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20120124 Talk

24 Jan 2012|Duration: 00:35:58|English|Bhagavad-gītā|Kolkata, India

20120124 H.H.Jayapatākā Swāmi Mahārājā gave a talk in Kolkāta, India.


Bhagavat Gita, Chapter 11, Text 3:

evam etad yathāttha tvam
ātmānaṁ parameśvara
draṣṭum icchāmi te rūpam
aiśvaraṁ puruṣottama


O greatest of all personalities, O supreme form, though I see You here before me in Your actual position, as You have described Yourself, I wish to see how You have entered into this cosmic manifestation. I want to see that form of Yours.


The Lord said that because He entered into the material universe by His personal representation, the cosmic manifestation has been made possible and is going on. Now as far as Arjuna is concerned, he is inspired by the statements of Kṛṣṇa, but in order to convince others in the future who may think that Kṛṣṇa is an ordinary person, Arjuna desires to see Him actually in His universal form, to see how He is acting from within the universe, although He is apart from it. Arjuna’s addressing the Lord as puruṣottama is also significant. Since the Lord is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is present within Arjuna himself; therefore He knows the desire of Arjuna, and He can understand that Arjuna has no special desire to see Him in His universal form, for Arjuna is completely satisfied to see Him in His personal form of Kṛṣṇa. But the Lord can understand also that Arjuna wants to see the universal form to convince others. Arjuna did not have any personal desire for confirmation . Kṛṣṇa also understands that Arjuna wants to see the universal form to set a criterion, for in the future there would be so many imposters who would pose themselves as incarnations of God. The people, therefore, should be careful; one who claims to be Kṛṣṇa should be prepared to show his universal form to confirm his claim to the people.

Gurumaharaja: So, this is the beginning of the Viswarup, and here Krsna shows how every being is coming from him. You see in Kaliyuga there are many who claim to be Bhagavan. So, you can say that. “Lord Krsna – He claimed to be Bhagavan. He showed the universal form. Please show your universal form. If you cannot show the universal form, then you are a liar, you are not God.” 

In Padma Purana there is glorification of each chapter of Bhagavad-gita. In the 11th chapter there is description by Lord Siva about the importance of chapter 11. There Lord Siva, he told a devotee that used to visit holy places. So, in his travels he came to one village, and he asked, “Is there a guest house or a dharmashala or something, somewhere to stay?” 

“Ha, Ha, Ha Ha.....Guest house.... Ha Ha.... Ha Ha......” (applause) 

Translation? (laughter) 

So the traveller, he wondered why they are laughing. Anyway he went to the guest house, and there he talked to the guest-keeper He was told – he closed the guest house at 9 P M – here is the toilets, here is the store room, and I come in the morning and open the door at 7 O’clock. And the guest was filled with people. 

So, then the guest keeper said, “Sweet dreams... Ha... Ha.. Ha... “ and he locked the door. 

“Strange! Why everybody laughs?” 

So, he went to his room. Then he entered in the room and he started chanting the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita in his room. It was his habit to chant the 11th chapter of the Bhagavat Gita every morning and every night. When he woke up in the morning the whole guest house was empty, but the door was locked. He was surprised. How is it possible that the door is locked still, and nobody is there in the guest house? It is empty. At 7’O’clock the guest keeper came and opened the door. He opened the door, “Ohhhhh.... “ 

“Why are you surprised to see me?” 

“Ah ............”

“This is really a strange ...? [16.40] “ (laughter)

So, he was walking down the road, and one person came, he was crying and praying, “Please save my son. Cannot anyone save my son? Please save my son, you can always save my son...” 

“How can I save your son?” 

“Just tell me you will do it, then I will tell you.” 

The man, he told the traveller, “You tell me you will save my son and I will tell you how.” 

“Just tell me how can I save your son?” 

“On the top of the mountain there lives a demon and that demon used to eat the people of this village. Thereafter the leader of village went to see that raksasaha. The raksasha said, “Ok, Whoever stays in this guest house I will eat them up, and I will not eat your children.” 

So I went to see him. “That give me back my son” and rakshasa he said, “How is that you say that I ate your son?” 

My son, he invited a friend over, but by accident a friend came in the guest house, and my son went to the guest house to get him out, but got caught inside, and the friend and my son got eaten by you. But you promised that you will not eat our children. So give me back my son. Then the rakshasa told him, “There is a person who stayed in the guest house. He chants the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, and that’s why I could not eat him, and if he chants over some water touches?23.00 on my head, I will be saved from this curse, and your son will be saved. 

So you see you are the only one who can save my son... please please, you can do it... you are the only one... please help my son ha ha ha....

So the traveller then, he knew why in the guest house everybody was laughing, because it was not really a guest house, it was a raksasha feeding station ..........  

Then he agreed ........... ok, I will go with you...

So he went to the top of the hill. Aaaaa . There he saw the raksasa. He started to chant the 11th chapter of the Bhagavat-gita over some water. 

evam etad yathāttha tvam
ātmānaṁ parameśvara
draṣṭum icchāmi te rūpam
aiśvaraṁ puruṣottama

So after completing the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, he poured the water over the head of the raksasha. As soon as the water  touched the raksasha’s head, then immediately he became freed from the curse of being a raksasha and came back to his original form of a human being, and his son was also freed. Visnuduta’s came to take his son back to the spiritual world. So, the boy he got on the divine airplane to go back to the spiritual world. His father said, “Please, please, come home.”

“Father, look I am being taken back to Godhead.”

“What about your little sister here, your cat, your dog? You can go later. Your mother will miss you.”

“No, but they are ?28.49... but I am going back to the spiritual world. [Haribol]

“Don’t go away... We need you... without you....ha ha ” 

“Listen, you chant the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad-gita and you will soon go back.”  [Haribol]  

“I will wait for you in Vainkuntha loka. Please come there.” 

“Good bye.” 

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.” .............. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. (repeated by devotees) 

Thus his son was going to Vaikuntha dham, but his father wanted to take him home, was becoming obstacle.

What should parents do if their son goes to Vaikuntha Loka. Should they feel happy or should they stop him? 

You see, if your son and daughter gets a ticket back to Godhead your 14 generations also get free tickets. Some are ancestors and some are descendents. So, each chapter of the Bhagavad-gita has some divine mahatva... 

So I am also very happy to share that with you. You should chant the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, then no raksasha can eat you. [Haribol] You will also get the eternal service of the Lord.

Transcribed by Sadananda Krsnaprem Das
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