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20200729 Keśava Bhārati Arrives to Further Trigger the Lord's Desire to Take Sannyāsa

29 Jul 2020|Duration: 00:32:48|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on 29th July 2020 in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram
hariḥ oṁ tat sat

Introduction: So now, Lord Caitanya had expressed that He was thinking about taking sannyāsa, and all the Navadvīpa residents, devotees, were put into great anxiety, apprehending separation from the Lord. Now we continue on this compilation of the different book on Lord Caitanya’s pastimes. This chapter is entitled:

Keśava Bhārati Arrives to Further Trigger the Lord's Desire to Take Sannyāsa

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya 11.43

tataḥ sannyāsī keśava iti sa bhāraty upahito
bhuvi khyātaḥ kaścit prabhu-purata āsīd vidhi-vaśāt
tathā dṛṣṭvā nāthaṁ niravadhi rudantaṁ samavadac
chuko vā prahlādas tvam iti bahudhā vismita-manāḥ

Translation: Then a sannyāsī, famous in the world as Keśava Bhāratī, arrived in front of the Lord by the will of providence. Seeing the Lord constantly weeping, he was very much astonished within his mind and thus told the Lord, “You are Śukadeva or Prahlāda.”

Jayapatākā Swami: Keśava Bhārati, ultimately is the sannyāsa guru of Lord Caitanya. He resides in Katwa. So, somehow, he has visited Navadvīpa, and he came in front of the Lord Gaurāṅga.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.7

tataḥ kiyad dine tatra śrīmat-keśava-bhāratī
nyāsī-śreṣṭho mahā-tejā dīpyamāno yathā raviḥ

Translation: Then, after several days, the very powerful sādhu Keśava Bhāratī arrived in Navadvīpa. Due to great renunciation, his person was brilliant like the sun.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.60

āra kathodine śrīkeśavabhāratī
āilā sannyāsī-vara ati śuddhamati

Jayapatākā Swami: After some days the great pure hearted sannyāsī, Śrī Keśava Bhārati arrived.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.8

pūrva-janmārjitaiḥ puṇyaiḥ sarvais tair āgataḥ svayam
tatra bhāgya-vaśāt kṛṣṇaṁ tapta-cāmīkara-prabham

Translation: Due to the pious credits earned by him in previous births, he could see Gaura Kṛṣṇa, whose bodily luster glittered like molten gold.

Jayapatākā Swami: So Keśava Bhārati was blessed to see Lord Caitanya, see Gaura Kṛṣṇa, and the incarnation of the Kṛṣṇa Himself, come as a devotee.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.61

mahāteja nyāsivara mahābhāgavata
pūrvajanmarjita kata puṇyera parvata

Jayapatākā Swami: Because in his previous births, he had accumulated a mountain of pious deeds, he was now a sannyāsī, very powerful and a pure devotee, a mahā-bhāgavata.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.9

dadarśa puṇḍarīkākṣaṁ prema-vihvalitaṁ harim
dṛṣṭvā cānanda-pūrṇo’sau babhūva nyāsi-sattamaḥ

Translation: Seeing the lotus-eyed Gaura Hari, whose heart was immersed in kṛṣṇa-prema, that venerable renunciant became filled with joy.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, when Keśava Bhārati Mahārāja saw Gaura Kṛṣṇa, Gaura Hari, who was always immersed in pure love of Kṛṣṇa, that renunciant Keśava Bhārati experienced great bliss.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.62

ācambite āsiyā dekhilā viśvambhara
viśvambhara dekhi hṛṣṭa hailā nyāsivara

Jayapatākā Swami: So Keśava Bhārati arrived suddenly, and saw Lord Viśvambhara. The sannyāsī became very joyful, seeing Lord Viśvambhara.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.10

nyāsīśvaraṁ puro dṛṣṭvā bhagavān īśvaraḥ svayam
premānanda-paripūrṇaḥ samutthāya nanāma tam

Translation: When the Supreme Lord, who’s entire being was fully saturated with premānanda, observed that perfect master of renunciation in His presence. He rose from His seat and bowed down before him.

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Gaurāṅga was playing the part of a gṛhastha. So, when He saw Keśava Bhārati Mahārāja, a pure devotee, sannyāsī, come before Him, Lord Gaurāṅga, although the Supreme Lord, He bowed down to Keśava Bhārati, playing the part of a gṛhastha.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.63

uṭhiyā ṭhākura kare caraṇa-vandana
sannyāsī dekhiyā preme jhare dunayana

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Lord Gaurāṅga, He rose from His seat, and He offered His obeisances, at the lotus feet of the sannyāsī. When He saw the sannyāsī, tears of love were pouring from His two eyes, ecstatic, spiritual love, Prema.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.11

kṛṣṇa-premāmbu-dhārābhiḥ parītaṁ taṁ vilokya saḥ
prāha tuṣṭo mahā-buddhiḥ śrīmat-keśava-bhāratī
prabhuke kṛṣṇa-premāśrudhārāya abhiṣikta haite dekhiyā
sei mahābuddhi śrīla keśava bhāratī tuṣṭa haiyā balilena.

Translation: When the highly perceptive Keśava Bhāratī saw that Gaura's form was flooded by streams of tears of kṛṣṇa-prema, his heart felt satisfied and he addressed the Lord as follows:

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.64

prabhu-aṅga nirakhiye sei nyāsirāja
mahābuddhi nyāsivara bujhilena kāja

Jayapatākā Swami: Seeing Lord Viśvambhara’s body, the most intelligent king of the sannyāsīs, understood a little of the Lord’s nature.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.12

tvaṁ śuko vātha prahlāda iti me niścitā matiḥ
kiṁ vā tvaṁ bhagavān sākṣād īśvaraḥ sarva-kāraṇam

Translation: “Either You are Śukadeva or else Prahlāda - this is my determined opinion. Or, can You be the all-opulent Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Lord and cause of all causes?"

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.65

keśava-bhāratī gosāṣi kahila vacana
tumi śuka prahalāda ki-hena laya mana

Jayapatākā Swami: Keśava Bhārati Gosvāmī, he said the following words: “Are you Śukadeva or Prahlāda? I think so in my heart.”

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.13

tac chrutvā vyathito nāthaḥ praśaṁsāṁ svāṁ mahā-matiḥ
ruroda dvi-guṇa prema-vāri-dhārā-pariplutaḥ

Translation: Hearing such high praise offered to Himself, the Lord became agitated, and weeping with redoubled strength He became drenched by currents of tears of prema.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.66

e bola śuniṣā puna prabhu viśvambhara
kāndaye dviguṇa jhare nayanera jala

Jayapatākā Swami: When Lord Viśvambhara heard these words from Keśava Bhārati, His weeping increased twice, and tears flowed from His eyes.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.14

tataḥ provāca taṁ dṛṣṭvā vismito nyāsi-sattamaḥ
bhagavantaṁ bhavān kṛṣṇa īśvaro nātra saṁśayaḥ

Translation: Observing these extraordinary devotional symptoms, that exalted renunciant was astonished, and he asserted, “Your grace, You are Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the supreme Master of this cosmic manifestation. Of this there can be no doubt.”

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.67

tabe punaḥ kahe nyāsī vismita haiyā
anumāna kari mane niścaya kariyā

Jayapatākā Swami: The sannyāsī was very amazed, and again he said, thinking of this, my explanation is certainly that:

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.68

tumi prabhu bhagavān-jānila niścaya
sarva-loka-prāṇa tumi-nāhika saṃśaya

Jayapatākā Swami: “You are the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I understand this for sure. You are the life of all the worlds, of this I have not doubt.”

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.15

ātma-praśaṁsāṁ mahatīṁ śrutvā vaiklavyam āvahan
natvā taṁ nyāsināṁ śreṣṭhaṁ jagāma nija-mandiram

Translation: Śrī Śacīnandana felt despondent when he heard himself so greatly glorified, and after offering obeisances to the great sannyāsī, He departed for His own home.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.69

e bola śuniṣā prabhu karaye rodana
katadine pāra āmi kṛṣṇera caraṇa

Jayapatākā Swami: Hearing these words, Lord Gaurāṅga continued to cry. He said: “After how many days, will I obtain the lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa?”

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.70

tora kṛṣṇe anurāga ati baḍa haya
te kāraṇe yathātathā dekha kṛṣṇamaya

Jayapatākā Swami: You have great love for Lord Kṛṣṇa, for that reason, therefore you see Kṛṣṇa present everywhere.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.71

katadine kṛṣṇa muṣi dekhibāre pāba
tomāra emana veśa kabe mora haba

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Gaurāṅga said: “After how many days will be able to see Lord Kṛṣṇa? When will I wear garments like yours?”

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.72

kṛṣṇera uddeśe muṣi deśedeśe yāba
kothā gele prāṇanātha kṛṣṇa muṣi pāba

Jayapatākā Swami: “I will travel from country to country, to find Kṛṣṇa. Where should I go to find Lord Kṛṣṇa, the master of my life?”

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.73

sannyāsīra vedya kathā kahi viśvambhara
daṇḍavat haṣā prabhu yāna nijaghara

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Viśvambhara saying these words to the sannyāsī, offered His prostrate obeisances like a stick, and Lord Viśvambhara returned to His own house.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.18.16

nyāsaṁ kartuṁ manaś cakre tyaktvā sva-gṛham ṛddhimat
bhagavān sarva-bhūtānāṁ pāvanaḥ śrī-niketanaḥ

Translation: Then the Lord, who is the reservoir of all opulence, and who is the shelter for the goddess of fortune, determined to renounce His prosperous home.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.74

śrīvāsa dekhiyā prabhu kahila uttara
sannyāsīke laṣā tumi yāha nijaghara

Jayapatākā Swami: When Lord Gaurāṅga saw Śrīvāsa, He said the following to him: “Take this sannyāsī with you to your house.”

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 10.75

prabhura vacana śuni śrīvāsa ṭhākura
sannyāsī laiyā bhikṣā dilena pracura

Jayapatākā Swami: Hearing Lord Gaurāṅga’s words, Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura took the sannyāsī and fed him very profusely.

So, tomorrow is the special Ekādaśī, of course on every Ekādaśī, we fast from grains, cereals and pulses. But for those want children, tomorrow is the day, also known as Putradā Ekādaśī. Then you should observe the whole day a special fast, and fast whole night. Of course, it says that if one is in the renounced order, they can also observe this Ekādaśī, to get the son of forgiveness. There is one verse in the Vedas it is said, that how different aspects of the mother, the father, the wife, of the renunciant and it’s said, the son is forgiveness. Actually, a great quality of the Vaiṣṇava is forgiveness. So, we can also observe the Putradā Ekādaśī, to get the quality of forgiveness. Haribol! Haribol! Gaurāṅga!

So many devotees! So, this poll on Zoom, what does it say?

The different names - every Saturday 5 to 6.30 we will have a special function dedicated to remembering the pastimes and qualities of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Śyāma Rasika dāsa: There are options for the poll? The poll question was who was Keśava Bhārati in Kṛṣṇa-lila? Options – Bhīṣmadeva, Sāndīpani muni, Akrurā, Sāndīpani muni and Akrurā, and Bhīṣmadeva and Akrura.

Jayapatākā Swami: I want the name of the program – Śrīla Prabhupāda Memories And that is starting 1st August. So please stay tuned in 5.30 pm. We are starting this initiative, from the World Spiritual Head Quarters of Māyāpur Dhāma. This week, I will start off, we will have different speakers in different weeks.

The highest poll – What does the Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā say? Sāndīpani muni and Akrūra. So Keśava Bhārati took Gaurāṅga from Navadvīpa. Akrūra took Kṛṣṇa from Vṛndāvana. Sāndīpani taught Kṛṣṇa, similarly Keśava Bhārati gave sannyāsa order to Lord Caitanya.

One question.

Question: Dear most Guru Mahārāja, please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. Should the society of Vaiṣṇavas around the world, start planning for an emergency situation, coming possibly in December this year? Based on the prediction of several astrologers? Things that could happen are: Shortage of food, unsustainable livelihood in cities due to some possible war or aggravation of the pandemic, or other heavy kleśa.

Your insignificant daughter,
Ojasvīnī Rādhikā devī dāsī

Jayapatākā Swami: This is the first I am hearing of this astrological prediction. I don’t know how many astrologers say this? Śrīla Prabhupāda said we should be self-sufficient; we should try to have some farms with each temple. Since the livelihood of the cities is unpredictable. So, I am encouraging people, they should try to promote chanting of the names of God. By Kṛṣṇa’s mercy, whatever happens, we can go back to Godhead. I asked Śrīla Prabhupāda what to do, during the cold war? What should we do, if the atomic bomb is sent to New York? Śrīla Prabhupāda said, “chant Hare Kṛṣṇa!”

Haribol! Haribol! HARIBOL!

So, whatever happens you are protected, if you chant the holy names. Haribol!

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī (29th July 2020)
Verifyed by JPS Archives (31st July 2020)
Reviewed by JPS Archives

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