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19800427 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 8.21.9-23

27 Apr 1980|Duration: 01:14:34|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Murari Sevaka Farm, USA

How to Overcome Difficulties


Translation when the demonic followers of Maharaja Of Bali saw that their master, who had been determined in performing sacrifice had lost all his possessions to Vamanadev who had taken them away on the plea of begging three paces of land, they were very angry and spoke as follows translation when the demonic followers of Maharaj Bali.

Saw that their master, who had.

Been determined in performing sacrifice, had lost all his possessions to Vamanadev, who had taken them away on the plea of.

Begging this Vamana.

This Vamana is certainly not a brahmana, but the best of cheaters. Lord Vishnu. Assuming the form of a brahmana he has covered his own form and thus he is working for the interest of the demigods. This Vamana is certainly not a Brahmana but the best of cheaters Lord Vishnu.

Assuming the form of Brahmana, he has.

Covered his own form he has covered.

His own form and thus he is.

Working thus he is working for the interest of the demigod.

Text eleven anay Naya chamana Saturna Saravashwang no hitangabhartut Nyasta Dandasyabarhisi translation o our Lord Bali Maharaja, because of his position our Lord Bali Maharaja, because of his.

Position in performing the Yajna has given up the power to punish. Taking advantage of this, our eternal enemy Vishnu dressed in the form of a brahman Chadi Beggar has taken away all his possessions.

Translation our Lord Bali Maharaja.

Because of his position in performing the Yajna has given up the power to punish taking advantage of this our eternal enemy Vishnu, dressed in the form of a Brahmachari Beggar dressed in the form of Brahmachari beggar has taken away all of his possessions read through without repetition.

Text Twelve is satya Vatasia Satang Dig shitasya vishe Shatta Nanitango BHA shitung Misakyam.

Bhamanyasya DA ya Bhatta translation our Lord.

Bali Maharaj is always fixed in truthfulness.

And this is especially so at present since he has been initiated into performing a sacrifice. He is always kind and merciful toward the Brahmanas and he cannot at any.

Time speak lies tasmanamo bhartusu Suru Shanang Chaya Chana Ita Yudhani Jagrihur Bale Ranu Charasura therefore it is our duty to.

Kill this Vamanadev Lord Vishnu.

It is our religious principle on the.

Way to serve our master, after making this decision and demanding followers of Maharaja Bali took up their various weapons with a view of killing Vamanadev.

Text 14 te Sara Venanghantung Sula Pati Sapanaya Anichanto Valerajan Padrawan Jatamanyawa translations o.

King the demons, aggravated by their usual anger, took their lances and tridents in hand and against the will of Bali Maharaj, they pushed forward to kill Lord Vamanade.

Tan abhi javato dishtwa ditijani kapanipa prahasyanu chara vishnu pratapat Pratya shadham UDA Yudah o King.

When the associates of Lord Vishnu saw the soldiers of the demons coming forward in violence, they smiled. Taking up their weapons, they forbade the demons to continue their attempt.

Nandasunandata jayo vijaya prabhalo bala Kumuda kumodakshascha vishwakshena patatriyat jayanta suta devasta pushpadantotasatvata Sarave naga yuta pranas jamunte jagunora surim translation nanda sunanda jaya bijaya Prabhala bala Kumuraksha vishwakshena patat dirat garuda jayanta suta deva Pushpadanta and Satwata were all associates of Lord Vishnu. They were as powerful as 10,000 elephants.

And now they began killing the soldiers of the demons.

Hanyamanan swakan dishwa Purushanucharai Bali varayamasang Rabdan Kabyasapamanusmaram when Bali Maharaj saw that his.

Own soldiers were being killed by the associates of Lord Vishnu, he remembered the curse of Sukhra Acharya and forbade his soldiers to continue fighting.

Hay viprachiti hay raho hay nemesutaya suyatang VA cha mayyata nivarata Dwang nana kalo young arthakrit o viprachiti O rahu o.

Nemi please hear my words don't fight, stop immediately. For the present, time is not in our favor.

Yaprabu sarabutanang sukaduko papataye tanganativarti tungdaitya Pauman o daityas by human efforts, no.

One can supersede the supreme personality of Godhead who can bring happiness and distress to all living entities.

YONO bhavayo pragashit abhavaya devao Kasham saivra bhagavanadya vartate.

The supreme time factor which represents the supreme Person was previously in our favor and not in the favor of the demigods. But now that same time factor is against us.

Balena sachivaya buddhya durgayar Mantra Shadadivi samadhi virupayas upaya is cha kalam natyati vaijana.

No one can surpass the time representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by material power, by the Council of Ministers, by intelligence, by diplomacy, by fortresses, by mystic mantras, by drugs, by herbs or by any other means.

Text 23 Bhavad BIR mirjita yayte bahusho nucharahari Daive nadai vadya yuti jitwa nadantina.

Previously being empowered by Providence, you defeated a great number of such followers of Lord Vishnu. But today, those same followers, having defeated us, are roaring in jubilation like lions. Translation with repetition previously being empowered by providence, you defeated a great number of such followers a great number of such followers of Lord Vishnu. But today, those same followers.

Having defeated.

Us, are roaring in jubilation like lions. Purport Bhagavad Gita mentions five causes of defeat or victory. Of these five daiva, Providence is the most powerful.

Nacha daivat param balam bali Maharaj knew.

The secret of how he had formerly been victorious because Providence was in his favor. Now, since that same Providence was not in his favor, there was no possibility of his victory. Thus, very intelligently, he forbade his associates to fight. Thus end the purport by divine grace to the AC. Bhakti vidantasami Prabhupad.

Sri la Prabhupad ki borimah dev ki bishop Shainai Vishnu parashad.

Ki sangha veda bhaktab so today we're reading the history of Bali Maharaj's post capture era. How the demons had defeated the Demigods because the will of Providence was on their side is well documented. Now we see that the time has changed. So Bali Maharaj was intelligent enough to see that when the time is against you, there is no use in wasting time and trying to fruitlessly preserve a lost position. This understanding of how time is working is something which modern man could well use. Unless one is able to get on the good side of providence, there is no hope. If the American people think that always.

The good providence will be on their.

Side just due to some birthright then they are foolish. Similarly, if any other people think that way, they are foolish. There is a secret for keeping providence one side. The one secret Bali Maharaj how he got good providence on his side was by performing Vishnu bhakti. By performing Vishnu Yajna. Rather sacrifice to Vishnu Yajnavai. Vishnu by performing sacrifice to Vishnu he was able to succeed. If there's any secret for the American nation's success I would assume that secret must be the religious fervor and austerity and sacrifice which the forefathers had originally performed in the United States when forming this country and worshipping in churches. Which was why they originally had prayers in every church, in every school and why even on the money today it says in God we trust. As the people become more materialistic and think that there's no reason to do sacrifice to God then providence will turn on them as it has in any other great kingdom or great empire or great nation in the past.

Providence does not stay with one for long. However, we see here that the demigods lost one time. Even the demons were able to win when they performed the sacrifice to Vishnu to Krishna. But actually, the devotees that were mentioned here the personal army of Vishnu who are not demigods they are personal associates of Vishnu.

Nandasunanda jaya bijaya Prabhala bala Kumura, kamuraksha.

Vishwakshena and Patatri rath jayanta sutta Deva.

Pushpadanta and Satwata.

They are the personal army of Vishnu. You've heard of Jai Vijaya before. These are all very great devotees. In the temples of Ramanuja who worships Narayana and Mahavishnu you'll find deities of all these soldiers of Vishnu. Especially viswakshena, Garuda, Jai, Vijay, and other Gatekeepers. They're all glorified in these temples. Vishwakshena, they say, is the commander in chief. There's seven gateways. So the outer gate in the second, 3rd, 4th like that there's the different gates. So depending on which gate they're at there's two for each. And they have name like Jai, Vijay, Bala, subhala like that type. So these associates, of course they're simply serving Vishnu for his pleasure. Therefore, they don't lose. When they enter into the fight then it means it's already over. But we see that Indra, even he sometimes loses. Because although Indra is an associate he also is a associate of Vishnu.

He's a devotee of Vishnu with material desires while these others basically are not. Someone with material desires is always subject to forget his position in relation to Vishnu. And if that happens just as Indra committed a great offense against his spiritual master Vihas Fati then one time even Indra became a pig. Sometimes Indra gets defeated. Sometimes different things happen. Because when someone is enjoying this material energy, the material energy has a way of intoxicating one and making one forget his relation with Krishna and making one neglect the devotional service to Vishnu. And thus if someone else does like Bali Mahara did great sacrifice. Then he developed more sukriti. He developed more pious strength. These great warriors in the battlefield of Kurukshetra or the Ramayan. It was not simply physical prowess. It's not physically possible for someone to have the strength of 10,000 elephants. 16 year old boys would go in the battlefield and fight against why they would perform huge tapasya.

These Kshatriyas Arjuna stood I believe it was on his toes also just like Hirani Kashipu for a similar, not exactly the same. I believe he stood one leg or something. It was a very difficult penance, meditation to worship Lord Shiva to get from him some special weapons. The Katrias would do special penances and get special divinely empowered weapons. Missiles, chariots, all different kinds of equipment. Plus even mystic powers and divine blessings. This was the way the Chatrias they would come veritably armed with all type of supernatural powers and supernatural weapons into these wars. That's why you could see like Abimanu, a 16 year old boy, he could fight with so many Maharatis and different and they could fight ordinarily just ordinary foot soldiers, thousands and thousands they could fight against Akshahini. So it was dependent upon not only their military training which was also part but even the military training was based upon controlling airs, knowing mantras.

They were able to control so many subtle factors of their body. In this way, these Maha, Ratis and ATI rattis and rattis who are able to fight against hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of people depending on their it wasn't only that they just were Bruce Lee's or something. They learned karate. They were actually accomplished type of yoga practice for developing these powers. And thus they had willpower over matter. They had developed certain mystic power. These weapons were imbibed with various type of mystic power. And this way their fighting was highly technical and highly empowered. They got the blessings of Krishna or of demigods. And this way they were able to fight and become invincible. Just like hirani, Kashipu. He got the blessing that he couldn't be killed by day or by night, by in land or in the sea ravana he had some blessing like that he couldn't be killed by any demigod or by any demigod, by any demon, any animal.

No man is insignificant.

He didn't think that to ask that a man couldn't kill him. He was too puffed up. So he said any demigod and any demon. And maybe I think that was all he was worried about. So he never said man. So Rama he appeared as a man, krishna appeared as Rama. And that was his pastime as a man. Krishna is his pastime as the supreme personality of Godhead. And Rama is his pastime as a man. Bamana is his pastime as a brahmana. Matsya is his pastime as a fish. Varaha is his pastime as a boar. Korma is his pastime as a tortoise. In each species he comes. So his pastime as a human was Ram. So that's why he only accepted one wife. He didn't himself do so many. Just like Krishna expanded 16,000 times to enter into his palaces and then a million times to dance with the Gopis.

And Krishna did you won't find as many apart from floating the rocks and a few things generally ramachandra, he played the role as if he were a human being so that he could get through the loophole in Ravana's benediction to kill ravana. But of course, actually he was Krishna come as a human being. Ramachandra he was the perfect king. And also the monkeys, because they were animals. So monkeys and humans were fighting against ravana. Of course, other than ravana, the other rakshas and other they didn't have any protection. So anyway, that's the point is that this Indujit and these other men with ravana, other great rakshas, they were also worshipping and doing puja for Duraga kali different to get certain powers so that they could fight. This was the natural way that these warriors would get superpowers to be able to fight. Otherwise you can be two times or three times or five times or even maybe ten times more than another person.

How can you be even in Calcutta they have special guards at the Jute mills who are jute mills are like big factories that they produce. They take the jute and make carpets and things like that. So I went to one Jute mill and they had 812 thousand employees working three shifts, 24 hours a day. So then I went there and then the personnel manager introduced me to all the guards who were all from other states. And the point about the guards, he said this guard, he can take on six men, this one can take on ten, this one can take on 15 and this one can take on 25. They're strike busters. If the labors try to do a strike, then one of these guys can take on so many. Accordingly they were being paid, but I think 20 or 25 was the maximum that they could boast of.

But that was 25. Apparently the guy was pretty wild. So anyway, dovetailing in material service, the propensity of fighting. But we can see that how a person can be as powerful as 10,000 men or 10,000 elephant. Of course, these countries were huge and massive and had so much strength, but physically at the same time the actual superiority they would gain by they would actually perform austerities sacrifices. So whether they were demons or whether they were devotees, the katriyas, it's one of the rules that Katriyas are supposed to worship demigods. The devotees katriyas, they worship demigods as parts of Vishnu, especially the kings, just to establish the society. In the past they used to maintain that type of worship. It was allowed. But they would worship Krishna or Vishnu in the supreme position. And the demons, they generally wouldn't worship Vishnu. Vali Maharaj being a devotee of Krishna was an exception.

He worshipped Vishnu. Thus it was more easy for him to defeat Indra. The thing is that without the blessings of Krishna, without providence one side then it's not possible all to succeed. 1 may have a good streak for 100 years, for 1000 years. It's known in history, as far as we can know that there were so many big empires when they became hedonistic, when they became materialistic, they all decayed, they all fell apart. You know how the Romans were eating and then vomiting and again eating again and doing all kind of things. And any civilization that becomes very materialistic, they fall apart. So in the same way, the cultures that are on this world today if they just become materialistic and lose touch with the spiritual purpose of life then they'll fall apart. And if somebody thinks that educating the people and the values of spiritual life is a waste of time, those people are very foolish.

Because it's the only thing which is going to protect the human civilization on this planet. Otherwise the civilizations fall as they've always fallen in the past. And people like to say that history repeats itself then why can't they understand that unless there's a spiritual rejuvenation that today these big countries, especially like America, they're going to fall because of becoming more and more materialistic unless the people turn around and become spiritualized. So when the time is against one then it's useless to make a big offensive. That's another moral of this thing is that when time is against you then you should rather gather your strength and dig in, so to speak. To make an offensive one has to have some reserve strength and another person is very strong. Then it's like the moth going into the fire. So similarly, at different times one has to be able to read what is the present situation and when is the time to dig in and when is the time to expand, when is the time to make a strong offensive.

Just like Sri Prabhupada said if someone prematurely thinks to enter into some kind of an offensive action then the stronger party can destroy that. So one has to be able to understand when is the proper time and make accordingly the offensive move or conversely the defensive move. So at this time Bali Maharaj could correctly understand that time is against me. And these fools, why are they attacking Vishnu? You cannot defeat Vishnu. Vishnu's materialistic associates like Indra, we may defeat them because they're very puffed up and if they make mistake, we can defeat them. That's possible. But we can't defeat Vishnu himself. So he's calling off his men. Bali Maharaj as the king of the demons. He's taking his material duty as being a king of the demons and he's fulfilling that as the king of the demons he's supposed to fight against the demigods. All right?

So he fought against him, now he lost. So now he's telling not to fight. But actually at heart he's a devotee. But if he didn't take the role of being the king of the demons if he didn't fight against the demigods, if he didn't do, then he would.

No longer be the king of the demons.

He couldn't have any authority. So he had to take that particular role which was his birthright. And in that role now we can see that in the future it's Vishnu's plan that you're a devotee, you're the king of the demons. Now you will engage the demons in sacrifice of Vishnu. You will engage the demons in devotional service so even the demons can be engaged as devotees of Vishnu. Vishnu is actually impartial. But the demons, they think that the supreme Lord is favoring the demigods. Actually the Lord favors the demigods in material affairs because in material affairs the demigods confirm the demigods support Vishnu's plan. But the demons, they always oppose Vishnu's plan in the material affairs for their own sense gratification. The demigods, they want sense gratification, but they want it at the same time. They respect and accept the supremacy of Vishnu while the demons, they don't accept that anyone is supreme.

They're basically like Mayavadis, they think that no one ultimately is supreme. Vishnu is also somehow another not supreme. This is a misconception. There's no Supreme God. Ultimately they're simply laws of nature or some kind of evolution or something. Vishnu may meet on the top of the ladder but they can also become Vishnu one day in the future. Something like that. This is the basic idea of the demons. Much like we find today that people think that there's no God is dead, that we'll become immortal, that we can become all powerful. The demonic civilization has a similar idea today. So in this world, Prabhupada said there's always these demons and there's a demigod. The demons and the demigods, they're the bad and the good, they're always opposed against each other. But actually Krishna is neutral. He's actually not on either side, but for material affairs, if the demigods, they ask him to help, so he'll help them.

And as a general rule, the dimas, they won't ask Krishna to help because they don't have faith in Krishna so he doesn't help. But actually he's neutral. And in spiritual matters, whether a person is a demigod or a demon by birthright or by nature if the person surrenders to the Lord, he'll give him shelter. Just like Bali Maharaj was ultimately given shelter. Prahlad and so many others chittraketri, when he took birth again as a demon, then we could see that how? As a demon what is his name? Is that demon? Vishwan vitasur vikasur. Vitra sur that he was preaching pure Krishna consciousness to Indra. While Indra was concerned about maintaining his material position as the King of Heaven. Vitra Sur was simply trying to do his duty which was he was conjured up as the enemy of Indra's enemy or whatever. And he wanted to actually go back to Godhead and he understood that was the real purpose of life was to develop pure shelter of Krishna.

In this way we see a strange situation where the good and the bad are opposed to each other. In the long run, providence always stands with those even materialists who are actually of the demigod nature, who believe in God and who perform sacrifice to God. But if they neglect God, if they neglect to worship and follow religious principles they become more materialistic. They start acting just like the demons. Then the demons who are generally just a shade less powerful than the demigods then they get the upper hand. Krishna allows that happen so that the demigods get reminded again that they have to take shelter of Krishna. So we're seeing the scene set where although still they haven't taken off the coins. In God we trust in America but people more and more becoming dependent upon their money, upon their strength. And so as a result we hear that how the dangers in so many fronts are increasing but they still can't see the writing on the wall.

Unless they actually depend and simply surrender to God, to Krishna that there won't stand it that they'll have to suffer great losses at the hands of demons in order to bring them around again to understand that without the shelter of Krishna there's no shelter at all. This material shelter is just like a sand castle that can fall any. Actually the devotees, they're completely neutral. The devotees are completely neutral. It appears that devotees are demigods but actually the devotees are simply personal agents of Krishna. They're neither the agents for the good guys or the agents for the bad guys. They're willing to help good guys and bad guys. Anyone become Krishna's devotees, the demons, they thought, oh, these are the enemies. This is the enemy Vishnu and his personal associates. And so if they attack Vishnu naturally then the devotees, they also defend Krishna and they kill demons who attack.

Generally the devotees won't attack Vishnu. It's just the demons that attack. Even in a society of demigods someone may be influenced by demoniac mentality. So we can see that these similar things happen even today in the world. We should not identify with the demigods nor should we misidentify with the demons. We shouldn't identify with either the demigods or the demons. We should identify with Krishna. We should identify with the devotional service to Krishna, with being Krishna's personal agent, personal servant. This is our program. So that's why for the devotee it doesn't make a lot of difference what happens in the world. Of course, a devotee wants that demigods should win if the demigods will establish absolute God consciousness in the world. But if the demigods become overcome by demonic mentality then it's very hard to differentiate. But in general, the devotees want to see the rule of God consciousness in the world.

Therefore, they work to that end wherever or however it can be achieved. So in that regard, Srila Prabhupada wrote so many different articles krishna conscious Communism. He also wrote articles on America's heritage that in any way that Krishna consciousness could be established that God consciousness could be established that we're willing to advise any group whether they're apparently demigods, apparently demons that ultimately if they become devotees then they become greater even than the demigods. They become sadhus. But of course, generally speaking the demigods are the ones who accept God consciousness. And even though it's offered to demons by the very nature of their mentality they fail to accept it and thus they lose. But the devotees are so liberal they're willing to offer both demigods and demons the opportunity. The demigod wouldn't think offering an opportunity to the demons because there's that enmity. But the devotees are very liberal in this regard.

They're willing to offer even an enemy a chance to become a devotee. That's why great souls like Narada Muni are considered to be greater than the demigods. Because they're so liberal that they'll go even to the demons and offer them opportunity to be developed as pure devotees of the Lord. So in this age of Kali, the demonic influence is very great. It's so great kalodoshi Nidhiraz and Hasti.

Akamahan guna that there's no good quality.

It's an ocean of fault. There's no good quality except one hastiyaka Mahan guna aka one great quality. And that quality is not an ordinary quality. That's the great quality. Kirtana.

Reva Krishna Siyad.

That's Krishna Kirta. We should know that we're not this body. 1 may be born one time. Just like a person is thinking the whole time he might be riding the missile launcher of America facing a missile over to Russia. He may be whole time Russia conscious. He may die there. And next birth he may be born as a Russian because he was thinking of. Similarly there may be Russians who born as Americans and vice versa. Man, if he dies thinking of his wife, he takes birth as a woman. Woman dies thinking of her husband, she takes birth as a man. If you die thinking of Krishna, you go to Krishna, you die thinking of the demigods. You go to the demigods, you die in ignorance. You become a tree or animal dying goodness, you become a demigod dying passion, you become a human being. All these laws of nature are very strict.

So we have to understand we're not the body. This body is conditioned and birthed in the place that we are born. We have to transcend the conditioning and actually come up to our original consciousness or Krishna consciousness then it's very easy to concentrate on Krishna. When we leave the body and go back to our original position. People are naturally conditioned to think according to their body. Indra. When he became a pig, he couldn't remember he was an indra. He could only relate as a pig. Very hard for a person not to relate. Born in America, I'm an American. Born india, I'm an Indian. Born in Russia, I'm a Russian. Born as a dog. I'm a dog. But the point is that we should understand that we're not the body. We're neither russian. American, canadian. We're actually pure spirit, soul. Krishna dasanadasana das jivar sarupoi nithya krishna das we're the eternal servant of Krishna.

If we take that consciousness, then it's very easy to understand what is our duty, what is our requirement. We need the help of a devotee. Just for instance, Brihaspati wanted to come down and participate in the pastimes of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. So he took birth as Sahabhuma Bhadacharya.

In Navadvi before Lord Chaitanya came.

But when he took birth in Navadvi, what happened was because he was there before Lord Chaitanya, there were so many scholars in Navadvi that when he got all of the instructions from all the different scholars, he became converted into a Mayavadi. And he completely forgot what he was there for. So then he went to Jagannath Puri and he became the tutor, the guru, the teacher for all the Mayavari Sanyasis in Jagannath Puri. And he left navadvi. So Lord Chaitanya used to go to school right near the house of Sarbhuma bharacharyas called Vidyanagara. But Sarabhuma had already left. So I believe Lord Chaitanya studied in the toll of Gangadas Pandit, someone of that. And Lord Chaitanya would go there every day, crossing across the river, go through the bamboo forest and then go and study. He'd sit under the trees. Those trees are still standing. We took the Purikam party there this year.

Those trees nobody knows what kind of trees they are. As far as anyone knows, they're the only trees of their kind in the whole world. But of course, the Bengalis have been there anywhere else in the world. So they don't know. It might be somewhere else also. But they've never seen them anywhere india. They flower all year round. They're just pretty unusual kind of trees. So the same trees in the same place are still standing there. Then of course, Lord Chaitanya, after he took Sannyas, he went down to Jagannath Puri and there he met Sarabhuma bhattacharya. But Sarabhuma, he couldn't understand the position of Lord Chaitanya on his own. Even after Lord Chaitanya chastised him in different ways. It was actually the mercy of Gopal Acharya. Gopinath Acharya? Gopinath Acharya, his cousin brother who or cousin brother or brother in law some relation on an equal level that he was able to gradually gain some faith in Lord Chaitanya.

And finally by Lord Chaitanya's mercy then he could. Understand that Lord Chaitanya himself was Krishna. You know how he was teaching Lord Chaitanya for seven days all different teachings from the Vedanta Sutra. Then Lord Chaitanya, he didn't say a word. Then he asked Lord Chaitanya, don't you understand? You don't ask any questions. You can't understand what I'm saying. Because normally a person understands, some question would come up. I understand the verses perfectly, I just can't understand what you're talking about. Then he said what? Normally the verses are very difficult to understand and then you explain them, so that makes them easier to understand. But he says, no, I understand the verses, it's just what you're saying is completely off the wall. I mean, completely unfathomable. So then Sarbhuma was no fool in one sense. I mean, he knew that what Lord Chaitanya was saying was a challenge.

So then he said that, then what is your explanation? So then Lord Chaitanya explained that well, in the Vedas there's the direct interpretation, which is very clear and very easy to understand. But you're giving some indirect word jugglery that I can't understand. In this way, Lord Chaitanya explained the Atmarama verse finally and that convinced Sarbhu and Bharatacharya that Lord Chaitanya had some exceptional power. But finally, it was by Gopina Sacharya's blessing actually that Lord Chaitanya blessed our Bharatacharya to understand. So actually he was Bihaspat, he would come down.

But because he had taken a human.

Birth and he had this association, he was born in Avadweep with all the Pandits. He became entangled in Mayavadi philosophy. So even that's a danger. We may think, well, all right, next lyric. I'll take a birth as a devotee. Maybe even we born in a family of devotees, but we not. Maybe we're born in a rich family. Even a person is a devotee, but he's born in a rich family because of the whole intoxication of being born in a particular family with so many relatives and the culture and everything, a person can completely get entangled and forget that, forget all about his spiritual previous life, his devotional service. And even when the devotee meets him, it may be very difficult to convince him initially about the purpose of devotional service or why he should take it up until he gets over that false conditioning that he had.

But once such a person gets over that covering which was basically from only this life, then they take off very quickly in devotional service. So there are many devotees in the Krishna conscious movement. Of course, if they are covered up, we can know that they had to take birth in many cases was because they didn't finish their devotional life in the last birth. So they should be very careful not to mess it up again in this life. Even if someone seems to gain some rapid progress in this life possibly due to previous birth, some residual credit was there, or possibly due to some special mercy of Vaishnavas and spiritual masters. But one should not become casual or take it for granted, but to be very careful, because obviously one has taken birth in anything except for the most exceptional cases. Because there was some negligence in the previous birth one was in the material world otherwise one wouldn't even be here.

So one should be very careful not to make the same mistakes again and again to try to finish off in this life. Because when we take birth again, no matter how nice a birth it is there's always a danger of various kind of contamination. Of course, the best birth is when someone is born in a family of devotees. So devotees mother and father should be very careful to try to give their children as good an opportunity to become Krishna conscious as possible. So that they don't have to take birth again in immature world. So they can fix their mind on Krishna and go back to Godhead. We've seen that if a mother or father they can do that assures their own perfection. Just as Dr. Maharaj's mother just by directing the child that looked for Krishna in the forest she was considered the spiritual master and she was elevated back to the spiritual sky even before Druba.

So even I know india there was one parent although he channed 16 rounds but he put his son forward for initiation first said that I'm not so advanced, you should initiate my son at least if my son can become Krishna conscious I'll become Krishna conscious. I think there's no hope for me, I came too late but there's hope for him. So if he becomes Krishna conscious then I'm assured to go back to Krishna in this way son is called Putra poo means hell and son means to deliver the father from hell or from the material world which is itself like a hell that is the putra. So the sons, the boy they should think that not only myself but my grandparents, my parents, my grandparents, great grandmother, they're all depending I have to become a devotee, I have to be serious. If I'm not serious, I'll be wasting so much time I'll regret it in the future.

If I can be very serious in Gurukul very serious in my studies very serious to become Krishna conscious, understand the philosophy to chant and hear properly then not only will I perfect this human life but my parents and grandparents they'll all be delivered. Even one parents. In Maya, the son can deliver that parent by just being himself or herself. Krishna Kansi so in this Kali Yuga there's so many bad qualities but there's one good quality that's chanting hare Krishna.

Hastiyaka Mahan guna kitanareva krishna it's very.

Difficult to be materially successful in the real sin. What they call material success now is actually insignificant because someone in assets so much paper money but they can never achieve any peace. A real type of happiness of that standard is very difficult to achieve that because of so many difficulties and dangers and fears and anxieties it's very hard to get any kind of material happiness in the mode of goodness in this fallen age of color. Little bit of happiness and passion ignorance one can get in the mode of goodness is very hard to get any kind of happiness which is the only peaceful happiness in this material world. But it's easy to get spiritual happiness in this Kaliyuga. It's easy to transcend this material world in this yuga because of Krishna Kirkham, because of chanting the holy name of Krishna.

And India and the Piva.

They're very expert in how to stay very happy. Just like demigods on this world. So many people flower power this and that. They all know just like demigods on this planet.

But they cannot stay out of Tamasic.

And Rajastic passion, ignorant activities. Because the power of this Kaliyuga is so powerful that it's very hard to stay on the platform of goodness.

But it's easy to come up to.

The spiritual platform of pure goodness by chanting Hare Krishna. That facility is there but the goal of that facility is to get out of the material world in this yuga. There's no way to making a permanent solution that will last even for a considerable period of time. Too much unpredictable in Kaliuga. But by chanting Hare Krishna, one can go back to Godhead very easily in Kaliyuda easier than one could in Lisatvya when it's so easy to live like Yamigads on earth and other yages people would think, well, this is all right, there's no much problem, there's not much problem, there's not much difficulty. Why bother about going back to Godhead in due course? But now we can see the urgency. We can see how rotten the material nature gets, how easy it will be to fall into complete ignorance and passion. It's very easy to see that in this Kala yuga and at the same time the door to go back to Krishna has opened by the mercy of Chandraki.

Get on the train everyone go back to Godhead.

Haribo emoji job.

Why not? Hey. Yes?

About something yesterday so how does a woman develop intelligence is automatically.

Krishna conscious intelligence you in material intelligence 1 may tend to choose that which is more bodily conscious but in spiritual intelligence one can't go wrong. The wife and children are soldiers but they are considered to be fallible soldiers because one can not always depend on them. They won't always be present, they won't always give the proper advice in one sense. But if a person is Krishna conscious, then of course that soldier can help one and defend one from so many attacks of Maya. All one can try to do is to be Krishna conscious and thus one can be a great source of intelligence if one is Krishna conscious. Material intelligence is not the qualification for Krishna consciousness a person may be less materially intelligent, but may understand Krishna consciousness because of a higher spiritual intelligence. Or 1 may be more intelligent, but due to being falsely proud, may neglect to be Krishna conscious.

Krishna consciousness is not only dependent upon a material intelligence, it's dependent upon surrender upon a type of different type of spiritual intelligence which is not always connected to material intelligence. Often we've seen, just more or less off the record, that in a husband wife situation, that sometimes when the husband is down, the wife seems to be up spiritually. And sometimes when the wife seems to be a little down, the husband seems to be up. This way, often they can help each other. What's disastrous is when both are down, at least if one or the other is up at any given moment, then they have a chance. And of course, if both are Krishna conscious, then you've got a very wonderful situation. But if both are trying to be Krishna conscious, then you have a better chance of at least one being Krishna conscious. And if both are Krishna conscious, then you can fix yourself very strongly in doing whatever is more pleasing to the spiritual.

Mastering Krishna if one has a handicap, how much harder one has to work to overcome it. In sports and other things, some people have handicaps. They may not be as tall or they may not be as fast as something in some competitive sports, but then they'll try to make up for the ones that aren't as tall. They may be faster, they may jump higher in basketball. So there might be a little bit of disadvantage sometimes, but one tries to overcome that by focusing on the other strong points. If a woman lacks in one area, they have advantages in other area. That if they cultivate their being surrendered and humble to the will of Krishna, to being enthusiastic, having good memory, other type of qualities which may be there in the woman, then that can be a very good purpose. But if the natural qualities of humility and other things don't remain there, then of course it becomes more and more difficult to overcome the handicaps.

Excuse me. Everyone has got handicaps and everyone has got good qualities. So one has to know how to take advantage of whatever good qualities are there. And thus one can overcome handicaps. There's nine factors of devotional service. Just as one only has to do one properly, you can succeed. Similarly, there are so many qualities of a human being. If you can just fully perfect one in the devotional service of Krishna and neglecting to engage the other ones in Maya's service, then even that one quality can deliver one completely to pure Krishna consciousness. Is that all right? Yeah.

I've heard it said that in this age, the devotee and the demons in the same body. So in our preaching work, how can.

We make the distinction the devotee and the demon.

I'm not sure the reference on that, but I've been told that I've heard devotees that in Kali Yuga, the devotee and the demons are in the same body. They were on different plans.

You ever heard that? Anyone? Yeah.

The potential for being behind that.


Well as potential.

The human beings are the lowest denominator. I mean, the human beings on this planet, what do you call them? What's the like the Latin main Homo sapiens are considered to be the lowest denominator in the broad human species that's mentioned in the Veda demigods and demons and others, they're also, in a sense, type of parushas, they're also within that broad category of human species, but they're much more powerful. The demigods are hundreds and thousands of times more powerful. And the demons are just a hair less powerful than the demigods. The human beings in this age, because they don't perform sacrifice, they're more subjected to become prey to the influence of the demons. In previous ages, because the human beings would perform sacrifices, they would follow the Brahmanas. Therefore, the religious principles would protect them from demonic influences. The whole Brahminical culture, the whole Varnashram culture was based upon sacrifice.

The ordinary human being is considered to be just number one in power than ghosts are ten times more powerful than others are ten. And it's all described in the Bhagwatam how each one is ten times more powerful. But the Brahmana is so powerful that even So worshipable, even Krishna himself worships the Brahmana. So while human, when he's second born, when he's made into Brahmana, when he's performing sacrifice, then he's considered to be even more powerful than the demigod. Even the demigods would fear to be cursed by a Brahmana. Just like when Vishwamitrabhai, he was the Katriya by birth, but by various Austerities, he became a Brahmana. He became a Rishi. So he created a whole duplicate Indra loka swarga loka. So Indra had to request him please to retract it. And he agreed to various requests that Vishwamitra made. So brahmanas were very powerful. And the Kaliyuga that type of Brahmanical culture has disappeared.

But a person can become a Brahmana by practicing Krishna consciousness. Although he may not be qualified may be qualified technically to perform Vedic rituals. But no other ritual is authorized in the Yuga except for the Hari Namasankirta and Jagya and worshipping the deity under the Pancharatrik system. So these are the two sacrifices that Krishna conscious Brahman has performed. So they can kirtan they can protect people from demonic influence. That's why Prabhupada wanted to establish Brahmanas in society. Brahmana means that he is supposed to be free from demonic influence by constantly performing Vishnu Jagya. If you form the sacrifice of Channing Hare Krishna, then you keep the demonic influence at Bake. And if you neglect to perform your sacrifices, if you neglect to act in Krishna consciousness, then yes, in this Kali Yuga, the demonic influence are very strong and they can overtake one. If a Brahmana stops to act as a Brahmana, then he no longer gets the shelter of being a Brahmana.

One is initiated. Then he has the responsibility of acting very strictly as a Brahmana. And by doing so, then one can remain free from demonic influences to the extent that one does not neglect his sacrifices. And this is what the society needs to be saved from demonic influence. They need the guidance to qualify Brahmanas, not Brahmanas by birth or Brahmanas by Brahman threads, but Brahman is by their behavior and by their samskars, by their activities. Yes.

It seems like such a small percentage of people are actually able to appreciate the philosophy of Krishna. Consciousness in that regard is that when emphasis should be placed on prashad distribution and ari NAN kirtan people are so degraded.

Yena tana prakarina krishna mananiboshate that Rupa Goswami said by whatever means you can get a person to become favorable and accept krishna you should employ that means. So Krishna prashadam. If they'll accept Krishna prashadam and chanting, then that's our process. They accept literature, that's our process. The message is the same, but their packaging may slightly vary according to the person receiving it. We know that in 1969 there were various ways that chanting was presented and 75 is presented another way. Maybe in 82 it'll be presented another way to different people. But our books are the same and ultimately the teachings are the same. But in the initial presentation, so that people will take part in it may be explained from a different angle of view so that the people can understand it. Krishna consciousness being absolute, you can look at the sun from Mount Everest, you can look at the sun from Death Valley.

Sun is visible from different angles. So because we have the absolute vision, we can present Krishna consciousness from the angle of the person that we're talking to so that they can understand it. But because we have the whole picture doesn't affect us. And gradually, once they can see Krishna from one angle, then you can start to educate them that there may be other angles also. So then they can relate with other people around the world in Krishna consciousness somehow another, you have to get them out of body consciousness. Once they realize that they're not the body, then Krishna is no longer foreign. As long as they think they're a lynchburg hick, then they can't figure out why anybody would follow Hindu something or this or that. If they realize that they're not the body, that they're neither a Lynchburger hamburger or a Lindberger or anything else, that they're actually a pure spirit soul.

But to understand that requires a little bit of spiritual strength. So that can be built up by naturally taking prashadam, by chanting Hare Krishna, by associating with devotees first. If one associates with devotees, then one can practice devotional service. If they already are being able to chant take prashad. That's very advanced. Generally, first they have to have enough faith just to go to a devotee. Just tolerate standing next to one, right? Then if they associate with the devotee, then they build up the faith that when you give them prashad, you tell them to chant that they'll do it. Then that's already the beginning of Anata Niriti. Then as they start to practice more and more, then they accept a shelter. Bona fide spiritual master. Then they become Mishta. They become fixed in devotional service. So first thing is to get them to associate with the devotees and to be able to relate with them as people without the devotees coming down to their level completely.

I mean, in terms know can't break principles or anything and then engage those people in taking prashad and chanting and Krishna conscious activities. Don from Sanskrit main. Did you know that Don was a Sanskrit name?

Yeah, I don't know what it means.

It means charitable. Dhan charity. One who gives for the higher God Dhani. Dhan is giving charity. So you give your energy to Krishna. Krishna will benedict you. That will help the devotees to stay devotees and the non devotees to become devotees and yourself to remain at his shelter.

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