use it, you lose it.
If you use it, then naturally you can keep it.
Do you take cow’s milk?
I want to aspire for initiation, but I am unable to choose out of so many initiating spiritual masters. Whenever I listen to some exalted personalities, I tend to take inspiration from them. Please guide me so that I can choose someone.
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-09-24
Jayapatākā Swami: You see, Śrīla Prabhupāda, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda is our Founder-Ācārya
and he had a special mellow with Nitāi Gaura.
So, if your spiritual master find preaching brings you closer to Śrīla Prabhupāda,
then you if feel that Śrīla Prabhupāda is speaking through this spiritual master,
or if you are somehow are able to feel closer to Kṛṣṇa through this spiritual master,
or if you are feeling a faith by following a particular spiritual master,
I have a list that is of 15 names, you can see whether any person can be your spiritual master.
If you want, I can bring that tomorrow.
You want?
If a brahmacārī is faces many challenges in the āśrama from inside and the agitated mind is making bhakti distressful for him, should he change the āśrama?
Questioner: Seva Pālaka Nitāi dasa
Date: 2022-08-04
Jayapatākā Swami: In New York someone asked such a question and
Śrīla Prabhupāda once said that
if one is thinking
should I be a brahmacārī or should I take gṛhastha-āśrama,
then in that case, he should take gṛhastha-āśrama.
But being a brahmacārī, he takes a firm commitment
and if one is feeling what should I do, this or that,
then they don’t have enough determination
to be a brahmacārī.
If your immediate family like brother or sister are eating nonveg at their home, are we allowed to go to their home and eat there or not eat at their place at all?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-09-01
Jayapatākā Swami: My purvāśrama mother wanted to cook for me
but I would not allow that.
She would guide someone with her recipe,
and they would cook.
I don’t know how you do it? I could do that with my purvāśrama mother.
So, if they are children, you can tell them you cook for me all the time, I would like to cook for you.
Oh, very nice!
But if they are not vegetarian then you could just be honest and say you eat only prasāda, you follow the rules.
In the Bhagavad-gītā, Kṛṣṇa says that He is equal to everybody, being neither averse to nor particularly attached. But it is also said that for those who worship Him with devotion, He offers Himself to them. How to reconcile these seemingly contradictory statements ?
Questioner: Mathuralīleśvarī devī dāsī
Date: 2022-09-21
Jayapatākā Swami: Kṛṣṇa, He always remains neutral.
But He reciprocates with devotees as they approach Him.
When someone approaches Him with devotion, He reciprocates with devotion.
If someone approaches Him neglectfully then He reciprocates like that.
In the Bhagavad-gītā, Kṛṣṇa says that He is equal to everybody, being neither averse to nor particularly attached. But it is also said that for those who worship Him with devotion, He offers Himself to them. How to reconcile these seemingly contradictory statements ?
Questioner: Mathuralīleśvarī devī dāsī
Date: 2022-09-21
Jayapatākā Swami: Kṛṣṇa, He always remains neutral.
But He reciprocates with devotees as they approach Him.
When someone approaches Him with devotion, He reciprocates with devotion.
If someone approaches Him neglectfully then He reciprocates like that.
In the class you were saying the Lord Caitanya experienced the jubilation and lamenting at the same time. Is there an example in this world which can give us an idea what it is like?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-10-23
Jayapatākā Swami: Rukmiṇī told Kṛṣṇa, "You know what is going in Brahmaloka,
You know what is going on in Kailasa,
you know what is going on in the ananta-koṭi-brahmāṇḍa, unlimited millions of universes,
but there is one thing You don’t know,
I know, Rādhārāṇī knows,
You don’t know."
No one ever said that to Him,
there was something He did not know.
So He asked what is that.
And Rukmiṇī said, You don’t know what the devotees feel for You, and how much we feel for You.
Then Kṛṣṇa thought I will come as My devotee, I will come as My devotee. I will come as My devotee.
He said that three times.
That is Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
Such things that Lord Caitanya exhibited.
In India once in Māyāpur, I had very high fever in 1972 or ‘73
I was feeling pain in my body.
I was listening to Śrīla Prabhupāda lecture in Vṛndāvana on the Nectar of Devotion,
and I was feeling happiness.
So physically I was feeling pain
but my consciousness was very happy.
That may be an example
of how Lord Caitanya was feeling lamentation and jubilation.
Of course I was very happy to hear Śrīla Prabhupāda lecture.
So the consciousness, the living force was very happy.
But I realized that my consciousness was not the same as my body.
But most people do not have any consciousness of Krsna.
I don’t know, I don’t think does anyone know?
All of Lord Caitanya’s pastimes, the author is saying I cannot write properly.
I think there is no example in the material world where someone is experiencing lamentation and jubilation at the same time.
Actually to be satisfied even in lamentation.
You are lamenting, let me give you an ice cream, or something.
In the class, Lord Kṛṣṇa mentioned that He would not give His mercy to the non-initiated. Which initiation does He refer to and how do we reconcile this statement with Lord Caitanya and Nityānanda giving out Their mercy unconditionally?
Questioner: Supriyā Jāhnavā devī dāsī
Date: 2022-09-22
Jayapatākā Swami: It shows that Lord Caitanya is more merciful than Lord Kṛṣṇa.
Although He is Kṛṣṇa, but He has Rādhārāṇī’s heart,
so He is more merciful.
One who is not initiated,
He also said, He does not accept their offence.
So, if you are initiated,
it is a two-edged sword.
If you follow strictly, you get the Lord’s mercy,
if you don’t follow,
then He may take offence. 
Kṛṣṇa is neither friend nor enemy, but we know in many places Kṛṣṇa says I am friend to all and in kṛṣṇa-līlā He acts as a friend to many. Recently, also the plastic surgeon, you told Kṛṣṇa is not a friend nor is He an enemy. And next sentence you said Kṛṣṇa is everybody’s friend. How should we understand this?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-09-04
Jayapatākā Swami: You see in that verse, bhoktāraṁ yajña-tapasāṁ sarva-loka-maheśvaram suhṛdaṁ sarva-bhūtānāṁ jñātvā māṁ śāntim ṛcchati. (Bg. 5.29)
That suhṛdaṁ sarva-bhūtānāṁ – Kṛṣṇa is the friend of all living entities.
So Pūtanā, she wanted to kill Kṛṣṇa
but Kṛṣṇa reciprocated her and killed her.
But because she gave Kṛṣṇa her breast because she thought that if I have a child, I want like this.
Too bad I have to kill Him.
So Kṛṣṇa reciprocated with her and she wanted to kill Him He killed her.
Because she desired that if I had a child, I want one like this. She gave her breast milk to Kṛṣṇa, so Kṛṣṇa gave her the position as one of His mothers in the spiritual world.
So, He does not hold any grudges.
At the same time, He reciprocates with how a person approaches Him.
And today we were reading how Kṛṣṇa saved Gajendra the elephant and killed the crocodile.
But the crocodile, he actually got free from a curse.
He was previously Huhu,
the king of the Gandharvas
and he was enjoying in a lake with many female Gandharvas.
Somehow in his dark humor or whatever, he pulled the leg of a devaṛṣi who happened to be in the same lake
and the ṛṣi got angry and cursed him to be a crocodile.
Then he begged please forgive me.
The ṛṣi said okay, when Kṛṣṇa saves Gajendra, He will also free you from the curse.
That way, Kṛṣṇa, anything He does, is actually is a blessing.
Many devotees they want to live in Rādhā-kuṇḍa and do their bhajana, considering that it is the supreme abode the supremely holy place. But we see that all our ācāryas left Vṛndāvana and came to Navadvīpa to perform their bhajana. How to understand?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-12-19
Jayapatākā Swami: You see, in Vṛndāvana, you get a 1000 times benefit for any service.
But any offence you do, any materialistic or sinful activity, you also get a 1000 times the bad effect.
So Vṛndāvana is very heavy because we are not pure souls, we may commit some mistake,
so Vṛndāvana is very heavy and to live in Rādhā-kuṇḍa, in a holy place, one has to be very pure.
So it is recommended we go for a few days and then we come back.
But here in Māyāpur, Navadvip, we get the same benefit as Vṛndāvana,
you get a 1000 times credit for any devotional service.
In this month of Dāmodara, we get a 100, that means a 100,000.
A 100 times 1000.
So therefore many ācāryas, they decided to stay in Navadvīpa,
because they get the same benefit as Vṛndāvana, without the negative side.
Here also in this holy place, we have Rādhā-kuṇḍa.
In Ritudvīpa, also here in Caitanya Maṭha.
Tomorrow many people go and bathe in the Rādhā-kuṇḍa.
It is very important for the devotees to bathe in but you have to do it not with an ordinary bath.
Just like ablution.
You go in and out, with all respect.
So some devotees, they think that oh, it is Rādhā-kuṇḍa, jumping off the sides and it is not like a swimming pool.
You have to be very respectful.
It is the holiest of holy places.
So Śrīla Prabhupāda said, it is for the devotees to bathe in but you do so with the utmost respect.
People invite we don’t know what they are eating or not, but even if they cook vegetarian food, we are not allowed to eat as initiated devotees?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-09-01
Jayapatākā Swami: Śrīla Prabhupāda would go to some peoples’ house if they became a life member,
and he would tell them what standards to cook for him like no onion garlic,
but those things we always got sick very often.
But Śrīla Prabhupāda, he was an ideal guest.
One time they told Śrīla Prabhupāda here they have put onions,
but he took the onions out and did not eat the onions,
but did not say anything.
He did not want to offend the people.
So how you do the things, you have to use some discretion.
I know that some businessmen, they have to take their clients out to wine and dine, at least dine.
So here they just eat the salad,
but the guests may eat all kinds of nonsense.
That is the downside of marketing.
Scripture says that on hearing these pastimes we will be freed from distress. I see that I am still much distressed. Is it because I am not hearing the pastimes with proper attitude and mood?
Questioner: Rasapriya Gopikā Devī Dāsī
Date: 2022-10-24
Maybe shes not hearing? Well I can't say.
She is thinking of her problems, not listening.
Some devotees are taking the association of devotees and start to do chanting and enjoying the process of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. But when their relatives or parents say something negative about ISKCON immediately they leave without informing. It is painful for me how I missed the soul to serve. How to understand the situation? How to overcome and guide them? Please guide me.
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2024-02-19
Jayapatākā Swami: Part of preaching is to help the people
to tolerate the different obstacles.
They may encounter obstacles from their relatives,
or internet,
somehow, I don’t know,
some ṛtvik sites they say I murdered a devotee!
I don’t know who that is! I don’t even kill a fly, what to talk about killing a devotee!
So, who knows what people say, what they see?
So we have to be ready to answer any questions that come up
or prepare the people to endure any kind of obstacles.
There was one devotee who was kidnapped by the deprogrammers.
Exactly a few days before she was kidnapped
I called her and encouraged her.
Just generally.
When she was kidnapped, they tore the Bhagavad-gītā up, they jumped up on the Bhagavad-gītā and did all kinds of offensive things.
But she remembered that I was kind to her
and she went through some difficult times
and she escaped from that place
and came back to the devotees.
So, we don’t know at least if we do our part,
be positive, give them good association
and if someone turns away,
the fact that we are there to help, that we ask them what happened, you used to come?
Like that try to find out what are the things they heard.
Like that we try to help them.
Not easy to make a devotee.
Śrīla Prabhupāda said, it takes buckets of blood!
Kṛṣṇe matir astu blessings!
Sometimes atheists complain that God is narcissistic. As a result, He dislikes criticism and thus tries to kill and curse the atheists. Kindly clear this misconception.
Questioner: Shuvra Dev Babu
Date: 2022-10-17
Jayapatākā Swami: The Lord doesn’t personally take a part, except if His devotee is being threatened.
But we all owe everything to the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
and this is the reality.
We cannot live without sunlight;
you don’t provide it.
Kṛṣṇa provides it.
Similarly, He sees to the maintenance of everyone.
Eko bahūnāṁ yo vidadhāti kāmān - one person maintains everyone else.
So, the atheists are very envious, they think the Lord is preoccupied
in admiration of Himself.
But He is the source of everything.
And if someone commits blasphemy or offences to Him,
He doesn’t personally take a role in that.
He has agents, that give people their pious, their impious results.
And so, if one is envious of the Lord, they get punished.
He doesn’t want that; He would rather have the people be uplifted.
But to teach them, people are punished according to their activities.
So, since they steal from others, cheat others,
then they get the reaction for their bad karmas.
If they give charity, if they help others,
they get good karma.
If they engage in devotional service,
they get delivered from this material world.
If they engage in persecuting devotees,
and if they are envious of the Lord,
then they stay in this material world
life after life.
That is what they want, they don’t want to be where the Lord is.
I don’t know why you accuse the Lord of being a narcissist?
Sometimes I feel so low that I am not up to the mark. It is so overwhelming that I cannot remain enthusiastic anymore. And to endeavor to render better service. How do I deal with this conspiracy of the mind?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2024-02-19
Jayapatākā Swami: If we think I am very qualified to do devotional service,
if we are very proud,
that is not according to the instructions of Lord Caitanya.
You should be humble, very tolerant,
offer respect to others
and don’t expect respect for one’s self.
I don’t understand if you say, I feel I am not qualified,
so therefore I lose my enthusiasm.
We see great devotees like Śrīla Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura,
they pray to Lord Gaurāṅga that Your avatāra is to deliver the most fallen.
There is no one more fallen than me.
If you are feeling yourself very unqualified,
very fallen,
then there is more chance you will get the mercy of Lord Caitanya,
since He is the deliverer of the most fallen.
But you should not lose your enthusiasm
since Lord Caitanya has come to deliver the most fallen.
Therefore, you have a good qualification.
Sometimes we are born in a family who are surrendered to many gurus or Mahārājas, right! Like we are born in families where they have kula-gurus and we have been raised and brought up praying to many devatas like Durgā Mā, Gaṇesajī, Kṛṣṇa, etc. We also feel that God is one, ultimately one energy. But I feel that God is above all this, right? How do we surrender, what is the best way to surrender?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-09-05
Jayapatākā Swami: You see that in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it states vaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥ: Lord Śiva, Maheśa, is the greatest of all the Vaiṣṇavas. and similarly, we have Kārttikeya, we have Gaṇeśa, they are great Vaiṣṇavas. Durgā is known as Bhagavatī, Vaiṣṇavī. We should know that Kṛṣṇa, He is the ultimate Personality of Godhead.
But Kṛṣṇa has unlimited forms,
So, every form is equal.
That doesn’t mean that we are equal.
We are very small.
Lord Brahmā, Lord Maheśa are greater.
But they are still depending on Kṛṣṇa
and Kṛṣṇa they are all equal, simultaneously one and different for Kṛṣṇa.
The father of Vyāsadeva, Parāsara Muni analyzed,
he found that 50 of the qualities are in Lord Brahmā,
Five more with Lord Śiva, he had 55.
Lord Viṣṇu, Nārāyaṇa had five more than Lord Śiva. He had 60.
And then Kṛṣṇa, He had four more even than Lord Nārāyaṇa. He had 64.
Kṛṣṇa and Nārāyaṇa are both considered viṣṇu-tattva
and they are all the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Other devas, either Maheśa or Brahmā, they are not as great.
So the kula-gurus sometimes they say everybody is the same, that means they are impersonalists.
Because it says, if one thinks Lord Śiva or Lord Brahmā are the same they are pāṣaṇḍīs.
So we find Hiraṇyakaśipu, in this day of Brahmā līlā, he worship Lord Brahmā receive powers.
He asked Brahmā first to give him immortality.
Brahmā said, “I am not immortal,
how can I give something which I don’t have?”
So then he said, “I should not be killed in day or night, in the house or out of the house, and all those conditions.
Not man, or animal, or a demon or deva.”
Narasiṁhadeva came, half man and half lion!
Hiraṇyakaśipu was confused, “Is He a man or an animal?”
So Lord Śiva, in some yugas, in some days of Brahmā when Hiraṇyakaśipu comes he gets the blessing from Lord Śiva.
Śiva, he has his weapon, śiva-jvara,
it produces the maximum heat!
But Lord Kṛṣṇa has the nārāyaṇa-jvara,
it produced unlimited cold.
Hardly you can survive in a cold day, you need a jacket and other things.
Any śiva-jvara produced heat and nārāyaṇa-jvara came and sucked up all the heat and created unlimited cold,
and then śiva-jvara surrendered.
So Śiva is greater than jīvas,
we are jīvas.
He is very great.
But still he is not as great as Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa.
So we worship Śiva, Durgā, Gaṇeśa, Kārttikeya, all the Vaiṣṇavas as Vaiṣṇavas.
And if in your house you worship Viṣṇu and Kṛṣṇa first offer bhoga to Them and then Their prasāda to the devas.
In South India like in Mahābalipuram,
that is one of the Divya-deśams,
they worship the Nārāyaṇa form first
and then they take the prasāda and offer to Śiva
and Durgā and others.
If the kula-guru gives you transcendental knowledge, it is very nice.
But if he is not able to give transcendental knowledge, he is just like a vyavahāri-guru, he acts like a guru but he cannot give transcendental knowledge,
then the śāstra says it is alright if we take a sad-guru,
someone who gives transcendental knowledge.
Hare Kṛṣṇa!
Sometimes we need to talk about something with the devotees which is not Kṛṣṇa-related such as some management issues. But how to identify if we are doing prajalpa?
Questioner: Mitravindā Mamatāmayī devī dāsī
Date: 2022-08-04
Jayapatākā Swami: If it is really connected with Kṛṣṇa
then it is not prajalpa.
But if it has nothing to do with Kṛṣṇa or service,
then it is prajalpa.
Category: [Sādhanā], [Emotions / Confusion], [Anarthās]
Sometimes we want to help someone but do not for various reasons. But we know that they require help. So how could we could not help and in the same time to help them too?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2024-02-19
Jayapatākā Swami: There are many reasons why we may not be able to help someone.
Just like a father, he doesn’t like to hear instructions from his daughter.
For various circumstances
the relationship may be such that we cannot really instruct a person who is senior to you
or who thinks he or she is senior.
So, in such a situation,
you have to help the person using some tactic.
Either by asking question,
like I look to you, you are a very advanced person, you are very senior.
But I have a question.
I see that sometime, you go behind the bathroom and smoke a cigarette.
Is it something I should do as well?
So you can ask – of course this is a ridiculous example - but you can ask.
Maybe you cannot help the person
then you think who can
and arrange that that person does what he or she can to help the person.
Category: [Emotions / Confusion]
Sometimes, even after giving all the love and philosophical teachings, the children still do not take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. What is to be done?
Questioner: Bhagavān Dāmodara Kṛṣṇa dāsa
Date: 2022-09-08
Śrīla Prabhupāda said in one of his letters to his disciples, Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action. But at the same time the culture and teachings encourages, and expects its practioners to surrender and to be obedient to senior devotees, guru and Gaurāṅga. How can I be independently thoughtful and be obedient at the same time, especially when dealing with senior devotees?
Questioner: Ekleśvarī Mādhavī devī dāsī
Date: 2023-03-13
Jayapatākā Swami: It seems that you are facing some contradiction.
That you want to be submissive,
at the same time independently thoughtful.
So, independently thoughtful, we decide what we are going to do.
Not that we just do something blindly, but
if we decide that we are following some more experienced devotee,
that should be helpful.
So you can do well by following an experienced devotee,
at the same time be independently thoughtful.
Doesn’t mean you just blindly follow any devotee,
but you pick up some particular activity, because it is something that sits nicely with you
and it is in the śāstra
The demigods, being Kṛṣṇa’s representatives, help the Vaiṣṇavas progress in kṛṣṇa-bhakti. But here (in Dhruva-līlā) we see them creating many obstacles. How can we reconcile this?
Questioner: Rasapriya Gopikā devī dāsī, Māyāpur.
Date: 2022-10-05
Jayapatākā Swami: The devas, the demigods are sakāma devotees.
They have some material desires.
Because they are afraid that
Dhruva would take over their posts,
therefore they gave him different obstacles –
in one way they were testing him.
So if you don’t want a position in the heavenly planets,
you have to declare that to them.
Give them kṛṣṇa-prasādam.
They should not cause you trouble.
Because Dhruva was performing austerities for position,
they were afraid that he would take their position.
These classes are very blissful, very nice. When we are in the class we feel nice but as soon as we are out and deal with the world, the whole thing disappears How do we consciously stay in this consciousness, that way we feel in the class?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-09-01
Jayapatākā Swami: That is why it is important to chant and read every day.
When you see someone you think, how can I help this person on the path of Kṛṣṇa consciousness?
You think of someone else you remember that Kṛṣṇa is in their heart.
If you think of something else that is not right, you remember that Kṛṣṇa is in their heart,
so you apologize that you have done something wrong,
you thought something improper.
I have done something wrong.
You think always Kṛṣṇa is in your heart, He is always watching whatever you do, whatever you think.
Anyway, you have to deal with your office and other things
and there are people talking to.
But if you can think, you can remember Kṛṣṇa all the time when they are talking to you.
How if you are working, you make money and how with that money you can do some service to Kṛṣṇa.
You worship the Deities at home,
give prasāda to the family,
give some help to the temple.
There are different ways we can remember Kṛṣṇa.
So maybe there be a fleeting thought when you have to think of practical things,
but within that also your motive is always to serve Kṛṣṇa.
Śrīla Prabhupāda, he was saying in 1973 on the occasion of his Vyāsa-pūjā, he was in London.
He said he wanted all his gṛhastha followers to be paramahaṁsas.
He (Abhayacaraṇa Nimāi dāsa, Guru Mahārāja’s repeater) always asks me how is that possible?
The paramahaṁsa is always thinking of Kṛṣṇa.
Others may be thinking I work, I made money, maybe I can go someplace like Tahiti for vacation or something.
We are thinking we want to please Kṛṣṇa.
I want to please guru and Kṛṣṇa.
Category: [Emotions / Happiness]
These qualities like hair standing on end, voice choking, eyes tearing, when we experience these when doing kīrtana, should we exhibit them or should we conceal them? 
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2024-06-15
Jayapatākā Swami: Nice question.
Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda tells that many people imitate the ecstasy.
And therefore, they would try to keep it hidden.
But sometimes they could not.
Like when Śrīla Prabhupāda went to Ayodhyā
he could not hide.
Our guru sometimes while giving class he would show the ecstasies.
Sometimes it is not possible to hide.
We should remember that we should not make a show of it.
If any of you feel such ecstatic symptoms take it as the mercy of Kṛṣṇa.
Category: [Emotions / Happiness]
We have so many varieties of devotional service, like chanting, reading Śrīla Prabhupāda, Deity worship and visiting holy dhāmas. Sometimes we see that when we are more attracted to one method the other methods are getting less importance and we are not able to do them. So whether more reading or more of chanting, or more of Deity worship or more of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books reading, which one is more important?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-08-16
Jayapatākā Swami: In every yuga, there is a particular, which is most important.
In Kali-yuga, śravaṇam kīrtanam is most important.
Reading books is one form of śravaṇam.
There are nine practices of devotional service
and by practicing any one then also it is possible to be delivered.
But in Kali-yuga it is especially recommended that we chant and hear.
But we should chant, hear remember,
pay obeisances, offer prayers
and do the arcanam,
and do pāda-sevanam, do some service,
considering oneself as the servant of the Lord,
considering the Lord as one’s friend
and offering everything to the Lord,
These are the nine practices of devotional service.
What is the most effective way to make people realize right away that we need to take Kṛṣṇa consciousness seriously as many people understand the concepts but do not develop the faith ?
Questioner: Indulekhā Karuṇa devī dāsī
Date: 2022-08-05
Jayapatākā Swami: Everyone is taking up Kṛṣṇa consciousness,
everyone is an individual
and what thing impresses one person,
may not impress another.
So you have to hear a bit what the person likes.
The thing is that in the material world
people naturally turn to things they like,
but if they understand that these things often may lead them astray,
then they may be less inclined to do that.
And so in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is kevala ānanda kāṇḍa, it is a very blissful process.
So if can somehow engage people in chanting, hearing, dancing, serving,
then they will get a taste.
And you know, I met one person,
he was an impersonalist.
But then Śrīla Prabhupāda said that there is no use to talk philosophy
because in their brain some short circuit is there.
But if they like to do sevā, engage them in sevā.
By doing sevā
they get purified
and their whole idea changes.
After several years, that person told me
that, now I understand
about devotional service,
because he was practically doing it.
Otherwise, philosophically he was off.
He got purified by serving Kṛṣṇa.
Category: [Emotions / Confusion], [Sādhanā / Preaching]
What is your take on veganism?
Questioner: Kackuly Rani
Date: 2022-10-13
Jayapatākā Swami: Śrīla Prabhupāda has said that 
taking cow milk develops the finer intelligence 
will be able to understand Kṛṣṇa consciousness. 
At the same time, we like to protect the cows. 
And so, where possible we try to eat milk from protected cows. 
The vegans, they say since the cows are mistreated, 
better not to take any milk. 
But Śrīla Prabhupāda knew that this difficulty was there. 
He thought it was important to offer the milk to Kṛṣṇa, 
and then we can take it. 
So, we only take milk as prasāda. 
What should be our mood and prayer to Lord Narasiṁhadeva today? Also, the purport says that it is very easy to please Lord Nārayaṇa, but I find it very difficult and struggle to keep my sādhanā and sevā going on steadily every day. How to understand this if guru and Kṛṣṇa are pleased with me or not, and where am I going wrong?
Questioner: Harshita Sharma
Date: 2023-07-08
Jayapatākā Swami: Certainly, by your trying to be Kṛṣṇa conscious you are pleasing the Lord.
If you keep on trying, then gradually, as they say, practice makes perfect.
So we hope that gradually you will be able to achieve the perfect stage.
But just the fact that you are trying, that means a lot.
So definitely you will be protected from the greatest danger.
What to do when my idea for a certain project is conflicting with superior authority ?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2022-10-15
Jayapatākā Swami: You see it may be different it may be the same.
If you have a vision that you want to serve Kṛṣṇa,
you want to spread the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement,
maybe some individual differences.
But if your reason is Kṛṣṇa conscious then it doesn’t matter.
What to do when we cannot reach you for some important decision making and guidance? At the same time whatever guidance we receive from the seniors are not satisfactory and not solving the issues?
Questioner: Nitāi Līleśvara dāsa
Date: 2022-08-04
Jayapatākā Swami: I hear different emails every day
and I have certain corresponding secretaries.
Like Rādhāramaṇa Sevaka dāsa and others.
So you write to me and don’t get a reply in a week,
then you could write a WhatsApp message to my corresponding secretary
that why you are not getting a reply.
And usually, you will get a reply.
But at least you will be told why you are not getting a reply.
And right now, we also have the Jayapatākā Swami Disciples’ e-Care
and you can write to them also.
So I am trying to make myself available
and I don’t know who is the śikṣā-guru you have faith in.
You can ask or suggest a śikṣā-guru
and get some authorization.
Otherwise, try to contact me as I mentioned.
While preaching about celibacy to the youth, they are sometimes seen to justify lust by referring to the divine rāsa-līlā of the Lord. How can we handle such a situation?
Questioner: Rakshita Varadarajan
Date: 2022-10-04
Jayapatākā Swami: One can be in whichever āśrama they want to.
Whichever they feel more comfortable.
If they feel that gṛhastha-āśrama is more appropriate for you,
that allows certain license for sex life.
Kṛṣṇa has made machines –
male and female form.
So they can reproduce each other.
So the scientists they are not able to make a machine
that could reproduce itself.
Ha! We shouldn’t think that Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes
with the queens or the gopīs, are material.
He is transcendental.
And in Vṛndāvana,
His pastimes are understood by the liberated souls.
One has to read all the previous nine cantos,
then you can understand how the position of Kṛṣṇa is transcendental.
Once when I was a new devotee,
I asked a question about Rādhārāṇī.
Śrīla Prabhupāda chastised me.
Who are you to ask about Rādhārāṇī?
Since I was a new devotee,
I didn’t understand much, so I accepted that.
Who is Swami Nārāyaṇa? (projected as the Supreme source by the BAPS temple in Gujarat)
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2022-10-05
Jayapatākā Swami: I don’t know about such predictions.
If you have those you can send the copy to me.
I read the book where Swami Nārāyaṇa said he was a devotee.
But later on, his followers made him an avatāra.
So Śrīla Prabhupāda requested that his status as a jīva never be changed.
Because many spiritual movements after the founder leaves,
they declare their founder as God.
So, I don’t see any reason why, Swami Nārāyaṇa claims to be God.
If you read his book, he doesn’t claim it.
It is only claimed by his followers.
That is as much as I know.
I went to their center in Ahmedabad and other places.
Some of their Swami came to see me.
When they heard that I have been a Swami for like 50 years,
they paid their daṇḍavats!
You know generally, they are favorable.