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19870714 Evening Darśana: Caitanya-līlā

14 Jul 1987|Duration: 00:30:14|English|Darśana|Copenhagen, Denmark

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta Līlā Lecture given By

His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja

In Copenhagen, Denmark

vande ‘haṁ śrī-guroḥ śrī-yuta-pada-kamalaṁ śrī-gurūn vaiṣṇavāṁś ca
śrī-rūpaṁ sāgrajātaṁ saha-gaṇa-raghunāthānvitaṁ taṁ sa-jīvam
sādvaitaṁ sāvadhūtaṁ parijana-sahitaṁ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devaṁ
śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pādān saha-gaṇa-lalitā-śrī-viśākhānvitāṁś ca

The following is the class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on July 14 1987 in Copenhagen Denmark. The class begins with a reading from Caitanya-līlā.

Now that Harikeśa Swami is there things are happening much faster, transcendental intelligence is helping. In Māyāpur we, we organize the administration along the city, city lines rather than just like us. A temple is such a big project so it’s developed like a city. We work together on that structure of the administration and presently Harikeśa Swami was working a lot with architects and having the big temple design, tomorrow there will be the BBT meeting in Stockholm one of the topics will be Māyāpur, and basically in different ways the Māyāpur project is developing. samādhi is being constructed, a 1000 bed room guest house is being constructed and tried new each departments is being made more efficient for becoming self-sufficient. It’s a book saṅkīrtana party.

Right now, the problem is before Māyāpur was always gaining direct financial aid from the Calcutta temple but now it’s basically on its own financially, so we had to make more own saṅkīrtana party for fund raising until the departments is self-sufficient. Biggest thing they are trying to do is get the big temple designed and start that very quickly. A lot of things are Ganges, it’s moving closer so we are trying to get Ganges. Some devotees in Germany went there. If the government may help from Germany to stop the Ganges erosion. They had the government now wants to first put some granite boulders and have them wrapped with steel meshing to stop the effect of the waves knocking down the side of the, that doesn’t think of putting jetties. Jetties like concrete pears coming out to change the flow of the river. Then there is a bigger idea of dredging the river a lot making it and changing the current. The first one they probably to do is try the boulders. See if that works, that’s the cheapest that’s quite fast. Yeah very fast! it’s very dangerous. But they we have putting a lot of pressure on the government to do something. This is one of the many areas that we have to work. Yes!

Śrīla Ācārya said today it…. devotee talking

If you desire something that Kṛṣṇa wants you to desire. So that’s there is no material motivation. Everyone has a motive but if the motive is what Kṛṣṇa’s motive that’s considered unmotivated.

Other questions!!

Is Caitanya-Bhāgavatam can helps… Devotee talking…

Is there no formal commissioning of the Caitanya-Bhāgavatam as the question was asked to bring up with caitanya-līlā. (laughter) When Lord Caitanya was a Nimāi Paṇḍita in his earlier life, he was the best paṇḍita, best scholar in Navadvīpa and He became renowned us and most expert in Sanskrit grammar and Sanskrit culture. When he would see some one another pandit he nearly called them over, please come here! please come here! Then he would add.

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sanskrit grammar, sanskrit culture. When he would see someone, another Pandit, he immediately call them over, please come here, please come here then he would ask them some question. His question what usually be so is a simple question that would be a trap and they would answer the question. Then Lord Caitanya will be committing themselves, this is the answer. Then Lord Caitanya would take it and defeat them. No, it’s wrong. Then after defeating them he was wrong and he would again defeat it was right Lord at that time was Nimai Pandit. He has kept his identity hence started sankirtan movement when he was just 14 years old. So when the pandit would see, even the old 50,60 old pandit that here comes Nimai Pandit they would run. They walk out of their Hostel, call back again lock the door you know why to get spoil after otherwise if he catches and then we are finish, he will defeat them for sure, it’s too embarrassing. But then after Lord Chaitanya after Nimai Pandith went to Gaya and took initiation from Iswara Puri. Then he was a changed person. He always told to Srivas about others use to criticize Nimai Pandith you are so intelligent, Why are you wasting your time with these type of Sanskrit pretend academic knowledge. Why don’t you engage in pure devotional service to Krishna. He said I want to do that. But I haven’t achieved my Guru yet. How can I take initiation from bonafied Guru, How can I get love for Krishna. So bless me that I’ll find a Guru. So in this way he’s trying to give a whole in a future but. So then when he went to Gaya, took initiation from Iswara Puri, at that time he started to manifest his ectasies and he was always chanting Krishna, came back to Navadeep, he met Vaishnavas, beg them for forgiveness for his offenses. I want to simply chant Hare Krishna so many years I have been neglecting. So he was starting the chant with devotees in one side and same time he has biggest group of young scholars, like a University. He was a No.1 professor in Navadeep. Whole town was filled with scholars like a university town. Millions of Brahmanas, all are studying teaching there was the whole drive so all are tough students of Mahaprabhu. But before he just taught them from the very academic point of view, now every word, every example was all Krishna Consciousness. So the students were thinking what happened. Now everything he’s explaining is all connected with Krishna. What happened to that Nimai Pandit that we knew, the one that would give us the real intellectual explanation, now it’s all like colored with this Krishna. So they went, complained to Lord Chaitanya’s teacher that Nimai pandit was not same anymore. Now he’s always talking about Krishna, glorifying Krishna, something happened to him. He’s not in the argumented mood, he’s not challenging people anymore.So then Ganga Das Pandith went to see Nimai Pandith and he said what happened to you? Aren’t you know the duties of Brahmana is to teach others, to be establish the truth, you are expert in logical and argumentation, vaculan everything. Why are you neglecting your duties? We don’t want to leave your responsibilities as a Brahmin. Nimai Pandit said, "No, No Don’t worry. It’s same Nimai Pandit". Then he went forward on to the road, "I challenge anyone. Let them come here, let them put forward their hypothesis. I defeat it. After defeating it again I’ll re-establish it using logic".All the students felt haaa. He’s back.Go Nimai Pandit. We were worried when he was becoming real Krishna Consciousness. But then at that time, one relative of Srivaas he was walking by he somehow started singing a song about Krishna Past time about Putana. How Putana was a witch, want to kill Krishna by poisoning Krishna putting poison on her Breast but Krishna

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Krishna, by poisoning Krishna, putting poison on her breast, but Krishna accepted her as his mother as she offered her breast whether poison or not. Gave her liberation and in the spiritual world she got the position of her mother. That was Krishna’s causeless mercy so there is a beautiful song explaining this mercy of Krishna. As soon as Lord Caitanya heard that song about Krishna his mind became fixed locked in and he started to feel intense separation for Krishna he fell on the ground rolling “Krishna Krishna Krishna” all of his students were saying oh no. Oh no it is hopeless I gave you the best understanding, the best knowledge but I have to admit to you that know I found the summon bonum the highest perfection of life is Krishna and love of Krishna. In this age the process is to achieve that is chanting the name of Krishna so know anything I teach you I cannot divorce Krishna from that everything I am seeing know is in relation to Krishna because that is the highest truth. So if you want me to teach you about Krishna I will be very happy to do so but I am not going to be able to teach you in a dry way anymore without any connection to Krishna it won’t be possible for because know I have come to this realisation that nothing is higher than Krishna. So I want to formally release you, you are my disciples my students come to me for learning Sanskrit, grammer, poetry so on. But know I have realised the culmination of Sanskrit culture or vedic culture everything is, Brahminical culture is Krishna consciousness, so I can’t I am going to be teaching and practicing the Hari naam sankirtan movement, so if you want know without any offense no bad feelings you are free, you are released you can go and take some other master to teach you whatever you need to know science of Sanskrit or vedic culture. So one of his leading students stood up and he said that you always taught us the best things Nimai pandit therefore we became your students because you were the most brilliant you were the most expert and you have always given us the best education that any one could ever get in Nawadweep. You never taught us the Hari naam sankirtan before so we don’t know how to do that, we don’t want to go anywhere else we want to remain as your followers but you didn’t teach us the Hari naam sankirtan so how to do that. So we don’t want to go anywhere else we want to remain as your followers but you didn’t teach us the Hari naam sankirtan so how do we practice with you, that kind of broke the ice everybody all the students they all decided to stay with Lord Caitanya then Shrivas and the other devotees were brought, some sankirtan devotees were brought they trained up all the students how to chant Hare Krishna they were on the side and the people were amazed here all the number one university students they are all chanting Hare Krishna with Lord Caitanya what is going on here. It is the beginning of the revolution sankirtan movement. Normally it is very hard to get the intellectual people they are very proud of and devotion seems like something which is not very intellectual, it’s emotional but the most intelligent people can understand that actually devotion is the, intellectually you can also understand this it is the highest thing. So in this way Lord Caitanya he was able to capture all the best students, all the best brilliant minds of Nawadweep and they became his active preachers. So like that we also would like to get some intelligence persons and it is mentioned In the Bhagavatam, that the most intelligent people follow Lord Caitanya. They may not be educated in college, but practical intelligence if someone has, they can take up to Krishna consciousness more easily. In this way Lord Caitanya started the sankirtan movement had all the young men that were helping his movement, part of his movement.

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In this year started the Sankirtan Movement, had all the young men that were helping this movement, authorizing this movement, this way this sankirtan movement expanded. I request some of those students expanded more and more, but some of them became that is they may know about Caitanya. That’s why after about ten years, when Lord Caitanya was chanting the names of the gopi’s by that time all the students were chanting Hare Krishna. Hence, some other students they came and said why you chanting the names of the gopi’s. You should chant Hare Krishna and that disturbed Lord Caitanya too much, to chase them the mistake it was me I taught you everything. Seperation with them and that after they became very offensive to him and he can realize it. The other can, I gone is to be grihasta and the other can I consider that they are going to offend me. So if I can take sanyasi the feast they give me the respect a sanyas in those days they give least respect to sanyas. “Jai Nitai Gaura”. Rather we have arati ….whenever must should all have a kirtan here, whenever we have a kirtan here because there the other devotees have a questions so, therefore everyone not there … (laugh)… actually I bought some ashes from a pious sacrifices in Mayapur and I want to surely give that type of blessings from Sree Radha Madhav, where they have a fire sacrifice goes on everyday morning and evening to retake anything else. That Gurukul students they perform yajnas morning and night, fire never goes out, they never light on with a match, it keeps on burning

It is panic(devotee talking). So another guest house, another long building, long and long building, so some other caught the plastic tray can ….. in other ways give it up. Its ghee and ashes. So the ghee is cold and it become hard. But this may give me one trial ah…..(Devotee talking). He would break the principles. He was just be totally spontaneous and do things which got madly people will do. Sometimes he just jump in the ganges across and swim and by to do kirtan by doing just he was ecstatic, wont care for what people will thinking anything. He would be totally beyond the social considerations. Also, I would don’t know he was mendicant. He was visiting all the holy places for from the age of 12 and in his navadweep he showed that Lord Caitanya he became very ecstatic.

In Jaganadh Puri but Nityananda was, Lord Chatainya was kind of control. His ecstacy was in front of the public in Navadweep but Nityananda was just be ecstatic all time. He is known as avaduta. Its above rosen as vaishnavas that he was broken and couldn’t do anything and ethicos and he was just he will be do something what should like, nobody could understand what he was doing you know. He was do things nobody could understand when he was doing (Devotee talking) no, some other sanyasis (Devotee talking) yes, he is initiated than other than required. The first sanyasi took him around the India, was some other sanyasi. So he is accepted he and Advaita are initiated by (4.21 not audible) who wants to know (4.30 not audible) why she worry?

When Jahnavi Devi , the wife of Nityananda went back to the birth place of Nityananda then after Nityananda had left the world she wanted to visit her husband’s birth place, Nityanandas birth place. Then they met one old man was walking alone and he was couldn’t he was just shaking his head and he was crying, he was sensitive. What is this? What is this? Why is she so sad, so whats the matter when he is Nityananda,…Nityananda ……

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What is this? Why he is so sad? what’s the matter my dear sir? Nityananda Nityananda Nityananda Nityananda it never went the same without Nityananda. Whole village become lifeless dead ever said when Nityananda left. How fortunate we were when Nityananda were here. No one could ever went I have a description of Nityananda. How he played different Lila with friends and how he was with Hadai Oza his father everywhere he go he take Nityananda with him. He could not live without him. And then Hadai Oza has a pastime with one Sanyasi and he said I will give you whatever you want then sanyasi said give me your Nityananda. Nityananda ?..No no Nityananda and he fainted, he can’t believe. Then he gave Nityananda because he didn’t want to teach his son leave with his principle as brahmana gave his words , if he broke his words then son is trend like that it would be very bound. Years a go brahmana still aboudely be truthful whatever they say they do but it killed Hadai Oza he couldn’t live without Nityananda right after Nityananda left with sanyasi all the villagers said why did you gave away Nityananda he want a his disciple, we can give our own kid we can give ordinary kids take one how can you give Nityananda, he was the life of the village. He was everything for everyone all the people in village they love Nityananda more than their children why he didn’t take my son why Nityananda. Like there are residence of vrindavana they love Krishna more than their own children this all emanating that after then Nityananda left all the kids place is never be the same. Nityananda were preaching everywhere never came back, never came back. Like this all describing they all paid obeisance to them, realizing that he was great devotee.

Yes after Lord Chaitnya took sanyas and went Jagannath Puri he ordered him to go back said that I am teaching sanyas dharma you should go back and show the good example no need to be both of us sanyasi I you should be a grihastha. Finally Nityananda marry to, how can find the match someone who is qualified someone ordinary woman who can do. So it’s like a soul mate. Finally two daughters of Suryakanta Sarvakela Chanala and Vasudha were the incarnation of Lakshmi Devi Revathi and Varuni the consort of Balarama. He was marry to them some more other pastimes. That was earlier Nityananda older then Caitanya. later only after Caitanya s sankirtan movements started.

But it’s something like that but it’s not in that way they are showing. Nityananda was in vrindavana and he had a dream is now Kṛṣṇa has appeared, and all the animals are looking here and there, Balarama was in vrindavana all are over joyed, he was staying there he had a vision now Caitanya Krishna in Navadwipa now he started a sankirtan movement now this the time to go so Nityananda went to Navadwipa but he hit in the house of one devotee..

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But He, He hit in the house of one devotee Nandana Acharya. When He arrived nearly Lord Caitanya announced to all His followers that out loud. My counterpart, my term-less associate Nithyananda has come here and He got assigned. Devotees looked everywhere looking everywhere. Where is Nityanada? They went all over Navadvip house to house looking where is Nityanada, knocking on people’s doors and (Knocking sound) you know what you want? Is there Nityananda you have or not?

Followers of Lord Caitanya finally announcing 9 o’clock at night everyone is at sleep, of course they are just going to sleep early, they are still knocking. What are you doing? This time at night go to sleep! You know. They went back to Lord Chaitanya and said we couldn’t find Him. You looked everywhere? Yeah We looked everywhere. We couldn’t find Him. Lord Caitanya of course you couldn’t find Him. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You can’t find god by looking for Him. He has to reveal Himself to you. If He doesn’t reveal Himself to you can’t find Him. But I can find Him. Tomorrow will go on and will find Him bringing the sankirtan party.

So next day Lord Caitanya in the morning He went with all devotees in big Hari-nam, going through Navadvip here and there going around. Nithyananda was sitting in the house of Nandana acharya in the courtyard and then the Kirtan party. Lord Caitanya they could hearing the distance of the kirtan. He is going to be very ecstatic by hearing the kirtan, and then He jumped up and Lord Caitanya entered into the courtyard followed by the devotees and Nityananda : Gauranga !! and (echoing )

Lord Chaitanya : Nityananda !! (Echoing)

They just looked at each other and either side started crying and started Gauranga!! Nityananda!! Gauranga!! Nityananda!!

They ran to each other and they embracing, they were crying and then the devotees were just exploding Hariboll!! Hariboll!! tearing the hair out and holding them against and they went mad. That time even Demigods and the heavenly planets they are playing dum dumi drums and grading flower petals down, Seeing Krishna and Balaram reunited in the Kali-yuga. Then together they took all the devotees out through Navadvip. And Every one for the first time they could see Nitai and Gaura together.

They didn’t need an introduction. This is Lord Caitanya, this is Nithyananda (laughing)

Please to meet you (laughing) they knew each other.

So Gadadhar, he used to make green tamarind chutney. Whenever he’d make that Lord Caitanya would appeared in His house. Since you make such good green tamarind chutney, Whenever you cook it somehow other I will be here. So Gadadhar wouldn’t cook much but when cooked first deity sometimes he would cook this. You don’t get green tamarind in the West, you just get that brown tamarind. It’s not considered so satwik. When it’s green is considered as Satwik right fresh on the tree. aha , so there were certain places that Lord Caitanya would always be, He would be at the house of Raghava pandit, He would be wherever Nityananda was dancing and Nityanada would dance, Lord Caitanya is there. When Saci mata would offer her prasadam Lord Caitanya will be there. And when Gadadhara pandita and in the house of Raghava pandit He is always there. They added water they said it was ghee don’t need add water, water and ghee don’t mix. But some of the nicest pastimes it’s Gadhadar in Caitanya-caritāmṛtam when he was serving Lord Caitanya in Jagannath Puri. Lord Caitanya in Navadvip Gadadhar was mainly playing a supportive role of Lord Caitanya personally arranged his initiation ceremony. But pundarika vidyanidhi, this is the ashes from that fire sacrifice, so Sudarshana chakra and on one (laughter) understand. Hmmm, This and also another purpose they rent sometimes vaishanava hit up and they pufff (laughter) lasts for a few months. We don’t do that in the west, people sue us or something on back, probably doesn’t hurt so much.

Transcribed by Shravanthi (13 May 2020)
Verifyed by Amṛta Padmā Devī Dāsī (28 September 2020)
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