The following is a class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on September 23rd, 1995 in Miami Florida the class begins with a reading from the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam third canto chapter twenty verse fifty-three.
āsām aho caraṇa-reṇu-juṣām ahaṁ syāṁ
vṛndāvane kim api gulma-latauṣadhīnām
yā dustyajaṁ sva-janam ārya-pathaṁ ca hitvā
bhejur mukunda-padavīṁ śrutibhir vimṛgyām
Purport by His divine grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda:
The word ‘viraktimat’ in this verse means “possessed of the qualification of renunciation.” Spiritual realization cannot be attained by materialistic persons. For those who are addicted to sense enjoyment, spiritual realization is not possible. In Bhagavad-gītā it is stated that those who are too attached to seeking material possessions and material enjoyment cannot reach yoga-samādhi, absorption in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Propaganda that one can enjoy this life materially and at the same time spiritually advance is simply bogus. The principles of renunciation are four: (1) to avoid illicit sex life, (2) to avoid meat-eating, (3) to avoid intoxication and (4) to avoid gambling. These four principles are called tapasya, or austerity. To absorb the mind in the Supreme in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is the process of spiritual realization.
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Thus, end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the third Canto twentieth chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam entitled “Conversation between Maitreya and Vidura”.
So, from these verses of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam we can see how it different residents of the different levels of the universe were created. How he created the siddhas, the kimpurushas and how He had given also to manu.
Manu is the progenitor of human race from other human beings who brought to this planet if you try to figure out the evolution the mundane as they trying to figure out the evolution as if everything started here but they don't realize that some point of time human beings are brought to this planet from another planet we don't originally but not always here when the Manu came into the being the other creatures created before Manu. Well, he came in the being then they made him to give a big applause, they said this is a very good very good entity they appreciated Brahmā ’s creation.
Humans is a good(Gurudeva applauding) they were given applause, mentions here in the fiftieth verse I'm seeing the Manus those who have been created earlier the demigods, gandharvas and so on afforded Brahmā , the Lord of the universe because the human beings are connected with the higher living entities in a unique way the higher living entities have got several type of bodies, they don't need to eat to live they have another ecosystem, ecological system they depend upon human beings having sacrifice and by the humans having sacrifice they're able to live and get strength (pause)
It's a lean period right now in the heavenly planets that's why they appreciate very much this, who is doing Harinām?
The Devas are getting a feast every time if you chant the holy name regularly feeding how often grows out now six days a week which is the fast day for the devas? but here the temple has of Sunday feast so anyway lot of temples do Sunday feast.
So Devas can survive one birthday anyway, it’s not the first how this actually works is something pointed are your conceivable task but the administrators of the universe they get tax when we offer worship to Kṛṣṇa they get a share of it just like when you offer your taxes to the central government and some of it comes back to the state government for the interstate for different what funds, education and so on.
So even though you offer their worship to Kṛṣṇa the devas also they get directly from Kṛṣṇa’s blessings so the way they see it it's coming, when people the worship the devas directly then the devas may also get.
What happens is like nowadays people don't tend to offer their worship properly if it's not offered properly then they don't get.
So before the devas are seeing that people on the planet or performing spiritual activities they were promoted the other end is always despite point between the devas and the demons, the demons were out to get today whereas they feel that the humans by doing sacrifice are helping the devas so they want to infiltrate within the human race and stop all forms of sacrifice. In this way the demons get powerful and the demigods the devas, devatas they become weaker.
When Bali mahārāja achieved we just recently had the Vamana Dwadashi observed here, also sure so mentions in the Bhagavatam when Bali maharaja achieved conquered Indra hoody and sat on the seat of Indra at that time he could control the all three worlds but his guru and the Brahmā nas told them that being in a heavenly planet you will burn up so much good karma but you will not be able to stay here very long therefore you had to do sacrifice.
So, the Devas they can do sacrifice themselves also rather they are only dependent on us it's like a bonus when we do it they also share.
So that makes them have an interest to send spiritual people from the higher planets to this planet to uplift the society and according to the Mormons they say that Jesus is a son of lord Brahmā he's the manasputra of Brahmā I'm not saying I have no way of documenting that one way or the other but they did mention like that of course because their concept of God the Father is he is only a creator one universe.
And there are many such universes with many similar creators and each one is Jesus is the son one of his sons the best son so it fits more or less the description of lord Brahmā s with Ananta koṭi brahmāṇḍa unlimited brahmāṇḍas.
Whether he's a son of Brahmā or he comes from a higher planet but occasionally this deva they do come down when Lord Caitanya was here there were many devas who came down and participated in Lord Caitanya's pastimes.
It’s mentioned in the Caitanya Caritāmṛta Adi two and the purports some of the people who came for the residence of the higher planets.
Of course, Lord Brahmā came as Haridas Thakur Brahmā Haridas like that different associates came.
Kartikeya came as someone I forget so the worst day tells that the sons of Lord Brahmā have got some special potency Brahmā kept his body pure so his body was characterized by these good qualities and many more deep meditation, mental concentration, supernatural power, austerity, adoration and renunciation this adoration of Kṛṣṇa.
These qualities of Lord Brahmā for handed down to his mental sons for a great rishis with these the qualities of Lord Brahmā they were very prominent you can see how pure Lord Brahmā is that his body naturally has his good qualities people previously the persons were born in a Brahmā nical family would have this type of good quality and most of the Brahmā nas the gotras of the Brahmā nas you can trace back to some mental son of Brahmā like they'll say what is your gotra?
Varadraj gotra,the Kashyapa gotra different prajāpati's who were pro- generators they trace it back was quite interesting because this is nowhere written it is what the son heard from the father that we originally are coming from this prajāpati.
So it was handed that information is been handed down since the beginning of humankind since the creation that this is the progenitor were coming from, this from father to son of course in the West we lost our link from the Prajapati we were like the not the pedigree dogs the other ones(devotees laughing) mixed and of course even now that pedigree is their name in India but they may be necessarily kept up the proper practices either.
So, in Kali yuga this is big problem Kalau sudra sambhavat. Kali Yuga everyone is born boy with the sudra qualities but by samskaras by spiritual rectification then one can get purified and can achieve these spiritual qualities.
So the manasa putras or the mental sons of Brahmā they immediately had all these great qualities the other way of getting such qualities is by a gradual cultivation through spiritual practices and Brahminical culture these are called Brahmā tej potency of the spiritual Brahmā n which is within Lord Brahmā they've also that these kind of qualities are not the qualities that people are really appreciating so much nowadays that is someone who can do deep meditation as mental concentration, supernatural power, austerity and renunciation, adoration of the Lord.
There's no Celebi and the newspapers as the things that people are looking for they're trying to find who can jump higher who can run faster who is more physically powerful who can knock out the other guy and some fight is in a very low level.
But in the Vedic culture they would appreciate these higher qualities if someone have developed these qualities they were worship able people won’t considered worship able because they have become very physically strong or because they're physically they were very developed that was the śūdra quality physically if you became or some extent Kṣatriya so those who were more into the physical side the śūdra’s for the working and Kṣatriya for the fighting ministry but the people would respect the Brahminical culture because they have all these higher good qualities which allowed them to see things as they were.
A very objective way when Lord Caitanya was a little baby vista toddler he was walking in the courtyard he wasn't able to walk very well he was very young somehow, he gets this barely kind of walk sometime he was crawling that age he was sitting in a courtyard and
Mother Śacī actually mother Śacī then picked Him up and sat down and was feeding Him her breast milk but all of a sudden at that time her courtyard filled with celestial beings the armors and different for garlands and helmets and crowns and decorations some are one head some are two head somewhat different numbers of hands and different features she was amazed to see all these denizens from other planets suddenly appear within her house she wanted to call her husband.
Jagannatha Misha was at time taking rest in the pujari room right next to the altar room in a little pujari room there taking a nap and but she was frozen she couldn't move, she couldn't speak kind of like what the UFO people say happens she was completely frozen and she just took the baby from a lap and she wanted to scream but no sound was coming nothing was happening.
And she just and she saw that then immediately assembled a jeweled singhasan in the middle of courtyard and put the baby Chaitanya there on the top and some priestly looking denizen from the higher planet came and he organized a mahā Abhishek of baby Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga (GuruMaharaj chanting)
they all were chanting
Gaurāṅga (Guru maharaj Chanting)
How they are chanting?
Gaurāṅga (By all devotees) Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga
(By all devotees) they chanted louder than that she can feel the whole universe filling with the sound of Gaurāṅga and there was a cymbal playing and there was a musical instrument and so much sound was there she's wondering why Jagannatha Mishra is not waking up.
Why my husband's like waking us so much noise conch shells blowing they're doing this abhishek and then they dry off the baby put him on the ground and then Nimāi started to walk and the veranda of the house and she could hear the sound of an ankle bell ching ching ching ching she looked He had no ankle bells a sound was too coming then Lord Chaitanya turned to all of the devas they're all standing they were all fold with hands and
He said chant
Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
they all began chanting and dancing when they were dancing then Nimāi He started a little child Gaurāṅga started to dance there were mother Śacī saw Nimāi dancing and all these residents of the higher planets also doing kirtan and dancing it became too much for her brain she Aaaaaaah she fell over when she fell boom she hit the ground she hit the ground that sound Jagannatha Mishra could hear (devotees laughing) , Śacī ……. my dear Śacī you, all right? What is that sound?
Finally, she woke up and hearing his voice started crying he ran what's wrong and she arrived here and grabbed them and was just crying says what's wrong?
Why are you crying you know she's like so faint up all the things he just saw she looked around everything was like it was before there me I was in the Son playing with something she told what she had seen she said what is it, is it just a dream really happen it looked he didn't see any yogurt and all the abhishek with no man and others no symptom or anything happening so tell me this well!
What's that it's been a dream and while they were talking you know then they heard this ankle bells ching, ching, ching they saw Nimāi walking the sound of an ankle bell was coming but there was no ankle bell on his feet maybe it is true maybe it did happen of course the Devas they can manifest all these things and they can leave and not leave any trace I can do it on another dimension which she could see but he could not see her here.
Lord Caitanya is the Lord of all the world's He is the Lord of all the planets He is Lord of the spiritual and the material world He is.
So, self-realization means to absorb the consciousness in Kṛṣṇa anything which takes our mind away from absorbing ourselves in Kṛṣṇa that's Maya it's an obstacle at least we need they have a regular period every day when we are absorbing our self in Kṛṣṇa.
The Lord Caitanya is coming in this world has a very special occurrence yogis they absorb themselves by doing the prāṇāyāma and it's a very difficult process takes so many years and years and years to do it, lifetimes.
But by Lord Chaitanya’s mercy even the great Yogi's they can they're anxious to join the sankirtan movement for some yogis it is mystic powers their obstacles you know the story about the yogi that got in trouble with Ram with Abhiram Thakur you know Abhiram thakur was one of our Nityānanda’s associates he was sridham in Kṛṣṇa līlā then he was directly integrated in the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya.
He never went back to the spiritual world actually he had run around in Govardhan in cave there is an another whole story how Nityānanda came there and claimed him he went in they start calling out “Sridham, come out, come out of the cave” and Sridham was in the feeling separation from Kṛṣṇa and he came out he said who are you?
Your midget because he was told that Dwapara yuga size people were much bigger this is Kali Yuga I am Balarām, you don’t look like Balarām then why you so small? I told you it's Kali Yuga everybody smaller now so I took this form appear Balarām and Balarām.
He always beat me in a race around Govardhan so let's see if you're really Balram on your mark gets set! “Go” and he was off Nityānanda was running anyway and He was going going going all the around Govardhan and going and going all the way around the Govardhan and going away around the Govardhan He fully around the Govardhan hill all over the other side you make me running fully around the Govardhan, Sridhan and Nityānanda they are going on and on and going on its final stage was coming and it was Nityānanda on the lead, and its Nityānanda all the way,
Nitāi Gaura Premānande!! Hari Haribol!!!!!,
Then Sridham said yes ok You must be Balarām no one else could defeat me.
So, what is always you talking about Kali-yuga and you don't know it's been here for five thousand years I was just thinking about Kanaih Kṛṣṇa time must have gone?
So look at Kanaih is already gone back to the Goloka and come back again He is come now as Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu as a son of Śacī and He is in Navadwip and I just got the information that He starting the sankirtana movement He is going to be spreading the holy names so why don't you come and join us said alright I would like to do it but He can't go like this you know like you come over here then Nityānanda put his hand on his head shrunk down the Kaliyuga size(devotee laughing) says okay let's go and two of them went to Nabadwip.
So there are many pastimes Abhiram Thakur was always there and then he went with he was also in Jagannath Puri but then he went back with Nityānanda when he was sent to preach in Bengal so at one point Nityānanda assigned him an area for preaching and he was responsible for delivering the whole area and he had a team of Sankirtan devotees and they would plan out where to do Harinām , where to do festivals, where do different kinds of programs, house programs how to bring all the people to Caitanya Mahāprabhu Sankirtan movement they systematically worked out the programs.
In this way he established a beautiful temple of Gopinath and a big Kunda built and Nityānanda.
He would be going around Bengal when any went to that area by the side of river called the kanai river so is called Kanakula Kṛṣṇa Nagar place of Kṛṣṇa not the Kṛṣṇa Nagar by in the Māyāpur but it is another one in Hooghly district.
So there was a very big tree called Bakhul tree this is a special tree were very small flower as small leaves also leaves are like so big and a flower just small but highly scented when you make a garland from those flowers even you can keep it for six months when I try it always has a good scent also.
So usually there is fruit but this tree is favorite tree for japa and resting as the leaves are so small and they're very thick so the very good shape under that tree it's very cooling you know some have faced Kegley(not very clear) leaves and whether the sunlight goes through this is heavy so you get real cool breeze there he doesn't come in at all to the Bakul tree.
So, there is a favorite tree lots of big kirtans Harinām s then Nityānanda Prabhu would sit there with his associates and they were discussed Kṛṣṇa katha they rest a little bit take some prasad whatever different pastimes went there.
So is this one mystic yogi he came he heard about Abhiram Thakur and so he came the visit he saw this big Bakul tree and may said wow when he see where this Abhiram Thakur hair you just use some of his mystic power happened zzzz zapped the tree burn it ash when disciple ran and told Abhiram Thakur some crazy yogi just came and burnt down the Nityānanda's favorite tree the Bakul tree he said what? this is ridiculous why he do that?
That’s Nityānanda prabhu's favorite tree.
He always rest there was He gone to set out the kirtan he was so angry when he saw this ashes this cannot be Nityānanda prabhu is coming here any deal so He use his powers which normally he didn't use he just acted like a human being but at the reverted He also shows His powers as the eternal associate of the Lord so he just it he is so angry he just said alright tree remanifest resurrect and he gave her blessing that you will give flowers twelve months in a year but no fruits.
Usually after the flower come the fruits but this tree but just give flowers no fruits is safe here Brahmācari something like that I don't know whatever just always Virgin tree or whatever you want to call it that only give fruits normally give flowers never come seeds it gives constant flowers.
So she came back resurrected bigger than ever filled with flowers the yogi was standing there looking in that's one thing to burn down something but to build it up like that better than it was and full with flowers he says Abhiram Thakur is very powerful then Abhiram Thakur now after it finished with taking care of the tree that he turned the look at the yogi the yogi style oh oh I made a big mistake( Guru maharaj and devotees laughing) by offending this devotee he is not in he thought what are these like the Yogi's they're just a bunch of wimps you know they just chant & dance I don't know you know he was messing around with the wrong Bhakta (laughing).
So then suddenly he realized that he made a big mistake and he decided that the discussion was the better part of elder and immediately he surrendered at the lotus feet of Abhiram and said that I surrender he said well if you surrender unto me you have to give up all this mystic yoga tricks and things and engaged now in devotional service don't get distracted by all these things now you need to chant Hare Kṛṣṇa participate in the Sankirtan yagna you're not going around showing off all these tricks to everyone and distracting people's minds we want to engage in and loving devotional service to the Lord.
So the yogi he became a pure devotee in due course and he joined the Sankirtan party so like that sometimes Yogi's that they create disturbance you know because they get puffed up with their powers and a question Abhiram Thakur he could deal with it for us we have to follow Abhiram Thakur advise he said this get absorbed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness that that is really the thing because Kṛṣṇa is in the most elevated platform is in highest platform is one without a second and by being fully absorbed in here one automatically can achieve all types of spiritual success so the easiest way to be absorbed in a Kali Yuga is by the Sankirtan process Śravaṇaṁ, kīrtanaṁ hearing and chanting and remembering the holy names chanting the holy names of Viṣṇu
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare.
Nitāi Gaura Sītā Premānande hari hari Bol
Any Questions?
(In audible: 35.36)
Any questions?
(In audible: 35.45) send me a Caitanya Mangal and the pastimes of Lord Sridham, Abhiram Thakur there's a book published by the disciples of Abhiram Thakur which is something I forget the name of it but get at the Abhiram Thakur birthplace we went there and they the tree is still there that Sidda Bakul they shown how inside it is hallow the hollowed out this came manifest from the ashes and the flowers were still there wasn't a season for flowers as covered with flowers we went and saw that the deity the people were very familiar no devotees with the first ones ever go they are very friendly they said please come again.
There is a very big temple that it just takes as the male temple into all the daily worship with the doors open they take they put on that dressing, abhishek everything with the doors open.
So, Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati thakur went and saw their temple he was surprised himself at how they are doing but Abhiram Thakur he set it up like that even they the deity down the rest in front of everyone and then finally when they rest, they close the curtain.
There is very beautiful deity and Abhiram thakur he I wasn't clear either he had made deity made up in south and he went to entered inside of it or he just himself sat down on a yoga asana in some like meditation asana or japa asana or something and he turned into a deity one of the two I was not so clear about that one but it's a deity there Abhiram Thakur either way he's there.
Many amazing things about his personality generally here's the director social (not clear) he's engaged in preaching he is engaged in Sankirtan directly planning it going out sending parties it shows how this is one of the transcendental ways of serving the Lord it's not a mundane thing otherwise why would he do it he's completely a spiritual activity just like when he was a cowered boy he drove with Kṛṣṇa with the cows in grace event seems to be a material thing right grazing house but with Kṛṣṇa has the transcendental pastime.
So similarly, with Lord Caitanya and Nityānanda he would be doing the Sankirtan preaching.
The difference is you know if you go with cows now you don't get the same sense but if you go maybe you do if you're in a mood I don't know I have to ask that but not so much unless you're really a great devotee but in the Sankirtan movement if you do Sankirtan we can directly experience the presence of Lord caitanya there it's a continuation of His pastimes.
Q: (In audible: 39.07)
Well we have demonic and godly natures within us used to be that people were more polarized you find people that were all godly or all demonic but nowadays people have both the qualities within them we see people with a mix and its internal fight going on who overcomes the godly or the demonic Kali is influencing and see making people become demonic sometimes.
But if you expose them to the Harinām and Ratha Yatras and prasādam you can see that people also have a godly side to them and there are also many other religious programs going on that that brings out some of the godly aspect to a certain extent although may be not so much as the Harinām. So instead of having these big demon or big devas on the
earth you get people who are you have a both a little of both and it's up to us to bring out their spiritual quality although occasionally you may find a very great soul come you may find a very demonic soul come but it's more rare now.
Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Lecture Suggetions
19960228 Introduction To Congregational Preaching
19960128 Krishna Contest for Kids Award Ceremony
19960128 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.3.6
19960115 Bhagavad-gītā 18.62
19960109 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.4.21
19960106 Bhagavad-gītā 18.68
1996 Ratha-yātrā Address
19960102 Śrīla Prabhupada Centennial Inauguration
1996 Valuable Questions & Answers - ISKCON Radhadesh
1996 Discussion of Kṛṣṇa's Pastimes with Devotees
19951228 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.9.45
19951216 Krishna Prema Question And Answer Ratha yātrā Festival
19951212 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.9.30
19951207 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.1.10 Initiation Lecture
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19950913 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.8.21
19950912 Bhagavad-gītā 3.27
19950912 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (7.9.20)
19950911 Bhagavad-gītā 5.4
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19950910 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.20
19950823 Bhagavad-gītā 2.69 | Nāmahaṭṭa Program
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19950814 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.10.17-18
19950813 Bhagavad-gītā 17.5-6
19950813 Caitanya-caritāmṛta.Ādi-līlā.1.63.64
19950810 Bhagavad gītā - 9.22
19950809 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.13.52
19950807 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.13.50