So, Prabhupāda said to organize the village preaching. Bring them all to Māyāpur and have them trained up.
The following is an Introduction Talk given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on January 6th, 1991 in Melbourne, Australia.
Jayapatākā Swami: People from all communities they will attend our program. Once there was a program that went the whole night. Most of the program went the whole night because for the devotees, who try to leave at mid night, they would lie down on the road and cry, that “Please don’t leave.” This is the chance in the lifetime, we want to hear you till sunrise. So, we have to do is, have two shifts of devotees, some would preach till mid night, and the second shift will take over from mid night until 4am. After one program which was very well attended, we happened to go next day on a japa walk. Because we are doing a two-day program. in that place.
And I just talked to some local villagers. The men said, “Last night doesn’t matter what community, Hindu Muslim everyone, the whole village was empty, nobody stayed in their house, they were all there.” So, they are already eager to hear the devotees around the world. They explained how they had become devotees. What was the preaching going on in different parts of the world? So, to do that program.
So, the devotees, it’s a bit austere they have to drive few hours every day, one or two or three hours through these not so nice roads as Australia. Some times on dirt roads for last half-hour, sometimes have to walk an additional kilometre to get to the final destination.
One day we were held up because of a ferry that got in the middle of a river and the water went down, and the ferry got stuck in the sand, and so we just stayed there and chanted for a while, and then after about two hours the water came up again, and we could get to the other side.
So, finally, people were waiting for us about seven o’clock in the night, we got there about eleven o’clock. Must have been a few hours in the river. And…but the road was too narrow for the vehicles to go. So they, we got rickshaws, bicycle rickshaws or tricycles as is known in some places, and loaded up with our sound systems and everything and went off in the dark. Finally, we reach about two kilometres later. There rickshaws couldn’t go any further. We had to walk in some narrow pathway crossing over wooden bridges. Everyone was, “Where we are going and where they are taking us?” Nobody is going to be here. It is already midnight. The program was starting at seven. Then finally we go through this, like a jungle, we can’t see anything, and all of a sudden we get into a little clearing, we look out. There are thousands of people all sitting there with the generator and lights going on, they are just chant Hare Kṛṣṇa waiting five hours for the devotees to come. When they came, they all started you know ulu... ulu…doing you know, ladies do ulu-dhvanī and the men 'Hari bol!'. They have just been waiting, waiting hoping that it would be fulfilled.
So, then we did program there, starting Gaura Ārati in the midnight. Some devotees took a rain check after that. They didn’t blame us.
So, this way it’s definitely like as if a spiritual safari or something. Some days it’s real smooth, you just drive to the front door, and some days anything can happen. They told us that when we are stuck in the river, don’t bathe in it because there are Barracudas. Dip your hand in the water, it’s very salty, it was right by the ocean.
In fact, one place we went was right by the Sundarbans, that we could hear the tigers roaring from the distance. But they said, “Don’t worry, they don’t generally come on this side of the river.” Just in the rainy season a few crocodiles crawl over the river from the road. Generally, in five months.
Well, there was no problem, the devotees stayed in the vehicle, and we didn’t see any tigers. Then they arranged for our special tour. We all the devotees went into a river queen launch, put them into the Sundarban jungle swamp plants, and tried to spot a tiger. I don’t know if anyone spotted one, but it was interesting. So, like this we go and do the preaching, and I came back and it was time the disciples had arranged for our Vyāsa-pūjā celebration in Māyāpur on the Ekādaśī after Rāma Navamī. After that was over, then everybody left after few days. Then Nāmahaṭṭa annual conference and the festival began, and they started to come in. Usually seven eight hundred come but this year over nine hundred came. Almost a thousand. And for three days we have seminars on how to expand book distribution, how to do preaching from the house, how to organize Nāmahaṭṭa. Because we have about two thousand Nāmahaṭṭa units. Each unit with an average of fifty members. So that comes to over a hundred thousand participants with effect over millions of people, that we consider people that are exposed to that type of preaching.
So, it becomes practically impossible for the devotees to supervise two thousand branches just by on their own. So, we have to use the system Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura gave that for every so many Nāmahaṭṭas, they form in to a circle, and there is a circle commander or circle senāpati, and then so many circles form into a mahā, greater circle or district. Then from district division so on. So, how to organize like that it will decided, we have district festivals also throughout the year.
So, this year they had about a half dozen districts, that’s about sixteen districts in the Nāmahaṭṭa, we had around six or eight district festivals out of sixteen in the first year. There is one group which is, there are many groups which are lady groups, but majority are mixed, few are youth, some are older people. So different delegates came from each cakra and the book distribution section of the seminar, one person had distributed sixteen thousand pieces of literatures last year. So, he said that one thing “I am feeling incompetent, I am not getting any competition. So I am challenging. I want some competition.”
So a few others said, “Ok, this year we are going to get you.” But he had done only fifteen thousand literatures last year. So, I don’t know the final score. We will know till the festival, how they did in the competition, I don’t know if everybody. Is there anyone here doesn’t know what Nāmahaṭṭa is? Everybody know what a Nāmahaṭṭa is. See Nāmahaṭṭa is when we have, like we have ISKCON temples, we have the full time devotees which are preaching, that is the big base. Nāmahaṭṭa is where we have groups of devotees who may be working in their different occupations, but they gather together at least once in a week and they chant
Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare
Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare
Have a regular spiritual program reading from Prabhupāda’s books doing tulasī or Gaura–ārati, and they also organize different kinds of programs like prasāda distribution, like festivals, Harināma processions, and competitions, gurukulas, Ratha-yātrās, all kind of things. So, takes at least five people minimum to register a Nāmahaṭṭa group. We have to meet at least minimum once a week.
But usually, the groups expand up to hundred members or fifty members. Some of the groups meet every day. If they meet every day, they call it kendras or centers, Nāmahaṭṭa centers. If they actually dedicate some land to the Nāmahaṭṭa, and they establish a small temple. Then it is call a Nāmahaṭṭa temple. So, we have also many Nāmahaṭṭa temples, may be a few dozen. Maybe a couple of hundred Nāmahaṭṭa centers, and over left Nāmahaṭṭa sanghas for association to preaching service groups.
So, Prabhupāda said to organize the village preaching. Bring them all to Māyāpur and have them trained up. So part of our annual program just to bring them to Māyāpur. And after that was over, then I believe I went on a tour. I think I went briefly to South India. This year what happen, what I had to do was I had to go to Hyderabad because of some resolution of the GBC I went to Hyderabad from April 11th until May 7th, visiting Tirupati and Bangalore and Madras, three places
We have a six-hundred-acre farm there, but the donor of the land is trying to illegally get it back from us. So, I was assigned to go there and try to organize some kind of detachment?? For that property right now it is still in our possession. Legally things are going on. Then after that I went to Māyāpur for the Nṛsiṁha Caturdaśī festival because after what happen last year, when in September the previous year, in 1989 when I was attacked, I wanted to worship Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva for His causeless mercy knowing it to be revealed, to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda with this body for some time longer.
So, there we had a beautiful Nṛsiṁha Caturdaśī festival, bathing Nṛsiṁhadeva with many different items. After that I found out that the Hyderabad situation had become frozen, and there was some emergency in my zone in the west. So, then I flew almost immediately to North America where we didn’t have a President at that time. The President resigned, from New Orleans please check that out. Found a new President. Then I went to a quick tour of South America organizing the things and even approved for having opening in October. Different things. I have a zone in South America which includes Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.
I often visit Argentina and Colombia as well. This year the GBC gave me an assistant GBC (not audible) Vīrabāhu prabhu has been helping a lot to the over-extent without any help there. So, he has been very active. Bolivia, they got from the land… they got land from the government through the colonization scheme. I guess it is something like that in Australia too, I don’t know. They have very few residences. Only six thousand citizens of Bolivia, but it is fifteen hundred kilometres, by one-thousand-kilometre in dimension. So, they have a lot of unsettled land. So, Somaka Swami found the nice piece of land alongside the river, and he got fifteen hundred hectares from the government. Ten-kilometres-long but one and half kilometres wide alongside the river. It’s like there is a plane. Then I go gradually up into the hills. He took just a flat area alongside the river, and nobody is going to be settled up in the mountain. So anyway, but it’s there in the no man’s land, it belongs to the government. So, the problem was its twenty kilometres from the nearest road, and the only way to get to it was by walking. A bicycle can’t even go.
So somehow the devotee were very rugged, now they put their 13.55(not audible) put twenty kilometres. But then we got a bulldozer donated or purchased or something, and he got all local villagers to agree to help, and so he constructed a road with all the local people’s volunteer work, that twenty kilometres. So, now in television the government has said that what the Hare Kṛṣṇas have done, and that part of the country is just on the border of the cocaine producing area of Bolivia which is one of the main cocaine producer of coca plant.
And so, the government wants to stop this production of drug, and so we are producing in our farm an alternative, you know, agriculture, to grow vegetables and fruits and things, and so, we got all the villagers to help in building this road and our project came on television.
The villagers said that “The government never got a road for us, nobody got a road, it was the Hare Kṛṣṇas. So they are our best friends.” (jaya).
So, then I…(aside: here I will cut short) then I went back to North America. We had a big festival in Atlanta through Pānihāṭi. We offered over five hundred clay pots of yogurt, fruits and chipped rice as well as condensed milk and chipped rice. Ciḍā-dahi annual festival.
About eleven sannyāsīs and GBCs attended: Hṛdayānanda Mahārāja, Agraṇī Mahārāja, Guruprasāda Swami. Then after that festival I returned back to India for the Ratha-yātrā in Kolkata.
Then this year in Kolkata the Ratha-yātrā was inaugurated by the biggest industrialist in India, Mr B. K. Birla. Many years ago I made him a life member, about almost twenty years ago. How did they remember me? (laughter) Then as the ratha was starting, it started to pour torrential monsoon rain. It was just pouring buckets of rain, but still everybody was there pulling the ratha, soaking wet for nine- or ten-kilometre route. We never had such a heavy rain.
That year the Ratha cart in Jagannātha Purī of Lord Balarāma broke. The wheel broke. Well, just as we were hundred meters from the end of the route, Balarāmas wheel also broke in our procession So the paṇḍita said when Balarāma’s wheel break this is very heavy because Balarāma is holding up the whole universe. If His wheel break, there is going to be heavy trouble within the next twelve months in the world. Anyway, no one in trouble in the world today (laughter) It is just a revelation. Then, but it was very nice although usually we get about one to two million people because of heavy rain, is about only half a million, small crowed (laughter). But they were very enthusiastic, and they were the real diehards, because in spite of the rain and everything they were still there.
So next seven days was a big pandal program His Holiness Bhakti Charu Mahārāja and other speakers. I think I spoke three days or four days during the week ends and he spoke for few days.
And like this the Gurukula does a yajña, the Australian gurukula students from Māyāpur, they performed a big yajña. Every day at the pandal program they make about a eighty-foot-high temple out of bamboo and cloth. It’s very beautiful for Lord Jagannātha. Stays there for seven days in spite camp fire floats and that we are in the beginning of the procession. This year they have moving dioramas on the floats. So, those who put display for the week, everyone was coming. Everyday thousands of people got prasāda. So many people get prasāda, that they had to make two prasāda booths. I think they must have been feeding twenty thirty thousand people a day or more. On the fifth day hundred thousand people were coming every day. In slow days it was twenty-five thousand.
Even though it was still the, The Mundial was going on that time. The Italian football, soccer tournaments. Still people came to the program. It didn’t dampen the enthusiasm. Sometimes the sporting events are competitions for spiritual (not audible). But it didn’t dampen anyone’s enthusiasm. They just stayed for the lecture, and they ran out to see the T.V to see who was winning, those who are interested in that, but they didn’t miss the program.
So, then on the return Ratha, it was real sunny weather. So, almost about eight hundred thousand people were there for the return Ratha. Usually the return Ratha is a little going. Usually half a million. But this time about eight hundred thousand came because they couldn’t all come for the going Ratha-yātrā, and all the rathas reached safely.
Then they had meetings in Māyāpur. Four architect came over to discussed how to build the master plan for the city we would have, and also, Matsya-avatāra Prabhu from Italy came for finishing the Samādhi.
About fifteen days of nonstop architectural engineering and engineering meetings were held. [aside: Then what happened after that? Rainy season in July]…Oh! I think I went to Malaysia because in August we have two Ratha-yātrās. I think, you know, think, in august we have Rath yātrā, in Ipoh and Teluk Intan. They had made their first Ratha-yātrā cart in Ipoh. They finally constructed beautiful little ratha. Since then, now they drive it all over the country, and we if can change the wheels, and put another wheel. So, the devotees there worked hard for about a year and half making this Ratha cart, fifteen-thousand-dollar expense, donation from the Indian and Chinese communities. Very nice program for ten days going all over Malaysia Singapore and Jakarta.
Then we came back to India. I think we did a tour of South India like in Māyāpur. Some more time. Then around September it was time to go again to the West. That time I flew to Zurich for two days, then Stockholm for couple of days, Copenhagen for six hours, gave a class. Then Poland for three four days. Poland preaching is really spreading like anything.
Then from Poland again to Rome where I went with Matsya-avatāra Prabhu, and saw some of the monuments on which we are kind of thinking about in terms of making our Māyāpur temple having a big kīrtana hall, we want to do it with a dome.
In Italy they have these beautiful domes like the Pantheon, Saint Peter's, in Florence, the Basilica, and then… So, we went to see these different.
Then I went to New Vṛndāvana where we have a Ratha-yātrā in Florence for the first time. There was a very small downtown. So, they went three time around the same route, and the third time it started raining, but this was very ecstatic. And I see, after that stopping one day in London again I went to America to my zone. Then next after America I went to South America again. So, this time, I spent more time, more usually going to Chile, Ecuador everywhere. Then finally I ended up in Lima, Peru, where they were constructing for the past three years a Vedic architecture temple. This is a temple which about, (aside: how high is it?) may be eighty or hundred feet. I don’t know. It’s quite truly high up. It’s got three beautiful domes because it gets cold there in the winter. So, they put nice wooden poles (not audible), small pieces what you call it design… and the marble alter all beautiful Indian architecture with Jaya-Vijaya on front gate. So, Prema Vikāsa from Māyāpur group who was there and some of the students organize three days mahā-yajña and there was a kind of meeting there. All the leaders of Latin America came and Sītā-Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa, Hanumān, Rādhā-Madanabihārī and Lord Nitāi Deities were installed, all marble Deities. Then a very nice ceremony, then the ambassador of India to Peru and mayor of the city came and officially opened the temple.
They all gave lectures appreciating Śrīla Prabhupāda and how the devotees were crossing it. Inter-cultural, international, intercultural exchange and serving the people. It’s very positive effect from them. Then that came very close to Prabhupāda disappearance so that I flew up to Atlanta, observed Prabhupāda’s disappearance. Then I went to Vṛndāvana to attend Indian continental meeting. Then I got on the flight from Atlanta to New York, and as the flight was taxing-one of the engines stopped the pilot said, “In forty-five years of flying this has never happen to me. My engine has died. I am going to call the mechanic, and think it is not good to try to take off.” Then he calls the mechanic, we waited on for half an hour waiting waiting. Then finally he said, “Ok! we are going to go now. He starts up the engine again. Then the other side the engine exploded. Flames and smoke are coming out. Fire engines came. He said he had no more speech to say. “Shall I take that we cannot proceed any more for the journey?” (laughter). So, we got toured back to the gate, my left hand, my international connection had already taken off from New York. So, then I had to make a new booking (not audible) originally, I have meeting in India. Next day I got in time got my flight. Flight took of then as we were approaching New York it said suddenly have the storm in New York we cannot land. And we were circling and circling for four hours. Then they said, “We ran out of fuel. We have to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia. So then we landed. We stayed for total of eleven and half hours in the plane. Finally, we reached in New York at one thirty in the morning. All the connections had already left. I called up India and they said that there is basically riots going on in Delhi, because at that time Rāma Janmabhūmi problem was there, and he said that better not to come. Any way you missed all the meetings (laughter). So, might stay for the North America meetings. So then I stayed for week in North America, attended the meeting in Houston, where they have nice meeting, fund raising, preaching, back to Godhead.
Then I reached back to India in November 5th and in Māyāpur we had meetings on again master plan. All the GBCs were there. They had also made some action plan for… they want architects from anyone in the world to present, design concepts for the big temple based on the parameters the GBC had decided last year.
So, some different devotees I think is, New Zealand or Australian devotee (one para, Pāda Sevanam is there, Australian He does some nice concepts. The architect we hired has done a few. Other devotees have walked up to present, we want to present. The GBC has many alternatives. We can, and let them decide which direction we should go. So, once we have a concept that everybody approves of, then we had to proceed with that and do the final designing.
We are getting land for Māyāpur for the big city. Prabhupāda wanted a spiritual city and the biggest temple in the world Vedic planetarium So kind of fulfil all these things. So, after that was completed, stayed in Māyāpur almost little less than a month. Then that was time to go to Silchar where other temple had started two years before had also been constructed.
A big single door temple, two stories, with the guest house, three story guest house next door. There is a nice temple room, marble floor, nice decorated doors with Kṛṣṇa and Lord Caitanya’s pastime. Fourteen gurukula students came from Māyāpur including the Australian and New Zealand students. Did a big yajña for three days purifying the whole city. Twenty-four hours kīrtana was going on, different, around fifty devotees came from all over the world including fourteen or twelve rather from Russia, and people were just overwhelmed and never…. And every evening there was a big preaching program. All day there was yajña going on for installing the deities of Rādhā-Dāmodara and Mahāprabhu and Jagannātha, Baladeva, Subhadrā. So, final day fifteen thousand people took prasāda It was the biggest festival in that city Silchar. I don’t know Silchar is the place probably never heard of.
I won’t be surprised if you have heard it. Silchar, a secondary city, may be only half a million people. That’s on the other side of India. On the other side of India they say that “Here is Bangladesh and here is Bengal and there is Assam.” Cross over So, the other side of Bangladesh is a part of Assam in India, and that used to be part of Bengal before the partition of India, when they got independence from England. And that was part of Bengal where Lord Caitanya’s parents were born. It is called Sylhet. So, this place is still special because Lord Caitanya visited there, and Śacī-mātā and Jagannātha Miśra were born there. So that district has been divided in half, and half stayed in Bangladesh and half went to India. Silchar is a temple in India, and so the local Life members and devotees raised forty lakh of rupees, or four million rupees in two years, and build the temple without any international adjustment. ---Just by their own enthusiasm. So, it was very nice. Everyone was very impressed. The villagers were all overwhelmed to hear the 29.22 (not audible) festival.
Then I went to… Oh, somewhere in middle of the year I went to Kathmandu also … Also, I went to Thailand. Then I went again to Hyderabad, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Guruvāyur, Madras. In Guruvāyur we have land. There is very big temple in India Tirupati and then Guruvāyur, two biggest temples in South India. So, they have three hours of procession every day. So, we have ….near the temple…. special pilgrim centre for preaching and (not audible) the pilgrims. Millions of pilgrims come there every month. So, in Tirupati (not audible) a guest house.
So, after that gain I went to back to Malaysia for ten days. We had three Ratha-yātrās: One in Kuala Lumpur. After that one in Penang and one in (not audible). We also have other programs, one day I am preaching in Singapore, one day in again in Jakarta and Malaysia and came back to here (not audible) also we went to Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh we had a temple donated to us this year, two hundred years old. Then in the month of November when there were riots in Bangladesh our temple was vandalized and looted. But the Deities were unharmed. So, in the month of July- August I went to Bangladesh also. Then come back in December here back to India in Māyāpur, then I went back to the Middle east, Muscat and Bahrain.
Then we all came to North America for Christmas marathon celebration in Atlanta. In New Orleans (not audible) my sister very ill so twice I went to California to see her, but she was in a kind of a traumatic state, paralysed through medicine. Especially she could hear me, maybe, but she couldn’t speak. So my previous āśrama sister, not my god sister, but from my previous āśrama before I was sannyāsī.
So, I chanted Hare Kṛṣṇa, put some caraṇāmṛta on her head, touched the ground to her head. She used to visit the temple and take prasādam, but she wasn’t… became a devotee. I want her but try to preach her on some occasions But she was stable though, but… couldn’t fully change her ways. So, she just had a minor operation but complicated, and she got (not audible) now she is in the hospital very sick. My mother send me a fax that the doctor says she may have twelve hours to live. That was four hours to go. I have to pack. So, as we prayed for the soul, this world is danger every step. I was praying this morning…. She is three years younger than I am. Then I flew (not audible) intensive care unit.
Flew to give class in Los Angeles and then flew to Hawaii, reached there seven at night, gave class in the evening, caught a midnight flight and flew straight to Sydney, spend a day, yesterday in Sydney, gave a class in the evening at Northern city, gave the morning class in Darley heart street. Here I am. You can see that during the year lot of things happened. I couldn’t remember everything I just give you the highlights. But wherever I have gone I think the devotees very sincerely trying to push on the Kṛṣṇa conscious movement, are very dedicated to spreading Prabhupāda’s message. This like gradually affect is imperceptively or perceptively affect the spreading of the society at large.
We meet favourable people in airplanes, we meet favourable people everywhere who are interested to know what is the purpose of life.
Also, we are very fortunate this year. So, we got a land where Lord Balarāma had visited Navadvīpa Dhāma five thousand years ago. You know, we were able to purchase that piece of land. We are going to build a small memorial there for Lord Balarāma.
So, when the devotees visit Māyāpur, they know Balarāma personally had some pastime in Māyāpur. This is part of our Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust program over trying to preserve all the holy dhāmas in the Holy Dhāma. There is many hidden, dilapidated temples which are almost forgotten and lost. Not forgotten but out of sight. So, we are trying to relocate those and preserve them for the pleasure of Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Any questions
Devotee: - Not audible 35.15
Jayapatākā Swami: - Original plan was (not audible) couple of days some were else I think they only go that otherwise they wanted to start Sydney first. They think the plan is (not audible) because they have Ratha-yātrā in January in Madras so I have to reach Singapore by eleven already connect Singapore (not audible) by eleven to connect to go to Madras for the Ratha-yātrā so I have to leave before ten present ticket (not audible) going to Hongkong and then next morning connecting flight to Singapore and then night fly to Madras.
Devotee: - Not Audible
Jayapatākā Swami: - (not audible) Well he was visiting all the holy places during Kurukṣetra battle that time there was a demon called Raktabāhu who was torturing and harassing the brāhmaṇas. No not Raktabāhu, his name was Māyāsura who was (not audible) but Mayāsura he was harassing brāhmaṇas.
So, brāhmaṇas requested Balarāma was playing the part of kṣatriya so, “Please save us from the Mayāsura demon.” So, then he went to the Mayāsura demon to tell him stop harassing brāhmaṇas but Mayāsura demon attack Balarāma. So, there was battle between them for some time and that by their fighting made big presser inside the earth became big lake (not audible) fighting then finally Balarāma smash Mayāsura demon and like a giant or something depression like a lake (not audible) finally he was liberated and his ātmā left the demon body and liberated Lord Balarāma saccidānanda transcendental form.
So, that place is still known by the ancient people as Māyāmāri math. Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura said that there is a field Māyāmāri Math. The field where Mayāsura was killed and that the place where Balarāma went. So, we glorified the (not audible) few people knew about then we purchase some land there to build this (not audible).
Devotee: - Is that near Jagannātha temple?
Jayapatākā Swami: - Yes near Jagannātha temple same side of Jalāṅgī we hadn’t any trouble in Māyāpur only in Bangladesh Māyāpur is very peaceful. Whole Bengal is very peaceful also south India is peaceful only in North India UP and upper south India every (not audible).
Devotee: - Delhi is okay?
Jayapatākā Swami: - Generally okay these troubles are happens in Delhi Lucknow Agra
Devotee: - Not audible
Jayapatākā Swami: - No we have Nāmahaṭṭa there is some devotees. Any question?
Devotee: - (not audible)
Jayapatākā Swami: - One of the places we located which was very difficult because five hundred years ago on (not audible) side of Ganges. Ganges shifted about five kilometre five hundred years that was the birthplace of wife the consort of Nityānanda Prabhu, Vasudhā and Jahnavā devī, āśrama of Gauridāsa Paṇḍita and Sūryakānta Sārakhela so we found that temple ISKCON.
So, when we see these places the whole pastime of Lord Nityānanda go to the pastime anytime to trace out, so they say that Kṛṣṇa order the king of (not audible) He arrange the marriage between Sūryadāsa Sārakhela’s daughters and Nityānanda. Personally, Sūryadāsa Sārakhela is against he didn’t have good impression on Nityānanda he thought Nityānanda was avadhūta He wasn’t having any fixed residence He is moving here and there. How He is preaching some time acting ecstatic see Him kind of unusual person. How can He marry my daughters (laughter)? But Kṛṣṇa Hoḍa got very angry with him. “You don’t know who Nityānanda prabhu is you have been very foolish.”Aand He walked out. Said, “You know I won’t come back again I was offended.” That night he had a dream, and in a dream, he saw Balarāma with His to consort Revatī and Vāruṇī. Then He was Balarāma turn into Nityānanda and Revatī Vāruṇī turn into Vasudhā Janhavā devī. Then he weak up and he realize that Nityānanda was Balarāma and his daughters was divine Lakṣmī’s and he send a message to Kṛṣṇa through Haridāsa and requested them marriage could be possible he approves.
Verified by: Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprema dāsa
Lecture Suggetions
19920104 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Ādi 2.11
19920103 Bhagavad-gītā 9.3 We Must Have Faith in Krsna
19920103 Arrival Address
19911106 Bhagavad-gītā 11.3
19911105 Bhagavad-gītā 12.1
19911028 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.10.31-35
19911009 Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-līlā.2.39-52
19911004 Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-līlā 2.1-11 & Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.10.5
19911003 Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-līlā 1.260-287 (ŚB. 7.10.4)
19910801 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Ādi 2.10.105 Appearance day of Gopāla
19910731 Bhagavad-gītā 2.57 The Path of Bhakti is Supreme
19910629 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Antya līlā.6.1-37
19910610 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.1.25-26
19910108 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.1.9
19910107 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.1.8
19901220 Initiation Lecture
19901220 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.5.11
19901214 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.7.27
19901211 Bhagavad-gītā 9.22
19901208 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.6.24
19901203 Bhagavad-gītā 4.13
19901203 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.31.29
19901107 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.4.29
19901102 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.13.63
19901101 Evening Darshan Prasadam Etiquette (Mantra)
19901031 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.23.39
19901002 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.17.39-41
19900930 Talk On Ratha-yātrā
19900923 Bhagavad-gītā 8.6 with Kavicandra Maharaja and Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu
19900910 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.14.30