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19920307 Haridas Thakur Jayadvaita Swami Jayapataka Swami Tamal Krishna Goswami - Hari Hara Kṣetra

7 Mar 1992|Duration: 01:20:57|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

Lecture Code: 19920307

Occasion: Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikrama    

Date: 7-March-1992

Place: Harihara Kshetra


Transcribed By: Rādhā Sarojini DD

Transcribed On: 19-Feb-2021


STATUS: Completed



The following is a talk given by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj on March 7th, 1992 in Sridham Mayapur. The talk occurred in the Navadvip mandal parikrama at Harihara kshetra.


Whenever Vishnu glances, there are 2 aspects of that glance, one is nimitya. That means that one is the immediate effect and one is the material ingredient. There are 2 upadan - upadan karana and nimitya karana. So, one is Maha Vishnu. Does anyone remember which is which. Upadan is the ingredient and nimitta is the instrument. That I know. But which one is Advaita Acharya representing... ingredient..what? Nimitya karana not upadana. Maha Vishnu, actually Advaita Acharya and Maha Vishnu are not different but for the purpose of understanding the effect of creation, 2 aspects are there. One is the immediate cause and the other one are the ingredient cause, the ingredient aspect. So, when Maha Vishnu glances, the aspect that awakens one cause is known as Maha Vishnu and the aspect that awakens the other cause is known as Advaita Acharya. This is explained in Chaitanya Charitamrita. We get the verse and 2:26 also which awakens which. So, you asked me what is the relationship between Advaita Acharya and Lord Shiva. Then, what did I tell this. Because, I have explained because the glance. So, the glance itself is the expansion. So, Shiva is in that sense, we say just that the halo. Shambhu was an expansion of Maha Vishnu because he is the glance. So, in the same way, we can say that the relationship between Shiva and Advaita Acharya is like that. In Chaitanya Lila (Gaur Lila), who is an incarnation of Lord Shiva? 3:12 Does anyone..So, therefore, it is said that Advaita Acharya is the manifestation of Maha Vishnu and Lord Shiva, this reason. When He glances, that glance is Shambhu or Shiva and he is the source of the glance. So, sometimes, it is said that, there is no difference between these two. 3:34- 3:50 The thing is that, sometimes, it is explained is addressed as Sada Shiva 3:55-4:21 Okay, any other questions! Ya


Question: 4:24

Guru Maharaj: Now Prabhupad said that, we can't have a diety of Shiva. He said that, in front of the Vaishnava temples, you can have a diety of Shiva and Shiva's, the foodstuffs that Shiva takes will be the prasad which is coming from the diety of  Vishnu or Krishna. So, there, it can be done. 5.02-5:05. But, if you  not said, he didn't want to confuse us. But, it can be done. If someone wants to build a temple of Shiva, then he can build the temple of Shiva as part of Vaishnava, taking the prasad of the Lord. 5:19-5:21. Any left questions.


Question: I just want to add what you said about erotic things on the temple in India. The similar question was asked to Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj by his disciple in the ancient discourse. Indra is already in so much envious, even worship anybody else and that's why you know that could be erotic thing, so, he doesn't come and attack the temple.

Guru Maharaj: Why won't he attack?

Question: Because he is cursed. He wouldn't attack anything which is 5:53 by Kam dev. 5:56-6:14

Guru Maharaj: Any other main question. Yes!


Question: 6:19-6:23

Guru Maharaj: Are you facing the same Shiva is situated in the same universes but, the potency of Shiva is the same. But that's 6:29. Sometimes, Shiva is considered to be an expansion of the Lord and sometimes, he is considered to be a living entity. So, atleast, we should say that the potency of Shiva is the same in all of the universes.6:42 Yes!


Question: 6:45

Guru Maharaj: Yes, but Vishnu is not in contact with the modes of material nature because when He maintains, He does so through all His representatives, through various demigods. He Himself never contacts the material energy but He is always personally consulting with His internal energy, Rama Devi, who is within. So, Rama Devi, the meaning of that, just like, we hear yoga nidra, is that Vishnu is personally absorbed in His pastimes with the internal potency of Rama Devi or yoga maya and Durga, who is the external manifestation or expansion of yoga maya while the internal potency is engaged in the pastimes with the Lord, she is conducting the material energy. So, He does not do it personally but He does it through His representatives. Even though, we understand, He does it through the material energy, Durga and Durga engages so many of the demigods, in the service of the Lord, to perform the material maintenance function. So, although, it is said that He is gunavatar, actually He is not really a guna avatar, in that sense. I mean to say, He's not acquainted with the material mode of goodness. He's in touch with shuddha sattva. So, there's a difference. He contacts shuddha sattva and the material sattva guna, which is material goodness, that is arranged for, by the demigods. The demigods are in goodness and they maintain the material creation on behalf of the shuddha sattvic diety, Vishnu. So, we will stop here now and begin our parikrama. We will go now to our breakfast point. There's a temple called Gopal Mandir with small beautiful 8:51 with big courtyard, right on the bank of Jalangi. Jai!! It is about 3kms from here. By the time we get there, our breakfast should be 9:04 us and it is very close to Bhakti Vinod Thakur's samadhi from there. Just 9:11. So, have breakfast and go to Bhakti Vinod Thakur's. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He stopped here with His huge big sankirtan party. Gaur Premanande Hari haribol!! Today also, He has come with His big sankirtan party here. Haribol!! Haribol!! At that time, that party was very hungry. So, that time, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He managed getting one seed and He planted it and in no time. Ha! He asked, what, they wanted to eat. He asked, what, they wanted to eat and then...Mango.But, that was winter. So, it's easier now. (Devotees laughing) So, in no time, that seed grew into a tree and bore unlimited fruits, mango fruits. It had no seed inside, niether skin, it was just juicy, whole thing, just mango and nothing. Inside outside, you know, just juicy mango and they had big mango feast and they went on eating. If one tree was producing unlimited mango fruits. One mango was satisfying 10:59. You have to find the seed Maharaj. These are desire trees. We should take Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Haribol!! 11:10 what we read in Chaitanya Charitamrita, there's another mango tree, that was part of seva sangam. So, there are 2 different pastimes. That tree was bearing fruits everyday and that tree also  was very mysterious and producing unlimited fruits and this pastime of Bhakti Vinod Thakur comes in Gaudiya bhashya of Chaitanya Bhagavat. Chaitanya Bhagavat purport by Bhakti Vinod Thakur. This pastime that we are planning here at Aam Ghat 11:49. These are external trees. Those are kalpa vriksha tree. Let's see, what our breakfast contain. They may, no mango. We take breakfast here or.. No, No, we're just talking. Hare Krishna..What was that Maharaj? What was that? One of the mangoes, that is our material desire. Jayapataka Maharaj said, they were, they wanted to satisfy Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, they wanted to make offering on that mangoes to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. They were desiring, they were eating on behalf of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord wanted to serve them. But, in this case 12:51. But, even still, they wait there for 2 months. If you wait here Sridhar Maharaj Prabhu, if you stay here for 2 more months, 13:03 these are all going to be little flowers here. Only time is seperating us. So, this is called Gopal Mandir, a small  13:19 beautiful Gopal diety here. 13:23 We all can have darshan, offer your obesceinces 13:27. We would like to hear from Dhruva Maharaj Prabhu first and then Jaya Advaith Maharaj 13:44. Jai Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur ki jai!! and then Jayapataka Swami Maharaj also briefly would talk about the pastimes of Surabhi Kunj, which is the old house of Bhakti Vinod Thakur. That is where he started his Namhatta prachar, preaching in the office of Namhatta, just down the road, that boy was preaching here about Bhakti Vinod Thakur Namahatta. So, we request Dhruva Maharaj Prabhu to speak.14:28. om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


namo gaura-kishoraya sakshad vairagya-murtaye


vipralambha-rasambhodhe padambujaya te namah


namo bhakti-vinodaya sach-chid-ananda-namine

gaura-sakti-svarupaya rupanuga-varaya te


vancha-kalpatarubhyash cha

kripa-sindhubhya eva cha

patitanam pavanebhyo

vaishnavebhyo namo namaha


Jaya śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda

śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda


hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare

hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare


In order to properly explain, an analogy can be drawn, in this particular place. After we know that, in the first canto about how Arjuna went to Dwaraka, after the battle of Kurukshetra, to be with Krishna. But, at that time, Krishna ended His pastimes and Arjuna brought His wives away from Dwaraka because Dwaraka was inundated by the sea. Krishna had built a fort within the sea. The sea had gone back before 12km, something. But, then, sea again came, when Krishna finished His pastimes and the battle between the Yadus and all the Yadus also, finished their manifest pastimes. After that activity, after that pastime, Kali Yuga became more and more manifest, day by day. We read about Maharaj Parikshit dealing with Kali. But, as time passed by, those activities of Krishna, became lost. Krishna Himself says in the Bhagavad-Gita yoga nashta parantapa. The science of yoga becomes lost. He comes again and again to establish religious principles, to protect His devotees and to annihilate demons and irreligiousity. But, due to the fact that, this is material world, where people are selfish and interested in their own self, their own greed. They twist the teachings of Krishna. So, after His manifest pastimes, 17:20 teachings became lost and we know that 500 years ago, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came and again revived those pastimes. Even in Vrindavan, where Krishna displayed the most intimate pastimes with His mother Yashoda, Nanda Maharaj, Srimati Radharani and the different Gopis and cowherd boys. Even, there in Vrindavan, those pastimes have been completely lost. It was just a little village, where the people were performing their activities, like any village, with a few sadhus here and there and Lord Chaitanya instructed Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis, they are the Goswamis, to go to Vrindavan and excavate temples, re-establish the holy places where Krishna had performed His pastimes and write books about the science of devotional service and in this way, He revived, lost pastimes in Vrindavan. The analogy is that, very similarly, here in Navadvip, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, appeared in Mayapur, 1486 and stayed here for 24 years, until 1510, when He took sanyas in Katwa. He returned only for a short time, to the house of Advaita Acharya and then left this place, to go to Puri, to travel throughout South India. After Chaitanya Mahaprabhu disappeared in 1533 from Puri, gradually, the same thing happened. The philosophy, the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became lost, became twisted, perverted slightly because of this material nature and the nature of the living entities in this material world. Similarly, the Ganges, as we can see...For those of us, who have come here, year after year, the Ganges has constantly change in course and now there's some concerned 19:02 change course, may come, very close to our present project. So, previously, it came all the way to this end and completely wiped off the entire town of Navadvip, where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, had performed His young pastimes. Srivas Pandit's home, all those places, we went, are actually only replicas, of the original town. There was an entire town, situated on this side of the Ganges. But, by the mid 1800s, means 400 years later, the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, were practically lost. The same as with teachings of Krishna have been lost. Bhakti Vinod Thakur, here, in 1838, in a place, just Nort of Calcutta, between here and Calcutta. His name was Kedarnath Dutt. We can understand, right in Kedarnath, that, he was not born in a Vaishnav family. At that time, Vaishnavism was not very strong form of worship, here in Bengal and as Bhakti Vinod Thakur grew up, he became studious, to read about various religions. He, even studied Christianity and the Bible and the Quran and through his studies of various religions, he came to the conclusion, that the nectar of Vaishnavism, as presented by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, was the topmost form of any worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He was very well respected. At that time, the British were ruling India and he became involved in various government service. While, he was engaged in that service, he brought up, was 13 children. His first wife..He was married twice. His first wife, left this world, at an early age and again, he remarried and he was bringing his children up in Vaishnava tradition. He was also stationed for sometime at Puri, as the district magistrate. Bhakti Vinod Thakur's grandfather, was also from Orissa and he had instructed Bhakti Vinod Thakur, when he was in his late teens, to travel to all the different ashrams in Orissa. So, he had done that. Then, he came here and he put in a application, to be close to Krishna Nada, the government head quarters are in this area. When, he was refused, they told him, you stay where you are. When, he was told that he couldn't come to this area, he formally resigned from the British government. But his application was refused. He was thinking that he wanted to go to Vrindavan, at that time and give up his family, give up his service and simply worship Krishna, as his later years came on, as he became older. Simultaneously, the government of England, the British government, gave him service in Krishna Nada and he had a dream wherein Krishna came and asked him, why are you going to Vrindavan? You should develop Navadvip. You should develop this area where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. Re-establish those lost holy places where Gauranga has performed His pastimes. So, when Bhakti Vinod Thakur was transferred to this area because he was in government service, he had complete access to all the different historical documents and he started to study maps and ancient and old manuscripts and books and he found this fact that the gap was on the other 22:36 and in a different way and 22:38 from Navadvip, where we go over, now, by boat, was only a 100 years old. This was in 1880. So, in 1780, approximately, is when, the Ganges shifted and the town has moved to the other side. So, he did extensive research and found that some sadhus were worshipping 22:58 on this side. Even, if, one older vetenarian, who works in our goshala and I talked with him , he is about 7 years old and he told me that when he was a boy, means, 50-60 years ago, his mother would take him to this temple over yoga pit and at 4 o' clock, she would always be very anxious, there was time to go, if the sun became lower in the sky, there was all jungle, all these agricultural fields were all filled with trees and the tigers would actually come and became dangerous for travellers at night to travel  in that area, 50-60 years ago. So, we can imagine, how overgrown it was. I saw a tiger 21 days ago. Jayapataka Maharaj just says so, one tiger in this area, 21 years ago. So, we can see how recent, this place was still overgrown. Bhakti Vinod Thakur, one time, during his research, came to find that there was a place over there that was owned by some Muslims, where Tulasi was growing profusely and some say, some sadhus in the area, who were worshipping God, it's the place of Lord Gauranga.He was here in this house. This is his home. When you go upstairs, you can see his bed, the 24:11 Srila Bhakti Siddhanta with some of their personal belongings that they used when they were living here and from his porch, he used to look over past the Jalangi. Not chanting his rounds, meditating, writing books from that desk and he saw some glow in a distance. So, he was simultaneously thinking that this 24:32 is here, the sadhus are there and he was intimately associated with some other babajis in the area, specifically Jagannath Das babaji, was very well respected by the other Vaishnavs in the area. He was extremely old. He was over, I think 120. So, they bought him in a basket. They had to carry him. It was very difficult for him to move and he brought him to that place. Bhakti Vinod Thakur was  suspecting, with the place of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's advent and Jagannath Das babaji was brought in a basket. He immediately jumped out of that basket. He 25:05 Haribol! Haribol! In this way confirming that, that was the actual spot where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born and is here. This was in 1887. Bhakti Vinod Thakur subsequently raised funds himself, by going door to door, speaking with different wealthy merchants, raising funds to purchase that land and surely then, after, built the temple, that is there. In this way, ya, there was one article in 25:39 bazaar that, they put in the newspaper, that this eminent personality from the government, Kedarnath Dutt ( Bhakti Vinod)  is coming from door to door and asking all Hindus, to give some donation. 25:54 even if one can only give one rupee, we hope that, no one will turn this 26:01 away from his door without giving any donation. In this way, Bhakti Vinod Thakur established that place. From his other writings, we can understand that the place where we are situated just now is known as Swananda Sukhada point. Say, Bhakti Vinod Thakur is not only the manifest personality that we see, he is also an intimate associate of Sri Gauranga, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, of Sri Radha Sri Krishna. In his eternal svarup, he performs services in the groves of Vrindavan as an intimate associate and servant of Srimati Radharani and this place, Svananda Sukhada point, is that same place. In Radha Kund also, Bhakti Vinod Thakur has his bhajan kutir and 26:55, his bhajan kutir is also there. In 1910... 1907, when Bhakti Vinod Thakur was 69 or 70, 27:05 , he formally gave up his family life and accepted the renounced order, babaji sanyas from Gaura Kishore Das Babaji and he stayed in Puri, at that time and gave up his family. In 1910, only 3 years later, he became very internally absorbed in kirtan bhajan and didn't even want to talk with anyone. One servant stayed with him and Bhakti Vinod Thakur started his bhajan kutir, by the beach and simply immersed himself in the pastimes of Radha and Krishna and in 1910, he left this world and his body was brought here and 27:47 samadhi...1914, I'm  sorry. 1910, he 27:52 in 1914, he left this world. Shortly, thereafter, his servant Krishna Das, whose samadhi is over on the side there, the 28:02 one, also left this world. When Bhakti Vinod Thakur lived at this particular house, he very much liked to associate with Gaura Kishore Das Babaji and Gaur Kishore Das Babaji was not academically astute. He was very nice association for Bhakti Vinod Thakur and this bhajan kutir, over on the side,was a small place where Bhakti Vinod Thakur built for Gaura Kishore Das Babaji, to perform his bhajan. So, in this way, Bhakti Vinod Thakur, akso instructed his son, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati, to establish the Navadvip mandal parikrama. Haribol!.By doing this activity, all the people of the world, can become liberated. By walking to these various places, smelling the air, coming in contact with dust, seeing the residents of this place, associating together, 28:57 and chanting, we become extremely purified. The impressions go deep within the heart because, actually, within the depth of our heart, this spiritual world is manifest. So, Bhakti Vinod Thakur, by hearing from Bhakti Vinod Thakur, reading his instructions, reading his books, begging for his mercy, we can also open up the depth of our heart and become purified to associate in his association and in the association of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha and Krishna. Hare Krishna! Bhakti Vinod Thakur ki jai!!


om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

sri-caitanya-mano-'bhistam sthapitam yena bhu-tale

svayam rupah kada mahyam dadati sva-padantikam


So, 29:56 just hand it over. Thank you! So, Srila Prabhupad said that, practically everything he learnt from his father... chanting Hare Krishna, worshipping the diety, Ratha Yatra festival, everything. He said, but, one thing, he learnt from his Guru Maharaj, in particular, and that was to publish and distribute books. That was the specific item that he learnt from his spiritual master. Everything else was solidified. He has learned it from his father and it was confirmed 30:33 further. But, this was known. To publish and distribute books. So, this, ofcourse, was taught to Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur by his father, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur and we received that same instruction. An example of writing and publishing and distributing of Vaishnav literature. The Gaura vani, the message of Krishna, is spread through the sankirtan movement, just as we have our ecstatic sankirtan party But, even with Jayapataka Maharaj's kartals and few drums,that kirtan party will only be heard for some distance, for a kilometre or something. But, this distribution of literature, is heard all over the world. Therefore, Srila Prabhupad said that this is the treatment of the party.. brihad mrudanga party, to publish and Prabhupad said, just as during war time, bombs are raining down on the people like anything, on the cities like anything. Our literature should descend upon the people of Kali Yuga incessively, like anything. On getting the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Bhakti Vinod Thakur, especially, dedicated himself to this task. He was getting up early, early and writing his books. He wrote many books, translations, commentaries, very scholarly work and ofcourse that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, His life and precepts, he wrote and sent to the Gill University and added up 32:30 of Srila Prabhupad's appearance coincidentally. He also finished many other people various parts of the world, upto acquaintance with the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. So, Srila Prabhupad took that teaching very seriously...to publish books and distribute books, starting with Srimad Bhagavatam, before, we went travelling preaching, we 33:03 itself in Vrindavan, planted itself in Vrindavan, publish this first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam and went to America and with that propoganda of the message of Srimad Bhagavatam, he began his preaching and our movement is going on, by that distribution of books. When we go to a new country or new part of the world, said,  our most important duty, is to begin translating these books, in the local language and begin distributing these books, like anything, that quantity, just as we have our ecstatic kirtan party with drums and kartals, devotees jumping up and down, tearing up 33:50. So, we have a big party, for doing that, all over the world. Distributing out, books like anything. Somehow or other, getting people to take these books, appreciate these books and take the message of Krishna and creator of illusion in their minds. Their minds are stagnant. So stupid, misdirected, sinful, nasty, discouraging. It's enough. ( Everybody laugh) Now you start. He got the idea. We have our experience. So, when someone gets one of our books, then, his whole life can change and therefore create a revolution in this kind of misdirected civilization, the message of Bhagavatam. So, one hand, we have our books and after the books, we have our periodicals also. As Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur began a periodical 'Sajjana Toshani' onto periodically give the message of Krishna. So, Srila Prabhupad, also started his 'Back to Godhead' in 1944. ( devotees sayHaribol!! Jai!!) So, that  common set was the beginning of his spiritual life. His spiritual master had requested him to preach in English. So, some of his godbrothers had gone to England to do that. But, Srila Prabhupad, instead, stayed in India. I think, he began, by publishing this paper, 'Back to Godhead'. Some of his other godbrothers constructed temples and built different kind of buildings. But his spiritual master was less enthusiastic for that. When he saw that his disciples would become very very active in building temples, he would criticise them as masons. Masons are builders, professional builders. So, it's a compliment, that you are very nice masons but without the distribution of literature, this is useless. So, Prabhupad did just the opposite. Ofcourse, he himself, established so many temples, all over the world. So, these are centres, which we send out our men, our parties, who are men, women, everybody, for distributing our transcendental literature. So, the books are there to create a revolution and the magazines are there, to sustain that revolution. In this sense, that, as we know that Jayapataka Maharaj, I'm sure will have much to say about this. Our Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur began this Namhatta or 36:23  of people, bringing them together in association for Krishna consciousness. So, our magazines are especially meant for that. Because, a person gets a book, that's one time. That can change everything. But, then, what happens to him. If you distribute it, a million book, does it mean that they should just be a million people who have it and you don't know anything about them and there's no ongoing connection and ongoing message. So, for that, periodicals are there. So, that, those people will again and again, will get the direction. Just as, there are different kinds of shocks for curing material disease and you somewhat need a series, again and again and again. But, that is effective. For that purpose, also, periodicals will be very effective. Prabhupad said it like this, that, you are calling someone...Mr. John Mr. John wake up, wake up!! and Mr. John doesn't hear you or he hears you, doesn't register. He doesn't know, what's going on. Mr. John is deeply asleep. But, because, you are calling, again and again, Mr. John Mr. John, gradually, it has that affect. He begins to understand, some sound is there. Something is going on and finally, he understands, that, it's his name and finally, he gets up. What's going on! Alright! Alright! So, we want to give people our message, not only once, but, repeatedly, so that, they'll wake up, become devotees. Our mission, Prabhupad said, one time, is to expand the number of our family members. We have a very small festival here. Only, about 400 people, are Navadvip dham parikrama. Maybe, only a 1000, for the home festival. So, it's really, very small. We want to see 5,000...10,000..100,000 and 38:11 ofcourse.( devotees saying Haribol) pṛthivīte āche yata nagarādi-grāma

sarvatra pracāra haibe mora nāma In every city, in every town, we want to see, thousands and thousands of people, becoming Vaishnavas, factually, you know, like and for that, key to our success is this publishing, distributing of books and magazines.( devotees saying Jai, Haribol) and this is the method of Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur, Bhakti Saraswati Thakur, coming down to us, through Srila Prabhupad and we get the chance to push it on. Hare Krishna!! (devotees saying Haribol)

Hare Krishna!

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracharine



namo bhakti-vinodaya sach-chid-ananda-namine

gaura-sakti-svarupaya rupanuga-varaya te


śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda

śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda


hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare

hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare


Gaura Gadai Gaura Gadai Gaura Gadai Gaura Gadai.


Gaura and Gadadhar are worshipped here. We do the parikram. Personal dieties if Bhakti Vinod Thakur. Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga! Gadadhar! Gauranga! Gadadhar! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj)


mukam karoti vachalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

sri-gurum dina-taranam


So, we are going from here to Surabhi Kunj. You heard many glories of this holy place. I don't know, whether it was mentioned, I mentioned a few days ago that from this house Chaitanya revealed Himself. This is birth place of Bhakti Vinod Thakur, was here. He used to go in the morning by horse bugging to Krishna Nagar 40.25  then after, he'd finish all of his work in half a day and so, he'd be free in the afternoon, to do his other devotional service. Bhakti Vinod Thakur researched from different Vedas, the glories of Navadvip dham, Godrum...Go means cow, drum means forest. This is a place of beautiful trees and gardens, birds and many cows. This is the place, where Surabhi cow eternally resides and worships Lord Gauranga. The same Surabhi, who went to 41:00 when Krishna's lila was there and after Indra  had committed his offense of, tiding the flood out, the vrajavasis, where, Krishna lifted the Giri Govardhan and cut down his pride and afterwards Surabhi, who had given audition to Krishna, suggested to Indra, Let's go to Navadwip dham, where I stay. There, if you worship Lord Gauranga, then, you really get forgiven for your offences very quickly. We can worship Krishna, for many many births, but, because of offences, we may not get pure Krishna Prema. So, the Surabhi understood that. By worshipping Lord Gauranga, one easily gets love for Krishna. Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga!  (devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj). So, Indra came here and took shelter also, in the Surabhi Kunj. There, he became purified also and he began to chant..Gaurahari! Gaurahari! Gaurahari! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj) Also, in the Vedas, they are recorded, how Markandeya rishi had been given out special blessing. He was allowed to ask whatever he wanted. So, he asked, to live for 7 kalpas. 7 days of Brahma are equal to 7000 cycles of the 4 yugas. But, then, when he found, first, it was really really disturbing, when the whole world was destroyed with the maha pralaya and actually, although, he had been given a long life, there was no where for him to go, when the maha pralaya was taking place. Everything was getting flooded and he was getting flooded also. So, he was like, stuck up in the waters, but, no where to go for shelter. So, it was very very disturbing seeing it. He was really regretting, I asked for such a long life and I'm really suffering like anything.  This world is, this is what everybody thinks it is. Everything gets destroyed and this destruction is really disturbance. So, he was being batted around this maha pralaya water. But, this time, you see Navadvip, is a holy dham, expanded by the internal potency, although, to our material vision, it is 16 krosa or 32 miles in circumference 43:44 transcendentally, we cannot put a limit to its size. It can expand, as we are experiencing sometimes in parikram. It can expand or it can become shorter, anyway, he walks. So, that time, when, he was being batted up by the flood water, then, he could see the island of Navadvip, above the flood. It doesn't, being submerged by the maha pralaya and somehow, he got to the shore of Navadvip. But, then, he fell unconscious. Couldn't maintain his consciousness, any longer in the flood water. But, Surabhi cow, came and pulled him up, upto the land of Navadvip, Godrum. Then, Markandeya, he came back to consciousness and 44:33 was very weak, very hungry. So, he begged up Surabhi that you are my mother, you are bhagavati, you are great devotee. So, I'm weak, very hungry. Can you please 44:50 me a little on your back, then, I can survive. So, in great motherly affection, Surabhi, gave some milk to Markandeya Muni. They took them out and he got his strength back. Then, the Surabhi cow began to preach to Markandeya, who has already had a lot of lessons about the material existence and she said, why you are wasting your time with jnana, with karma, with liberation. I started to tell him about the glories of Lord Gauranga and if you worship Gauranga, then, you can easily get love for Krishna. So, then, he heard the words of the Surabhi cow, who had explained to him that, what is this liberation, it's insignificant compared with what Lord Gauranga is giving. Then, with folded hands, he began to worship the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga. So, this is the very special place. Whoever chants Gaurahari! Srila Gauranga! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj) 46:04 loudly Sri Gauranga!! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj) All of his karma are destroyed. Bhakti  remains to cause any more obstacles, one can cross over the ocean of birth and death. So, why are you wasting your time, going after all this jnana? Why you are wasting your time going after fruititive activities, fruititive results?. like this. So, then Markandeya, he became filled with happiness to hear the glories of Lord Chaitanya and he started to chant Gaura! Gaura!Gaura! Gaura!Gaura! Gaura! Gaura! Gaura! Gaura! Gaura!....(devotees and Guru Maharaj chanting Gaura) Then, he was crying in ecstacy and he was dancing and sometimes, he was laughing 47:16 unbelievable, beautiful, lovable vision. So, see this jnana yogi, in complete ecstacy, giving his whole life, worshipping the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga. So, in this way, when, Nityananda Prabhu was taking the devotees around and explaining this greatness of Surabhi Kunj, the devotees, they also became floating, in a literal ocean of nectar. So, we are here, today, at this Godrumdvip. We are also very fortunate that we will be able to get the edition of Surabhi cow, even today. But, we can, whether or not we are fortunate, but, by the causeless mercy of Bhakti Vinod Thakur, Gaur Kishore Das Babaji, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur and Om Vishnupad Bhakti Abhaya Charan Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupad ki Jai!! (devotees repeat Jai after Guru Maharaj) So, they were able to chant Gaura!  Gaura! Gaura!..(devotees repeat Gaura! after Guru Maharaj) and following in the latest footsteps of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, chanting the holy names Hare Krishna maha mantra and 48:33 Lord Chaitanya left from Navadvip and went to Nilachal. That time, you are known as 48:40 Chaitanya Charitamrita Nityananda book is dumped and thrown in the river. Why should Lord Chaitanya carry a danda like ordinary sanyasi. He doesn't have to do tapasya to achieve liberation. He Himself is the giver of the liberation and love of everything. So, Lord Chaitanya was playing a lila and Nityananda was disturbing His pastimes, by bringing Him Ishvara Ghat into His bhakti ras and His vernacular. So, there was little disagreement in vision. So, eventually, Lord Chaitanya requested Nityananda, to go back to Bengal and to preach. Actually, He said, I'm here alone. Who's going to be there, if you all here, who's going to be preaching in Bengal. He ordered Him also, You take grihastha ashram and You preach how people can be God conscious, whether in the house or whether in the vairagya or renounced ashrams. So, Lord Nityananda came back. So, that time, He settled down His preaching from this place. So, Surabhi Kunj from Godrum. Nityananda mahajan patiyache namahatta jivera karana.

So, He established the namahatta preaching here, to deliver all the fallen souls in Godrum, in this holy place. So, although, He would, sometimes, go to Srivas's house, they would associate but His head quarters was here. So, Nityananda, literally flooded the entire Bengal. Everyone became devoted to Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, until the whole place was chanting the holy name. 50:30 Advaita Gosai reported to Lord Chaitanya that everybody has become mad. Now, the market place and the holy name has become, so flooded. The market has become, so expanded that there are no more customers. Everyone already bought, they obtained the goods, by the mercy of Lord Chaitanya. Now, the market has become a seller's market again. A lot of customers out there, a lot of people suffering. Other people, who aren't getting the mercy of Lord Chaitanya. Nityananda had flooded the market. That gave a great satisfaction for Lord Chaitanya. But, the market became very lean and thin and then, Bhakti Vinod Thakur came back again and re-established namahatta and Prabhupad, he also said that, he filled the structure of the house, but, we had to fill it all in. He wants the message to be spread to every town and village. So, there's a lot of fallen souls out there. HH Jayadvaita Maharaj expressed, there are only 400 on iskcon's parikram and 1000, maybe counted 51:37 festival, maximum. So, there are still, out of the 5 billion human beings, are the modern... cencus takers tell us, there are in this world today. Because, quite a few, that had not got the mercy of Lord Chaitanya. A wire charging up your spiritual battery, on this Godrum parikrama, getting the mercy of Lord Chaitanya. She can go on, give this mercy to all the conditioned souls. That was the meaning of the namahatta, Bhakti Vinod Thakur explained in his Godrum Kalpatavi. That this holy places are like a big commercial centre. It's like the whole salers or the recliners, they come to the big cities, buy all the goods whole sale from the dealers and distributors and take it back to their 52:22. So, we thought that the holy dham just start off, by the mercy, that  everyone  will go and give that mercy out and the wonderful thing is, the more you give it out, the more you get. Because, the condition, for whatever you sell , but your own stock doesn't reduce. So, you go on increasing. If, we come here and you get boost, more mercy. We,  go on, give it and that also increases more. So, this is the principle, of how 52:46 that, Bhakti Vinod Thakur explains that, everyone, without consideration of caste, colour, creed, nationality, everyone has a right to purchase love for Krishna. There's no material money that can buy it. It's simply love and devotion. So, everyone in the whole world doesnot.. anyone that doesn't have the capacity to worship Krishna, they just need your blessings. They need the association of devotees. They need to get the mercy. They can't engage. So, that was the principle that Bhakti Vinod Thakur gives and he personally, it's unbelievable, how he did so many things, at the same time, being a magistrate for the government and 53:32 charge. Those days magistrates were judicial and executive, both. So, he had to judicial work as well as executive, plus, he was doing namahatta preaching, plus, he was doing writing, plus, he was excavating the holy places on 53:48 dham. So, he was so active, we cannot imagine. So, we saw how, also, Srila Prabhupad, he took out, he said that he felt the world was on fire and he had to put out that fire. So, we see the great Acharya's, in our line, they take up the mission with such a  emergency, that, they are able to countless activities, in a very short period of time and leave lasting gift for the whole world. So, they simply, our congregational preaching is based on this vision of Lord Chaitanya, Nityananda, Bhakti Vinod Thakur. Prabhupad, once in 1971, 70, before I went to India, I went to see him in Los Angeles and we were walking along and then, he stopped in the morning walk and there was a church and he suddenly pointed to the church and said, in the future, our temples are going to be like this. It was sand stacked. We are going to have devotees living in the temple. But, most of the people, will be coming, only on the weekend or some festival days. But, they'll be practising Krishna consciousness in their home and there will be thousands, you know, forget that, he said, so many people, who will be practising and coming to the temple, receptive for all these people. So, now, we have seen that, this is happening more and more. But, the temples are more than just a community of preachers or puny people. But, it's a centre for a larger community of devotees and they go to the temple also to get inspiration, to associate with the devotees, to hear the nice kirtan, see the beautiful diety worship. So, there was Bhakti Vinod Thakur, he would explain the whole sankirtan movement, in terms if the holy dham, the temples and the namahatta centres. The holy dham could be commercial centre, the temples are like super market, depending on how big they are and the namahatta centres are like little cornered grocery stores.7o11, or whatever, different things that happen underworld. We, just go and get a match box and a kilo of sugar or whatever, you have to get, few ration things. So, this way, these are different levels of association. But, our goal is that, every house and every person, should be engaged in Krishna consciousness. So, the preachers, by bringing the books to the people, in their home, they are bringing Krishna consciousness to them and bringing them to the temple and training them up and then getting them to practice in their home. In this way, the whole world can be flooded, flooded with the ocean of nectar of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's message. We want that everyone should be flooded. Why should anybody be deprived of this mercy. There is a   56:57 somebody in the world, who doesn't taste that nectar of chanting Hare Krishna, doesn't taste the nectar of Krishna consciousness, that, they are just suffering, in the material consciousness, trying to enjoy their senses, chewing the chewed again and again, without any transcendental nectar. So, the devotees, absorbing themselves, in the mercy of, in the mood of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Then, they want to see everyone, should also taste that nectar. So, this is the mood of Nityananda Prabhu. This is the mood of Bhakti Vinod Thakur. This is the mood of Srila Prabhupad, to see the whole world flooded, with Krishna consciousness and so, this is what we need to get the blessing. We need to get the mercy. So, we can also fulfill their desire, in this regards. This is the very brief background of congregational namahatta preaching. We can, no matter, we are having seminars and giving detailed explanation of what's going on around the world, right in the festival time. But,...( devotee saying Haribol) what I understand was, Bhakti Vinod Thakur, he took the position himself, as the sweeper. He said, I'm a sweeper in the market place of the holy name and he established other people to be the state commander, senapati. He got the name senapati. The whole namahatta, he gave different tiger roles which had two meanings. Senapati literally means 58:39. But, the word, sena is soldier and pati has nany meanings. Pati means husband, means protector, means master. So, he used the meaning senapati, the one who protects the soldiers. So, the sena, the bhaktas, that devotee who's able to spiritually give shelter to other devotees, to protect them from apa sampradaya. Other sampradayas have this information...poisonous philosophy from being diverted from the path of pure devotion to some other path or some other activity. That person is senapati, protector of the devotees. So, thus, able to protect most devotees, he made him the state senapati or the national senapati. Then, he had district senapati. Then, he had circle senapati and over each namahatta group, he had 'dadas', elder brothers, elder God brothers, who would protect the other 59:39 organize the programs. So, in this whole thing, we are, 59:42 atleast 500 namahattas here, written, now, in the Godrum Kalpatavi. They are writing to get every month and they were having daily harinam sankirtan, morning and evening classes and many other programs. 500 such active namahatta temples. Many of them have full temples, like, even, one in Bindapur, we found one, established by Bhakti Vinod Thakur. Big temple,  biggest than any Gaudiya Math. It was made by his namahatta. So, it was a very vibrant, dynamic preaching, that, he had started. So, now, we are trying to unite that with the temples. Bhakti Siddhanta Thakur has stressed on the temples of Bhakti Vinod Thakur stressed on the namahatta and Prabhupad said to make temples and then, do varnashrama preaching and bring it to the rest of the societies. So, I see, Prabhupad wanted everything. Temples and namahatta, to be integrated. Hare Krishna! Thank you very much! Bhakti Vinod Thakur ki Jai! Godrumdvip ki Jai! Navadvip dham ki Jai! Srila Prabhupada ki Jai! Gauranga Mahaprabhu ki Jai! Gauranga prema rasa ki Jai! 1:01:00 ki Jai! Nitai Gaur Gadadhar Nitai Gaur Gadadhar premanande Hari haribol!! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj)


Surabhi Kunj, that Jayapataka Maharaj referred to, just pradakshan and from there, the residence is about 1km. Jai! Before we leave, please, be charitable, leave some donations here, everywhere. And here also. This is our place. Then, we have kirtan. kirtan party, please 1:01:44


Godrumdvip and we visited the house of HDG Bhakti Vinod Thakur and from there, we went to Surabhi Kunj, which is actually the home of the Sankirtan movement, where Lord Nityananda began His preaching and spreading Krishna consciousness movement. This area is non-different than Nandagram. 2 devotees who've been in Nandagram and Vrindavan. So, you all know that Nandagram is the home of Nanda Maharaj and all the cowherd boys Sridam, Sudam, Madhumangal, mother Yashoda, all reside in Nandagram, which is a wonderful palatial place and specific feature of Nandagram is, aside from Krishna, are the cows. That, there are countless cows. Nanda Maharaj possesses 9,00,000 cows. I've been in their 1:03:00. It's like that. And these cows are grazed in the pastures, going to the forest of Vrindavan and specifically taken by Krishna and Balaram and the other cowherd boys. So, that, Nandagram, that is located here, in this area and when Nimai comes here, then He is in the mood of a cowherd boy. So, often, they would cross women to this side. This river, which is called Jalangi river. Jalangi river, Bhakti Vinod Thakur said, is actually, the Saraswati. Saraswati is a very sacred river and  it's name is mentioned in the puranas and is starts in Southern sacred rivers such as Ganges and Yamuna start, on the foothills or deep in the Himalayas. However, at a certain point, when, it comes past the foothills, it disappears and for 2000 miles, it is completely underground, underground river. Even, very recently, up until very recently, people thought, it was actually a mythological river. However, there is a story, wherein, Krishna instructed Arjuna, to shoot an arrow into the ground. They were travelling somewhere and it's described there, that, at that time, the Saraswati river came out from a place where Arjuna had shot his arrow. So, that river, Saraswati river, actually, is said to surface at Triveni. It comes out from underground and mixes in there, with the Ganga and the Yamuna and here amongst the other holy rivers. Today, we were at Harihara kshetra and even yesterday, you may have noticed that, sometimes, when, we are walking towards Narasingapalli, we were walking besides, it looked like a big depression. There were lot of rice paddy fields and today also, we were walking. But, that is the basin of the Alakananda river. Alakananda is the Ganga, which flows through, from the different heavenly planets. So, there is, here's the Alakananda river's here, the Mandakini Ganges, is also here. Then, here, this is Jalangi or Saraswati. Then, on the other side is Bhagirath. So, actually, there's so many rivers. Some of them are manifest. Some of them are not manifest. Some of them, we can see, some of their traces. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He would come with His friends, over to this side and when He came over to this side, He would get into the bhava or into the mood of a cowherd boy and there would be many cowherd men over here and thy would all know Him by name. Sometimes, He came over Jagadananda Pandit, in his Prema Vivarta. So, He mentions how, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came with His young friends. They would go in groups, travel about. So, they came here and specifically, some cowherd boys, they were very happy, over way, pleased to see, that You are here. Why don't You come over to our home? and there was one house, where, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would regularly go and the mother of the house, she was a great devotee of Saci mata. She used to send milk to Saci mata, for cooking, for Nimai and she was a great, very devoted to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mother. So, the boys went there and they ate sweet rice and relaxed a little. Afterwards, they came in the direction, where, there was a very large lake and at that lake, they sat down and they rested. So, that, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu noticed,  that, despite the fact that, all the cowherds were grazing the cows, in the area, there are no cows around the lake. He asked the cowherd boys, why is it that there are no cows here? This is such a nice picturesque area, beautiful lake. But, they saw, there is a very dangerous crocodile living here in the water and everybody is afraid to come here. The cows are afraid because the crocodile would come out and catch them and eat them. So, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He was sitting on the bank of the lake. So, He started to chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. So, He was chanting very sweetly. gaay gaura madhur svare. We have experience of nice kirtan. Sometimes, devotees are singing very sweetly, very melodiously. So, we can just try to imagine, how sweet Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's kirtan is, when Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is singing, in a very sweet voice. So, this crocodile, he heard the sound of the kirtan, under the water and he started to come and he came out and he saw and he was completely mesmerized by the sound of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's singing. Sri, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was chanting and the crocodile was coming. So, finally, he came and everybody was very scared. They were all standing. They did not want to go away because they didn't want to leave Nimai and they were saying - Come! come! Leave him. Don't stay here. Crocodile's going to get you. On the other hand, they were too scared to come and do anything about it. A big, big ferocious creature. So, finally the crocodile came and He touched his snout to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's lotus feet and as soon as he did that, then, he gave up this crocodile form and out came this celestial being, very beautiful celestial young boy. So, then, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked... Ofcourse, He's omniscient. So, He knows everything. But still, He was asking on behalf of everybody else. All the boys, then, they all came and saw. Here's this crocodile and now here's this celestial person. Very beautiful, handsome looking, young boy. So He said, Where have you come from? Who are you? Then, you are in this body of a crocodile. So, he told story, one of those typical stories, how someone was...he was very proud of his possessions and one particular sage was meditating and he came there and while he was meditating, he made fun of him. He caught some of his locks of his hair. So, then, he became cursed and in the body of a crocodile. But, then, falling at the feet of the sage, he begged for forgiveness. So, he said, when Gauranga appears in Navadvip, then, He will deliver you, from your position, in this wretched body. So, for so long, I've been in this body of a crocodile, suffering here in this lake and now, by Your mercy, I have been delivered. So, he then ascended and went back to the heavenly planets, go back to his parents. So, this is a very nice place. Here Chaitanya Mahaprabhu comes and then the  associates and all the cowherd boys

, they all tell Him, Yes, You, please come back tomorrow because,if You don't come back, we'll be very disturbed, by not gaining Your association, not getting Your darshan and then Chaitanya Mahaprabhu assures them. Yes, I will be back and then, again He goes. So, He crosses the river and from here, then, there is the 1:10:45 where everyone goes in Navadvip and you can see Srila Prabhupad samadhi, is readily visible. So, it's not very difficult to go to Yogapith from here. That's, at a distance of, utmost 2 miles. So, today, we'll read a little of Chaitanya Bhagavat and this deals with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's water pastime. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was extremely restless. Just like Krishna. Krishna was also very restless, very naughty, taking all the yogurt and butter, feeding them to the monkeys, 1:11:23 with His friends. In the same way, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was also like that. Not only, He was very restless but, actually, He used to be extremely, used to get into fits of anger, for, sometimes, very little reason, for exhibiting His own pastimes. On certain ocassion, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked His mother to bring Him some garland. 1:11:51Ganga  and worship mother Ganga. So, He wanted a garland. So His mother didn't have a garland at home. So, she said, Alright! Just wait. One minute. I will go and get a garland. Immediately, just for no reason, Nimai began a tantrum. You have no garland. I want garland right now. Then, He started to beat His hands against the, it all started, he picked up a stick and started to beat the earth with a stick and He knows mother wouldn't stop Him. Because, when He became, in this situation, then, He was uncontrollable. So, He wasn't pacified. He started to beat the ground with a stick and He beat the tree with a stick. Then, He went into the house and all the pots , everything where mother Saci kept all the spices, the yogurt, all the grains, the rice, everything. One pot after the other, every pot in the whole house and everything was broken. Then, He broke the windows and the door. Then, everything was 1:12:51 completely exhausted. Then, He just lay down on the ground and went asleep. So, mother Saci, she was very accommodating to Nimai. Immediately, she went out and got a garland and while He was laying like that, then, she woke Him up and she said, Look, now, you got dust all over your body. You take this garland and go down and bathe and do your worship and in the meantime, I will clean everything up and then, I will prepare something for You, when You come back. So, then, He just went, departed just like that. So, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was very, very active, very naughty and we'll read a little, some of His water pastimes that He performed when He was in Navadvip dham. As He grew, Nimai became totally absorbed in the restless mood of a young boy with the other restless young sons of Navadvip dham.No one could restraint Him and He wandered freely with His friends. Upon meeting another young boy, Nimai would poke fun at him and the boy would return the pots, until a quarrel broke down. Nimai and His friends always want such quarrels because Nimai was more powerful, the opponents inevitably went away defeated. How enchanting Nimai looked, with His body  covered in raised dust and speckled with drops of black writing ink. After finishing the studies each day at noon, Nimai and His friends wanted to bathe in the Ganga, amusing themselves, all the while. Diving in the waters of the Ganga, Nimai and His friends challenged one another by splashing. Who can describe 1:14:37 naughtiness in those days. Hundreds of people gathered in one bathing place, on a river. It was impossible to keep track, of the number of different people, who came to the bathing place. Renunciants sat on roofs, householders, peaceful gentleman, children, everyone came there to bathe. The Lord performed wonderful water sports with His friends, sometimes floating with the currents of the Ganga. Using the excuse of water sports, Nimai splashed water from His divine lotus feet until 1:15:06 was near Him, thus showering His grace upon them. People warned Nimai not to be so mischievous, but, He paid no heed. Nor could anyone catch Him as He was the swiftest swimmer. Nimai forced everyone to bathe several times by contaminating them, by touching them after their bath or sometimes by spitting on them. At that time, there were no running water or things like that and even though, there were wells, but, bathing in well is actually third class, not good thing, especially, if there is such a wonderful river, such as Ganga. So, everyone, all the brahmanas, especially, in the morning, they would rise. First thing, they would do, is go down and bathe and then, when they would want to do their puja, then, they would also go down and they would come back. But, obviously, when you are, wanted to do puja, you have to be clean. If you are contaminated, then, you cannot worship the dieties. So, they would come out of the water, get dressed and Chaitanya would wait until they were completely dressed and then, they would put on their tilak, generally, not Vaishnav tilak, they were generally Shaktas or Shivaites, like that. When they were fully dressed, then, He would come out and just squirt water out of His mouth and then, they would become contaminated. So, then, they would have to go back in again, to the water. Unable to catch Nimai, to rebuke Him, the enraged brahmans, donned after His father. Dear Mishra, my good friend, one gentleman said, Please listen well. I've come to complain about your son's misconduct. He doesnot allow us to perform our daily ablutions in the Ganga properly. Another man complained, He splashes water on us and disturbs our meditation. Further more, Nimai says, who are you meditating on? Just look at Me. In this Kali Yuga, I'm directly Lord Narayana Himself. They all came with different complaints. One man said, He stole my 1:16:58 . Another said, He ran away with my under clothes. Still, another reported. I prepared for Lord Vishnu's worship and collected at one place different ingredients like flowers, durva grass, sandalwood and a seat for Lord Vishnu. When I went for my bath, Nimai sat on Lord Vishnu's seat, ate the offerings, threww the ingredients away. Then, Nimai said, why you look so sad? The Lord of your worship has Himself eaten your offerings. The people continued to complain. Just like in Lord Krishna's time, also, all the inhabitants of Vrindavan would come and complain to mother Yashoda about Krishna. The people continued to complain. One brahmin said, I stepped into the water to recite my Gayatri Mantra and from nowhere, Nimai came under the water, pulled me away by my feet. ( Devotees laughing) Another said, my clothes and flowers were invariably taken away. Then, another said, He steals my Bhagavad Gita scripture. Another exasperated voice added, my son is very young. Nimai puts water in his ears and makes him weep miserably. Someone else complained, he sneaks around to my back, climbs onto my shoulders shouting, I'm a hash and then, jumps down. Another complained, He sis on myseat of worship and eats all my offerings. Then, He performs worship of Lord Vishnu. He throws sand at everyone, who has finished bathing and all the other restless, mischievous boys join Him. One of His worst tricks is that, when men and women are bathing, He mixes up the clothes and when they want to dress, they become quite disturbed. Dear Jagannath Mishra, you are a generous and fine gentleman. But, I tell you, your son Nimai does this sort of mischief every single day. He remains in the water, well, past 2, in the afternoon, teasing everyone that, comes for their bath. How do you expect Him to maintain Himself. In other words, He would come at noon and for 2hrs, He would just be playing in the water. In the meantime, many angry young girls, from the neighborhood approached Saci Devi. They arrested Saci Devi with serious complaints. Please hear from us respected mother about your son's misdeeds. He steals the clothes and uses awfully abusive language with us. When we try to correct His speech, He splashes water on us and starts quarrelling. We bring fruits and flowers, to the Ganga, to follow our religious observances. But, He, scatters and spoils everything. He waits for us to finish our ablutions and then, throw sand on us. Your son Nimai, stealthily comes from behind us and suddenly shouts loudly into our ears, horrifying us. Nimai spat a mouthful of water, right into my face and threw these 1:19:51 seeds in my hair. They do not come out so easily. Something which is like but. They have burs. Yet another voice complained, Nimai says, He wants to marry me. ( Devotees laughing) Everyday, He behaves in this manner. Do you think your son is a prince, they inquire. Everything your son Nimai does is exactly what Nanda Maharaj's son Gopal Krishna did long time ago. We have heard stories of Krishna and if, we would 1:20:17 all these complaints to our parents, then, they would surely quarrel with you. You should immediately correct your young son. His conduct is certainly not well received in a town like Nadia. With a smiling face, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mother embraced each girl and spoke comforting words to them all.



Transcribed by Rādhā Sarojini DD
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