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19801204 First Class Presentation, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.16.11

4 Dec 1980|Duration: 00:40:25|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Los Angeles, USA


King Prithu was born of the dead body of King Vena, as fire is produced from Arani wood. Thus King Prithu will always remain just like fire, and his enemies will not be able to approach him. Indeed, he will be unbearable to his enemies, for although staying very near him, they will never be able to approach him, but will have to remain as if far away. No one will be able to overcome the strength of Krin Prietu, purported by Srila Prabhupada. Arani wood is a kind of fuel used to ignite fire by friction. At the time of performing sacrifices, one can ignite a fire from Arani wood. Although born of his dead father, King Pritu would still remain just like fire. Just as Fire is not easily approached, king Pritu would be unapproachable by his enemies, even though they would appear to be very near him.

Thus end of Purport by Srila Prabhupada king Prithu was born of the dead body of King Vena, as fire is produced from Irony wood. Thus King Pritu will always remain just like fire, and his enemies will not be able to approach him. Indeed, he will be unbearable to his enemies for all those staying very near him. They will never be able to approach him, but will have to remain as if far away. No one will be able to overcome the strength of King Prithu. And even though the enemies of King Pritu are very near, they have to remain as if they are far away. Of course, Lord Pritu is a Shaktavish, avatar of Krishna. So wherever there is Krishna, Maya cannot stand. Krishna surjo sama maya hoyandokar jaha krishna taha maya nahi adikar So this Krishna conscious movement, Srila Prabhupada Said is an incarnation of Krishna Chaitamya Mahaprabhu.

It is a branch of his transcendental tree, the tree of which he is the gardener as well as he is the tree. So this movement, although situated in so many countries, so many cities around the world, right in the midst of civilizations based upon Rajagun and Tamagun, although envious minded people are very near, still they have to stay as if far away. That is the protection which Krishna gives. The Sila Prabhupada so often said that purity is the force we must maintain our purity. And then Krishna always protects us, because this movement is non different from Krishna. Every preacher, every book distributor, every devotee who's going out, sticking his neck out, so to speak, to present Krishna consciousness, not for any ulterior motive, but for the benefit of the conditioned souls in this material world who are bound up in ignorance, they are protected by the mercy of Krishna.

So, of course, purity has many connotations purity. We study, of course, is there's internal purity and external purity? We take a bath for external purity, and we chant Hare Krishna and worship the deities for internal purity. Internal purity, of course, means much more, because with chanting comes the deep obligation we have to our spiritual master. Everyone in this material world is living in a very abominable condition because they're taking that this body and this mind and this intelligence which has been received due to so many repetitions of birth and death in this material world. They're taking that this polluted body, mind and intelligence is their self. And therefore they're suffering in so many bodies, in so many situations. They're suffering in anxiety, in desire, in so called misery and so called enjoyment. They're being tossed around this ocean of material world. Therefore their existence is most abominable.

So the spiritual master, he gives one the seed of pure devotion. Brahmano brahmite konobhagovanjiv Guru krishna Prasade pai bhakti Lotha beach. Krishna sends the spiritual master. And by the mercy of the spiritual master, one gets the seed of devotion. And that seed of devotion is so valuable, it saves one from that abominable condition. So the devotee has two obligations. One is he has to tend the seed which sprouts and turns into a plant, into a tree. He has to tend that because that is a service given to him by his spiritual master. And with that which is part of the tending itself, he has to fulfill whatever orders, whatever responsibilities the spiritual master gives to him. It's like in the description of taking initiation. When one chants Hare Krishna for some time and is very strict, then a spiritual master gives Gayati Mantra. And Srila Prabhupada said when this Gayati Mantra is given, that does not mean that he's already perfect.

That means now he's ready to make further progress from that point, now he can become more sincere, more advanced. The spiritual master gives his mercy seeing the good qualities in someone mercy. Not that there is no bad quality or that taking second initiation means that having gotten our thread, now there's no more bad quality. Everything about me is perfect. Doesn't mean that. It means a spiritual master has seen some sincerity of purpose. Therefore, to reinforce that he has given some special mercy in this way, the spiritual master gives his mercy many times, seeing some spark of hope. But the disciple, it is his duty to always remember that without the mercy of his spiritual master, he was simply in the most abominable state. In the most abominable state. And by the mercy of the spiritual master, he's been taken out of that abominable state. Krishna is working through.

The spiritual master is present as the spiritual master. The spiritual master who is in his own right a devotee of Lord Chaitanya. So when we chant Hare Krishna, naturally we should be relishing that chanting. In fact, the devotees of that previous achais in their prayers, they say that if someone is chanting and he's not crying, it must be known that when he's hearing the holy name of Krishna Vo Chaitan, his heart isn't melting. His heart is hard like a stone. Very unfortunate. So the Bhajana Nandis, they take a little taste and they want to go on relishing. But Bhakti Shadamta Shashitakur, he has revealed that actually the highest taste comes enchanting with so many devotees and in giving that devotion to others. So the responsibility that Prabhupada has given to all of his followers in the Sipholic succession and which has been given before him by the previous Acharyas and ultimately by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is that every person, every house should be approached and they should begged to please take up the order of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

What is that order? To chant Hare Krishna, to worship Krishna and to study the teachings of Krishna like the Bhagavad gita sivan bhagavat bolo Krishna, bhajo Krishna, koro Krishna Shikha this was the agya, the order that Lord Nityananda and Haridas, they received. So although the Supreme Personality of Godhead has come as Lord Nityananda and Lord Brahma has come as Haridas, they're going from every house to beg the people to chant Hare Krishna, to take up this message. So that is how we relish. Is that whether it's relishing or not? Anyway, we first have our first duty to our spiritual master. We can't forget that we are completely subordinate to his mercy. So Sriva Bhopad wanted all the great devotees want that every person should get the chance to take up chanting. I remember that before I went to India in 1960, 919, 70, I visited at that time, we just moved into this new Dwarka Wasika Avenue address.

That time there were little small Ladakrishna deities that were taken around the block and we would give a morning report. It was very inspiring. And all the devotees would give their report. Srila Prabhupada was very satisfying. So one morning, Srila Prabhupada was taking a walk and he mentioned that it's not that everyone will be a devotee shaved up and living in the temple. He didn't say shaved up, but he said living in the temple. Not that everyone will be living in the temple, but just like there are so many churches or there'll be so many temples and some devotees who are fully giving their time for preaching instructing, they'll be living there and others, hundreds and thousands, they'll be coming sometimes to the temple in their house. They'll be worshipping and chanting. In 1970, I remember that he mentioned that. And this is also in the fifth canto one place to the Prabhupada says in the Purport that there's no reason why every person in every society all over the world cannot chant Hare Krishna in his home with his family every night.

This is a mission. Everyone may not be able to come in our temple, although many more will. Hundreds and thousands and many more temples will be made but everyone can chant in their home. This type of preaching was started by Lord Nityananda, of course. And that was revived by Bhakti vinod Thakur in his Namhat program, where individual houses or in groups anyway, he would encourage them to open up little shops sradha kutis houses of faith and of many programs that started now around the society, a few programs have started to encourage people to form the broad varnasham base the Prabhupada said was yet completed. Yet to be completed in his work, contributing something every month at least chanting in their homes to form a broad congregation in this way there are so many things yet to be done, so many books yet to be distributed to cultivate all these people.

But see the Prophet he was very concerned about the future of the movement which he had spent so much time to cultivate his whole life. He simply prepared. We see from Sri Guru Bhag's manifested biography how he was preparing from his youthful days simply for preaching Krishna consciousness all over the world. I remember that in Vrindavan Mayapur also many times he mentioned that if you can't, even if you don't expand, I don't mind in one sense, even if you don't expand, at least all the good respect, all the buildings, all the things which I have been able to expand, at least maintain, don't let that deteriorate the smallest bit. Of course, especially in Mayapur we see the very striking example as the practically before our eyes. We see the gaudiyamat crumble with the pain falling off the walls. If they had just maintained the respect that Bhakti Siddhanta had established the Viceroy of India had gone to the birthplace of Lord Chaita if they even maintained that respect today so many bogas philosophies would not be rampant.

So of course we're not going to be satisfied with just maintaining. We want to also expand. But the point is how deeply Srila Prabhupada felt that every step we take must be a step forward. We should be very careful. We should be very cautious. We should be very responsible. What is responsibility? Every disciple is responsible to a spiritual master. What is the principle of devotional service? We are responsible to our spiritual master and he is responsible to his spiritual master. And he is responsible to his spiritual master. Ultimately, everyone is responsible to Krishna through disciplic succession. So the order of the spiritual master that is supreme. Everyone has to serve that order. Whether that individual is a spiritual master or whether he is not a spiritual master, whoever he may be, the order of the spiritual master is supreme over all the disciples. We have seen that in our Sam Pradaya Bhakti Bino Thakur had started a panchayat of ten men.

Panchayat means governing body. And he said that whatever they meet privately and decide that is non different from Lord Nityananda's verdict that is to be accepted as Nityananda's desire. Then we saw how Bhakti Saddam hasara sadhitakur. He ordered his disciples that you cooperate together, make a governing body. And failing to do so, now everything is crumbled. Just the trace is there. And Prabhupada has very lucidly expressed all these things in the Chaitanya Charitamrida Adi Leela third part first few verses when he's describing Adwaita Acharya's, six sons, three being author or separated because they deviated from the Acharya, and three being bonafide because they maintained their loyalty to the order of Adwaita Gosai. Even a son of Mahavishnu Avatar, if he deviates from Mahavishnu, is no longer considered to be a real son. He's considered to be ossar. So it's an unending struggle to fight with our mind, to fight with our materialistic mind and senses and materialistic intelligence.

We have to fight with our enemies or make them our allies by simply making them subservient to the obstruction of our spiritual master. Sajida. Our previous Acharyas, Siddha Prabhupada, also said that there must be a governing body. And he made the governing body in his presence. He didn't leave it up to chance. And he sat through so many initial meetings also just to make sure that everything went nicely. And when he entered into his eternal pastimes, although he's still present here, there's no doubt about that. It's not that he's entered and left us, he's still present so much present so carefully watching what is going on, so carefully giving out punishment and reward to make us aware of our mistakes and our successful at that time. When he however, left from our physical vision before then, in his will, verbally so many different ways, he said that he wanted the society to go on under the Governing body Commission, that is the order of the Spiritual Master.

Of course, he also appointed certain devotees to give initiation. And these devotees are his disciples. So, in spite of the fact that they have to be spiritual master, it is their duty to give spiritual instruction exactly as they heard it from their spiritual master, exactly as is bona fide and authorized in the Scripture. Definition is there. What is guru? Guru is one who simply repeats what heard from his spiritual master and from Krishna as he realized it. That should be always completely in line with the Shastra. So, in spite of some members being initiating acharyas, the devotees in general should be mature enough to see that they have the order of their spiritual master to follow. And that is the highest principle. And that order is that in this iskan society, the Governing Body commission decision is to be accepted as the desire of the previous Acharyas, the desire of Krishna, of Srila Prabhupada especially.

And therefore, they have to accept that instruction. You see, even though they're absolute spiritual masters or devotees, still that absolute order they've received from their spiritual master takes great and supreme precedence over everything else. Siddha Prabhupada has given us so many instructions in the Scriptures. In fact, he's given so many instructions how to be devotee, how to be disciple, how to be a spiritual master, how to be a king, how to be a katriya, how to be a Brahmin, how to be a Vaisha how to be a Sudra. He's given all the instructions how to be a grihasta, how to raise children, how to give up grihasta and be a Sanyas. He's given all the instructions so that for 10,000 years this movement will go on expanding. And so that everyone has a clear idea how we should act, nobody is independent of the Shastra.

Lord Chaitanya would sit and discuss with senior devotees. Shastra, who is today the great acharya of the Balab Samkradai he came and wanted to present. He had so many conceptions from in. His conceptions of Shastra were not accepted by Lord Chaitanya, and that has been very carefully given. Although he was such an advanced person, of course he couldn't swallow it. So he went off and he made his own sect, or took another initiation from Vishnu Swami's sect. So therefore, their sect does not understand what is madurjirasa. They don't understand what is the highest point. They just go up to a certain level. But they're devotees, no doubt. So here we see al Pritu Maharaj. He was such a great ruler that he would just like fire. See? Similarly, every devotee should be just like fire. Fire, when it's controlled, is very useful and it is very powerful.

Uncontrolled fire means that it is very destructive. So devotees, they are like fire, but that fire is applied, you see? That's why they get continually more fuel. It's given down the disciplic succession and the preaching goes on expanding. It as much electricity as is required for illuminating a light. That much is given from the powerhouse. It's an automatic system, condensers and relay switches as much as it draws. That's how much is taken. We have a generator at Maya four. If we turn on 20 lights, the generator will work on a 20 kilowatt load. It won't produce more. And if we turn on all the lights, like at the festival, we burned a fuse because it had only 60 kw load capacity, but we turned on 80 kw all one phase, three phase system. And Vishnu Pad went down and got everyone jumping to fix the fuse.

So no one even knew more than a few hours. So the point is that as much as we can give out Krishna's mercy, krishna will provide so much more load, so much more electricity, Shakti, that we simply have to see that there's no short circuits, that we're not having what they know as leak. If you have a loose wire touching the wall, it creates electrical leak. The unlimited electricity is drawn off. So much energy is expended for no useful purpose. In fact, if you touch the wall, you get a shock. It can even be very dangerous. So there is where purity comes in, that by purity we are insulating ourselves from any leaks, from any contact with Maya conductors, and we're simply taking that energy right where it needs to go, right through the conditioned soul's heart igniting their wood like heart and making it fire.

Also in this way the fire goes on spreading and more bulbs are lit, more and more spiritual fires are ignited. So Prabhupada knew that when a little spiritual light, little fire is started, little plant is there. It's very fragile. It can be easily destroyed. Especially the faith that he created in many countries was after a lot of effort and is very thin, can be easily destroyed. So therefore, he wanted us to be very careful to act exactly in line with his instructions. So this goes down to every distributor, goes down to every devotee, goes to every single person. The more that one is responsible, the more he has to be responsible and understand how he is so liable to Srila Prabhupada. But every single devotee, how he's presenting himself, how is he presenting Krishna? He's not presenting himself. When someone sees a devotee, he doesn't think of that person as an individual sense.

He thinks of him in the sense that he's a member of the Iskanth society. He's a Hare Krishna. Therefore, we had difficulty india. One time, you see, one devotee was caught stealing. You know what happens sometimes. And there was some devotees to America and they said, all right, throw him out of the temple, but first cut off his seeka. This is an old pastime, but india everybody has a seeker. So they cut his Sikh off and threw my one of the police and they cut off my seeka. They take away my Hindutva, my Hinduism. And the police became all angry. How can you cut off his seeka? Well, he was stealing, he was smoking, he was, I smoke, I steal, I take bribes, I got a seeker. So it was a very touchy thing. So india we can't do such thing. As I said, I had to explain to the other devotees.

They couldn't understand the Indian devotee, why is this going? Says no. You see, in the west, nobody wears Sikha but Hare Krishna. Devotees. So if they go out and do something, people say, oh, look at there's Hare Krishna india. Of course, it's not necessary. There you can send them out with Sikh and no one will know. So the point is that we're a society and we're some pradaya, and actually we have very good chance. In fact, we have no doubt of success if we simply stick to these principles. There's no doubt. Just like Pritiya Maharaj, even. There's so many enemies, they couldn't get near it. They couldn't approach. They couldn't find a fault or an opportunity to attack him. He was so powerful and he was so mysterious. They didn't know where he was coming, where he was going, what he was doing, how much money he had, didn't have.

Everything about him was opulent because he was covered by Krishna's transcendental potency. So similarly, we have to always be under the shelter of Jagannath Subadva Balaram Subaddha Jovamaya when we're under her shelter, no one can really see what is happening and somehow another we lose her shelter. Krishna's Mahavaya shelter means big trouble. So that we always have to be very careful to be under the shelter of Yoga Maya samang Vida we have to be under the shelter of Krishna and that we can only be when we are always fixed up and following the instruction of the previous Acharyas. So I was looking forward to coming to Nudvarka for the Rathyatra festival but Rameshwar called me here early or I don't know now whether I'll have the fortune to be here. Also during Yatra I went down to Venice Beach just to see the previous site.

But it's very nice to be back and have the holy darshan of Sisi rukmini dwar Kadesh and Mitai Gor Rukhmini Dwarkanath Jagannath Subadha Balaram and to be present amongst all the great Vaishnavas of this noble and transcendental community and to be present amongst so many great devotees from all over the world. The present day Acharyas and GBC members. So Sri the Ramisha was saying that they always wanted to have an Iskan festival. So by his purity, this new Dwak has been the place of coming of so many devotees. So somehow I also slipped in just to take advantage of this association. So I think there's other programs. Sila shai la Prabhupada ki lamasha shamiki is kanbatamana chajuvindoki.

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