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20170810 A Talk at the TOVP Cakra Installation

10 Aug 2017|Duration: 00:38:54|English|Others|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20170810 His.Holiness.Jayapatākā Swāmi gave a talk at the T.O.V.P. Chakra Installation.

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande


Śrī Caitanya Iswaram 

Hari Oṁ Tat Sat.

Gurumahārājā: We were walking with Śrīla Abhayacharan Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, and how he was commenting that he wanted to make a spiritual city with the centre as the ṬOVP. Someone said, Temple of Understanding. He said, “No understanding. Temple of Vedic Planetarium. This will be according to the śāstras and Bhāgavatam” 

So, so many times he asked Ambarish Prabhu what he thought. He said, “We want to present our philosophy in science and... in our planetarium, the temple. Ambarish Prabhu said, “It sounds like a good idea.” Prabhupāda told him, “Then you finance it.” 

Then His Grace Ambarish Das, he built the main structure and left little service for us. So we are very grateful to Ambarish Das, Swahā Dāsī, for their contribution to make this possible. 

As we know that in Kṛṣṇa Prema we have the sentiment and the affection for Lord Caitanya. But we may not be that advanced, but the similar results are available by service attitude and enthusiasm. That Rūpa Goswāmi said that we should have enthusiasm, patience. So Prabhupāda was so enthusiastic. We are very grateful for the T.O.V.P team who have shown a tremendous service attitude.

Shadbhuja Das and our engineers, fund raisers, so many devotees. All those donor’s who have given donations or pledges from around the world. Their service attitude is really endearing. We remember that Lord Caitanya had Bhudimanta Khān and Śivānanda Sen offer costumes for drama. They were so happy for having being given service. Prabhupāda was very merciful that he gave us so much service. 

Śrīla Prabhupāda Ki........... Jaya

So we are working on all the explanations of the cosmology based on the chandelier in the main temple. We are also trying to explain that. The point is, just as Prabhupāda said, we will be quoting from the śāstras, that is our science. That the visible universe is explained by the Vedas, and parts of the universe which is beyond the possibility of modern science, is also described in the Vedas.

So, this will be a great preaching facility. Everyone should keep up their enthusiasm and service attitude. We thank Jananivās Prabhu and others who are going around and giving Lord Nityānanda’s Paḍuka’s. Special blessings. We know that the Chakra is the symbol of Viṣṇu’s sudarshana chakra. That this chakra will defend T.O.V.P and ISKCON. So we are very grateful that we have the opportunity to participate in this Sudarshana Chakran installation. 

Since there is a short time I will end here. Hare Kṛṣṇa (applause)

(Anchor) prabhu: Thank You Mahārājā. Thank you very much. Now I will invite Jananivāsa Prabhu to speak a few words. Jananivāsa Prabhu in his very elderly age, he was travelling with us from 2015. Ambarisha Prabhu and Bhavānanda Prabhu wanted him to travel in this tour. So it took him a great sacrifice to leave Māyāpur. 

When we went to America, he said two things which I promise myself I will never do in my life. So we asked what are the two things which you promised yourselves. He said, “The first thing when I joined in Māyāpur, I decided I will never travel to America. Kṛṣṇa, Rādhā-Mādhava broke that promise.” 

Then I asked, “What is the next promise which you made?” He said that, “I promised to myself when I joined in Māyāpur, I will never ask anyone for money, and Kṛṣṇa broke that promise also. In order to build this Māyāpur temple I would do anything for the glorification of Māyāpur, I would do anything.”

So Jananivāsa Prabhu now. Hare Kṛṣṇa.

Jananivāsa Prabhu: Hare Kṛṣṇa. TOVP ki Jaya. Śrīla Prabhupāda ki Jaya.

So it is a very auspicious place, time. Everything is auspicious. Where the Chakra is now, just behind that is where in 1972, Śrīla Prabhupāda laid the Ananta Deva for the foundation of the project here. So almost exactly the same spot. Just a little behind a little bit. And Śrīla Prabhupāda was so enthusiastic to do this project that he personally climbed down the hole. It was quite a deep hole, about 15 feet deep, and Prabhupāda was looking down, giving some directions and he decided to go down himself. Little rickety old bamboo lie there, and Prabhupāda was like a little boy. He was very youthful. Suddenly he just jumped down, hole is like a little elf or something like that. He was really happy during that period. He invited all his Godbrother’s here and everyone, and everyone was enamoured, Prabhupāda had 70 Western disciples with him... American and.. so many things were happening for the first time. 

So Prabhupāda showed so much enthusiasm for getting this project together. In one letter he was telling some person how he is building this temple to be 150 feet high temple. He is spending this much money, he has got Government permission, he has to this describing everything, and then Śrīla Prabhuapada said, “Now when Lord Caintanya Mahāprabhu’s happiness is there it will be taken up.” So, I think that Lord Caitanya will be very happy. So much is being taken up already. All these structure is almost, that is finished. So it appears that Lord Caitanya’s pleasure is there. So more and more we can increase Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s pleasure, the more and more speedy we will see the result of T.O.V.P. 

Śrīla Prabhupāda ki..... Jaya

Nitāi Gaura Premānande ... Hari Hari Bol.

Anchor Prabhu: Thank you Jananivāsa Prabhu. He told me a story also. I am going to tell a short story. 

When Bhakti Siddhāntha Saraswati Ṭhākura was building the Caitanya Maṭha, there was a bidi break. The workers used to have a bidi break, and Bhakti Siddhāntha Saraswati Ṭhākura, he said, “Please don’t take a bidi break. I will roll the bidi for you. Don’t worry. We don’t want to waste even one second. We want to complete this temple. We want to finish this temple.” Similarly we wanted to open this temple in 2022. No break. No break. 

So our team Shadbuja Prabhu, Prema Avatāra Prabhu. Prema Avatāra Prabhu is always in the back. Prema Avatāra Prabhu please come. Shadabhuja Prabhu has put in a lot of efforts so that there is no break. We will finish this temple for the pleasure of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Shadbuja Prabhu: TOVP ki Jaya and Śrīla Prabhuapada ki jaya, and all the assembled devotees who are here... Jaya.

On this very auspicious day, the homa that we are having is the beginning of the actually dome’s being completed, ready to do all the other embellishments all around. Now you can see this chakra here to the left. This is three and a half meter in diameter, made out of pure stainless steel, of course the best kind of steel. This is all done in Russia, mind you, and there is a liquid gold coating on there, pure gold. Not just a little layer but lot of gold in there. So this chakra, when it gets lifted up they will stay up there forever. It is not coming down again, and will be up there from this very moment up to the top of that dome. So today is that very auspicious day.

When we started the work here with the Russians coming from Moscow, the Russian engineers and the workers, and also the workers from Mayor team are also Russian devotees. They are doing all these work. 

We had a problem. The monsoon arrived, and for a period of time, two weeks ago, three weeks ago it wouldn’t stop raining, and I thought the monsoon nightmare has begun for me. How we are going to do this? How we are going to actually start working and doing the work, the welding up there, the plighting, the setting, the Titanium Nitrate. I thought it would be an impossible task. 

We all in the TOVP were praying very hard that this rain will stop, this monsoon rain would just ease off a little bit. I went to the temple, to Rādhā-Mādhava, and to all the deities I was praying, “Please somehow this rain has to stop.” And the next day through the blessing of all the Vaiṣṇavas it did stop, and I will be following the weather pattern. It is coming from the Bombay side, going down south, then crossing over towards Burma and Bangladesh missing us completely, and that pattern was there everyday and is still everyday upto today. Now I will be following it at least 10 times a day.

So it has been very auspicious for us to have no rain for these few weeks. Once we lift the chakra pray for rain, nobody blame me please.

So this is such a wonderful event to do this and have a beautiful Vaikuṇṭha breezes coming today. Very auspicious to actually lift that up there, the chakra. The Kalash is up there now, will be completed in about two days and one and a half days fully. 

You can see also the chatris are around. They are also gold, they have got the Titanium Nitrate there and we are now waiting for the next containers for the Narasiṁhadevā dome and the main dome for the devotees. We will be commencing that in about a few weeks time.

Also I want to make a plan by the mercy of the Vaiṣṇavas and Kṛṣṇa, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, from Prabhuapada that this coming Guara Pūrṇimā we will have the Narasiṁhadevā dome complete. So we are aiming for that, and also we are aiming for the main chakra on the main dome to be complete. If the main chakra on the main dome is seven meters... this is only 3.5, that is going to be an amazing task. So we would like to do that for Gaura Pūrṇimā. Even this chakra you see now is 1400 kilos. It’s no joke. It’s quite an accomplishment to do that. 

So you can see that, like I said by the mercy of everybody that this has come up so well. Hare Kṛṣṇa.

Sankarshan Nitāi Prabhu: So I am feeling very unqualified to speak in front of my Gurumahārājā and all the Śrīla Prabhupāda desciples and senior Vaiṣṇava here, and standing at the world headquarters of the ISKCON society... So I thank Amabarisa Prabhu to give this order to speak something. 

So my Gurumāhārāja told that this temple is a declaration of war against Kali and Māyā. So there will be a lot of obstacles to build this project, because as soon as this project will be built up, the Gaurāṅga’s message will be spread all over the world, and Jananivāsa Prabhu said that from this temple the service of Lord Gaurāṅga will spread all over the world. So this is the source, the energy of our saṅkīrtana movement.

So taking this opportunity, being the servant of the Māyāpur Project I appeal to the devotees from all over the world, those who are seeing on the Māyāpur Tv, please bless the TOVP team, please bless the Māyāpur Managament and all the devotees who are connected with this wonderful project so that we can complete this project in 2022, because as soon as we finish the building of this wonderful temple of Vedic planetarium, then real ISKCON will manifest. 

So this is our great privilege to be a part of this project and actually this is not a project of Māyāpur, this is not the project of ISKCON India, this is not the project of ISKCON, this is the project of the whole world. 

So this will be the head quarter of our Gaudia Vaisnivism, and the more we delay more we lose the mercy of Śrīla Prabhupāda. Just like Kṛṣṇa told Arjuna that, I have killed all the soldiers, but if you kill you will get the credit. Whether we built or we don’t build it will be built. It is already built. So whoever manifests this temple, they will get the credit. 

Although Vaiṣṇava’s don’t want to get the credit, but in order to get the mercy we should give our heart, energy and all our enthusiasm to manifest this project and complete it as soon as possible, and that will only be possible when we cooperate. Mahāprabhu wants to see that how much we cooperate. According to the level of our cooperation this temple will manifest.

So it is our prime duty as the followers of Śrīla Prabhuapda, to cooperate with each other, and by seeing our sincere cooperation Mahāprabhu will definite bless us, and by His blessings only this temple will manifest and complete in 2022. With this prayer I will end my talk. Thank you very much. 

Hare Kṛṣṇa. 

(Anchor) Prāhu: Hare Kṛṣṇa. Jayapatākā Mahārāja wanted to speak a few words. Before that one second. From Ambarisha Prabhu, Swahā Mātājī and the whole TOVP team there are so many viewers who are watching from all over the world. We have travelled all over the world, and all of those devotees have participated in this program, and every house you go, everywhere in the world they have Narasimahadevā, they have Rādhā-Mādhava, they have Panchattatva in their home. 

Māyāpur is their place of worship, and as Prabhupāda said it is really happening. We could see. So we thank all those devotees who have participated in this project and now I give it to Mahārāja. He wanted to make an important statement, very important statement. This would not be possible without the help of ... now Mahārāja is going to say.

Gurumahārājā: GBC has really taken up Prabhupada’s mission in supporting this. And TOVP has made some presentations to the GBC, and they are always pushing for more funds to be raised. 

On the GBC, some gurus have given their guru dakshinā. Some have told disciples to give lots of donations. So I wanted to say that ISKCON’s spiritual headquarters, the GBC is very much concerned that the Temple of Vedic planetarium is successfully completed and when the news came out there were many replies on the Internet expressing their appreciation. 

Also I wanted to thank our master of ceremonies who is heading up the Fund Raising, Bhraja Vilāsa Prabhu. He hasn’t been mentioned, but he is the one taking forward the fund raising at this time. Hare Kṛṣṇa.

Anchor Prabhu: I have one last statement to make, because this is fund raising and I cannot stop myself without asking for money. This is what I am here for. Hare Kṛṣṇa Prabhu. 

So today you see this chakra... and Jayapatākā Mahārājā, he is going to hoist this flag. Victory flag. This is a victory flag. 

Jayapatākā Mahārājā, the victory flag which he is going to hoist and we are going to put up the chakra.

So there are a lot of viewers who are seeing this program. There are a lot of you who are here. This is one of the greatest opportunities for all of you to come forward and participate, but at this time we want someone to sponsor the flag on the chakra for today which is just $25,000. We are going to hoist the flag, and that flag as a Prasad we will send it. Those we sponsor $25,000 or 15 Lakh you can do it three years. So the opportunity is there. The first flag which is being hoisted in Māyāpur, in the Temple of Vedic Planetorium. $25,000 or 15 Lakh. You can email me. You can contact me. Everywhere all the information are available.

So please take this opportunity and thank you all very much. With great gratitude. From the whole T.O.V.P team and Ambarisha Prabhu, with great gratitude, we thank you all very much. Hare Kṛṣṇa.



Transcribed by Sadānanda Krsnaprema Dāsa
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