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20130412 Safari Talk

12 Apr 2013|Duration: 00:29:43|English|Public Address|Silchar, India


Mukha karoti…

(Transcribed and translated from Bengali to English)

Sri Krishna came in Dvapara yuga. And to perform His Krishna leela, the Yaduvanshis and the Vrshnis also incarnated. In this kali yuga, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came and many devas and devis also came to enact and assist Him in the Caitanya Lila. Brahma arrived after stealing the cowherd friends of Krishna and the cows. And Brahma understand that Krishna would come in kali yuga as Caitanya Mahaprabhu and that is why he wanted to come and offer service to the Lord. So Brahma came to Navadvip and in Antardvip he started doing kirtan. Gauranga! Gauranga! This way he was chanting the names of Lord Gauranga and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. Then the four-headed Brahma offered his obeisances to Lord Gauranga. He would offer obeisances, then offer stuthis in praise of the Lord and then again offer obeisances to Lord Gauranga. But Brahmadev could not describe the extremely beautiful form of Lord Gauranga perfectly. Lord Gauranga asked him, why did you call Me? Brahmadev said, most of my life has finished but even now my nature is to commit offense. I want that I be released from these offenses and my natural constituent Krishna prema will rise. I implore before you that I want to be part of Your leela. Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, so be it! Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu said you will take birth in a non-Hindu home and that way you will learn humility. And every day you will chant 300,000 Holy Names. This way you will be the Namacharya. This way your Krishna Prema will rise. And You will be with Me. Your name will be Haridas. Haribol! Haribol! This way Haridas Thakur is the incarnation of Brahmadev. This way to participate in the leela of Lord Caitanya, demigods from the Satyalok, Devalok, Golok, and other lokas came. 

One part of this leela took place very close to Silchar! Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Sylhet and East Bengal. Locanadas Thakur has highlighted this – parama koruna bahu dui jona Nitai Gaura Chandra. This Gauranga and Nityananda are the most merciful. They are Bhagavan but have come as devotees. And Nitaichand very humbly roamed around Nadia. In this way Gaura Nitai performed Their leela to liberate everyone. Sabho avatar saaro shiromani kevala aananda kandha. There are a lot of avatars but amongst them none of them are as merciful as these. And the path they have shown, in that path there is only absolute bliss. This singing, dancing, partaking prasadam, talking Krishna katha, blissful talks – this is the path shown by Sri Caitanya and Nityananda prabhu. This way, Krishna says, He comes in every yuga – sambhavaami yuge yuge. And He says, paritraanaaya saadhunaam vinashayacha dushrkitaam. In Ram Leela, Lord Ramachandra killed Ravana with weapons. Whereas Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not have any violent weapons. His weapons were His beauty, His mridanga and kartals, Krishna prasad and mercy. How did Nityananda deliver Jagai and Madhai? That cannot be compared. Bhajo bhajo bhai Caitanya Nitai, sudruda vishwasa kori – hold on to the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, follow Their path and give up all sinful activities and experience unlimited bliss. Shei raase maajhiya, mukhe bolo Hari Hari. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given this method to all by which we can easily reach Krishna loka. This kind of facility is not available in any other yuga, not in any leela, not by any avatar. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is so merciful, who is qualified, who is not qualified, without even considering this, He is freely distributing the Holy Names of Krishna, Krishna Prema. 

Dekho oh re bhai tribhuvane nai eimono doyalo daatha, pashu Paakhi jure, paashana bidore, shuni jaara guna gaatha. Just think, whose mercy is more? There are many merciful people. Amongst them who is the most merciful? If you think you will see that the mercy of Nitai Gaur is in comparable. In the forest of Jarikhanda, Gauranga, the birds and beasts are hugging each other and there is no fear and they are dancing in ecstasy. In Jagannath Puri in some places like Allarnath, Puri temple, there stones have melted which can be seen even today. His body melted stones. So much feeling of separation that even stones melted. So much mercy, so much love. My gurudev, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad said that we couldn’t follow Caitanya Mahaprabhu – He had hugged and danced with the birds and beasts – this we cannot do. But if the humans chant Hare Krishna, this we can do. We are seeing how people all over the world are chanting Hare Krishna and feeling bliss. Now Locanadas is saying, sansaare mojhiya roili podiya, shei pothe naahilo aas – I am in the material world and I have no chance of getting the mercy of Nitai Gaur, I have no desire.Aapono karama bhunjaye shamana, kohoye Locanadas, I am reaping my karma. Whatever karma I have done, I am getting the resultant fruit. I have no desire for Nitai Gaur’s mercy. Which path should I take? There are many airlines in which they say, thank you very much for flying our airlines. There are many such airlines. You have taken our airline, we are very happy. We hope to see you again. Like this there are two options. Either do karma yoga and reap the fruit, this path is there, as their karma, so they will get the rewards. The other option is depend on the mercy of Gaura Nitai. Be it Krishna Leela, Ram Leela or Caitanya Leela, serving the Lord and trying to get Krishna Prema and reach the Lord’s spiritual world where there is no death, no birth, no disease and no old age. So which path will I take? I will take a vote now. Who all here would like to take the path of karma yoga? Do karma and suffer or enjoy the results. If you eat meat and fish then you get such karma. This is one path. The other path is the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda. Follow Their path and get out of the material world and reach the spiritual world. So two paths – path of karma and Nitai Gaur’s path. Those who want to go the karma path, please raise your hands! Those who want Nitai Gaur’s mercy, say Haribol! Haribol! Nitai Gaur Haribol! So most of you want Nitai Gaur’s mercy path. So this way Nitai Gaur’s mercy can be experienced in Krishna Leela, Gaura Leela. Nitai Gauranga, Nitai Gauranga, Jaya Nitai Gauranga, Nitai Gauranga! I hope that you all liked the program presented by the safari today. I had a desire to visit Silchar for quite some time. With great difficulty I have made it. It took us 14 hours from Shillong to here, very tedious. With great difficulty the drama was presented. I hope that all of you will all do some Hari naam every day. Hari naam is the yuga dharma of the kali yuga. In the 12th canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam there is a sloka, kaler doshe nidhe rajan – this kali yuga is an ocean of faults. Meaning countless number of faults. asti hai ek mahan guna – but there is one, just one very good quality, not two not three, but one. What is that?  kirtanaad eva krishnasya mukta sanga param vrajeth – in this kali yuga if anyone chants the name of Krishna, their association with maya will be severed. And they will reach the Supreme destination. Even then many are not chanting. Do not do Hari naam. Why? Why? Those who chant like it. But people ask, why are you chanting? What is the use of this chanting? What happiness do you get from this chanting? They don’t understand. There is no limit to this happiness. So this was a short talk and I hope that all of you do Hari naam and get the benefit of having got this human life and try to help others as well. Haribol!



Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari dd
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