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20110331 Talk at Govardhana Hill

31 Mar 2011|Duration: 00:19:26|English|Public Address|Vrindavan, India



20110331 His.Holiness.Jayapatākā Swami gave a talk at Govardhana Hill in Vṛṇdavan.




mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande


Śrī Caitanya Iswaram

Hari Oṁ Tat Sat


You know where you are. ............ Govardhan [audience]


What is behind you........................ Govardhan [audience]


Who said hill there ..............................Giriraj [audience]


Giriraj Maharaj ki.................................[Jaya]

Giriraj Maharaj ki.................................[Jaya]

Giriraj Maharaj ki.................................[Jaya]


Also here in the garden is the Samādhi of... puṣpa Samādhi of His Holiness Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami.


Jaya Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami Ki................... [Jaya]

Jaya Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami Ki................... [Jaya]

Jaya Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami Ki................... [Jaya]


I would like to offer my respects to their Holinesses, Bhaktisidhantha Maharaj and Bhakti Dhiradamodara Swami. ...... [Haribol] They are taking you from place to place. This is the famous ISKCON Govardhan Ashram created by His Holiness Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami. Also here is the goshala. So,  you must hear a lot of pastimes of Govardhana. So, all these... who are here........you will be in Rādhā Kunda and Shyāma Kunda. So, in the Upedesamrita or the nectar of instruction, it is said that of all the places in the universe, the most holy is Rādhā Kunda. ...... to be as I mentioned yesterday very respectful. The pastime of the creation of the Rādhā Kunda-Shyama Kunda was that there was a demon called Ariṣṭāsura that attacked. So, Kṛṣṇa, he had defeated the demon and he killed it and he liberated it. So, when He came back Rādhārāṇī said, “Don’t come near us, you are guilty of killing a cow. Because you killed a bull, so that is go-hatya. So, you have got so much sin on you. Don’t come near.” He said, “I am always free from sin.”

“We don’t know that. You killed a cow,  you killed a bull.” So, then Kṛṣṇa, He had the Shyāma Kunda excavated, and called told all the holy rivers, all the holy kundas, and they filled up Shyāma Kunda. And then He invited Rādhārāṇī, Please come in my kunda, but she said, “No, we will ... open my kunda.” So, she called some millions of gopī’s and they with their bare hands, bangles, and they excavated Rādhā Kunda, in a labour of love.  And then He was... She was going to bring down from the heavenly planets in Manasi Gaṅgā. Just think one million gopīs handing down the Manasi Gaṅgā... water .... handful, and then all the holy rivers, they surrendered to Rādhārāṇī and said, “You are the supreme energy of the Lord. So, we want to serve you. Please allow us to serve you, and through your kunda.” So she turned to Lalitā, “What shall I do?” Lalitā indicated, “Ok, it is alright.” So, then a gap was cut from Shyāma Kunda and Rādhā Kunda, and all the holy rivers, and entered into the Rādhākuṇḍa.


Jaya Śrī Rādhe.......................................[Shyam]


So, Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa go everyday. Sometimes to Rādhā Kunda, and there is some special system where you can all do some sevā in the Rādhā Kunda, and Bhakti... His Holiness Bhaktisiddhantha Swami will guide you. On the way, I don’t you will stop to swim, but there is also the Kusum Sarovara. In there, there is a  Shaligrama of a... Govardhana Sheila. So, we see that if you circumambulate Govardhana Sheila four times, you get the benefit of doing the Govardhana Parikrama. So, those who have not done Govardhana Parikrama today can cirumambulate four times. Any devotees go and they do the daṇḍavat parikrama of the Govardhan. Prabhupāda he ... that preaching the message of Lord Kṛṣṇa, messages of Lord Caitanya, it was more enduring. So, otherwise he would have stayed here, but he went to the West and he brought us Kṛṣṇa consciousness. So, we hop that you coming to Māyāpur, here in Vṛndāvana, you also get the mercy of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa, mercy of Govardhan. So, you will be able to spread the message of Lord Caitanya all over the world.

When Lord Caitanya found the Rādhā Kunda just a little pond in rice fields. He indicated that this is Rādhā Kunda, and it’s just at the end... one side of the Govardhana. So, then it was excavated by the six Goswamis ...12.05... of it. So, this place is... before you didn’t know. Now you came here all the day...people are saying Jaya Rādhe, Jaya Rādhe. So, there is also a need to preach to the local people so that they are understanding the importance of the holy dham ...12.30.

So, in Māyāpur there is many people, they don’t understand the importance of the dham. So, those who do, they say of course.. Jaya Gaura, Jaya Nitāi Gaura..........[Nīta Gaura]

Jaya Nitāi Gaura..........[Nīta Gaura]

Jaya Nitāi Gaura..........[Nīta Gaura]

And here they say,

Rādhe ..................................[Shyāma]

Rādhe ..................................[Shyāma]

Rādhe ..................................[Shyāma]

So, we also heard that tonight you are having some preaching program. Don’t think that as .........13.19 Very important. People need to see how the people all over the world are now accepting Govardhana, accepting Rādhā Kunda, accepting Vṛndāvana Dhāma as holy places, because that will have a very deep impression. So, one of our reason for the safari is... of course we want you all to get purified, we want you get a nice experience, a nice Parikrama, but it’s also to give the encouragement, the enthusiasm to local people. Atul Kṛṣṇa can say whether the people in Kurukshetra, they were enthused, did they like the Safari?

Atul Kṛṣṇa Prabhu: Yes Mahārāja.

Gurumahārāja: Are they enthused?

Devotee: Very much Mahārāja.

Gurumahārāja: Are they enthused?

Devotee: Very very much Mahārāja.

Gurumahārāja Jaya Safari Ki.............[Jaya]

So, one of our roles is to show them that throughout the whole world Kṛṣṇa is accepted, and the Indian people, they need to see it also because they think that... they think maybe only this is old fashion. It’s showing that these Westerners are very eager to look east, and to get the spiritual inspiration, spiritual consciousness from this. So, you have very important function.


So, I remember, we are going on a Safari on the other day, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa all the way. Haribol

Devotee: This Parikrama you have visited many different places of pastimes for the Lordships, where they are engaging in loving exchanges .... we will be passing by Aniyor very shortly which  is where all the Vrajavāsīs made so many arrangements of all kinds of bhog’s. Big guts of Beruni beverage, and so many fruits and vegetables, and Girirāja..........he took everything. With a matter of moments He consumed so much quantities of foodstuffs and he made another arrangement, and the whole stuff disappeared, and the Vrajavāsī’s were in great anxiety, what to do now? We only have so much bhoga. Then Balarāma had an idea. Girirāja is eating too much. So, then he offered Giriraj a Tulasī leaf, and then Giriraj, He was completely satisfied. So, we see..... Girirāja Mahārāja ki......... [Jaya]]

The real satisfaction the Lord receives is in receiving the devotion,  the bhakti coming come from His devotees. As Gurumaharaja was mentioning that it is very important that who are present here, the people can see this is the preaching in this part of the world, that so many persons from all around the world have come to get the mercy of Girirāja, to get the mercy of Radheshyam. So, each one of these places we visit on the Parikrama mark give us different facet to the jewel of the Lord, and his loving exchange with his devotees. So, you want to capture those exchanges within your heart.

And when you go to Rādhā Kunda, and do the what is known as Rādhārāṇī Sevā, doing some pinion work like that, it is such powerful preaching. One time I was in front Raghunāth Goswami’s Samādhi, and I was doing some of the cleaning surface. So, two boys from Delhi came, and kind of point at me laughing.. Ha... Ha... like that, and there was one bābājī from one of the maths who came... No, No, he is doing Rādhārāṇī Sevā, he is representing Prabhupāda, he is representing ISKCON..........[HARIBOL]

Śrīla Prabhupāda ki................[Jaya]

So, this is the genius of Śrīla Prabhupāda. He is providing us the importance of sevā, and in this way as we have been an example in a place like this of becoming attached to Kṛṣṇa, become attached to this  places of pastimes, activities, then we are doing the greatest preaching work, and in that way we can even inspire the Vrajavāsīs to develop the sense of urgency in service to the Lord. So, this is the greatness of being here, capture this moment with your heart, and in the future bring your friends and relatives also to come, and also become rejuvenated, so that you could return to your preaching fields and make a big family.

Giriraj’s pastime is giving shelter to the devotees, bringing the devotees together. That’s what you want to do in service to the paramparā to bring the devotees together in service, and in this way don’t meditate, “I am working in such a way to go back to Godhead.” That is not our philosophy. We want to bring others with us. You are going back, you are following the process, you are going back, but bring others with you. That’s what we can learn in this parikrama.

Hare Kṛṣṇa.............[Haribol]

Transcribed by Sadānanda Krsnaprem Das
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