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20120812 Talk at the Māyāpur Jhulan-yātrā Festival.

12 Aug 2012|Duration: 00:15:43|English|Others|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Following is a talk given by H.H. Jayapataka Swami on August 12th 2012 in Sridham Mayapur. The talk was given at the Jhulan Yatra festival.

I am very happy that we get at least one day to participate in the Radha Madhava Jhulan Yatra. Jhulan Yatra is a very special festival because we get the opportunity to serve the Deities directly. We get a chance to swing Them. Those who are initiated, those who are Brahmins, those who are not initiated everyone gets a chance. Stri, vaisyas, sudras everyone who have come to pull get a chance. 

I heard that in Barsana, Radharani was sitting next to Krsna. Then the gopis were swinging Radha Madhava. So Radharani she grabbed onto Krishna so that She will not fall. So Krishna, He got very glad that He and Radharani were embracing. While swinging the jhulan, She automatically embraces Him. Radharani hugs Krishna. So this festival is very dear to Krishna. We are also so much happy because this Navadwip Dham is especially Radharani’s Dham. She made Navadvip Dham to please Krishna and She offered it to Krishna. So He accepts this offering of Radharani. When He appears here He takes the mood and colour of Radharani. Therefore He is known as Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga! So one of Radharani’s names is Gaurangi and Lord Caitanya is Gauranga. 

So always this is a very special festival which is observed by all the temples in Vrindavan. Here also we observe it.  People have come from all over to participate. It starts on ekadashi and ends tomorrow on Balaram Purnima. We are especially very very encouraged that this festival is promoted and done by the youth of Mayapur. They use their intelligence how to bring every 9.26…10.19. We pray that Radha Madhava give Their special blessings to all the youth of Mayapur! Haribol! Please also give your special blessings. Three times we chant Nitai Gaura Haribol! Nitai Gaura Haribol! Nitai Gaura Haribol! Nitai Gaura Haribol!

Krishna, He is the Lord of Lords. 

īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ


anādir ādir govindaḥ


So He is the cause of all causes and He Himself has no cause. He is the original Personality of Godhead. He is called Rasashekar. He expresses relations of all the Rasas. He is the master of all the masters, best of the best.  He is our dear friend. For Arjuna He was Parthasarathi. For the cowherd boys in Vrindavan, He was a friend. Dauji ka bhaiya, Krishna kanhaiya. Krishna Kanhaiya, dauji ka bhaiya, Krishna Kanhaiya, dauji ka bhaiya, Krishna Kanhaiya, dauji ka bhaiya. For Nanda and Yasoda He was the ideal son. Maybe Bhagavan was born here, but they thought He is our real son. Also He shows He is the ideal husband. So He satisfies all the moods. Lord Caitanya the system of worshiping of Krishna in Vrindavan is best. So we should take shelter of Radha Madhav and Mayapur Chandra Lord Caitanya. This is the instruction of Radharani. There is nothing above or beyond this.

Tags: Jhulan Yatra, Radharani, Radha Madhava, Vrindavan

Transcribed by ISKCON Balaramdesh
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