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19870519 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.26.41-43

19 May 1987|Duration: 00:48:07|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Almvik, Sweden

Following is a class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on May 19th 1987 in Sweden the class begins with a reading from the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam third canto, chapter twenty-six, Text forty-one to forty-three.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.26.41

rūpa- mātrād vikurvāṇāt
tejaso daiva- coditāt
rasa- mātram abhūt tasmād
ambho jihvā rasa- grahaḥ

Translation: By the interaction of fire and the visual sensation, the subtle element taste evolves under a superior arrangement. From taste, water is produced, and the tongue, which perceives taste, is also manifested.

Purport: The tongue is described here as the instrument for acquiring knowledge of taste. Because taste is a product of water, there is always saliva on the tongue.

End of the purport and translation of text 41.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.26.41

kaṣāyo madhuras tiktaḥ
kaṭv amla iti naikadhā
bhautikānāṁ vikāreṇa
rasa eko vibhidyate

Translation: Although originally one, taste becomes manifold as astringent, sweet, bitter, pungent, sour and salty due to contact with other substances.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.26.41

kledanaṁ piṇḍanaṁ tṛptiḥ
tāpāpanodo bhūyastvam
ambhaso vṛttayas tv imāḥ

Translation: The characteristics of water are exhibited by its moistening other substances, coagulating various mixtures, causing satisfaction, maintaining life, softening things, driving away heat, incessantly supplying itself to reservoirs of water, and refreshing by slaking thirst.

Purport: Starvation can be mitigated by drinking water. It is sometimes found that if a person who has taken a vow to fast takes a little water at intervals, the exhaustion of fasting is at once mitigated. In the Vedas, it is also stated, āpomayaḥ prāṇaḥ: “Life depends on water.” With water, anything can be moistened or dampened. Flour dough can be prepared with a mixture of water. Mud is made by mixing earth with water. As stated in the beginning of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, water is the cementing ingredient of different material elements. If we build a house, water is actually the constituent in making the bricks. Fire, water and air are the exchanging elements for the entire material manifestation, but water is most prominent. Also, excessive heat can be reduced simply by pouring water on the heated field.

Thus, ends the Bhaktivedanta Swami translation and purport of text forty-one, forty-two and forty-three in third canto chapter twenty-six entitled “Fundamental principles of material nature”.

Jayapatākā Swami: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam mahapuranam the taste and its related aspects have been discussed. From the subtle taste water the tongue which perceives taste and all others connected aspects are created. In the manifestation of this universe we find that things manifest from the subtle to the gross. Usually things are lying dormant in the body of Viṣṇu, gradually through the process of creation these various manifestations of the material world become exhibited. Lot of scientist is trying to create life, going form the gross to the subtle. Taking gross building blocks, they are trying to organise them in such a way that a symptoms of life will be manifested. It will be known actually things comes from the subtle to the gross from the more fine to the more. So, originally there is Kṛṣṇa, who is smaller than the smallest bigger than the biggest. He expands, His individual parts both Kṛṣṇa and individual parts are eternal, they are not created. Individual souls are such is not created, it is expansion of Kṛṣṇa. The gross material, the vast expansion of material energy known as mahat-tatva or product is gradually form into various aspects of the material creation. Through the processes explained briefly in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

Actually, the Lord Brahma is able to manifest these different aspects of material life to create a planet, living entities. It’s not something that is anybody can do. He has got specific intelligence for this purpose; he also has four heads. In this universe and more heads in other universes. Apart from that his consciousness is far greater than anyone to conceive. So to be able to have his consciousness of the whole universe what’s going on. This power to be able to do that is given by Kṛṣṇa, therefore he is considered Guna avatar of the mode of rajas. Empowered for the purpose of creation this is the illustration. Once there was one great yogi who was a great admirer of Lord Brahma,

this yogi was obsessed with worshiping Lord Brahma. So, he was doing some tapasya and he satisfied one great rishi either Vashishtha or (forget which one) vasistha muni he was equally similar advanced rishi. He requested that if he could become a Brahma even if it is for a moment. It is not possible to become a Brahma that’s beyond my power. If I could just for a moment be able to see to know what is right to be a Brahma, just to have to be able to understand things from his point of view to have his consciousness for just a moment. But that rishi said, "this is very dangerous how can a normal living entity have the consciousness of Brahma even for a second". “No, no just for a second you can do it you are a great rishi you have a mystic power you can do anything practically speaking. I just want to know, I am just interested I mean imagine he is creating everything whole universe is just there inside his conscious what will be the light to see things even for a second, the way Lord Brahma see that inside”. He was just completely absorbed of that thought, Brahma is creating this whole universe may be we shall [Not Clear 10:41] golden gate bridge going on fifty years anniversary, newspapers are saying that. Here people very proud whenever we invent new submarine or new nuclear bomb or new jet. Lord Brahma is creating the entire universe and creating the human beings that are having the intelligence to create these things. Compared to… just like the computer suppose have the biggest computer right now the planet has now hundred million bytes of, I don’t know, memory capacity where the human brain is supposed to have something like hundred thousand trillion by their estimate. But they have really able to put the limit at least the hundred trillion which is so many times more than the biggest computer.

So many… so, these are all created by Lord Brahma, so this yogi was just begging that rishi just for a moment, just see things, the point of view of Lord Brahma. So, finally that rishi said all right, at y our own risk I take no responsibility. “No, no I take full responsibility just for one moment”. So, that rishi said the mantras to give his blessing, touching water and he said, "now you have been blessed with the consciousness of Brahma for one moment”. He gave that blessing Ohhh! That yogi’s brain was smashed into million pieces just splashed all over, finished, having Brahma’s consciousness in his little brain, human brain was completely over loaded. So, then of course he could go up to the planet of Brahma of course he died completely Brahma conscious.

The point is that, how we are going to actually understand exactly how the material creation is going on. It’s not hundred percent possible one percent possible some percent is possible therefore whatever percent is possible that’s being explained to us. Just like, it says that interaction of fire and sensual sensation of subtle element tasty [Not clear 13:17] under a superior arrangement. Now see, how fire and visual sensation is interacted to produce taste is definitely here now we are understanding it. But by their superior arrangement they are able to somehow combine these two things fire and visual sensation and create taste. Like this there is a lot of tricks, so lot of secrets, lot of mysteries that Lord Brahma knows we don’t know. What is it mystery? That means something you don’t know that’s a mystery. But there is something by superior intelligence they can know, we don’t know. Brahma is more intelligent even than Indra and all the demigods, he knows more than they know. Therefore they go to him for advice some time, lot of the time, what to do now I am in a fix ---Similarly other God demigod they know less than Lord Indra, he knows more than they do that’s why he is king of demigod.

So, in this way things are coming from the subtle stage to the gross. But even Lord Brahma who is the most intelligent you can say in terms of creation in this universe but compared to other bigger universes, are compared to Viṣṇu he may be insignificant. Whatever he is getting, he is getting from Viṣṇu, This is the first point of intelligence to understand where does our power come from.

When Hiranyakasipu asked Prahlad, "where do you get this power? how can you defy me?” Pralhad said, "I get power from the same place from where you are getting power”. We are getting power from the same source. This is the thing that someone who is intelligent to understand, where is the power coming from? What is the difference between rock and the person? Why is it that rock cannot speak but a person does? What gives that power of speech the power of consciousness. If we understand these qualities are actually coming from supreme conscious.

cetanaś cetanānām nityo nityānāṁ eko bahūnāṁ yo vidadhāti kāmān

Then we actually understanding the real essence of everything. Lord Caitanya said this sankirtan movement was for those who are more intelligent, those who are intelligent they will join. Sometimes we think intelligence means education. Someone may be uneducated but very intelligent he accepts Kṛṣṇa conscious movement of Caitanya Mahāprabhu, that person is very intelligent. Because where else he gets such a opportunity, such a bargain.

Mentioned before, how Jagai, Madhai, when they were delivered by Lord Nityānanda and Lord Caitanya. They were guilty of so many offences, they were so sinful so offensive. They born in a Brahman family so they knew about the Vedic laws of karma, they knew the Vedas, they knew the laws of karma, how they work. And from the code of Manu, they could understand what was the different karmic reaction for different… Then they were special hobby was to look up in the code of Manu, they see what’s the next offense we can do, what’s the worse we can possibly do today?. v Ok, here to rape the wife of the elders, all right this is the good one, here is one to murder a brahmana fantastic!!! what’s there today? They are just like purposely doing every heinous type of activity. The ordinary ones they aren’t just wanted bread and butter, they really wanted to do in a top sinful activity so demonic they become.

When they surrendered to Nitai and Guar that mention that time Lord Caitanya said well I can forgive you if you promise you never commit these offences again. So, they promised, and they go to the Ganges take their bath and come back and gave them initiation Madhai Madhava das bramhachari. This way the reaction in Yamloka was they just astonished, because Chitragupta is the head clerk of the head accountant general for Yamaraj, he is keeping the whole account there preparing a special course of a treatment for Jagai, Madhai. That one time Lord Caitanya just cleaned this way they were immediately forgiven.

So, there was a talk in the place, how Lord Caitanya completely the most sinful people they have so much karma accumulated, cleaned of. When Yamaraj came he was out of sight, when he came back that time, they came up to him Yamaraj -Yamaraj do you know what happened? What happened? “Jagai, Madhai they surrender to Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu and all of their karma was cleaned of”. “How much karma did they have?” “So, they started to explain they have so much karma that they have put in to writing it take up warehouse room after room”. They explained just a few highlights, Yamaraj is listening, suddenly he felt unconscious. “No, no what we have done we given Yamaraj a shock of his life, he fainted he couldn’t take it so much karma was, this is too much shock for him”. So, they all came there, started fanning him, and everything but they put water on him he wouldn’t recover, wouldn’t come back to consciousness. They (are) really worried whole, everything in the Yamaloke everyone was come up, every universe everything tied up, no one can go to Yamaraj for a judgement, all things were completely… So, Lord Śiva he happened to come by and asked “what’s happening here”. He said, “well, explained what happened”?. He looked at Yamaraj, immediately He could understand Yamaraj is not fainted, He is in ecstasy thinking of the glories of Caitanya Mahāprabhu, he fell in to trance, he is in trance, you have to chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, he hears, then he will come back. So, everyone there in Yamaloka they all started to chant

Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare
Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare

Then Yamaraj came back; Lord Yamaraj, Lord Śiva they started to do kirtan glorifying Caitanya Mahāprabhu, Prabhu Nityānanda chanting. So many other demigods participated, this way not too much similar from the song of Bhaktivinod Thakur Narada Muni bajay vina like that everyone was chanting in Yamaraj’s planet. This way demigods, everyone had completely amazed by the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam says the demigod’s are crying to come down to this planet to taste the nectar of Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s movement to participate in this movement. In just a short time one can go back to the spiritual world. Actually, devotional service means engage all the senses in the master of the sense’s service

hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate

to serve Hrishikesha with the senses. So, with the sense of taste, we take Kṛṣṇa prasadam, with the sense of sight we see the beautiful deities of Pancha tattva, Radha and Kṛṣṇa, with the sense of hearing we hear the message of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, with the sense of touch, touch the devotees, use hands for printing books, sewing, cooking and other services. And with the sense of smell incense, flower so many other aspects that will be discussed in the next verse.

So, by engaging all the senses in Kṛṣṇa’s service then one become purified, What is difficult who doesn’t like to do all types of sensual activity. So, devotional service not only stop sensual activity. Simply adjusted so that sensual activity is in contact with Krishnized transcendentalised objects, transcendental sense object Kṛṣṇa prasadam, food, flowers, Kṛṣṇa deity, holy name, the devotees, touching the lotus feet of the spiritual master, touching the Vaiṣṇavas. This is actually perfection of the senses, esspecially in the age of kali people are very interested in the sense gratification. So, through various cultural avenues, senses can be gratified but in such a way that Kṛṣṇa consciousness is expanded, either through drama, through art, through music, so many different cultural expressions the senses can also be gratified but in a Kṛṣṇa conscious way.

We can’t live in the world without gratifying the senses, even if we don’t want to sometime, we suffer pain sometime we suffer pleasure. It’s simply a question of choosing types of pleasure which are Kṛṣṇa conscious, this ends eventually the pain otherwise sense pleasure only for material enjoyment at the end produces more suffering. Here also today we see that six tastes - astringent, sweet, bitter pungent, sour, and salty due to contact with other substances. Śrīla Prabhupāda, he was always saying in the west they simply have two tastes - sweet and salty. Sometime now they give little bit of sour yogurt or something but generally it is sweet and salty, salty preparation and the sweet preparation. Śrīla Prabhupāda, he was in the like eastern Indian cooking Bengali, Oriyan, all Indian cooking to some extent but especially when they try, they have at least five out of six tastes in every meal. Starting with bitter, astringent is more -rare but the astringent test they specially use in Manipuri cooking like [not Clear 27:08] they make a special preparation using a small bit of astringent substance but to some extent there some vegetables little bit of astringent, some Indian roots and things which are cooked even in Bengal. But Prabhupāda wants bitter so much it actually helps the bowl secretion, help in every aspect, that he would have us harvest the Bitter Melon in Mayapur and dried in the sun and send to him wherever he was in the air freight. Now deities all over the world offer the different offerings because the Chinese and other types of vegetables are available. But if you study in the Srimad… in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta they give range of preparations starting from different type of bitter preparations, pungent, hot, sour, of course salty and finally sweet in the end.

So, all the varieties of tastes can be offered to Kṛṣṇa if you cook astringent if you know the technic. So, even in the modern… even in the materialistic cooking they don’t have so many tastes, there are more taste and more varieties of offerings made to Kṛṣṇa that people are normally use of. They have various varieties of unmatchable things but there is nothing compared to the number of preparations that can be made for the different taste that could be made all Kṛṣṇa prasad, thousands of preparations.

In Mayapur, for Vyas puja to Prabhupāda they offered one thousand sixteen preparations their tables three meters long, by three to four meters long by one meter wide, they had at least eight of those tables plus additions to that. So much each one different preparation not that fifteen kinds of halawa, cherry halawa each different completely different preparation. Even if you can take this much you can cover all the preparation you can’t consume that much even you take a pinch, I know I tried, that so many varieties to serve Kṛṣṇa.

In fact, Lord Caitanya when He was being offered the prasadam by Adavait Gosai and He look and he saw the way all offered deities so many nice plates and offerings put out. Wasn’t that He was attracted by all big feast is coming. But actually, He see how nicely was offered to Kṛṣṇa, He became very satisfied in His heart oh! This is very devotional very nice process you can cook nice feast completely selflessly simply for the satisfaction of Kṛṣṇa. Actually, when devotee advances, they enjoy more cooking and offering the feast to Kṛṣṇa than he did. When taking the prasadam more than the taste of prasadam the love of Kṛṣṇa, the reciprocation that Kṛṣṇa gives, that in the prasadam the nectar of Kṛṣṇa’s own touch that is more… That is inconceivably satisfying to the devotee. Just like Lord Caitanya, He went suddenly into the house of Sarvabhouma Bhattacharya offering him some prasadam, just when he was coming out of bed. So, immediately he took the prasadam and ate it. Lord Caitanya, he(Sarvabhouma Bhattacharya) didn’t brush His teeth, didn’t do anything, He quote the shloka form Sanskrit once you take prasad you should take it immediately. No, rituals before he was a big strict follower of all rituals, now, he accepted the higher principle of prasadam. Another time Lord Caitanya, He got some cashews different dry fruit prasad from Jagannath at Mangala arati when He came out, He gave to different devotees, taste this cashew taste this cashew. .Actually in Jagannath puri they have many cashew trees. So, then they all took little piece of cashew, Lord Caitanya He said what do you think. Yes, it’s fantastic! what’s that cashew so many of we won’t have cashew what’s in that cashew. Why is that this is offer to Kṛṣṇa something about it inconceivable, completely satisfying because the nectar of Kṛṣṇa’s mouth is gone in to the food. The very common even we cook simple khichadi offer it, somehow householder would come in Indian householders they say we will cook, it’s in our house adding more nice ingredients but they won’t get this taste. What did you add to it, what is your secret, what is that ingredient that you are putting in this khichadi? That’s Kṛṣṇa’s mystic opulence

apashymey yogmaishvarm

He behold by mystic opulence or He takes a prasadam the Bhoga becomes Prasad, its completely transcendental. So, actually in the Vaiṣṇava tradition the whole culture based simply on prasadam. Whatever is the spiritual process is there, people will feast unlimitedly as a meditation. Cooking and offering and feast these all forms of meditation, forms of direct devotional service. I think many devotees were favourably encouraged to serve Kṛṣṇa just because effect of prasadam. Will be of hope in Kṛṣṇa consciousness wasn’t for Kṛṣṇa prasadam? How can we control the senses? Because of prasadam sense control is become within the allowable feasibility.

As we can’t live without eating, if we have to eat bhoga this ordinary food, how you will be able to remain transcendentaly situated? Prasadam is definitely mercy, prasadam is the mercy of the Lord. Of course [not sure 34:00] preaching in Namhatta preaching people should be encouraged not just to be vegetarian but to be Prasadetarians, Kṛṣṇatarians. This way they can taste the nectar of Kṛṣṇa’s lotus mouth in their food. It Italy, it was nice, they have a programme on the radio every night eight o’clock ail registered members as we told you before, bring your food without any onion, garlic, meat, fish, egg very nicely prepared. Now you put in front of picture of Kṛṣṇa someone will say the offering mantra for you, offering, then all over. Italy people bring their plates in front of the altar then with some echo chamber effect somebody saying nama om viṣṇu-pādāya and they goes over they all get their prasadam offered and then they take.(laughter) This is very interesting.

So, the point is to introduce this process of prasadam, they were discussing the taste, the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, there are so many references to big feast. Kṛṣṇaraj Kaviraj he gave elaborate descriptions of feast offered at different times. Whether the fast .. feast at Haridas Thakur, feast at Adavait Goswami’s house, feast at Jagannatha puri so many different feasts were there.

The feast of the Panihati festival coming up on June 10. We are observing in Atlanta in the week end 15th or 14th. Where to punish His devotee, Nityānandaa gave him the punishment danda mohotstav to Raghunath das. Raghunath das had tried to go to Lord Caitanya many times, Lord Caitanya rejected him told him you just worship from your house. “You are not ready yet to fully surrender. You can surrender where you are”. Like this, actually, what was the secret, he didn't know finally he went to see Nityānanda after about a year. Nityānanda was sitting there, under the banyan tree with his associates. From a distance Raghunath das paid his obeisances. Raghunath das’s father and uncle they are very wealthy landlords. They pay annual tax to the government of one million two hundred thousand gold coins, half the size of half the size of a coconut. They use to pay gold mohor, mohor means eleven grams. You can calculate in the days market what one million two hundred thousand Coins, of twenty-two carrot gold was eleven grams each is worth. You can understand how much tax they are paying. How much they keeping for themselves how much their income was? Raghunath das was their son, he was totally disinterested in the wealth, he wanted simply to join Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s movement. He came to Nityānandaa’s side by, to here is that impudent Raghunath das, trying to avoid the Guru. Raghunath das offense was he knew that Nityānandaa was there assign to Bengal preaching. Instead of going to Nityānandaa he was avoiding Nityānandaa and going directly to Lord Caitanya. Therefore Lord Caitanya was not accepting him. Nityānandaa revealed his offense. Are you trying to jump over the guru and tells him “even if Kṛṣṇa and guru are standing together you should bow first to the guru”. And then sixty-four seva apradha to deity, first one is to neglect to offer respect to guru in the temple. The second is to respect any other Vaiṣṇava in front of Kṛṣṇa. Guru tattva and Vaishnav tatva two different tattva’s. Guru is the link with Kṛṣṇa, even the deity, before you worship Kṛṣṇa you have to worship Guru. Even front of the deity before Kṛṣṇa, guru can be worshipped. But even if we don’t worship Tulasi although she is greater Vaiṣṇava inconceivably greater liberated soul. If you try to compare what is relative advancement of guru as compared to Tulasi you find no comparison. Tulasi is so advanced. She is a vaiṣṇav. She is not acting as guru for the devotees that are generally approaching some other… Some also could possibly receive training from her some higher level but in general sense, she is not, she is a Vaiṣṇava. Worshiped as a Vaiṣṇava, Vaishnavi but Guru is worshipped like that.

So Nityānanda is adi guru he is original guru and somehow Raghunath das was avoiding original guru and trying to directly go to Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu. So, then Nityānandaa jokingly was actually instructing him what your mistake was. So, then Raghunath das begging please forgive me for my offense. No, I am going to punish you, what is the punishment, you must provide a feast for all the devotees here. Flattened rice yogurt condensed milk fruits, to their heart’s content you provide, this is your punishment. He accepted, all right. So, everyone knows that festival, very ecstatic festival so, many big pots of chida and dahi were made.

Actually, Prabhupāda went several occasions to panihati wanted to have a temple built there, send different BBT funds. We get that original place and have launch service, motor boats from Kolkata to panihati to Mayapur, yachts delivery yatchs or launches. So, I remember that first time on Prabhupāda’s order we went to panihati do the festiva, l we didn’t know how many people we don’t know anything. We filled up a truck load devotee, we brought a seven hundred kilos of yogurt we also had the Nitai Guar deities. We had you know tones of flattened rice, tonnes of mangoes fruit banana’s whole trucks filled. We got there about 10 o’clock in the morning there about two hundred thousand people there. You couldn’t get within about two kilo meters just pack with people already. So, it was all what we can do with tonnes of yogurt, fruit everything we couldn’t get out to the to the Ganges side, packed completely. It is very narrow road and that is totally filled with people; we made hundred and eight clay pots of special chida and dahi, with each with a mango, lichee nuts, the jackfruit and sugar banana’s and various types of preparations. And putting on top little white puri’s with white sugar, some cardommn, water, aguru, scent, Sandesh little bit of channa that means natural curd with sugar and black pepper. Then various type of rasgullas and all sweets and things on the top decorated fruits hundred and eight pots big cloth around it. Then we offered that to the Nitai Guar deity then we pacified the caste brahmans gave each of them a clay pot and the people were just waiting there when is their prasad come. Meanwhile on the side big pots of chida dahi distributed to fifty thousand people. That time we didn’t have any experience, first see all the foreigner devotees. One devotee thought, let me go out and give them prasadam. He took the clay pot and running to the crowd give them the prasadam this thing like (not sure 43:20)… All of a sudden we saw him go in the crowd the people like carina fish they jumped on him and they all grabbing him for the prasadam and suddenly that devotee kind of disappeared in the crowd. Just like vast of the ocean we couldn’t see him at all. About ten minutes later he crawls in between somebody’s legs came back up on the platform. This is not the way, but he was were very determined.(not sure 43:40) I forget he was something European, So, next time he took another and he jumped on a tree and like Hanuman he was giving the prasad but people too go like this trying to get Prasad. He was handling it down any way that was unprofessional the whole thing. Then we started whole line the people and we build some big bamboo gate the people could come in line up. Just smashed it down in one second. So, somehow or other we distributed the prasadam, people are so enthusiastic to get a little prasadam. you can't consive

Like all this festival little prasad simple little bit not like hungry, starving actually they just want to respect a little prasadam. Want little bit of that mercy they eager to get the mercy of Nityānanda. When they get it, they dancing and chanting everyone is bringing cheers, giving it to someone else it’s a unique picnic. Like no other picnic you ever seen, two hundred thousand people coming all to picnic. What a festival Nityānanda prabhu has made?

So This way the Kṛṣṇa conscious movement Kṛṣṇa, Nityānanda, Lord Caitanya so many different festivals, so interesting and lively. Today when we read about how different senses are developing the same senses can bind us in the material world they can also liberate. If you use them in Kṛṣṇa’s service - hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate will be the if you use the senses for kind serve the senses and gratify them without connecting with Kṛṣṇa you will get more and more entangled.

Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare
Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Ram Ram, Hare Hare.

Any questions?

One devotee asked question – not audible

Guru Maharaj: Just like famous prasadam lila, we were with Śrīla Prabhupāda he was taking prasadam in front of and everyone near his vyasasan. Some big feast all devotees sitting in front. He gives one rasgulla, one sweet ball Gulab jamun to one devotee. Devotee put it on his plate were sitting their kind of eating the other preparation, I will take sweet ball last. Prabhupāda see this thing, he is so proud he got sweet ball of Prabhupāda. Suddenly, the devotee next to him ate the sweet ball. [Guru Mahārāja sounds gulping]. He shouts, “You took my sweet ball. [not audible 46:40] Prabhupāda, mahaprasad anyway you can get it even you can take it from the plate of spiritual master please do not do that otherwise how I eat”. [Guru Mahārāja laughs] So, if we have the consciousness prasadam if you think it’s a sweet ball, we need that’s the not just prasadam, this is maha-prasadam and I need that mercy whatever bitter melon or one or sweet ball but it’s a maha-prasad. That consciousness is there somehow or the other we get that mercy. Of course, any way the temple distributes, no need of waiting… but like that we are devotees of Kṛṣṇa and all His form, whether prasadam form, whether lila form, whether sound form.

Bhagavan Sri Kṛṣṇa ki…

Devotees: jaya,

Caitanya Mahāprabhu Ki…

Devotees: Jaya,

Śrīla Prabhupāda Ki…

Devotees: Jaya

maha-prasade govinde
nama-brahmani vaisnave
svalpa-punya-vatam rajan
visvaso naiva jayate…

Devotees: Jaya

Transcribed by Subhadra Shubangi DD (3 February 2020)(
Verifyed by Sarva Pālikā Saci DD (12 February 2020) | Karuṇāpati Keśava das (22 October 2020)
Reviewed by