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20200709 Entrance of Śrīvāsa in the Role of Nārada

9 Jul 2020|Duration: 00:51:35|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on 9th July 2020 in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram
hariḥ oṁ tat sat

Introduction: So today we continue with the Caitanya drama at Candraśekhara’s house. And this is explained mainly by the Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka, sometimes it’s Caitanya-bhāgavata. So, it is a very interesting pastime, where Lord Caitanya is personally performing the part of Lakṣmī.

In Māyāpur we are waiting for the arrival of the sacred vāpu of His Holiness Bhakti Cāru Swami, to put in samādhi. But the government has very clearly told us, that we cannot have any big gathering, or any big ceremony. And only a few people will be allowed, 4-6 people to engage in the samādhi ceremony. Whoever is engaged in the samādhi ceremony, have to go for quarantine, after the ceremony for 28 days. So, we hope that all the devotees would kindly cooperate, we will keep you posted.

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.101

maitrī: sabbaṁ tuha caraṇa-pasādado jjebba | [sarvaṁ tava caraṇa-prasādād eva |]

Translation: Maitrī: All this is because of the mercy of your feet.

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.102

nāradaḥ (nipuṇaṁ nibhālya): snātaka ! satyam eva vraja-rāja-kumārasyaiva vaṁśī ninādo'yam | yataḥ—

Translation: Nārada: (carefully looking) Snātaka, it is true. This is the flute-music of Vraja's prince, because:

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.103

vitatir api girīṇāṁ muñca tīvrāśru-dhārāṁ
pulakayati tarūṇāṁ vīrudhāṁ caiṣa vargaḥ |
vidadhati sarito'pi srotasas tam uccair
hari hari hari vaṁśī-nāda evojjihīte ||

Translation: The peaks of the mountains shed tears (of love), the groups of trees and vines stand erect in ecstasy, and the swift currents of the rivers are stopped being stunned. Ah! Ah! Lord Hari's flute-music is manifest.

Jayapatākā Swami: These are the transcendental symptoms of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s flute-playing. Mountains shed tears, trees and vines stand erect in ecstasy, rivers stop their current, being stunned, like this, we hear that even the yogīs meditating in the Himalayas, when they hear the flute-playing of Lord Hari, they start to hit their heads against the rocks, they become completely overwhelmed in ecstasy, hearing the flute-playing of Lord Kṛṣṇa. So, when Nārada hears the flute-playing, he also dances in ecstasy.

(ity etad eva padyaṁ pūrvavad upavīṇayan nṛtyati |)

Translation: (Reciting this verse he dances as before as he plays the vīṇā)

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.104

snātakaḥ: yathārtham evaitan naṭanam | yataḥ—

Translation: Snātaka: It is right that you dance, because...

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.105

śrutibhir api vimṛgyaṁ brahma-sampatti-bhājām
api puru-rasanīyaṁ mūrta ānanda-sāraḥ
yad ahaha bhavitādya śrīla-śambhu-svayambhū-
prabhṛtibhir abhivandyaṁ pāda-padmaṁ dṛśor naḥ

Translation: ...the lotus feet that are the personified condensed bliss, that are specifically searched by the Vedas, greatly relished by those wealthy with spiritual opulences, and worshipped by the great demigods headed by Brahmā and Śiva, will now come before our eyes.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, the brahmacārī assistant of Nārada muni, he is describing the glories of the lotus feet of Lord Mādhava.

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.106

tad devarṣe! kṣaṇam apavārya sthātuṁ yujyate, kim asau saha sahacarair evopasarpati | kiṁ vā saubhāgya-rasa-gabhīrābhīra-bhīrubhir iti sahasopasarpaṇam asāmpratam |

Translation: Devaṛṣi, let us hide for a moment. We don’t know if Kṛṣṇa is coming here with His friends or with the sweet, fortunate, shy, damsel. Therefore, it is not befitting that we approach them.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, this sets the scene for Kṛṣṇa to enter, and Devaṛṣi Nārada and his assistant to leave the stage.

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.107

nāradaḥ: satyam āttha | tad evam eva kurmaḥ |

Translation: Nārada: You speak the truth. Let us do that.

(iti tathā sthitau)

(They stay there).

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.61

śrīvāsera nārada-niṣṭhāya sakalera hāsya o jayadhvani—

śrīvāsera nārada-niṣṭhā-vākya śuni’
hāsiyā vaiṣṇava-saba kare jaya-dhvani

Jayapatākā Swami: So, all the Vaiṣṇavas were present as the audience. Hearing Śrīvāsa Prabhu speak words which were befitting for Nārada muni, they laughed and chanted Haribol! Haribol! Jaya! Jaya!

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya, 11.6

gṛhaikaṁ nepathya-sthalam atha vidhāyāviśad asau
prabhur veśaṁ kartuṁ naṭana-kutukī prema-lalitaḥ
janenātmīyena svapada-parama-prema-vahatā
samāreje śrīmān atiśaya-kṛpā-pūra-subhagaḥ

Translation: Making one place the dressing room, the Lord, attractive with prema, fond of dancing, endowed with the greatest mercy, entered that room with one close friend who had great prema for his lotus feet.

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya is preparing Himself to dance and act in the play. So, they had made a green room, for dressing, and the Lord went into that room to prepare Himself, with one close friend.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.95

kathā-parasaṅge kathā, gopīkāra guṇagāthā,
kahite se gadagada bhāsa
aruṇa vayāna bhela, dunayāne jhare nīra,
rasāveśe rasera prakāśa

Translation: In the course of discussion, with a voice choked with emotion, Lord Gaura glorified the gopīs, tears flowed from His reddened eyes. He manifested the ecstasies of the transcendental rasas.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.96

kamalā yāhāra pada, sevā kare unmata,
hena prabhu gopīkāra tare
parasaṅge haya bhorā, hena bhakti kaila tārā,
kathā mātra se āveśa dhare

Jayapatākā Swami: The Supreme Personality of Godhead who has lotus feet, while serving which, a person is mad in ecstasy, that Supreme Personality of Godhead was glorifying the gopīs, and He became filled with ecstasy of speaking about the gopīs. “What devotional service they had! Simply by hearing their glories, one would become filled with devotion.”

Translation: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the gopīs’ master, and whose feet Goddess Lakṣmī is wildly eager to serve, became filled with feelings of devotion. Simply by describing devotional service, Lord Gaura became rapt in ecstasy.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, these verses of the Caitanya-maṅgala, are written in poetic style.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.97

tabe viśvambhara hari, gopīkāra veśa dhari,
nācaye ānanda bholā, śrīvāsa henaḍ velā,
nārada-āveśa bhela tāre

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Viśvambhara Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, accepting the dress of a gopī, He danced and acted in the house of Candraśekhara Ācārya, with great transcendental ecstasy. Śrīvāsa was there present as Nārada muni.

Translation: Manifesting the features of a gopī, and now overcome with bliss, Lord Viśvambhara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, danced in Śrī Candraśekhara's house. Then Śrīvāsa manifested the features of Nārada Muni.

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya, 11.7

gṛhītvāsau veśaṁ pūrata ṛṣi-varyasya paramaṁ
niśādau śrīvāsaḥ prabhu-caraṇa-padma-priyatamaḥ
jaṭābhiḥ piṅgābhiḥ sphaṭika-maṇi-mālāṁ kalayatā
kareṇorvī-deva-pravara iva tatrāviśad atha

Translation: At the beginning of the night, Śrīvāsa, dearest to the Lord’s lotus feet, assumed the costume of Nārada, and as the best brāhmaṇa, holding crystal beads for japa and wearing matted, tawny hair.

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya, 11.8

athāsyaiko dāso dhṛta-karaka-darbhāsana-varo
dyuvāpī-mṛc-chuklo vapuṣi bhuvi śuklāmbara iti
sa-daivenāviṣṭas tam ṛṣi-varam ānamya sahasā
gadādhṛṅ-nāmānāṁ prabhu-dayitam ūce sumadhuram

Translation: Then one pure servant named Śuklāṁbara, holding a kuśa seat and water pot in his hand and smeared with Gaṅgā mud, suddenly entered and offered respects to Nārada. He then sweetly spoke to the dear devotee named Gadādhara.

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya, 11.9

aye tvaṁ devarṣiś caraṇam avanamyā vada idaṁ
kalau bhūyāṁ śrīmat-prabhu-caraṇa-sevāsu niratā
itīdaṁ śrutvāsau munir avadad etat suvadane
sura-srotaḥ-svatyāṁ snapanam adhi māghaṁ kuru sadā

Translation: “Offering respects to Nārada’s feet, you should say, ‘I am always engaged in serving the feet of Mahāprabhu in Kali-yuga.” Hearing this, Nārada said, “O handsome one! Go to the Gaṅgā in Māgha month and bathe there constantly.”

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya, 11.10

tadā tat-puṇyena prabhu-caraṇa-pāthoja-milanaṁ
bhaviṣyaty evaṁ te tad anu bhavatībhiḥ kṛtam idam
idānīṁ tena tvaṁ muni-vara-vareṇa prabhu-pada-
priyo bhūtvā yātaḥ kim u na viditaṁ tat suvadane

Translation: “If you do this, by that puṇya, you will attain the Lord’s lotus feet. You have now become dear to the Lord’s feet by Nārada’s blessings. What is not known to you, O handsome one?”

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya, 11.11

tato’sau devarṣiḥ svayam avadad uccaiḥ sulalitaṁ
mahattvaṁ tad-bhakter avidita-gurutvaṁ pulakitaḥ
vadāmaḥ kiṁ nāmnaḥ parama-mahimānaṁ yad agha-kṛd-
dvijābhāso dāsī-patir api ca mukto’gha-nivahāt

Translation: With hair standing on end, Nārada explained the profound, charming glories of bhakti. “How can I describe the great power of the name? It freed the sinful brāhmaṇa, husband of a prostitute, from great sins.”

Jayapatākā Swami: This talks about Ajāmila, who had left his wife and become the husband of a prostitute. By chanting the name of Nārāyaṇa, he was freed from his sins.

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya, 11.12

itīvokte tasmin parama-muditāḥ sarva-manujā
harer nāmnām uccaiḥ kim api vidadhuḥ kīrtanam atha
saharṣaṁ śrīvāsaḥ pulakita-tanus tatra kutukāt
puro nṛtyaṁ cakre prathamam iva nāndīṁ viracayan

Translation: When he said this, bringing great joy to all humans, he began singing the Lord’s name loudly. Śrīvāsa in joy, his hairs standing on end, began eagerly dancing, thereby making the first prologue to the play.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, we can see that the different actors, they are not only playing the parts, they are actually feeling the ecstasy of the part. So, this is a very special drama, it’s not just actors, who are playing a part, it is people that actually experience the part they are playing.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.9

tatra nārada ivābabhau mahān
śrīpateḥ prathama-jo dvijottamaḥ
daṇḍavad bhuvi nipatya surarṣiḥ
prāṇaman munir ajātmajo’jitam

Translation: First the great brāhmaṇa, Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita, the elder brother of Śrīpati Paṇḍita, radiantly appeared on stage as the great Nārada, sage amongst the gods, and son of the unborn Lord Brahmā. Falling down like a rod on the ground he offered obeisances in surrender to Lord Viṣṇu.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.10

māṁ pratīhi śanakair idam uktvā
śrī-gadādhara-mahīsuram āha
gopike’vadaḥ surarṣi-pade tvaṁ
sampraṇamya nata-kandhara-cittā

Translation: Then he said gently to the best of the brāhmaṇas, Gadādhara, "Please have faith in this story of mine, O Gopikā! Once in ancient times you bowed down your body and humbled your heart at the feet of this Nārada, sage amongst the gods.” And said:

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.11

tāta-mātṛ-caraṇaṁ parihṛtya
kṛṣṇa-pāda-kamalasya susevām
kartum īśa iha tat-karuṇābdheḥ
pāda-padma-karuṇā mayi te syāt

Translation: “Master, kindly bless me that I will abandon the service of the feet of my father and mother just to render unalloyed service to Śrī Śyāmasundara Kṛṣṇa's lotus feet. Let the mercy flowing from the lotus feet of that ocean of mercy descend on me.”

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.12

evam āpta-vacasā sa munis tāṁ
samprahṛṣṭa-vadanaḥ punar āha
apsare sura-nadī-payasi tvaṁ
māgha-māsa-śatakaiḥ sadā kuru

Translation: After you uttered such trusting words to him, Nārada replied with a jubilant countenance, “O Apsarā, bathe with fixed attention for one hundred times a hundred months of Māgha within the waters of the river of the sages.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.13

snānam eka-manasā tadā bhavet
kṛṣṇa-pāda-kamalasya susevā
tat kṛtaṁ muni-vaco hi bhavatyā
tena gokula ihābhavaj janiḥ

Translation: Then it will be possible to render pure service to Kṛṣṇa's lotus feet.” Because your grace strictly followed the muni’s instructions, you have presently taken birth in the land of Gokula within this world.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.14

uttamām atitarāṁ hari-bhaktiṁ
prema-nirbhara-rasormibhir ārdrā
durlabhāṁ tri-jagato munir āpa
yāṁ pragāyati mudā śukadevaḥ

Translation: You have attained a super-excellence of Hari-bhakti which is very rarely attained throughout the length and breadth of the three worlds. You have bathed in the myriad waves of the ocean of spontaneous prema-rasa. It is such bhakti as this which Śukadeva extols with joy.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.15

tathā ca (bhāgavata-purāṇa 10.47.63)

vande nanda-vraja-strīṇāṁ
pada-reṇum abhīkṣṇaśaḥ
yāsāṁ hari-kathodgītaṁ
punāti bhuvana-trayam
[Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.47.63:]

Translation: Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said, “I repeatedly offer my respects to the dust from the feet of the women of Nanda Mahārāja's cowherd village. When these gopīs loudly chant the glories of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the vibration purifies the three worlds.”

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.16

kiṁ vadāmi hari-bhakti-mahattvaṁ
sarva-pāpa-gaṇavān dvija-sūnuḥ
duḥkha-pālibhir ajāmila-nāmā
putra-mātram anucintya jagāma

Translation: How can I praise adequately the glories of Hari-bhakti? There was once a brāhmaṇa's son named Ajāmila, in whose character every variety of vice was abundantly present, and who was thus awaiting immense suffering in his future lives. However, simply by uttering the name of ‘Nārāyaṇa,’ although he was thinking only of his son, he departed from that hellish fate.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.17

nāma-mātra-vibhavena bhavābdheḥ
pāram eva para-dustarasya ca
gacchatu sa-gaṇa eva kṛpābdher
dhāma kiṁ punar ajasya susevā

Translation: “By the power of the holy name of the Lord, Ajāmila and all those associated with him could surmount the insurmountable ocean of birth and death to attain the abode of the ocean of mercy, Lord Nārāyaṇa. And how much more is liberation assured for one who renders favorable service to the unborn Lord?”

Jayapatākā Swami: So, the point is that, even Ajāmila was calling his son’s name, and his son was called after the name of God, so he was calling Nārāyaṇa. By that accidental chanting of the Lord’s name, he was freed from all his sins, and he was delivered. Now what to speak if someone who chants the name of the Lord consciously with devotion? So how great is the holy name of the Lord.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.18

evam uktavati bhū-sura-varye
prema-sāgara-rasormibhir ārdrāḥ
sambabhūvur ati te rasa-pūrṇās
tūrṇam eva muditā dvija-varyāḥ

Translation: Thus, spoke Śrīvāsa, and the hearts of those eminent twice-born men were drenched in the mellows of oceanic waves of love and became greatly enlivened and their hearts overflowed rasa.

Jayapatākā Swami: The twice-born audience was also highly qualified, by hearing the words of Śrīvāsa acting as Nārada muni. They became overwhelmed and enlivened with ecstatic mellows of pure love for the Lord and His holy name.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca, 15.19

yad aṅghri-nakha-candrikā-kiraṇa-mātram etat vṛtaṁ
surendra-muni-puṅgavaiḥ sahacarair hi brahmādibhiḥ
kṛtaṁ sakala-nirmalaṁ gopa-gopī-nāmāmṛtais
tad apsaraḥ-kathādikaṁ manuja-bhāvam eva sphuṭam

Translation: A single ray of whose moon-like toenails is sought after by the foremost of sages and the demigods headed by Brahmā. Accepting the role of a human being, they performed fully spotless pastimes while chanting the nectarean names of the Vraja-gopas and gopīs. Herein histories such as Śrī Gadādhara's former life as an Apsarā were revealed.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, some secrets of the different devotees acting in the drama were revealed, what they were in their previous life.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.98

prabhure praṇāma kare, vinaya-vacana bole,
‘dāsa’ kari’ jāniha āmāre.
emana kahiyā vāṇī, tabe sei mahāmuni,
gadādhara-paṇḍitere bole

Jayapatākā Swami: Offering obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, speaking with great humility, presenting one’s self as a servitor, in that way he offered his speech, and that way the great mahā-muni Nārada glorified Gadādhara Paṇḍita.

Translation: Bowing down before Lord Gaura's feet, Śrīvāsa humbly said: “Please think of me as Your servant.” After speaking these words, the great sage Nārada said to Gadādhara Paṇḍita:

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.99

śunaha gopikā tumi, ye kichu kahiye āmi,
tora pūrvakathā kichu jāna
apūrva kahiye āmi, jagate durlabha tumi,
tora kathā śuna sāvadhāna

Translation: Please listen to what I say. You are a gopī. Please understand who You were before. I describe great wonders. You are a very exalted a rare person in this world. Please carefully hear my description of You.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.100

śuna to-sabhāra kathā, āmi kahi guṇagāthā,
gokule janmilā jane jane
chāḍi’ nija pativrata, se kaila avirata,
abhimata pāñā vṛndāvane

Translation: Everyone please hear my description. Life after life You are born in Gokula. Rejecting Your vow of faithfulness to Your husband, You always serve Lord Kṛṣṇa. In this way You stay in Vṛndāvana.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, the glories of Rādhārāṇī are revealed here. Listen to the descriptions of Yourself. I will glorify Your qualities to take birth in Gokula life after life. You have given up Your vows of faithfulness to Your husband, and You are constantly engaged in the service of Lord Kṛṣṇa and in this consciousness, you are living in Vṛndāvana.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.101

pradhāna prakṛti tumi, kṛṣṇa-śakti rādhā tumi,
ki jāni tā kahibāre āmi.
ramaṇīra śiromaṇi, kṛṣṇa-prema-sohāginī,
tora tattva ki balite jāni

Translation: You are Lord Kṛṣṇa's most important potency. You are Kṛṣṇa's potency Rādhā. What do I know that I can describe You? You are the crest jewel of the beautiful gopīs. You deeply love Lord Kṛṣṇa. How can I describe the truth about You?

Jayapatākā Swami: You are the principle potency of the Lord. You are the energy of Kṛṣṇa, Rādhārāṇī, What I know I am saying, “You are the crown jewel of the ladies, You are the perfection of the pure love of Kṛṣṇa, What I know of Your actual position, I am telling.”

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.102

aichana karile bhakti, keho nahe samayukti,
parama niguḍha tina loke
brahmā, maheśvara, deva, lakṣimī ananta kibā,
tāke dhik parasāda toke

Translation: No one understands the great devotion You feel for Lord Kṛṣṇa. That devotion is the greatest secret in the three worlds. Brahmā, Śiva, Lakṣmī, Ananta…

Jayapatākā Swami: They all aspire for Your mercy.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.103

prahlāda-nāradādika, sanātana ādi śuka,
nā jānaye tora bhakti-leśa.
trailokya-lakṣimī-pati, cāhe tora pīriti,
sva-aṅge dharaye vara-veśa

Jayapatākā Swami: Prahlāda and Nārada, and all the Kumarās headed by Sanātana, Śukadeva Gosvāmī don’t understand even a fragment of Your pure devotion for Kṛṣṇa, that You have for the husband of Lakṣmī, who is the Lord of the three worlds. They all want Your blessings, asking for Your mercy. So now the husband of Lakṣmī, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, desires to understand Your love, so He has taken Your color, in His own body.

Translation: Prahlāda, Nārada, Sanat-kumāra, and all the sages and demigods do not understand even a small fragment of the devotion You feel for Lord Kṛṣṇa. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all the glory and opulence in the world, desires to feel the love that You feel. Therefore, He has now placed Your fair complexion on His own limbs.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.104

Lakṣimī yāhāra dāsī, tora prema prati-āśī,
hṛdaye’ dharaye anurāga
sakala-bhuvanapati, bhulāila se pīriti,
dhani dhani tomhāri sohāga

Translation: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose maidservant is Goddess Lakṣmī, yearns to feel the spiritual love You feel. He now holds that love in His heart. The master of all the worlds is now overcome by those feelings of love, the glorious love that You feel.

Jayapatākā Swami: This is revealing the confidential purpose of Lord Caitanya’s appearance, to understand the love that Rādhā feels for Him.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.105

torā se jānila tattva, prabhu-marma-mahattva,
pīriti bāndhili bhālamate
uddhava-akrura-ādi sabhe tora padasevī,
anugraha nā chāḍiha cite

Translation: You know the glories of Lord Kṛṣṇa's heart. With Your love You bind Him. Uddhava, Akrūra, and the other great devotees serve Your feet. In Your heart please do not stop being merciful to us.

Jayapatākā Swami: So Nārada muni is praying like this to Rādhārāṇī in the drama. But actually, Śrīvāsa is Nārada and Gadādhara is an avatar of Rādhārāṇī. They are playing in the drama, as Nārada and Rādhā. Very wonderful.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.106

eteka kahila vāṇī, śrīnivāsa dvijamaṇi,
śuni ānandita savajana
sakala vaiṣṇava mili’, sabhe kare kolākuli,
dekhi’ viśvambharera caraṇa

Jayapatākā Swami: Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura, the crown jewel of all the brāhmaṇas, playing the part of Nārada muni, he spoke this transcendental message, and all the Vaiṣṇavas present as the audience, felt transcendental bliss hearing his words. All the Vaiṣṇavas were overwhelmed, and started to embrace each other, as they saw the lotus feet of Lord Viśvambara.

Translation: In this way Śrīvāsa, the jewel of the brāhmaṇas, spoke. Hearing his words, the devotees became blissful. The Vaiṣṇavas embraced each other. They gazed at Lord Viśvambhara's feet.

Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.80

(tataḥ praviśati snātakenānugamyamāno nāradaḥ |)

(Followed by his servant, Nārada enters).

nāradaḥ: aye gandharva-rāja! kim ataḥ paraṁ vilambase?

Translation: Nārada: O king of actors, why are you late?

(iti tam anusandadhāti)

(He searches for the Director).

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.107

nācaye ānande bhorā, preme garagara tārā,
henakāle āilā haridāsa
daṇḍa eka kari’ kare, sammukhe dāmḍāiyā bole,
guṇa-gāya parama ullāsa

Jayapatākā Swami: Filled with transcendental bliss, they danced and acted, feeling waves of pure love, and at that moment arrived Haridāsa Ṭhākura, dressed as the director. So, he was standing and spoke, speaking the glories with great ecstasy.

Translation: Overcome with bliss and love, they danced. At that time Hariḍasa arrived. He held a stick in his hand. He respectfully stood before the Lord. Then he very joyfully sang the Lord's glories.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 9.108

hariṇaguṇa-saṅkīrtana, kara bhāi anukṣaṇa,
ihā bali aṭṭa-aṭṭa hāse
hariguṇagāne bhorā dunayāne bahe dhārā,
ānande phiraye cāri-pāśe

Translation: O my brothers, at every moment please sing the glories of Lord Hari (hari-guṇa-saṅkīrtana).", he said. Then he loudly, loudly laughed. As he sang Lord Hari's glories, flooding rivers of tears flowed from his two eyes. He joyfully looked in the four directions.

Jayapatākā Swami: Haridāsa Ṭhākura as the director, he was also one of the principle actors. It is said he laughed very intensely in ecstasy, and he was glorifying the Harināma-saṅkīrtana.

So, these so-called actors, were actually playing out the parts, with full enthusiasm and absorption. So, we can see that, they were experiencing actual ecstasy of love of Godhead, while performing the dramas. And it was a very wonderful drama, that they were performing. This is only the beginning of the drama, I think if we read, it will last the whole night, so I have to end here. I hope you are enjoying the drama of Lord Caitanya. We see that this is described in the Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka, in the Murari Gupta Kaḍaca, in the Caitanya-bhāgavata, and the Caitanya-maṅgala. So this is a very important līlā or pastime of the Lord, and we can see how through this drama, the glories of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa, the glories of the holy name, how the glories of devotional service, are being glorified. Hare Kṛṣṇa. Are there any questions?

Question: Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja! Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. I try to chant the holy names of Kṛṣṇa sitting still with straight back. But no matter how hard I try I cannot stand it and I have to get up. I do not have enough patience to endure the pain of the body. What to do?

Your spiritual daughter,
Yogeśvarī Jāhnavā devī dāsī.

Jayapatākā Swami: In chanting the holy names, there is no hard and fast rules. Apparently, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Prabhupāda, He personally liked to walk and chant. So, it is not necessary that one has to sit down and chant. If it gives you pain to sit straight, then you can stand up. But it is important to chant and hear the chanting. It is not so essential that you are sitting down, or standing, whatever helps you to concentrate on the chanting. If sitting down creates pain in your body, then you don’t have to sit down too long. You can stand up and dance, do the Swami step!

Question: Hare Kṛṣṇa dear Guru Mahārāja! Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. How can we understand the true nectar of Caitanya-līlā with very limited knowledge? Please enlighten.

Your aspiring disciple,
Keya Rāṇī.

Jayapatākā Swami: It’s not a question of knowledge to understand Caitanya-līlā, it’s a question of devotion and faith. To whatever extent you can realize it, you listen, and then as you find out again and again, every time you listen, you get some more realization. So, I am very glad you are attending these classes. Now maybe, if this gives you impetus to study more of the philosophy, and aspects of Lord Caitanya, that’s good and naturally, you can see the audience who was able to understand more, they could have a greater appreciation. But it is always deeper in the ocean of bliss, as you learn how to swim in the deep water of spiritual bliss, you will enjoy more and more. But I hope you are enjoying even now. Alright!

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī (9th July 2020)
Verifyed by JPS Archives (12th July 2020)
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