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20230101 By Various Hints and Refutations, Lord Caitanya Corrected Vallabha Bhaṭṭa

1 Jan 2023|Duration: 00:45:34|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation

The following is a Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on January 1st,2023 in Śrī Dhāma Māyāpur, India.

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram

Hariḥ oṁ tat sat!

Hare Kṛṣṇa! Dear Devotees! Today we will continue with the compilation of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book, Today's chapter is entitled as:

By Various Hints and Refutations, Lord Caitanya Corrected Vallabha Bhaṭṭa
Under the section: The Meeting of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Vallabha Bhaṭṭa

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.100

ācāryādira sahita vallabha-bhaṭṭera kutarka:—

pratyaha vallabha-bhaṭṭa āise prabhu-sthāne
‘udgrāhādi’ prāya kare ācāryādi-sane

Translation: Every day, Vallabha Bhaṭṭa would come to the place of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu to engage in unnecessary arguments with Advaita Ācārya and other great personalities, such as Svarūpa Dāmodara.

Jayapatākā Swami: Śrī Vallabha Bhaṭṭa unnecessarily had arguments with Advaita Gosāñi and others. Actually, we should try to respect all the Vaiṣṇavas, because by nature everyone was originally a devotee of Kṛṣṇa, but due to being in the material world people become against the Supreme Lord or against the devotees, unnecessarily they argue.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.101

advaitācāryakarttṛka vallabhera samasta abhaktisiddhānta khaṇḍana:—

yei kichu kare bhaṭṭa ‘siddhānta’ sthāpana
śunitei ācārya tāhā karena khaṇḍana

Translation: Whatever conclusions Vallabha Bhaṭṭa eagerly presented were refuted by personalities like Advaita Ācārya.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, a conclusion is called a ‘siddhānta’, and Lord Caitanya advised that one should not be lazy when it comes to understanding ‘siddhānta’.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.102

gaurabhaktagaṇa-madhye bhaṭṭa—yena haṁsamadhye baka:—

ācāryādi-āge bhaṭṭa yabe yabe yāya
rājahaṁsa-madhye yena rahe baka-prāya

Translation: Whenever Vallabha Bhaṭṭa entered the society of devotees, headed by Advaita Ācārya, he was like a duck in a society of white swans.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.103

prakṛtirūpī jīvera pakṣe tannityapati kṛṣṇera nāmoccāraṇādhikāre vallabhera āpatti-jñāpana:—

eka-dina bhaṭṭa puchila ācāryere
“jīva-‘prakṛti’ ‘pati’ kari’ mānaye kṛṣṇere

Translation: One day Vallabha Bhaṭṭa said to Advaita Ācārya, “Every living entity is female [prakṛti] and considers Kṛṣṇa her husband [pati].

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.104

pati-vratā hañā patira nāma nāhi laya
tomarā kṛṣṇa-nāma laha,—kon dharma haya?”

Translation: “It is the duty of a chaste wife, devoted to her husband, not to utter her husband’s name, but all of you chant the name of Kṛṣṇa. How can this be called a religious principle?”

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.105

mīmāṃsārtha advaitācāryakarttṛka sākṣāt dharmavigraha prabhuke pradarśana:—

ācārya kahe,—“āge tomāra ‘dharma’ mūrtimān
iṅhāre puchaha, iṅha karibena ihāra samādhāna

Translation: Advaita Ācārya responded, “In front of you is Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the personification of religious principles. You should ask Him, for He will give you the proper answer.”

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya and all the scriptures advise us to chant the names of Hari, Krsna. harer nāma harer nāma, harer nāmaiva kevalam, kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva, nāsty eva gatir anyathā, so in this age of Kali, you should chant the name of Hari, chant the name of Hari, chant the name of Hari, there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way. Since these are the religious principles given in Vedas, questioning of these principles does not make any sense.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.106

vallabhake kṛpā o nityamaṅgalapradarśanārthai prabhura tīvra kaṭhora athaca satya uttara-dāna; patirūpi-kṛṣṇādeśei prakṛtirūpi-jīvera sadā kṛṣṇanāmagrahaṇa-vidhi :—

śuni’ prabhu kahena,—“tumi nā jāna dharma-marma
svāmi-ājñā pāle,—ei pati-vratā-dharma

Translation: Hearing this, Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, “My dear Vallabha Bhaṭṭa, you do not know religious principles. Actually, the first duty of a chaste woman is to carry out the order of her husband.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.107

patira ājñā,—nirantara tāṅra nāma la-ite
patira ājñā pati-vratā nā pāre laṅghite

Translation: “The order of Kṛṣṇa is to chant His name incessantly. Therefore one who is chaste and adherent to the husband Kṛṣṇa must chant the Lord’s name, for she cannot deny the husband’s order.

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya established what the proper duty of a chaste wife is, that she has to follow her husband’s order. If the Husband Kṛṣṇa says, chant His name incessantly, like this, this unnecessary question is being brought up. But Lord Caitanya is giving the right understanding.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.108

patirūpi-kṛṣṇanāmoccāraṇa-phale kṛṣṇapade premodaya :—

ataeva nāma laya, nāmera ‘phala’ pāya
nāmera phale kṛṣṇa-pade ‘prema’ upajāya”

Translation: “Following this religious principle, a pure devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa always chants the holy name. As a result of this, he gets the fruit of ecstatic love for Kṛṣṇa.”

Jayapatākā Swami: This is the highest fruit of chanting the holy names, pure love of Kṛṣṇa.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.109

pratiṣṭhā-kṣaye vallabha-bhaṭṭa abāka o cintākula:—

śuniyā vallabha-bhaṭṭa haila nirvacana
ghare yāi’ mane duḥkhe karena cintana

Translation: Hearing this, Vallabha Bhaṭṭa was speechless. He returned home greatly unhappy and began to consider thus.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 5.110-111

bhāvi jayāśā-kalpanāya pratiṣṭhāśā-priya vallabhera harṣa-svapna:—

“nitya āmāra ei sabhāya haya kakṣā-pāta
eka-dina upare yadi haya mora bāt

tabe sukha haya, āra saba lajjā yāya
sva-vacana sthāpite āmi ki kari upāya?”

Translation: “Every day I am defeated in this assembly. If by chance I am one day victorious, that will be a great source of happiness for me, and all my shame will go away. But what means shall I adopt to establish my statements?”

Jayapatākā Swami: So, wanting to be victorious in an argument with Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His intimate followers is a fruitless exercise.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.112

ekadina sabhāya sagaṇa prabhura sammukhe vallabhera śrīdhara-svāmi-nindā:—

āra dina āsi’ vasilā prabhure namaskari’
sabhāte kahena kichu mane garva kari’

Translation: The next day when he came to the assembly of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, he sat down after offering obeisances to the Lord and said something with great pride.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.113

“bhāgavate svāmīra vyākhyāna kairāchi khaṇḍana
la-ite nā pāri tāṅra vyākhyāna-vacana

Translation: “In my commentary on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam,” he said, “I have refuted the explanations of Śrīdhara Svāmī. I cannot accept his explanations.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.114

śrī-svāmipādera pūrva-paścāduktite sāmañjasya vā samanbayābhāva varṇanapūrvaka parīvāda:—

sei vyākhyā karena yāhāṅ yei paḍe āni’
eka-vākyatā nāhi, tāte ‘svāmī’ nāhi māni”

Translation: “Whatever Śrīdhara Svāmī reads he explains according to the circumstances. Therefore he is inconsistent in his explanations and cannot be accepted as an authority.”

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.115

prabhukarttaka ‘bhaktyekarakṣaka’ śrīdhara-svāmipādera bhaktyanukūla vyākhyā samarthana; śrīdharerai citsamanbayarūpa cidekaviṣṇu-svāmitva, śrīdhara-virodhīrai cijjaḍasamanmaya-poṣaṇarūpa svairatā:—

prabhu hāsi’ kahe,—“svāmī nā māne yei jana
veśyāra bhitare tāre kariye gaṇana”

Translation: Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu smilingly replied, “One who does not accept the svāmī [husband] as an authority I consider a prostitute.”

Jayapatākā Swami: Since Śrīdhara Svāmī was referred to here as svāmī and svāmī means Husband, so Lord Caitanya is saying that, ‘a wife who does not accept her husband she must be a prostitute.’

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.116

prabhura vākye sakalabhakterai ānanda:—

eta kahi’ mahāprabhu mauna dharilā
śuniyā sabāra mane santoṣa ha-ilā

Translation: After saying this, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu became very grave. All the devotees present derived great satisfaction from hearing this statement.

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya is protecting His devotees Śrīdhara Svāmī is His devotee and therefore one may have some other explanation but one should not criticize or try to refute existing ācāryas.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.117

avidyā-nāśana bhuvanamaṅgala paramadayālu avatārī antaryāmī śrī-gaurasundara:—

jagatera hita lāgi’ gaura-avatāra
antarera abhimāna jānena tāhāra

Translation: Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu descended as an incarnation for the benefit of the entire world. Thus He knew the mind of Vallabha Bhaṭṭa very well.

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya wanted the good fortune and emancipation of all devotees. Therefore, He was indirectly cutting down the pride of Vallabha Bhaṭṭa to help him advance

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.118

upekṣādvārāi adhokṣajaprabhukarttaka akṣajajñānī ahaṅkārī bhaktyeka-rakṣaka-virodhīra avidyā-haraṇarūpa kṛpā-varṇana:—

nānā avajñāne bhaṭṭe śodhena bhagavān
kṛṣṇa yaiche khaṇḍilena indrera abhimāna

Translation: By various hints and refutations, Lord Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, corrected Vallabha Bhaṭṭa exactly as Kṛṣṇa had cut down the false pride of Indra.

Purport: Indra, the King of heaven, was very proud of his position. Therefore when the residents of Vṛndāvana decided not to perform the Indra-yajña but instead to perform the Govardhana-yajña in accordance with the instructions of Kṛṣṇa, Indra, because of his false pride, wanted to chastise the residents of Vṛndāvana. Thinking himself extremely powerful, Indra poured incessant rain upon Vṛndāvana, but Lord Kṛṣṇa immediately cut down his pride by lifting Govardhana Hill as an umbrella to save the residents of Vṛndāvana. In this way Kṛṣṇa proved Indra’s power most insignificant in the presence of His own omnipotence.

Jayapatākā Swami: Vallabha Bhaṭṭa is a very advanced devotee, but Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu as the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, wanted to refine his devotion.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.119

avidyāgrasta akṣajajñānīra preyaḥkei śreyojñāna evaṁ manodharma-pratikūla niḥśreyasa-kāraṇa bhagavatkṛpāke amaṅgala o duḥkha-jñāna:—

ajña jīva nija-‘hite’ ‘ahita’ kari’ māne
garva cūrṇa haile, pāche ughāḍe nayane

Translation: An ignorant living being does not recognize his actual profit. Because of ignorance and material pride, he sometimes considers profit a loss, but when his pride is cut down he can actually see his true benefit.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, if we become humble by the Lord’s mercy it is our actual benefit.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.120

rātrite bhaṭṭera prabhura pūrva kṛpā-itihāsa-smaraṇa:—

ghare āsi’ rātrye bhaṭṭa cintite lāgila
“pūrve prayāge more mahā-kṛpā kaila

Translation: Returning home that night, Vallabha Bhaṭṭa thought, “Previously, at Prayāga, Lord Caitanya was very kind to me.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.121

svagaṇa-sahite mora mānilā nimantraṇa
ebe kene prabhura mote phiri’ gela mana?

Translation: “He accepted my invitation with His other devotees, and He was kind to me. Why has He now changed so much here at Jagannātha Purī?

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.122

sarvajīvera nityakalyāṇa-sampādanai īśvarasvabhāva:—

‘āmi jiti’,—ei garva-śūnya ha-uka iṅhāra cita
īśvara-svabhāva,—karena sabākāra hita

Translation: “Being very proud of my learning, I am thinking, ‘Let me become victorious.’ Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, however, is trying to purify me by nullifying this false pride, for a characteristic of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is that He acts for everyone’s welfare.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Vallabha Bhaṭṭa now he is having realizations of the actual purpose of Lord Caitanya's dealings with him in Jagannātha Purī, it is for His welfare and not anything else.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.123

upekṣā o apamānādi indriyāsukhakara anuṣṭhānadvārāi vaiṣamyadarśanahīna adhokṣajakarttaka tadvimukha akṣajajñānīra mada-mātsarya-haraṇa:—

āpanā jānāite āmi kari abhimāna
se garva khaṇḍāite mora karena apamāna

Translation: “I am falsely proud, advertising myself as a learned scholar. Therefore Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu insults me just to favor me by cutting down this false pride.

Jayapatākā Swami: Actually, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu is favoring Vallabha Bhaṭṭa and therefore He is dealing with him in a particular way.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.124

āpāta-duḥkhada, pariṇāme śivada karmavipākake bhagavat-prasāda-jñānai buddhimattā:—

āmāra ‘hita’ karena,—iho āmi māni ‘duḥkha’
kṛṣṇera upare kaila yena indra mahā-mūrkha”

Translation: “He is actually acting for my benefit, although I interpret His actions as insults. This is exactly like the incident in which Lord Kṛṣṇa cut down Indra, the great, puffed-up fool, to correct him.”

Jayapatākā Swami: So, now Vallabha Bhaṭṭa is understanding that Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu is actually giving him mercy.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.125

paradina prāte vallabhera prabhupade śaraṇagrahaṇa:—

eta cinti’ prāte āsi’ prabhura caraṇe
dainya kari’ stuti kari’ la-ila śaraṇe

Translation: Thinking in this way, Vallabha Bhaṭṭa approached Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu the next morning, and in great humility, offering many prayers, he sought shelter and surrendered at the lotus feet of the Lord.

Jayapatākā Swami: Vallabha Bhaṭṭa by surrendering at the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya, he is showing his actual advancement.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.126

vallabhera ārtti, dainya o anutāpokti:—

“āmi ajña jīva,—ajñocita karma kailuṅ
tomāra āge mūrkha āmi pāṇḍitya prakāśiluṅ

Translation: Vallabha Bhaṭṭa admitted, “I am a great fool, and indeed I have acted like a fool by trying to demonstrate my learning to You.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.127

bhaktyekarakṣaka-śrī-svāmi-virodhīra prati avajñā o upekṣā-dvārāi prabhura mahā-kṛpā pradarśana:—

tumi—īśvara, nijocita kṛpā ye karilā
apamāna kari’ sarva garva khaṇḍāilā

Translation: “My dear Lord, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You have showed mercy to me in a way just befitting Your position by insulting me to cut down all my false pride.’

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.128

indrera mūrkhatāra dṛṣṭānta; āpātaduḥkharūpī nityamaṅgala-kāraṇa bhagavatprasāde tāhāra aniṣṭa-bhrama:—

āmi—ajña, ‘hita’-sthāne māni ‘apamāne’
indra yena kṛṣṇera nindā karila ajñāne

Translation: “I am an ignorant fool, for I interpret as an insult what is meant for my benefit. In this way I am just like King Indra, who out of ignorance tried to surpass Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Lord.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Vallabha Bhaṭṭa had this wonderful realization and surrendered at the Lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu showing how he is a very dear devotee to the Lord.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.129

bhagavatprasādāñjane ahaṅkāra-tamo'ndhatā-nāśa :—

tomāra kṛpā-añjane ebe garva-āndhya gela
tumi eta kṛpā kailā,—ebe ’jñāna’ haila

Translation: “My dear Lord, You have cured the blindness of my false pride by smearing my eyes with the ointment of Your mercy. You have bestowed so much mercy upon me that my ignorance is now gone.

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya descended from the spiritual world for the benefit of everyone. Although Vallabha Bhaṭṭa was a great devotee, Lord Caitanya wanted to refine his devotion. So, he said that his false pride had been cut down and now he is better for it.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.130

prabhucaraṇe vallabhera śaraṇa-grahaṇa o kṣamā-bhikṣā:—

aparādha kainu, kṣama, la-inu śaraṇa
kṛpā kari’ mora māthe dharaha caraṇa”

Translation: “My dear Lord, I have committed offenses. Please excuse me. I seek shelter of You. Please be merciful unto me by placing Your lotus feet on my head.”

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Vallabha Bhaṭṭa was praying for the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, and being forgiven for any offenses. So this is the proper etiquette of any devotee.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.131

mānada prabhukarttṛka stutidvārā bhaṭṭake sāntvanā:—

prabhu kahe—”tumi ’paṇḍita’ ’mahā-bhāgavata’
dui-guṇa yāhāṅ, tāhāṅ nāhi garva-parvata

Translation: Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, “You are both a greatly learned scholar and a great devotee. Wherever there are two such attributes, there cannot be a mountain of false pride.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Lord Caitanya is saying that since he is great Paṇḍita and a mahā-bhāgavata, pure devotee, his false pride would not be very big and it could be easily corrected.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.132

vallabhake prabhura ‘bhaktyekarakṣaka’ sarvajagadguru śrīdhara-svāmi virodha-hetu bhartsanā:—

śrīdhara-svāmī nindi’ nija-ṭīkā kara!
śrīdhara-svāmī nāhi māna’,—eta ‘garva’ dhara!

Translation: “You have dared criticize Śrīdhara Svāmī, and you have begun your own commentary on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, not accepting his authority. That is your false pride.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.133

prabhukarttṛka śrīdharera yathocita maryādā-pracāra:—

śrīdhara-svāmi-prasāde ‘bhāgavata’ jāni
jagad-guru śrīdhara-svāmī ‘guru’ kari’ māni

Translation: “Śrīdhara Svāmī is the spiritual master of the entire world because by his mercy we can understand Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. I therefore accept him as a spiritual master.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.134

‘bhaktyekarakṣaka’ śrīdharera atikrama-phale lokagarhita bhāgavatārtha-viparayaya:—

śrīdhara-upare garve ye kichu likhibe
‘artha-vyasta’ likhana sei, loke nā mānibe

Translation: “Whatever you might write due to false pride, trying to surpass Śrīdhara Svāmī, would carry a contrary purport. Therefore no one would pay attention to it.

Purport: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam has many ṭīkās, or commentaries, following the paramparā system, but Śrīdhara Svāmī’s is first. The commentaries of all the other ācāryas follow his. The paramparā system does not allow one to deviate from the commentaries of the previous ācāryas. By depending upon the previous ācāryas, one can write beautiful commentaries. However, one cannot defy the previous ācāryas. The false pride that makes one think that he can write better than the previous ācāryas will make one’s comments faulty. At the present moment it has become fashionable for everyone to write in his own way, but such writing is never accepted by serious devotees. Because of false pride, every scholar and philosopher wants to exhibit his learning by interpreting the śāstras, especially the Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, in his own way. This system of commenting in one’s own way is fully condemned by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Therefore He says, ‘artha-vyastalikhana sei. commentaries written according to one’s own philosophical way are never accepted; no one will appreciate such commentaries on the revealed scriptures.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, here it is mentioned how when we write any commentary on the scriptures we should give respect to previous commentators. We see that in the works of Caitanya-bhāgavata and Caitanya-caritāmṛta, they always appreciate the other writers, it is very important not to try to surpass the previous commentators.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.135

cidekaviṣṇu-svāmī śrīdharera ānugatye śuddhādvaitapara advayajñānānukūla bhaktivyākhyāi sarvamānyā:—

śrīdharera anugata ye kare likhana
saba loka mānya kari’ karibe grahaṇa

Translation: “One who comments on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam following in the footsteps of Śrīdhara Svāmī will be honored and accepted by everyone.

Jayapatākā Swami: Here Lord Caitanya is providing the advice to follow the paramparā system.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.136

kṛṣṇaikatatpara śrīdharera ānugatyei bhāgavata vyākhyā-karttavyatā:—

śrīdharānugata kara bhāgavata-vyākhyāna
abhimāna chāḍi’ bhaja kṛṣṇa bhagavān

Translation: “Put forth your explanation of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam following in the footsteps of Śrīdhara Svāmī. Giving up your false pride, worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Lord Caitanya is giving some valuable advice on writing commentaries.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, 7.137

daśanāmāparādha-bihīna kṛṣṇakīrtanaphale kṛṣṇapadaprāpti:—

aparādha chāḍi’ kara kṛṣṇa-saṅkīrtana
acirāt pābe tabe kṛṣṇera caraṇa”

Translation: “Abandoning your offenses, chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, the holy names of the Lord. Then very soon you will achieve shelter at the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa.”

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu is providing the ways to acheive shelter at Lord Kṛṣṇa's Lotus feet.

Thus ends the chapter entitled, By Various Hints and Refutations,Lord Caitanya Corrected Vallabha Bhaṭṭa
Under the section: The Meeting of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Vallabha Bhaṭṭa

Hare Kṛṣṇa!

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