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20130319 Talk to the Hindi Party at Sīmantini.

19 Mar 2013|Duration: 00:23:42|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Śrī Māyāpur, India

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande


Śrī Caitanya Iswaram 

Hari Oṁ Tat Sat.

Gurumahārājā: Yesterday I wanted to come but it was not possible. So, today I was told to see you first in the morning for sure. So, you are my first group today [Haribol] So, I would like to offer my obeisance’s to their Holinesses Lokenāth Swāmi Mahārāja, Rādhā Ramaṇa Swami, Bhakti Puruṣottama Swāmi and any other sanyāsi’s. And also I would like to welcome all of you. 

You have now entered into the Sīmanta Dwipā. So, you have heard the pastimes of Lord Śiva and Simantini. So, here Simantini is worshipped once in a year. We established one Simantini and Gaurāṅga at the Jagannāth Temple, and there Simantini is in the mood of Rādhārāṇī, but we are grateful that they are doing some worship there. So, we also give some donation there. But be sure to see the Simantini-Gaurangi temple at the Jagannath temple. The next stop would be at the Chānd Kāzi Samādhi. There is not much space there. Before you go there you see the palace of the Sena dynasty. That shows how this side was the ancient Nabadwipa. The Nabadwipa town came on this side when the railway came. So, we were told that the huge Mughal army was invading.

One thousand years ago, the Sena’s covered their palace in dirt. He had kept one man on a tree, and he was the only one who knew the secret mantra to remove the stone in front of the door, but some carloby? 07.40 or some archer saw this man on the tree and shot him dead. So, the Balal Sena, he was stuck with his queens and  servants inside the palace. And this was British time, they couldn’t excavate because as soon as they would cut the dirt, the person who cut, he would bleed from the mouth and he will die. So, even the British they could not excavate. 

In our parikrama parties we went on the top of the hill, and we chanted the holy names. That time there was no excavation.

We were chanting -

Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa 

Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma 

Rāma Rāma Hare Hare


Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa 

Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma 

Rāma Rāma Hare Hare ... (repeated by all devotees)

And I think His Holiness Lokenath Swami was also there. Now after we went and chanted there, they could easily excavate. [Haribol] They took all kinds of things from the palace, but we have never seen what they took. Anyway now we can go by and we can chant. Then we will go the Chānd Kāzi Samdhi. That’s infront of the Bamana Pukur Bazār. The Bazār is where the Chānd Kāzi had his house, and the Samādhi is just infront of his house. So, he gave the order that no one shall disturb Lord Caitanya’s chanting. So, in his Samādhi there are two trees – champā and Niṁ. His nick name (dak nām) was Champu and Lord Caitanya’s dāk nam was Nimāi.  [Haribol] 

Chānd Kazi is eternally with Lord Caitanya. Of course there was a lot’s of trials at first, where Hindu and Muslim, they came and they complained, “Lord Caitanya was chanting loudly Hare Kṛṣṇa and this was against the śāstras.”   So, the Chānd Kāzi, they sent the soldiers and they broke the Mrindanga, and He gave the order, “Stop chanting. No chanting here.” But Lord Caitanya said, “No one can stop the sankirtan movement.” And so He sent different party leaders to different parts of the Dham, and they all came together. There were about two lakh people. [Haribol] He was the first person in India to do Civil Disobedience for the right cause. They were saying, “Kill the Kāzi, Kill the Kāzi.” Then Chānd Kāzi, he came up, he said, “Your father calls me as cachā, your father in law. So you are my nephew. So, why are you coming here in an angry mood?” And Lord Caitanya said, “As your nephew why are you keeping me standing in the street? First honour me.” So, like this Lord Caitanya was invited to come on the Verandah and to discuss with the Chānd Kāzi. Lord Caitanya told all the people to sit down, be quiet. They discussed many things, but one thing that’s very important. Chānd Kāzi said he had a dream, where a half lion, half man came in his dream and told him, “Never stop my kīrtan again. If you do I will finish you.” With His claws he scraped his chest, and when he woke up he had claw marks on his chest. Lord Caitanya touched him and he was merged in an ocean of Krsnaprema. [Haribol] 

So, there is much more that can be said, but it is time for you to walk.

Did anyone tell you about Rukumpur yesterday? ... No (audience)

You see, three kilometres from the Sankarpur is the last edge of the Nabadwip Dhām and Rukumpur. Have you heard of Haridwar? 

So, Rukumpur was visited by Lord Rām and on the kartik pūrṇimā taking a bath in Rukumpur gives one hundred times more result than bathing in Haridwar. [Haribol] 

Also during the Kurukshetrā battle Balarāma visited holy places, and he killed the demon Kolāsur in Rukumpur, and five hundred years ago Nityānanda married and moved to Rukumpur. So, next year we want to take you to Rukumpur. [Haribol] By boat. You rather walk or you like boat? 

Anchor: However you take Mahārāja we will go. 

Gurumahārāja: So, on the 25th anniversary, Rukumpura. 

Haribol. Today when you to the Jagannath temple, there is another demon who was killed by Balarām. His name was Mayā-asurā, and Balarāma liberated  him near the Jalangi river. 



Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprema Dāsa
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