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19980504 Question & Answer Booth - Ratha-yātrā festival

4 May 1998|Duration: 00:51:04|English|Question and Answer Session|Durban, South Africa

The following is a question and answer session given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj on May 4th, 1998 in Durban, South Africa. The question and answer session is given at the ratha yatra pandal.


akāmaḥ sarva-kāmo vā

mokṣa-kāma udāra-dhīḥ

tīvreṇa bhakti-yogena

yajeta puruṣaṁ param


So, therefore we are inviting everyone take up Krishna consciousness, so that they can achieve perfection in their life. We have here a question. Here is a rhetorical question.


 Question: Here as a believer in God, you were given and you only were given the exact dates and time of the day of judgement of all mankind, what would you do with this information? in 10 seconds or less


Guru Maharaj: You see, we have the exact time and dates. Well, we have on this date approximate time date for the final judgement. You can say that means the final destruction of the whole universe. But the real point is that we are a special team of devotees who have been empowered by this Supreme Lord to liberate people before the day of judgement. Their judgement is a long way off. But we have got free tickets to give off, bonus ticket of what to give. All you have to do, you don't have to to pay money for this ticket. All you have to do is chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. You sing for ticket. There is no airline in the the world that you can just go and sing a song and then give you a ticket and this is a one way ticket back home back to Godhead. Once you go there, you don't want to come back. If you want you can get a return ticket also but nobody wants to return to here. You just take the one way. That's why this is so special. There is a window open for 10000 years now. There's a special offer. Anybody who wants to buy their judgement and get back home back to Godhead directly without waiting. Here is your chance. Chant the names of God, lead a simple life, hear about Krishna, eat Krishna prasadam, go back to godhead. What's the problem! So that is why we are going through all this trouble to have a big festival here with no commercial gain. Whatever gain we are giving out, free food to so many people. We are just trying to pay the bills here for all this rented tents and things. Why is that? Because we have this information that we don't want to be sitting on and be the only ones to get back and have the Lord tell us, why you are alone? why you didn't bring others with you? I gave you this information you can bring many people. You are so selfish. Hare Krishna!



Question 1: What is yoga? Explain.


Guru Maharaj: Yoga means to link, to unite, to connect. Yoga means connecting with the Supreme Lord. There are different types of yoga. There are are different ways one can connect with the Absolute Truth. The best way, everybody may say mine is the best way.  So what is the real criterion for knowing the best way. Whichever way you can do, that's the best way for you. But objectively, if, that more than one ways, you can do the way which is easier, faster and guaranteed to be successful. Wouldn't that be a better way? What do you think? Then whichever God thinks is the best way to please Him. Wouldn't that be a better way of yoga? So Krishna was asked, that there are so many kinds of yoga, which yoga does He think is better and Krishna explains yoginam api sarvesam


sraddhavan bhajate yo mam

sa me yuktatamo matah

Of all the different types of yoga, in my opinion,  those devotees who are constantly worshipping me in devotion, they are the most intimately united and connected with Me. Confirmed. Hare Krishna! Gauranga! Nitai Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga! Haribol!  (devotees shout after Guru Maharaj). There was a message from our sponsor ( devotees laughing).Hare Krishna! Actually there are many things over here. 7:51 over here. So that's why, what is yoga? Yoga means a process that links our individual self with the Supreme self and if we can remain in that linked status, that is the best possible situation to be in. Just like, if you can always be connected to the the current, then you will get a very good electrical output but if you using your batteries after one of the batteries went down, you reconnect charge up, again they rundown. So some yogas are like that. you charged up your batteries then you go down can you charge up... But bhakti yoga we continue to give it triple charge we are always chanting japa the are always remembering Krishna they are always doing everything we do do for Krishna so we are constantly keeping some connection. but sometimes you completely boosted up with a big curtain with some big service Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj) Srila Prabhupad ki Jai!! Radha ath Swami ki Jai!! ( devotees shout after Guru Maharaj). So in this way we are keeping connected through the mantra. Mantra yoga makes it very accessible to us anywhere. Just like, nowadays, people have their cellular phones, so they can always be in touch with the home, the office, whatever the business, they can dial up. So this is is cellular yoga.(devotees laughing) We have to the mantra,you can dial up. All you have to do is you have to first of all dial the access code i.e. Shri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadhara Srivas aadi Gaura bhakta vrinda (devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj). Then you dial the number Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare (devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj).Yes (devotees laughing). Lord Krishna please accept my humble obeisances. he krsna karuna-sindhu dina-bandho jagat-pate      gopesa gopika-kanta radha-kanta namo 'stu te

Because the Lord is omnipresent, when we chat His name, He is immediately there. You see other processes are very tedious. There was a, you see,5000 years ago, when this age began, the emperor declared war on irreligion. He was determined to keep everyone very spiritual. But at that time, the forces of ego thought that they would have to eliminate him in order to make any progress in the world. So what they did was influence a boy to curse the king to die in 7 days. So then he asked all the great saints and rishis, their spiritual masters of the universe to guide him. What should he do? How can he acheive perfection in 7 days or less? So, they all came and discussed, Alright, what if you had to do yoga and meditation? Takes a long time, takes years, lives. So, 7 days is not enough time. What about doing good works? That person also takes a long time and there is no guarantee of success. What about studying the Vedanta Sutra? It is a very tedious process. 7 days, no guarantee of success. Finally, they didn't know what to tell him. Then Sukadeva Goswami came. He gave the same question to him. He was a great spiritual master, liberated soul. He said that 7 days, absolutely no problem. Even in one moment, you can liberate. You practice the process of Krishna consciousness. That is why we do Krishna consciousness because this is the process that works in this age even in a moment. In a moment, in a week, in a month, in a year, whatever time you have, you work. Other processes are not guaranteed in this age and we are not guaranteed how long we are going to live. It's not like in previous ages and people 13:34 lived a ripe old age. Now there's no guarantee, Right!? When we are bathing in the ocean, they start start to announce - sharks and dust, everybody out. So you might be young and healthy but if the shark decides to make you his evening supper, it could be the end of a long life at a short age. So, we never know. Therefore, we should be focused on on how we can achieve success with whatever time we have and if we remain in Krishna consciousness, then, it doesn't matter when we get the call to go. Anytime we are ready. It's like commando training. They are ready to go whenever you get calls and you know what to do. What do you have to do? Chant Hare Krishna.


Question: Why is there pain in the world? That is the question given here. So  somebody's asking why is there pain in the world?


Guru Maharaj: Is there pain in the world? How many think there is any pain in the world? We say when you get totally absorbed in Krishna consciousness, then the whole world is happy. But until then, he has to speed. That's because in this world, there is a lot of Karma and the karma, Karmic law is that for whatever we do, we get a reaction which is similar, equal to the thing we do. So because we are given free will in this world, then we misuse the free will and we cause pain to others, therefore we are forced to suffer pain ourselves. In the spiritual world, nobody causes any pain to anyone and nobody suffers any pain. And just like, people may say why is there pain in the world? But when they eat meat, they kill, they sponsors water houses, you know how much pain the cow feels, when they murder him, they kill him or her. Tremendous pain. Recently a cow, it was being taken to the slaughterhouse, literally broke free  and ran and went on her knees and with tears coming just like begged, don't take me there, I don't want to go. When the people saw that how this animal knew what was going to happen, knew that she was going to be killed, it was afraid and begging to be freed, six people gave up the job at that time. It's not true that animals don't have a soul or animals don't have a sense. Take a dog here and start beating, how much noise it will make. It has feelings. To just say there's no feelings is totally ridiculous. So, therefore we cause suffering to others, we wonder why is there pain in the world, why do we cause pain? If we don't cause pain, we won't get pain. But the nature of this material world is dukhalaya, it's a place of suffering. It's very hard to avoid doing something that harms others. Just like you walk on a beach. you are not harming anybody, right! But what if there is an ant or a bug on the beach, you step on it and crush it, you cause it pain. According to the law of Karma, you have to take a reaction. So, this when you are breathing, you are, maybe breathing a mosquito or some kind of organism, you are causing them pain when you sweep. So, like this, there's unavoidable pain you cause others. Therefore unavoidably, you have to suffer pain also. That's why, it is recommended to avoid the pain and suffering of the material world. If one performs regular sacrifice for the pleasure of God, then whatever pain we cause others, He rewards them. We don't cause purposely pain to anyone but unconsciously if we cause any one harm then He delivers those people.. animals, plants whatever they might be and the devotee is gradually freed from all kinds of painful situations, so that we become detached to the material world, we can be more and more attached to Krishna, we can go back to Krishna.


Question: What is a demigod? Give examples.


Guru Maharaj: A demigod, a devatha, a  deva is a higher entity in the universe that it is delegated some type of universal charge by the Lord. In the Bible, they call them angels. In the Quran, they call them also angels and in the Vedas they call them devas or devatas. In the translation in English, a devata is demigod. But it means, they are divine personalities who are heavenly personalities that are there in this universe to assist the Lord in fulfilling, manifesting this material world. They are basically, the definition is that, they are devotees of the Lord. They are called suras in Sanskrit and those who are not devotees, they are called asuras or demons. So, because they are, just like we don't see angels, we don't see devatas normally but 5000 years ago the emperor of this planet was known as Yudhistir Maharaj. He was such a great devotee of Krishna that when he organised a big festival, just like we have a ratha Yatra festival, he organised a big festival. How many of you like festivals? Well, he organised not a a city festival but a world festival, a universal festival. In other words, it was such a big festival that literally the controlling personalities of other planets came to his festival that he had here this time 20:40 is a patrolling person here in the town. Sometimes, last year we had  Mr. Baddhaki. I don't know if I got the name right. vice president 20:57 what is he known?, vice president. He had a Mayor's seat. 21:02. Okay. Sometimes, we have the Mayor's come here. Can you imagine that you have the head of different planets coming here? Wouldn't that be quite an amazing festival? Surya Dev, Indradev 21:22 to be  president of a big Krishna conscious festival where the other leaders of other planets come and visibly participate in the festival as chief guests. So that's the kind of festival that Yudhisthira Maharaj had and Prabhupad explained because at that time people were so Krishna conscious that the other planets could relate with us.21:50 the culture, the universal culture is to be conscious of God and to be conscious of Krishna, to have a standard of goodness is considered to be better than passion, ignorance and therefore goodness balances out the other things. So, right now, things are degenerated so much that, it's just like sometimes, there maybe a good part of town but in course of time, it may become like a slum and then the same people that live there, many years before, they won't even go there to visit their 22:34. It'll never happen anywhere in South Africa. So, this is the situation and now the devatas, they don't want to come to this planet, even, you know, to use it as some kind of 22:51. but what we have in Krishna conscious festivals..Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Nitai Gaura premanande Hari haribol. Nitai Gaura premanande. Hare Krishna! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj)


Question: Why are there black tikas now instead of the yellow ones?


Guru Maharaj:  I don't know. What's a tika? Ohh! tilak. in which we use water to mix, I feel black is symbolic of ego. That's the ashes from the fire yajna. Just take out that one, a little ash there. It's a blessing with bhasma. It's not actually black. It's dark grey. Anyway, we can't use water that's mixed with oil, with a ghee.


Question: Why are the devatas?


Guru Maharaj: Devatas are there to assist the Lord.


Any of other questions you got


Question: Why do good things happen to bad people?.


Guru Maharaj: (devotees and Guru Maharaj laughing) They may have been good in the past and they got some good karma to catch in up. So even though in this life, they are doing bad things, they are accumulating a bad karma. But still get a chance to spend their good karma. You see, just like, someone maybe going in debt. But while they have a little cash in their pocket, they are spending it . But very soon, that runs out. They not only have money but they have big debts. Then, they are totally bankrupt and finished. So it works out something like that. They are spending off what little capital they have, they should actually be using, their time to build up more good karma or to build up sukriti, spiritual good credits. Instead, they are spending whatever they have in sinful activities, therefore, they are called bad and they think, you know, that nothing has happened to me. They don't realise. They are just spending up. They did some good work in the past, that's why, they got something to spend now. They are just wiping out their good balance and although, they could end up with negative balance. Actually, everybody has 2 bank accounts. One is for the good karma and one is for the bad karma. So when you do, cause harm to others, it gets deposited in your bad karma account. When you do something good, then it goes in the good karma account.  So as you are doing good things, you are building up one account. It doesn't cancel out the other. See people think, if I do good work, then I'm going to cancel my bad karma. But doesn't work that way. Similarly, bad people, even though, they do bad things, then they get something good. Their good account still remains intact. The bad activities don't cancel out the good deposit. So most people of this age do mix, right, nobody is, few people are all bad, a few people are all good. So, it's a mix, we are getting in both the accounts. If we want to wipe out bad account, the way to do that is to sacrifice by doing direct services and sacrifices for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. This is explained in the Bhagavad Gita...

yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra

loko 'yam karma-bandhanah

If we do works which are meant as a sacrifice, as an offering to please the Lord, then you lost freedom. Every other activities simply gets us more entangled in the complexities of the material world. You become more bound up. So how many of you like to be bound up at every step? How many of you like to be free? There we go. So, that's why the Krishna consciousness tells us not only how we can avoid bad karma. It's actually telling us how we can put, wipe out to that Karma and we can actually free ourselves in this lifetime. So, that is why bad things happen to so called good people and good things happen to bad people is because everybody has got these 2 accounts. When you are in this planet because you had something in your good account and when you don't have anything in your good account, there's planets and there's places you can be. They would rather not go. So that's  what we would like to see is people from this place is a very good place, to go back to the spiritual world. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He requested His followers that get the people to chant Hare Krishna. We want the people to be freed from the sufferings of birth, old age and disease and death. You can be freed from the these sufferings. Anybody here wants to get sick? Anybody wants to get old? Anybody wants to die? 29:52 have to die. Again wants to be born in some unknown place. This is the thing. Nobody wants it but it happens to everyone of us. Therefore, we take the mercy of Krishna that He's giving us a chance to actually get freed from all this by taking to the process of bhakti yoga. Now for the pure devotees, they are, for the neophytes, the new people, there's more of an impetus to get rid of the suffering. But for some people, they don't find the material world so bad. Then, the real point is that, actually whatever the standard of happiness in this world, is really insignificant compared to the happiness we get when we are Krishna conscious. The amount of nectar that's in the syllable, the 2 syllables Krish.. na is unlimited. If we have the great opportunity to hear offences in the holy name, we can get tremendous spiritual upliftment and feel happiness that exceeds anything conceived. Let us give it a try. Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga! Nityananda! Nityananda! Nityananda! Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare! Nitai Gaura premanande Hari haribol!! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj). So, who was louder? A or B. Haribol! Congratulations to all of you!! (Guru Maharaj applauding). In this competition, everyone wins because whoever chants Hare Krishna is a winner. They all gain unlimited benefit. We are going to have a voice 33:01 kirtan tonight (devotees laughing). If in this age of Kali, the demon and the demigod is within the same body. When will Krishna kill the demon inside you since He is known for killing the demons. What questions!!


 Question: not audible


Guru Maharaj: Really got me today. You see, we are influenced by the divine and demoniac thoughts, desires and by the cultivation of Krishna consciousness, the divine wins. If we don't have good association, we don't keep in the practice of Krishna consciousness, then the problem is that, often the evil or demoniac can win. So,  it's, why Krishna has come?  To remove the demonic influence He's come in the form of the holy name and when we chant Hare Krishna, that demonic influence gradually  decreases more and more. So long as we are not fully liberated, there may still be a slight tinge of demoniac or materialistic thought but it may be like 1% and 99% Krishna conscious. When finally, we achieve full Krishna consciousness or we get Krishna Prema, pure love of Krishna, that is 100% Krishna consciousness. So Krishna has come here in the form of the holy name. Also, the emperor who had 7 days to live, he heard the Srimad Bhagavatam and by regular reading if Srimad Bhagavatam and serving the pure devotees of Krishna, it is stated naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣu

nityaṁ bhāgavata-sevayā

By regularly hearing and chanting the message of the all wonderful Lords and by serving His pure devotees, they are all most, all of the unwanted contamination of materialistic life are removed from the heart of the devotee. So, that's why, we need to hear the glories of the Lord. Just like, what is that out there? Anyone know. What! Oh shit!! You know what happened in the ocean. Anything happened auspicious in the ocean and that's 512 years. Anybody made in the ocean that made and purify. Yes, Sir! Who? Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jai!! Anybody else had their body washed in the ocean that Lord Chaitanya had made it pure. Haridas Thakur. But, there was a pastime of when the ocean came up the Ganges river bank and went right upto Navadwip dham and there the ocean and the Ganges had a discussion. The ocean told the Ganges that you are very fortunate because of Lord is bathing in your water. So, I come here to Navadwip dham to get the dust of the Lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya. But the Ganges said, No, actually you are more fortunate because He leaves me at the age of 24 and goes to Jagannath Puri and He's bathing in your waters the rest of His pastimes. So, then the Ganga said, No, but, the oceans are not but you are actually more blessed than me, my dear Ganges. Because the Lord Gauranga eternally resides in Navadvip, that means, He is eternally with you. But He is only with me for His manifest pastime. So, even the ocean, if we remember, Lord Chaitanya bathing and becomes a holy tirtha, we get purified, remember Haridas Thakur. So, everything we see, we get connected with Sri Krishna and we can become absorbed in thinking and remembering the glories of Krishna. There was a Shankachuda demon. He was going in this ocean and Krishna also had him delivered. Many pastimes happened with the ocean.


Question: Can a neophyte devotee attain the kingdom of God?


Guru Maharaj: Are there any neophyte devotees here? No neophytes. So, anyone, any advanced devotees here. So, acheiving the kingdom of God, you know, sometimes people acheive their kingdom of God by special mercy. How many of you like to get causeless mercy? You know, I told 38:36 18th chapter Bhagavad Gita. You can get liberated. You heard that pastime, I told it from the stage yesterday. Anybody wants to hear for that. You know the history about the glories of the 5th chapter Bhagavad Gita. Everyone knows that. How many know that?  Only one person while you have to suffer. You see, there was a family of devotees. They had a son. They wanted him to be a nice brahmana devotee, do pujas, do Krishna seva. But the son wanted to be a musician. But those days, it wasn't rock n roll but it was other types of music and singing. But music is music, some respects. So, he wanted to do music. So, he became 39:35 what to do, we have to help our child. Do what he wants to do. So, he could have done Krishna conscious music but he just did mundane music. He became a very famous and accomplished musician and as a musician his name spread far and wide. Finally, the king wanted him to become the the royal musician. As a royal musician, he got very famous. So, he was brought to the king's court in an all special function. He would be singing and performing for the royal group. 40:21 in the court. Well, as a royal magician musician, he was a big celebrity and he was young, handsome but he had a wife, beautiful wife. But still he got attracted to the, he was attracted for other women and they were making propositions and he was falling down. When his wife found out about it, she was very upset and she told him that what you are doing, you rascal. why you are going out with other women? They are 40:59  I am not going to entertain you any longer. Then he would say No! No! please forgive me, I will never do it again. Ever get this one and was going on like that. So, then finally, she got so disgusted with him. Some demonic idea came in her mind, so the way I can force my husband to 41:28 talk aline. If I also start going out with men. Well, at first she had that good intention but in the end, she also got entangled and attached to other men. Then the husband got angry. How can you go out with other men and she said you know you are going out, so, why not me. No, but you are woman. So what. Because I am a woman means you can do all nonsense. Anyway, you know, whatever is beautiful 41:56 ( devotees laughing). So it was a hell on earth. Finally, the husband got so heavy with her shouting and threatening and the wife by the time, she had already got attached to somebody else and this husband is a burden, so she kills him in his sleep. Chops his body into little pieces. Throws him in a well and then everybody asked where's your husband? I don't know he went out singing one night and never came back. After he didn't come back for a while, she collected the insurance. I mean, in those days, there was no insurance. She got the pension from the king and she was the royal widow of the royal ex- singer and she was living and she was enjoying. When he died, he was dragged off by yamadutas and there were no Vishnu dutas to save him. He was 42:57 down and he was given a rehabilitation program in the hellish planets, roasted, toasted, so how it works (devotees laughing). Everything that you can, you know, whatever mahararuravam, kumbhi pak, andhatamtrsam. I mean, they have got some special rehabilitation programs there, that it's like a nightmare, you can't wake up from because you're already dead. So, there's no waking up, just suffering. So after going through that whole program, he was taken back to Yamaraj and Yamaraj said you have gotten 43:34, you had a good family, you had a good wife, you had everything, what's lined for you, but you simply spoiled it. So now you are going to be a high flyer. So I'm making you a vulture. You can fly high in the sky. But all you'll be looking for is the dead bodies. Then, meanwhile, the wife is getting old. She was getting piles, bleeding was coming. She couldn't sit down. Piles, haemorrhoids are causing her so much suffering. Then, finally she died of bleeding from the anus, very painful death and guess who heeded her at her time of death. Yamadutas, you got it. Then, she was dragged off to Yama lok. She was roasted and toasted and all the other things they do down there. Then, they got a whole, if you want to see what they do, 5th canto Bhagavatam, tells us there are 29 standard hells, you can get a free ticket for rehabilitation and then afterwards she came before Yamaraj and he said that you wanted to appear to everybody like a very pretty person but actually you had no intelligence. So I'm going to make you a female parrot, a 44:58. You look real pretty but you're bird brain (devotees laughing). So, then, she gets rebirth as a parrot. So, meanwhile, she is flying in the forest. One day, it so happens that the vulture is flying up. He looks down. Sees beneath him, flying one pretty green little parrot, female parrot and then he is given purva janma smriti, previous life recollection and he realises this is the wife of my previous life, murdered me in my sleep. This is my chance for revenge. He goes shhh..He swoops down and grabs her. No! no! no! no! no!, you know, whatever, I can't make, you know, ke ke ke, whatever, I don't know. Sounds more like a monkey, anyway ( devotees laughing). Che che che, you can imagine what a parrot. Anybody got a good parrot sound here. We'll give you a flower if you can make a good parrot song, screaming parrot. Okay, we'll leave that one. So, we are close up. Sharp here, next speaker is waiting. You want to hear the end of the story. Yes!!. Okay! So, then, what happened, that vulture was ripping apart the female parrot and just let me. I want to make her suffer slow death, so little 46:40. She's more screaming but nobody can make the sound and more ripping and screaming and finally, he gets tired, he's torturing for a long time. She's there bleeding to death. Any 46:53 so thirsty. So, then he sees, there's a bones and there's a skull upside down and there's rain water in the skull. So he glanced at the side of the skull to take a nice drink of nectar water. For vulture, what could be more nectarean than skull water ( devotees laughing). Could you think of anything more juicy for a vulture. This is for them, the supreme nectar. So, then, there was a hunter and he hears the parrot screaming. Then the hunter shoots in the sound of the parrot. It goes through the heart of the parrot and the vulture and both die and they fall right into the skull. Immediately the Yama dutas come and take both of them back to the court of Yamaraj. Chitra Gupta said these two have not learnt a lesson. They are simply out to kill each other. They are just, you know, incornigible 47:52. They should be again sent to hell, suffer more rehabilitation. Yamaraj, he meditates for a second. He said, No. These two are free. These two dutas will take them back to Godhead. You know, why?  Why are they free?  That is the question. They don't want to ,48:15. How is it we are free? We are so sinful. What did we do? Yamaraj said, you see, that bones which you saw when you died, that skull upside down were the bones if a great devotee who had everyday of his life was reading the 5th chapter Bhagavad Gita. By reading that 5th chapter, his whole bones became purified, sacred and skull became sanctified. Therefore, the water in the skull is like holy tirtha water, like the Ganges and simply by falling into that water, when you died, you got  instantly freed from all of the karmas and now you are free from all karmas, you can go back to Godhead. Nitai Gaura premanande Hari haribol. So, can a neophyte get back to Godhead? Even a sinner can get back to Godhead if they get special mercy like that. But if you chant Hare Krishna everyday, yes, even a neophyte like Ajamila was lower than neophyte, he got back. You can definitely get back and I have to leave here. The other questions for Parthasarathi Prabhu, who has kindly come to liberate all of you. He's very merciful. Inspite of his feeble health, he is coming here to give all of you transcendental wisdom. Then, other ten Maharaj's, other ten, they sometimes loudly chanting. But we have also been loudly chanting (devotees laughing). So, so far, the judjes 50:07. If anybody wants to keep in touch with me, you are welcome to or try to write in the book or keep in touch, I'll be available outside the tent. There's still questions here, unanswered for you. Let's just end with one Haribol and Gauranga. Gauranga!! Nityananda!! Haribol!! Gauranga!! ( devotees repeat after Guru Maharaj)


Transcribed by Rādhā Sarojini DD
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