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20130405 Ratha-yātrā Talk

5 Apr 2013|Duration: 00:16:23|English|Others|Dibrugarh, India.

20130405 His.Holiness.Jayapatākā Swāmi gave a Rathā Yatrā talk in Dibrugarh, India.

Gurumaharājā: How did you like the Rāmāyaṇa? [Haribol] 

Just like we saw a dramatic show of Rāmāyaṇa, the Lord He comes down from the spiritual world to perform His pastimes or Līlā’s. Just like an act on the stage, He plays His roles. I say roles because He extends Himself into a variety of forms. 

Lord Balram is Laxman. Kṛṣṇa comes as Ram and also Pradyumna, Anirudhya comes as His brothers – Bharat and Śatrughna. So those who are especially Ram Bhaktās, they come and they participate in these pastimes of the Lord. All the monkeys – some are parshadās of the spiritual world, some are deva’s from the spiritual planets. It is a big festival. The Lord has come down to our universe. Kṛṣṇa is the original form as Sankardev said, “eko deve eko sevak, eko binā nāhin keo“

So Lord Caitanya, “Ekole Ishwara Kṛṣṇa Aār sava Britya.” So Kṛṣṇa is the supreme Lord, others are His expansions or expansions of His expansions, or they are the devotees.

In Śrīmad Bhāgavatam it states, “Ete cāṁśa kāla puṁsāṁ Kṛṣṇas tu Bhagavān Swayam “ Also Lord Brahmā he is saying in the Brahmā Saṁhitā, “Iswara Param Kṛśā Sacidananda Vigraha anādir ādir Govindā Sarva Kāraṇa Kāraṇaṁ.” Kṛṣṇa is the supreme Lord and He is also known as Govindā. He is the cause of all causes, but He has no cause Himself. 

Also in the Rig Veda it is stated, “Kṛṣṇa’ Adi Puruṣa Kṛṣṇa’ Puruṣottama.”  

When Kṛṣṇa’ comes down, Lord Ram He was Eka Patnī Vrata, He had one wife – Sītā. So some rishi’s approached him and they wanted to serve Him as His wife, but He said that next avatar .... this avatar one wife Vrata. 

Like that each avatar has some special features. We know that Lord Rāma, He was very strict to follow all the rules and regulations. So when His father banished Him for 14 years He took it very seriously. That was His līlā. So, so many devotees would serve Him against Rāvaṇa. When Kṛṣṇa came He was first for 16 years in Vrindavan. So there He played the role as a simple cowherd boy, and He play on His flute and go out and tend the cows , but some miracles He performed like He lifted the Govardhan hill for seven days and seven nights with one finger . We can’t even lift our hand for seven days.  He lifted a whole mountain. Of course that is nothing because He lifts unlimited millions of universes, but for someone who is simply a cowherd boy  ..[.13.12??]... He suddenly showed immense capabilities. 

So the cowherd boys then they came to Nanda Mahārājā and they said, “Tell us. Who is your son? Who is He?  He just 13.52 the mountain. So Nanda Mahārāja said, “Garga Muni, a Rishi, he told us that... Lord Kṛṣṇa’s birth. He said that Lord Kṛṣṇa would display the powers of Nārāyaṇa, and that His presence in Vrindavana would bless the village and villagers. Then He went to Mathurā and liberated Devakī and Vāsudeva from the prison house of Kaṁsa. Later He shifted everybody from Mathurā to Dwaraka, and there He married 160108 queens . [applause] At least 160101 were from Assam. [applause] Narkāsur from Divya Pragjyotishpur, he captured 16,000 princesses, and then there  was Rukmiṇī Devī, and she is said to come from Assam. 

So some devotees are very fortunate, they can participate in the pastimes of the Lord. How would like to participate in the pastimes? [Haribol] 

How many of you would like to participate? [Haribol] Even by thinking about it the devotees become very blissful.

Last night I told how Lord Kṛṣṇa said that He would come in the beginning of the Kali Yuga, but He would come as a devotee. This was predicted in various scriptures. In the Bhāgavatam there is verse that says, 

kṛṣṇa-varṇaṁ tviṣākṛṣṇaṁ


yajñaiḥ saṅkīrtana-prāyair

yajanti hi su-medhasaḥ

That Kṛṣṇa would come, but He would not be black in colour. He would be coming like His expansions, His energies, His devotees, parshads, His weapons etc. He would chant the holy names congregationally, and those who are intelligent, they would join Him. 

Locandas Thakur, he sang a song, 

parama karuṇa, pahū dui jana

nitāi gauracandra

saba avatāra-sāra śiromaṇi

kevala ānanda-kanda


That the Lord is supremely merciful. He is known as Nitāi and Gaura Chandra. That amongst all the avatars they were considered the crown jewel or the śiromaṇi, because He gave a process which was completely blissful to perform. 

bhajo bhajo bhāi, caitanya nitāi

sudṛḍha biśwāsa kori

Worship the Lord Nitai-Gaur, Caitanya Nitāi with strong faith.

viṣaya chāḍiyā, se rase majiyā,

mukhe bolo hari hari 

Leave the sinful habits, be absorbed in spiritual bliss, and with the mouth always chant the holy names.

dekho ore bhāi, tri-bhuvane nāi,

emona doyāla dātā

Just see, who is there in this humanitory??25.50 powers ...???. who is the most merciful.

paśu pākhī jhure - – all the animals were crying, pāṣāṇa vidare - the stones melted

śuni' jāńra guṇa-gāthā - just hearing His glories. 

Lord Caitanya crossed the Jarkhanda forest. He got the animals, the tigers, the bears, the dears, all to dance together and give up fear. 

When Lord Jagannath is closed for 15 days, before the Rath ceremony Lord Caitanya felt extreme separation from Lord Jagannath. So he ran 11 Kilometres to the Alarnath temple, and he paid his prostrate obeisance’s to the deities, and the stone melted.  

Today you can see a stone with his body print melted in it. Kṛṣṇa took the mood of Rādhārāṇī and was feeling such deep separation. 

Lochan Das in the last stanza of the song, he says, 

saḿsāre majiyā, rohili poriyā,

se pade nahilo āśa

I am just fallen in the samsar and I have no desire, no hope for the lotus feet of Nitāi Gaura. 

āpana karama, bhuñjāye śamana,

kahoye locana-dāsa

Whatever I get, it’s just reactions to the karmas I did, that’s my fate. 

So there are two 31.34... everyone you have. We can engage in chanting the holy names, we can do bhakti yoga, then it is very easy to go back to the spiritual world, or we have a choice, “We can try to be good people. We have two accounts for our Karma. For good karma we get good account. Nice body, good education, beautiful wife, husband, enough money, and birth after birth after birth.

We got another account for our sinful actions, for all the intoxication we take, all the gambling we do and the extra-marital sexual activities we do, and other sins. 

So bad account is seen when we get diseased, suffering.... we get problems, actions from the bad karma reactions. So you have the two options. You can either take Nitai-Guar’s mercy and follow bhakti yoga..35.50-53.... all the great Vaiṣṇavas .... for bhakti yoga, that is one choice.

Another choice is to take your karma, and get the reactions we deserve.  

By the first process you go back to the spiritual world, and no more birth, death, old age and disease. But second  process, we  stay in the material world, but you get your karma. 

So we just want to take a survey. How many of you like the mercy of bhakti yoga process [Haribol] 

Raise your hand [applause]

How many of you would like to have your karma? I don’t see any hand. 

We want to see, we would like to see you get back to the spiritual world. [Hari bol]

This is a fine place – Dibrugarh, the bhakti yoga process could achieve all the success.

And simple application of this Bhakti Yoga process could achieve all success.  

Anyway Lord Caitanya’s extended pastimes are still going on and you will be part of them now 

By only to distribute 40.17?  Kṛṣṇa Consciousness to everyone. 

So we hope the husbands and wife’s will practice this together 

Haribol [applause]




Transcribed by Sadānanda Krsnaprem Das
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