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19860916 Reading from Caitanya-Bhāgavatam

16 Sep 1986|Duration: 00:44:49|English|Śrī Caitanya-Bhāgavata|Atlanta, USA



sri krishna chaitanya

prabhu nityananda

sri advaita, gadadhara


The following is an evening darshan is given by His Holiness Jayapatak Swami on September 16 1986 at new PaniHati Dham in Atlanta Georgia the class begins with a reading from the Chaitanya bhagavat

In the introduction to the Chaitanya bhagavat discuss is about madhurya and audhurya (In audible: 00.59) lila the supreme personality personality of Godhead when He is completely overwhelmed with that mellow of giving mercy at that time He can display all of His unlimited potency His opulence in a more developed way at that time difficult for many to really understand His actual nature and they fall into various kind of materialistic calculations He says that the madhurya rasa were that rasa of the conjugal rasa is more nectarine than the opulent form but those who are not able to grasp the sweetness of the madhurya Rādhā Kṛṣṇa form for them they consider the opulence to be greater and they give more gravity and importance to them this is the actual opulence as well as the sweetness as an its root cause the supreme personality of Godhead who is going to think about Arjuna the time when the Lord manifests His own past times of (In audible: 3.15) at that time the difference between madhurya, aishwarya and all those aspects of devotion connected with the two there which is greater which is lesser in a complete open manner free from any kind of material consideration beyond renunciation for sense gratification considerations simply with pure understanding of transcendental service (aside) at that time and I came with that complete transcendental variety one is able to get a deep realization at that time one is able not only is one able to realize the difference between the various relationships with Kṛṣṇa's various aspects but also one is able to realize His own form His own eternal relationship with the Lord with pure transcendental realization and in that realization one is able to enjoy transcendental happiness and unlimited varieties. So any way this is Prabhupada was discussing these three aspects Audharya, madhurya and aishwarya that opulent form of the Lord the loving form and we complete merciful form of the Lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu is this Audharya He shows this aspect of giving His mercy out to everyone without any without any kind of limitation whoever He wanted to He gives it. Sixteen Madhya lila this chapter Lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu went to the house of Srivas to perform His night kirtan there Srivas mother-in-law was hiding and looking at the kirtan from the house. Advaitas was in the mood of Advaita was in the mood of Chaitanya's servant mahaprabhu became angry at Advaita He started glorifying His qualities showing that the Advaita was given a mercy by Chaitanya mahaprabhu the devotees were astonished with all his associates for Chaitanya started to dance and when Kṛṣṇa played a kirtan there is Suklambar brahmacari a current another thing are described in this chapter so everyone knows who is Suklambar brahmacari no no one ever was trying to go to that Suklamabar Hari bolo bolo (In audible: 7.14-27)

Jaya jaya Sri Chaitanya Jaya Nityananda, Jaya Advaita Chandra Jaya Gaura bhakta vrinda (repeat)

Hari bol bloi uthe Prabhu Vishwambar (In audible: 7.48) Advaita Acharya maha anande vival mahamadhye hoyi nache basari shakal

so Lord Chaitanya was crying out Hari bol Hari bol and on all sides all of His followers started to chant loudly in the sankirtan Harinam. Advaita Acharya completely overwhelmed with great ecstasy He started dancing just like a complete mahamatha means he is maha like a great in great madness an ecstasy and this (In audible: 8.27-8.38) Advaita prabhu he's a completely expert in all of the scriptures according to the scriptures he had he was at this time shaped completely like (In audible: 8.57) said that actually some people misunderstand that he has a beard and hair but actually and this time he was completely shaved with a sika that time here it says that he was Jaya Kṛṣṇa Gopala Govinda Bonomali (In audible: 9.23) everyone was chanting Jai Kṛṣṇa Gopala Govinda bonomali everyone without rest they are chanting the whole night with a great time a great festive mood Nitynanda mahaprabhu param bimal (in audible: 9.42) Nityananda was dancing with great enthusiasm would create jubilance but Lord Chaitanya He was dancing very carefully and in a very refined way (In audible: 10.03-10.21) everyone and all the four directions they're all dancing with their hands raised in the air this thing is important Prabhupada he started in the kirtan we should see how the Pancha Tattva are dancing and that's how we should have our hands either like this like this for playing in cartels not like the general pattern some hands in the back or some other poses see the picture so here and explain that’s how all the different devotees there dancing maybe with their hands in the air Nityananda He was dancing very careful very in a completely devotional mood at that time when Lord Chaitanya He dance is become so much overwhelmed in Kṛṣṇa praying that He would fall unconscious to the floor Nityananda was there dancing but He was ready call is just ready to catch Him in case in case He fell He would let Lord Chaitanya crash to the ground He catch Him before He fell so they were dancing the same time He was also always seeing what's happening with Chaitanya mahaprabhu. So in case Lord Chaitanya fell and He was catch Him who else was catch Lord Chaitanya who also strong enough to although Chaitanya when He's falling no one thought Lord Nityananda  can hold the Lord he's holding a sheshanag, He is holding he's holding Narayan so as Balaram He's come as Lord Chaitanya Kṛṣṇa,  Chaitanya Narayan come as Chaitanya mahaprabhu so therefore He still holding holding lila is there (In audible: 12.21-12.28) without any end without any kind of exhaustion anything would Lord Gauranga is just dancing who can explain with his ordinary mortal tongue what was the dancing of Chaitanya mahaprabhu like (In audible: 12.49-13.04) at the time of Kṛṣṇa kirtan that time completely overwhelmed with pure love for Kṛṣṇa just like saraswati or Balaram in their ecstasy of love for Kṛṣṇa they glorify the Lord but even they're glorifying when it completely become satisfied so what is it what he's saying is how can a mortal tongue glorify when they're hardly able to glorify by glorifying however even Balarama and saraswati become completely satisfied. So Balaram is always singing the glories of Kṛṣṇa so like that sometimes Lord Chaitanya is faint and fall down sometimes He'd start shaking like anything sometimes He'd become very humble and put a straw in His mouth sometimes He would become very arrogant in love for Kṛṣṇa sometimes He'd laugh sometimes He breathed so heavily and sometimes He would be completely silent and without like stunts (In audible: 14.21-14.23) this type of moods were shown by Chaitanya mahaprabhu (In audible: 14.28-14.35) at the time when He was stunned then sometimes He would sit when He was completely in extreme ecstasy of jumping and dancing in the middle he would loudly laughs (In audible: 14.56-15.05) how fortunate for all of the devotees who were present all of them were given unlimited mercy and they were completely just floated or just like floating an ocean of nectar a pure ecstatic love for Kṛṣṇa. (In audible: 15.27-15.35) in front of Lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu He saw Shuklambar Brahmacari and giving him mercy Lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu He saw Shuklambar Brahmacari and giving him mercy what's the next desire of Lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu (In audible: 15.51-56) listen something about Shuklambar Brahmacari he was born he was living in Nabadwip the place of the Lord's appearance (In audible: 16.08-15) he was always very absorbed in his own spiritual duties and he was completely peaceful and satisfied in devotional service no one was able to recognize him properly how great a Mahanta or a great spiritual master he was spiritual authority for master (In audible: 16.48-56) he go house to house in Nabadwip for the beg on his shoulder and he would make from every house a little bit and day and night he would simply chant Hare Kṛṣṇa (In audible: 17.09-16) people thought is a beggar in this way people couldn't recognize him he kept himself covered by a little bit of superficial poverty in this way he would go chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa everywhere for begging this regard this along purport you see some people were foolish they would see all these Suklamabar brahmacari by external vision that well he's a begging because he's somebody who's very poor and therefore due to the impulse of the senses due to complete the suffering of he has to go and beg simply for his livelihood sometimes Kṛṣṇa devotee takes the form as a poor person or that somebody who has got material one and in that form he goes and begs in this way the different kinds of false ego for the different people who are bewildered by different types of false ego are not able to recognize these Kṛṣṇa devotees (In audible: 18.21-24) those who are bewildered by illusion and who are too proud to their false ego they think that these devotees are actually in great need and they're simply under the control of their karmic reactions but those who are proper Vaishnava they can understand that being a poverty or even want for the idea of not taking anything as one's own possession but they actually do that they're not the Vaishnava is simply going from one house to the other just to give these people they take on this forum is our and poverty I humble so they can go and engage these people at devotional service if you go driving up in your Rolls Royce with you then you go and make someone give me a donator say mama what do you need you already have everything so they won't get them to do any service a person America is different here if you have money they like to give you don't have any money in it all but normally that in India the other custom is that you give to the poor people this thing is someone's poor that you give so that a Vaishnav would go as the poor person and say get some get some milk from the cow from the cow at the time of milking or something in this way those we has this they will be benefited by giving to the sadhus for them they just kept unchanging Hare Kṛṣṇa remain independent (In audible: 19.54-20.00) it goes to these different people in order to give them some spiritual lesson although he has no real purpose for himself to go he goes for their benefit that’s the purpose. So by giving even though they think I'm giving you some poor person they're getting agyata sukriti and for this they're able to get a higher birth in their next life so they can render devotional service so sometimes those who have understood their they may also take off this occupation of begging in order to practice their worship of Lord Kṛṣṇa and to give the foolish people who are attracted to that to sense gratification a opportunity be delivered by doing some devotional service. So some beggars or some person to go out in collecting with devotional attitude they act in the pure Brahmin for miracle character they don't desire however by their Brahminical activity anything for themselves rather they simply want to engage all the things they get from their begging in the service of Kṛṣṇa those who are enjoying that fruits up there Karma's who are materialistic and have turned away from Kṛṣṇa make all kinds of arrangements with any money they get for enjoying their senses so in this way the Kṛṣṇa devotees whatever they get they give for the service of guru and Kṛṣṇa they don't let people know their actual true glories they remain humble and simply engage people in devotional service this is a basic purport given. (In audible: 22.14-21) so whatever he get from begging at the end of the day he cook it and offered to Kṛṣṇa and at the end he take Kṛṣṇa Prasad (In Audible: 22.31-37) so that even by Kṛṣṇas mercy he never felt any kind of poverty himself he simply got here and there spreading the message of Kṛṣṇa so and he was known in all the houses that he would go (In audible: 22.57-23.03) who can understand who gets the mercy of Lord Chaitanya no one can recognize him when Lord Chaitanya wants to give his mercy to someone then they get His causeless mercy (In audible: 23.19-24) as before there was the poor Damodar in this way Suklambar he was completely absorbed in Vishnu bhakti pure devotion to Lord Vishnu. Sridam damodar is another name of Sridham or Sudama in other words Vipra Sudama so you know which refers to Sudama Leela so this Damodar means Sudama or vipar Sudama so this has in Kṛṣṇa Leela there was Vipra Sudama will beg and took that Chida and gave it to Kṛṣṇa so this is Suklambar brahmacari he was also very poor he did make a little bit of chipped rice and things from the people offered to Kṛṣṇa and take in day he chant Hare Kṛṣṇa so next verse (In audible: 24.18-24) so in this way Lord sri Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya vishwambhar He also gave His mercy to this great dancer of Lord Chaitanya sankirtan party (In audible: 24.39-42) taking the beg on his shoulder he's dancing down the street chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa (In audible: 24.47-51) all of the when the Lord saw him with then along with his devotees he laughed to see Suklambar brahmacari dancing and kirtan down the street with his little big dress is a Brahmachari. (In audible: 25.08-14) and that moment Lord Chaitanya He came in the mood on His short sometimes Lord Chaitanya He would come in His own original Kṛṣṇa mood somehow when He saw a Suklambar brahmacari coming down the street with his little big filled with chipped rice and chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa then Lord Chaitanya He went into his Kṛṣṇa mood. I can already imagine what he's thinking but let us see. (In audible: 25.38-45) seeing Suklambar brahmacari  Lord Chaitanya the ocean of mercy He said come here come here bang in complete the mood of mercy. (In audible: 25.58-26.05) oh my poor servant you are my servant birth after birth you give me whatever you've taken to your begging now you give to me. (In audible: 26.23-31) you gave me what you beg now if you don't then I'm gone take it by force in other words Lord Chaitanya told to Suklambar you are birth after birth my poor devotee you come birth after birth as my devotee but in it impoverished form you come into this material world this time you came you don't have any desire to be to be a husband or grihapati you came as a brahmacari and you're going door-to-door begging so you give me what you beg you offer it to me you're a naishtika brahmachari but for the grahasta and vanaprasta the kind of false ego they may sometimes have you are liberated from that you're simply absorbed in the paramahamsa path and you don't consider anything to be yours you've taken that this as your varnashrama you are completely surrendered and you're a three dadee sanyasa in the mood of a three dandee sanyasi you given all your thoughts words and deeds simply and pure devotional service so therefore I'm asking you you give me whatever you beg I want to take it from your hand you give me I don't want to see tomorrow. (In audible: 28.20) I don't want anything else I should we want what you're going to give to me in other words I possibly taken everything from you that's why you're actually poor because I taken everything from you. (In audible: 28.38-46) at Dwarka that time He also gave me threm some broken rice and I ate your broken rice at that time Laxmi Herself has grabbed My hand not to give you more refers to the Bhagavatm sloka 10.81.10 for details. (In audible: 29.12-20) saying that and what She grabbed his legging bag put His hand in He was taking handful after handful of his chipped rice and whenever he had their. (In audible: 29.30- 36) shuklambar said why you doing it you're destroying it you're gonna destroy me inside this inside this bag there's so much broken rice and all type of broken pieces and then non edible things if you shouldn't take that then the Lord said for me your little broken rice it's better then the nectar of a non-devotee I don't want anything even if it appears like nectar from non-devotee I don't want for you being like pure devotee from you I’ll take broken rice. (In audible: 30.13-22) so when the Lord being totally independent in His own spiritual ecstasy the life of all the devotees when He takes the broken rice even from His devotee who's going to stop Him? who can stop Him? so the Lord seeing when the Lord's mercy was seen by all of the devotees they all were putting their hand on their head and they started to cry no no I don't take this both in ecstasy and in different words they're all crying one way or another. (In audible: 30.54-31.03) seeing this mercy of the Lord His total affection for His devotee no one could say which side which person was falling but people were crying and just becoming totally overwhelmed with this this mercy of the Lord given to His devotee. (In audible: 31.20-25) the kirtan Hari bol Hari bol paramanande just started to the Kṛṣṇa kirtan started to increase more and more and little children old man everyone they started to all crying in ecstasy and simply chant loudly Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. (In audible: 31.45-53) some are taking a stroll on the street in their teeth some are offering their obeisance some are praying Lord Lord please never never let me leave Your shelter of Your lotus feet there's no one more merciful than you please don't allow me to leave the shelter of Your lotus feet. Some are rolling on the ground seeing how the great fortune of Shuklambar who the Lord of Vaikunta the Lord of spiritual world has taken the food from his the broken rice and food from his bag. (In audible: 32.27-33) the Lord said listen to my dear Shuklambar brahmcari you should know that I am always manifest in your heart I'm always present in your heart. (In audible: 32.45-52) your eating is My eating when you travel for begging that is my travelling I'm going with you wherever you go in this way the purport is that Lord Chaitanya’s those devotees who are the three dandies we have taken the three dandi  the big hoop path and I've taken the shelter of Lord Chaitanya and they go begging and traveling all over there ever all travelling for their Kṛṣṇa conscious preaching for the purpose of spreading love for the name of Kṛṣṇa preaching the glories of the Holy Name and love for Kṛṣṇa Bhagavan the that traveling is actually performed by the Lord himself through His devotee the Lord travels to give this Lord Chaitanya traveling to give this mercy of love for Kṛṣṇa and chanting of the Holy Name through His devotees who are travelling all over the world for spreading this message or traveling anywhere wherever where one verse 135 in conclusion (In audible: 34.07-12) I come here in this material world simply to give out pure love for Kṛṣṇa you are birth after birth my loving devotee. (In audible: 34.23-31) I giving you My pure love Kṛṣṇa prema. This is My donation to you know without a doubt that prema bhakti or pure love loving the ocean is my life and soul. (In audible: 34.52-57) hearing the blessing that Lord Chaitanya given to Shuklambar brahmacari all of the body started to chant Jai Jai Hari bol, Hari bol in the whole places became filled with the transcendental vibration the Lord of Laxmi in other words the Lord of all opulence His servant is going door-to-door begging who can understand this mellow that the richest person in the entire everything existence the Lord of vaikuntha the Lord of Laxmi His most intimate service servant is going door to door as a beggar who can understand this this mellow every day goes to ten houses today and he gets his (In audible: 35.50) and that the Lord of Lakshmi Himself Lord chandra He takes it by force and He eats His arms. (In audible: 36.02-17) that any offering has to be given with mudras and so on all the different kind of requirements that are there everything is simply thrown out the window by the ocean of all qualities Chaitanya mahaprabhu simply He is taking my first offering from His devotee because he's got pure devotion for Him. So whatever promises He gave that all right if you want to do pancharatra agama, daivik agama this that He simply forgot everything and simply takes their offering this is Kṛṣṇa tattva Vipra Sudama Chaitanya took from Sukumar Ramachari and took those off from his beg  Shuklambar so in other words (In audible: 37.05) Shuklambar attains transcendental or other words all the rules and regulations are simply a part of the devotees own life and soul they're rather bhakti their the life of all rules and regulations is devotion so where someone has devotion that were built automatically all rules and regulations nothing no more formality is required whatever rules whatever is forbidden everything is subordinate to pure devotion and those who are sad to hear that a devotee is in this position (In audible: 37.50) so they become destroyed in other words somehow I did devotee like this Shuklamabr brahmacari he was so great in devotion that the Lord gave him His special devotion that somebody gets envious a while Vipra Sudama Kṛṣṇa just took his took his dry chip rice without any purification without offering with mudras without so many rituals and so on they get envious and why is the offering or why is Christian accepting or something like that that these people become envious at the devotee why the devotee is able to get this special favour from the Lord most type of people they get destroyed by their own offenses to such devotees this is the devotion achieved by those devotees is something special and therefore there beyond such rules and regulation devotion is the root of all regulations this is stated very clearly by (In audible: 38.50- 57) and Lord Chaitanya He manifest His truth Himself (In audible: 39.02-07) although he didn't give any mudra he didn't give he didn't even offering himself still the Lord took His alms those who are overwhelmed with material attraction on material objects they don't understand that the (In audible: 39.29) is Kṛṣṇa they think that by Having good children having wealth suta helping education with this they become intoxicated and they're not able to recognize the Vaishnava they think that only these things are important they don't know that these beyond these things there's something far more important. (In audible: 39.46-54) those who think of Vaishnava is poor fool and if they laugh at the Vaishnavas in their worship of God the supreme personality of Godhead He never comes Kṛṣṇa never appears to that. (In audible: 40.12) all the Veda states that Kṛṣṇa is the property of one who doesn't consider anything material to be here. (In audible: 40.20-22) Lord Chaitanya tell Himself reveal this in His own pastimes shuklambar (In audible: 40.29-33) one who hears about the pastime of eating up shuklambar brahmacari alms for him he easily gets framed pure love, pure love with the lotus feet of sri Kṛṣṇa chaitanya mahaprabhu (In audible: 40.51-58) The Vrindavan das the servant of Shri Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya and Nityananda Chandra has grabbing under the lotus feet sings this song Hare Kṛṣṇa.

Nitai gaura premanande Hari Hari bol

Any question?

(In audible: 41.34-44.36)



Transcribed by Pundarika Mahajana Das
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