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19841026 Je Anilo Premadana with Translation

26 Oct 1984|Duration: 00:10:13|English|Others|New Orleans, USA

Je Anilo Premadana with Traslation

Type Of Talk:

Morning Class


New Orleans


Friday, October 26, 1984


Enlightenment 2

Audio player:


Je Anilo Prema Dhana Koruna Pracura Friday, October 26, 1984, New Orleans


(1) je ānilo prema-dhana koruṇā pracur heno prabhu kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur


(2) kāhā mora swarūp rūpa kāhā sanātan kāhā dāsa raghunātha patita-pāvan


(3) kāhā mora bhaṭṭa-juga kāhā kavirāj eka-kāle kothā gelā gorā naṭa-rāj


(4) pāṣāṇe kuṭibo māthā anale paśibo gaurāńga guṇera nidhi kothā gele pābo


(5) se-saba sańgīra sańge je koilo bilās se-sańga nā pāiyā kānde narottama dās


Guru Maharaja Class:


      Je ānilo prema-dhana that person who delivered the treasure of pure love for Krishna. koruṇā pracur who has unlimited compassion & mercy. heno prabhu  where that type of master? that type of great person spiritual master? kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur where can we find? Some one where can we go to find that great spiritual master? ācārya-ṭhākur means the spiritual master also Srinivas ācārya was known as ācārya-ṭhākur.


      kāhā mora swarūp rūpa where are my beloved Swarup Damodara and Rupa Goswami? kāhā sanātan where my beloved Sanatana? kāhā dāsa raghunātha patita-pāvan where where can I find Das Ragunatha who is the friend of fallen, deliver of fallen.


      kāhā mora bhaṭṭa-juga now where are Gopal Bhatta Goswami? Ragunatha Bhatta Goswami? kāhā kavirāj where is Krishna Das Kaviraj? Now eka-kāle kothā gelā gorā naṭa-rāj all at one time they have all gone accompanying Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu the best of all the transcendental dancer.


      pāṣāṇe kuṭibo māthā anale paśibo that the overwhelmed with the burning desire like forest fire I want to beat my head against the rocks if can bring them close where can one go to find the ocean of transcendental qualities of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


      se-saba sańgīra sańge je koilo bilās      se-sańga nā pāiyā kānde narottama dās this transcendental person that person who was able to associate in the transcendental association of this great devotees namely Narattama Das He is saying  now not getting there association. I simply weep, cry in separation.


        Today is disappearance of Vasudeva data who took the sin of all or all reaction of all the living entities. Not only his own followers every one, every living entities. Some great devotee they say that, if one follow them they will take their sins. But Vasudeva Datta He wanted to take the karma of all the living entities so that, they could all go back to godhead even those who are not followers of Lord Chaitanya. He wasn’t considering sectarian like that. Hari Bol.

Rasika Govinda Das & Madavi Isvari DD Date: 15th February 2015

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