Questions And Answers: Aparādha (Offenses) / Nāma-aparādha

As you have said several times we have to be very careful in chanting the holy name without committing any offences. Starting with Pañca-tattva praṇāma mantra. Still what do we do if we commit offences?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2023-03-13
Jayapatākā Swami: By keeping on chanting,
gradually your chanting becomes offenseless.
And at first it starts as offensive chanting,
then clearing chanting,
then offenseless chanting.
The more we chant, we gradually overcome all the anarthas.
At what stage will our aparādhās will not be forgiven?
Questioner: Balavān Śrīnivāsa dāsa
Date: 2022-08-24
Jayapatākā Swami: Hope you never reach that stage!
And that always try to avoid offences.
I don’t know what the limit of Lord Caitanya’s mercy is but
I don’t want to take it that far!
Especially Lord Caitanya. He did not want anyone to offend the Vaiṣṇavas.
Cāpāla Gopāla offended Śrīvāsa and He said you have to suffer.
But then Cāpāla Gopāla begged Śrīvāsa for forgiveness.
Lord Caitanya embraced Cāpāla Gopāla and saved him.
Is offensive chanting valid ?
Questioner: Devotee
Date: 2022-08-29
Jayapatākā Swami: Even if they chant offensively, it is better than not chanting at all.
I was in South India and once, you get these real intellectual type people there.
And he came up to me and said that, “Every religion says that theirs is the only way, you must have faith.
Isn’t there one religion that you don’t need faith? (Laughter).
Will it work even without faith, even you don’t believe?”
I said, “Yes, we have it.
This chanting of the Holy names.
ku Ratnākara, who became Vālmīkī, he had no faith.
He was asked to chant the name of Rāma.
He said I can’t chant any name of anything holy, he couldn’t even say God, nothing like that.
He was told to then chant murder-murder-murder in Sanskrit, mara-mara-mara.
If only that much faith, somehow or another chant, do what the guru ordered, that much minimal faith is required, then do it.
But he had no faith in the holy name as such.
He could not even say it, what to speak of have faith in it.
He was chanting marā-marā-marā-marā-marā.
By chanting marā-marā-marā-marā, because Rāma-Rāma-Rāma-Rāma was being spoken from his lips and as a result he became Vālmīki.
He realized Rāmacandra.
He had the eyes that could see the entire Rāmāyaṇa, 10,000 years before Rāma appeared on this earth.
He was so pure.”
“Ajāmila, he just chanted his son’s name Nārāyaṇa, NĀRĀYAṆA, when he was dying.
Then, just because of that he was saved.
He wasn’t chanting with some great faith, with accident, practically speaking.
If someone chant even just mechanically, without faith, somehow or another they chant, it will gradually have effect.
Obviously, if someone chants with faith, with devotion, with concentration then how much quicker we are at it.
It took Vālmīki a long time of chanting marā-marā-marā to get the same effect.
But nonetheless, there will be some effect.”
Why even Haridāsa Ṭhākura, when Lord Caitanya said that,
“How will all these mlecchas and yavanas will be delivered,
these fishermen, and all these various type of students who always arguing, and never want to get down to the actual reality,
just want to be on a mental platform and so man?
So then, what did Haridāsa Ṭhākura say, “By Your mercy, by this chanting, a nāmābhāsa,
the reflection of the name, it is like when the sun rises, there is a little light before that is called the ābhāsa,
it is just the dim reflection of the, dim reflection of the name, just by that they will be purified.
And like for instance, the Muhammadans when they say harām, they don’t mean hey Rāma,
they mean oh you offensive person, but somehow, they are saying harām.
When the Americans are seeing Ramāyaṇa or something Rāma, so many Rāmas they have in America, Tamil Rāma,
somehow or another, they are already getting the blessings, knowingly or unknowingly.
So, if they actually would chant:
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare,
even without much faith, even just as an experiment, just as out of hopelessness or something, out of just why not, tried everything else,
So many people, actually lots of people said to me,
but… Then, by chanting, by gradually see a change in themselves and they try to see that there is something a higher reality,
become a little purified.
Then when they read, when they come in the association of devotees, naturally, they can appreciate more.
Of course, if someone is very offensive to the devotees, very offensive, then it is more difficult.
One place I have Prabhupāda told that, “Just have them chant Sri Kṛṣṇa Caitanya,
because they are so simple that it will be more effective than chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Even if they are offensive, better they chant, than not chant.
Of course, we have to show the standard of offenseless chanting and preach against committing offenses.
Because if they are committing offenses, they won’t get pure love of God,
they may get liberation, or they may remain as human being, but they won’t get the ultimate goal.
So, want to bring them to the highest benefit, we have to show ourselves,
by our personal example, what is offensive chanting and try to bring people up to that platform.
Hare Kṛṣṇa!
One devotee who is chanting daily 16 rounds but his character is not changing, finding fault with others and fights at home. How to help such a devotee?
Questioner: Kṛṣṇa Karuṇāmūrti dāsa
Date: 2022-01-05
Jayapatākā Swami: Is he chanting the Pañca-tattva mantra? 
Usually if one chants the Pañca-tattva mantra 
and they starts to change.
But just chanting the holy name, and committing the ten offences to the holy name, 
naturally we don’t make much advancement. 
So avoid breaking the ten offences. 
The worst offence is to blaspheme other offences. 
When we are chanting japa how can be avoid the eleventh offence?
Questioner: Anonymous
Date: 2022-01-05
Jayapatākā Swami: Anyway, it is a kind of controversy
whether the so called, 11th offence we should fix in the 10th.
Anyway, the way to avoid that is concentrating on your chanting.
And focusing on the hearing and chanting, seeing the Deities.