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20130410 Initiation Talk

10 Apr 2013|Duration: 00:17:30|English|Initiation Address|Guwahati, India


(Translated from Bengali to English)

Jai Sri Krishna Caitanya…

I like coming to this temple, Nitai Gaurachandra Parama Karuna, the most merciful. If we worship Them, we can get the mercy of Krishna Prema. So many qualified, non-qualified, educated uneducated all got Their mercy. Now Nitai Gaur have taught us to do bhakti yoga. All of you do very nice kirtan! Along with that it is necessary that you get knowledge of the shaastra and philosophy. I wish that all of you go to the spiritual world. There are four things in Kali yuga that destroy dharma. One is intoxication. Next is gambling. Other is eating meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic. And illicit sex, sex outside of marriage. You have to stay clear of these four sinful activities. Also every day, you have to chant sixteen rounds. Whoever is taking initiation today has to take vows to follow these instructions. Other than that you should have some knowledge of the scriptures and know, who am i? Many people think they are this body. (Raise your hands who think so). And who of you think that I am the atma? (raise your hands). In this way we are eternal souls. In this way many questions are very easy. What is the difference between body and soul? Sanatan Goswami was a Prime Minister. But he went to Lord Caitanya and said, that people say I am a pandit but I am a fool because I do not know, who am I? I beg You to please tell me. Who am I? Lord Caitanya said, jivera swarupa hoi  Krishna nitya das. Haribol! 

Like this there are so many easy questions, like 13 or 15 questions, why do we call Shri Krishna, Bhagavan? What is ISKCON? Who is A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad? We have over 500 temples of Iskcon all over the world and thousands and thousands of Namahattas. All these were established by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. I wish that you should learn these questions and answers. You should be able to answer if someone asks a question. Like wearing the tilak, taking prasadam, learn all this. Wherever you live, you will then be able to wear tilak, take prasadam and teach others. In this way, wherever you are, you will be able to do bhakti yoga. Those who are more educated, they can learn a little more but learning less has its advantage. Today you will all get special blessings and there will be performance of fire sacrifice, yagna for purification. Shelter will be given to those who chant 16 rounds and those who do less will be aspiring devotees. In this way, by giving you more knowledge, we will help you advance. I will come again here and given initiation but in case anyone is qualified earlier they can come to Mayapur to take initiation. If one wants to get some more knowledge, then we can make arrangements for that in Mayapur. Keshav das prabhu will educate you and also we will send devotees from Mayapur now and then. You have to all be firm in your service. Now all of you can get blessings, those who are taking shelter and aspiring will also resolve to be firm and those of you who are taking initiation will also get that. 


Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari dd
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