(This is a machine transcript)
The following is a seminar on Śrī Caitanya-līlā given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on 7th March 2000 in Śrī Māyāpur dhāma, India.
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 13.2
jaya jaya śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya gauracandra
jaya jayādvaita jaya jaya nityānanda
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 13.3
jaya jaya gadādhara jaya śrīnivāsa
jaya mukunda vāsudeva jaya haridāsa
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 13.4
jaya dāmodara-svarūpa jaya murāri gupta
ei saba candrodaye tamaḥ kaila lupta
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 13.5
jaya śrī-caitanyacandrera bhakta candra-gaṇa
sabāra prema jyotsnāya ujjvala tri-bhuvana
Translation: All glories to the moons who are devotees of the principal moon, Lord Caitanyacandra! Their bright moonshine illuminates the entire universe.
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 13.1
sa prasīdatu caitanya-
devo yasya prasādataḥ
tal-līlā-varṇane yogyaḥ
sadyaḥ syād adhamo ’py ayam
Translation: I wish the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, by whose mercy even one who is fallen can describe the pastimes of the Lord.
Jayapatākā Swami: Hare Kṛṣṇa! How is everyone today? Caitanya Mahāprabhu is known as Svayam Bhagavān in the form of a devotee.
oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ
nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe
namo mahā-vadānyāya
kṛṣṇa-prema-pradāya te
kṛṣṇāya kṛṣṇa-caitanya-
nāmne gaura-tviṣe namaḥ
he kṛṣṇa karuṇā-sindho
dīna-bandho jagat-pate
gopeśa gopīkā-kānta
rādhā-kānta namo 'stu te
rādhe vṛndāvaneśvari
vṛṣabhānu-sute devī
praṇamāmi hari-priye
śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda
śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma
Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-gurun dina tāriṇam
paramānanda-mādhavam śrī caitanya īśvaram
Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja, it first took him to establish that Kṛṣṇa was the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 2.8
svayaṁ bhagavān kṛṣṇa, viṣṇu-paratattva
pūrṇa-jñāna pūrṇānanda parama mahattva
Translation: Kṛṣṇa, the original form of the Personality of Godhead, is the summum bonum of the all-pervading Viṣṇu. He is all-perfect knowledge and all-perfect bliss. He is the Supreme Transcendence.
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 2.9
‘nanda-suta’ bali’ yāṅre bhāgavate gāi
sei kṛṣṇa avatīrṇa caitanya-gosāñi
Translation: He whom Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam describes as the son of Nanda Mahārāja has descended to earth as Lord Caitanya.
Jayapatākā Swami: Just to establish an original Godhead is Kṛṣṇa. He also explained how there is the impersonal Brahman, localized paramātmā and the Personality of Godhead. Amongst the three, Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme truth. He explained also the difference between Kṛṣṇa and Nārāyaṇa. Nārāyaṇa is the expansion of Kṛṣṇa. This is important because, why caitanya-līlā is considered to be postgraduate study is because it goes directly dealing with summoning and esoteric aspects of the Lord’s dealing, which to really appreciate that, one needs to know who the Lord is.
Just like if there is an ordinary person meeting people on the street and talking with them, it’s no big deal. But if you find that some country is there meeting the people and shaking their hand and hearing what they have to say, then it becomes something more significant. Because it’s rare that people can meet that. So if one doesn’t understand how vain Kṛṣṇa is, then it’s difficult to appreciate how amazing are the pastimes of Lord Chitanya. How the Lord came incognito disguised as this ordinary devotee. And he would sometimes allow his opulence be revealed and sometimes he would keep it a secret. Generally he’d keep it a secret and sometimes he would reveal a little bit. And then he’d cover himself up again with his disguise. Yes, in modern world, the similarity we have is know all these comic book characters.
Batman, Superman, the ordinary citizen who goes into some phone booth and suddenly comes out flying. Otherwise what he did when he wasn’t Superman wouldn’t be very interesting. But because he is superman, therefore, what he does when he’s climbing more interesting than people who are interested in supreme. But here Kṛṣṇa is the supreme superman. He’s a super even more than a man. He’s not a human being. He’s the supreme personality of Godhead. But he comes down and he displays his ordinary role as a devotee. That’s the difference. Rāma, he came and disguised as a kshatriya, as a king prince. And he acted as a great warrior. Kṛṣṇa was more accessible in his childhood pastime because he acted like a coward boy. But after the age of 16, then he switched over to a princely role in a kingly role. As a counterpart.
He was more accessible to his friends and to everybody. Then as a king with a Kṛṣṇa’s pastime, there was everything that was wrong a little more, a lot more in his childhood pastimes. Then we had Lord Chitanya. He appeared as a Brahmin. His role was totally different. Kṛṣṇa would kill demons. Rav killed demons. But Lord Chaitanya said, I won’t lift up a weapon of violence. He only had weapon of love. He wouldn’t kill the demon, but he would kill their divine nature. I haven’t seen the newspaper for so long. When I just walked out a few lines and said that somebody had so many animals, I forget which kind. Some of the animals had some kind of a disease which could infect humans, 17 of them.
And some of them killed a whole herd of 800 or something, saying, okay, you’ve got a disease, we kill you. So the demons had this disease. So they get killed. But first when they killed by Christian, they get liberation. It’s not like people just killing their animals. Still they’re removed from the scene. But to actually change the heart of a demon, that’s really tough. These demons by nature are very aggressive, angry, hateful, envious, nasty people. But here at Lordshitanya’s Palestine, the most hateful India’s nasty people, they eventually got delivered. Sometimes they had to be dealt with a bit heavily, didn’t use any weapons in his. Quite an amazing scenario. You should try to appreciate how we hear what she’s telling. His pastor Nanda’s pastime personalities. But there’s a screen personality and.
And they’re coming down to please their devotees, to give their devotees some special mercy. Sometimes they do things which are almost inconceivable to our point of view. Sometimes they do. When we hear the pastimes of the Lord, if we’re able to understand something, then that’s like Christian’s mercy. Sometimes we have to ask the question to get clarified. One thing we shouldn’t do is try to speculate and try to put our own interpretations which don’t have anything to do with chariot. Anybody said that there’s any other Lord in Chitanya Mahāprabhu can understand that he is fallen and his association is to be avoided. Actually, it’s only one God and he is known by many names and he appears in different places. So we accept that Chitanya Mahāprabhu is God. He’s the same God is God. Only one God.
Whether you call him Allah or Kṛṣṇa or Lord Chitanya, he’s the same supreme Lord, come down and are waiting for the second coming of Christ in the western world, Lord Jesus Christ. Well, since all incarnations and all expansion are present in Lord Kṛṣṇa, and Kṛṣṇa came 500 years ago as Chitanya, so within him must also be Jesus and everybody else. So one sense, there’s one scholar, he wrote a whole book. Lord Chitani was actually second coming of Jesus. We don’t want to limit Lord Chitani to just being the son of God. We’re not saying that he is Kṛṣṇa himself. He is God. Within God is all his expansions. And along with him being so many associates, we don’t know which one Jesus descended as, whether he was one of his associates in the Kyotan party or not. We don’t want to speculate.
There’s nothing quite reasonable to consider that he was there because so many devotees and so many expansions were there directly and otherwise everybody was there within the form of Kṛṣṇa. The Sambadi says, well, chitanya is not God. Basically, they’re offended. Just like for somebody who’s a Muslim, Allah is not God. Then you’re in a big fight. God is not God. The point is that Chaitanya is not, but he’s come as devotee. So those who don’t accept what Chaitanya, somehow they are bewildered. Some people may not accept because they don’t know. There are some people who they don’t accept. Even they know. Even you show them scripture, you show them evidences. People who follow the Vedas, it still are the stubbornness or enviousness they don’t want to accept. And so those people are not to be associated with everybody offensive people.
So there’s a lot of work that we need to do. Because so many people, they don’t know that JT is God. Most people don’t even know what or who God is at all. That’s why these writers have very carefully written how God is impersonal, light is localized supersol and is the supreme person. And within the category of supreme person, there’s these unlimited different forms of what supreme form is Kṛṣṇa and chi. Kṛṣṇa has come as jatanya. So then it becomes to get a real understanding of who Lord Chitanya is. Lord Chitaniya was here on this planet and he was doing his Brahminical Leela. Then he decided to go to East Bengal to spread his message. Mahavidyagosti, Prabhu, Kori, Lena with a very big group of students. The Lord went to East Bengal and there he saw the Patama river with a great bliss.
Hasta Sahasta Shishaijani K for I born time, thousands and thousands of students were there studying under Lord Nimāi. How many students were there? That it was how they’re all being taught was an amazing thing. Sunday, Sabha Bangodashi. I said, nimāi pundit istani bha. When all the East Bengalis heard that Nimāi pundit had come, they went running. I want to study under Nimāi pundit. How many of you like to study under Nimāi pundits for evil Hannah people? Wow. Can you imagine this? His merciful glance was so powerful that when Nimāi Pandit gave his explanation, within two months he would make everyone fully learned. How’s that, guru? Cool. Phd two months. Get your master’s degree in two months. Under the 500, you go back to God. There you get everything. What a package.
Simply he looks at you and gives you blessing and it all goes in. How many would like that type of education? Evil. Go to Sato. Sato jano. Go to Bilobi jaya. Sonia. So like this way hundreds and hundreds of get their degrees. They go back home. Look it. Degree pass. They’re worthy. Wow. He’s a good teacher. Then everyone. So many other be running. I want to learn from you too. Amato vitaras in this way. In the mellow of learning and education, the lord of the spiritual world was residing istangalaki provohe. Until Lakshmi Priya was feeling so much separation from Nimāi, her master, that inside she was feeling so much sadness that she would not speak anything to anyone. Rabi prabhu dinahi ka boja.
But constantly she was serving mother Sachi, offering the lord the Prasadam, the Boga nave Īśa Vichele borrow Dukita just in name only. She take a few bites of rice inside. Feeling separation from the lord, she was feeling so much sadness, I think so much separation from her lord. The whole night she would cry, couldn’t take care of her health. She couldn’t think of anything else. You Shabbati day holding up, I say otiya lucky day. So much separation from the lord. She just couldn’t tolerate it. So she wanted to go and be by his side. She gave up, she left her external form and she went by the side of her lord. And recently, Prabhu father for the malakiko, Prabhupāda for the malakikoi jenning the lord, Lotus feet in her heart, in meditation by the side of the ganges.
She went back to the lord, say Kandam Sunday when this happened, when she left her body not tolerating when Lakshmi Priya left her body not tolerating the separation from the lord. Mother Sachi was so sad, she was so unhappy about that she couldn’t. It’s indescribable. When she cried it, even stones would melt. Her crying was so deep. Say sakum dukurasana paribarmite. I am not able to describe the mellow of all that suffering, all that lamentation him. So I’m just giving a little sample. Sadhu ghana suneboro hela dukiso, sabayasika chukur all of the devotees, when they heard about Lakshmi priya leaving, they are very sad. And they came and performed all the final rites for her. Isha lakiya kodo bam. The lord, he knew that in his heart what was going on.
So he decided to come back home and comfort his mother Sabi behalf of Soni jajano Shakti sabe when they heard that the my father was coming back, everybody came to offer him gifts. Suvarna Rajata, jalapat Suran some gave both, some gave very nice water pot, some gave a very opulent seat, some gave a very colorful blanket and others gave all kinds of pot. Uttam Paratro, Jadachilojar Gore, Sami Santoshayadi villain whatever nice things everybody had in their home, they all came and gave to me my hundred Prabhu Sabha visti kuri brahma the lord gave everyone his blessings. Santoshi sabarai nita vihay lena si go ram thanking everyone for their gifts and blessing everyone, giving everyone with mercy. Then he went to his home. Oneegapura Sabusohalana Prabhu. That time many students came with the lord and went with him to study.
At that time, one very auspicious Brāhmaṇa, very spiritually powerful Brāhmaṇa, who understood essence of the scripture. His name is Mr. Tapan, Tapanisha. He came. Sato sadana takta nirupito dari hannah jana nahita, Jewish tamira swasti nahi Chad Sadh. So he’d always be chanting his java day and night. He’d always be following. He’d never do anything outside of the authorized Kṛṣṇa conscious activities. Never associate with anybody who didn’t know what was the purpose of life. Always was within the devotees. Baby de Chintipe Sashe Susapna dekila bhagyova Samukasi Man Brahman Suna Sunohe Dijo Parama Sudhir chintana kori hoai kunda dapasa korohoma sadhu sadam malushanahim teho nadan narado dakaram. So he was appealing. So much anxiety about achieving the purpose of life. And he had a dream where Brahmina came. And listen, oh my dear beautiful Brāhmaṇa, don’t be worried anymore. May your mind be peaceful.
Go to divine Pandit. There he will tell you what is to be achieved and how to achieve it in life. He is not a human being. He is Nārāyaṇa in the form of a man. He is actually the supreme personality of God. Came to this world just to manifest his pastimes. Veda, go play sakol Naku. He completely flat out offered his obeisances. He said, aviya TD Kuramora sang sara mochan. I am ready. Fallen person, please have mercy on me that I can be delivered from this material existence. I don’t know what is to be achieved in life, but how to achieve it. Please give me your mercy and tell me what is the goal of life and how can it be achieved. Vishwa Sukhamahibai he says, I don’t get any satisfaction in sense gratification.
I simply want to know when will my real spiritual life be awakened. Tell me, o al merciful prabhu bolivar pago kipata Kṛṣṇa botibari chahu say saraboda. The Lord said, my dear Brāhmaṇa, you are very fortunate. You want to worship Kṛṣṇa. That is everything. To worship the supreme Lord is very rare and the most wonderful achievement. This is the Yuga Dharma. He explained the four yugas and guess what? Kali Jugay dharma hari namasankitan Chari Jugi Chari Dharma Jive Kali yuga hari nam sankhitan is the Yuga Dharma. And all the four yuga dharmas are meant for delivering the fallen soul. Yuga the sacrifice of Chani, your holy name. Since the essence, there’s no other religious process that can deliver us. In Kalam yoga, he quoted the kate, which means in satyograph meditation, day and night, chandle holy name, eating, sleeping every time.
Simply remember the Lord’s glory. There’s no way you can say how powerful this is. Sonomiso koni julie nahito sage. So you simply stay in your house and you worship Kṛṣṇa. Be very careful. Don’t get involved in kutti Matt. No party politics, no diplomatic activity. Just keep your mind single pointed on worshiping Kṛṣṇa. Satu sadhamata J. Kitschu sakali sakal. Whatever is goal of life, whatever is the way to achieve it. All these things you can achieve simply by engaging hari na song guitar hari namah. Come on, you chant this. Mahā mantra, 16 names, 32 syllables. This is the tantra. This is the practice. Sari do sadi day jabil prayman sadhu janiba say as you are practicing this chanting of the holy name, when your spout out loud of Kṛṣṇa will manifest. Then you will realize everything about what is to be achieved in life.
Automatically by the chanting of the holy name, the process and the goal, everything will be revealed to you. Prabhu simoke Sikh suni Prabhu Pranama Kuray Bahutor Mr. Kohiyaki Sangayasi Prabhu Kohitumi sacred getting this instruction from the Lord again and again and again. He offered his obesiences. He was so ecstatic to get this message. Please give me your order that I can remain with you. The lord gave him an order. He immediately go to Varanasi at the Prabhu Tari Bilalinga Brahma. After saying that, then Lord Chitanya embraced him. When Lord Chitanya embraced him, then he got the Brāhmaṇa was overwhelmed in ecstasy and all the hairs on his body were standing on him. Paiya Vaikunta nayaka pailo Brāhmaṇa. When he got the embrace of the lord of Ikunta, then he got transcendental ecstasy. At that moment, how many books does it take to distribute?
How many arkis? How many? Harry nah, simply the lord causes mercy. Elai Samaiya Susapnabosia as he was leaving, he grabbed the lotus feet of the lord. He told in a private place alone with the lord, his dream soon. Kohe sato jai uchit ar karena kohibai sarit. Whatever you said, that’s true. Please don’t tell anybody about this revelations and my personality again. He obeyed him very carefully. Don’t tell anybody as long as I’m on the planet, anything about it. Hello. So in this way, Lord Koranga blessed the people of Bangladesh and returned home. Sandhya, Kaliha, Prabhu, Talilagiya singing back so many of these useful things for the house. The lord came and saw his mother. Dandawada, Prabhujani Choroni, Archaiti Sako dilent he offered his obey, insist to his mother lord his feet and offered her, gave her all the things for use in the house.
Sakona Prabhu, Shishone, Sohidi, Cholena, Saka Gaṅgā then the lord went all his disciples. He went very quickly to the side of God. Namdan, Anjari, Dukita, Loya Sargo Purija so mother Sachi went to do the cooking. But inside she was still unhappy. Kaguru, Prabhu, Sarvagana, everybody, shika gurus, lord, everybody. They offer their basis to the mother Ganttis. So for some time they played water sports, took their bath and then he went back home. Ave Prabhuja Nitadama Kurdi Bojana Bosilagi then to do his daily rituals, he sat down, took his prasada. Antoshe bai pantana Bojana vishnu Bihari, Prabhu, Silasiya he satisfied the lord of Ikunta, took his prasadia to remember the prasada. Mother Sachi is out of this world. She cooks super Prasada. Chitanya said, everywhere, wherever he is, anywhere, whenever she cooks, he goes there. He cooks such wonderful prasad.
Then he sat down by the side of the temple door in his house. Island Sambachi day Savariya Sabhasahitrabu Hashakota Ramde Kohilanah, bang Ramde, Bangladeshi Baku ado Korana Puriya Bangalara, Bangalore Koratanah the lord was sitting there with his family members and all the friends there. He is telling about his exploits in East Bengal. Then he was also imitating the East Bengal accent for a little bit, saying the way that they speak, they have many different, what they call Anchalikajiswinta, like a village, local dialects of Bengali. And some of them, if you’re here, this maladweep and Santipur was considered to be the standard Bengali. And now Calcuttas think that. But traditionally this was especially Santipur. And then you go in different directions and different dialects come. So some of these dialects, for a Bengali, normal Bengali listener will have an unusual sound.
So he was joking like that, making imitating these different dialects. He knows that all his relatives are very sad. Because of the departure of Lakshmi Priya. Nobody dared to speak about it. They’re so sad about it. They speak just keeping it within themselves. So in this way to some time, all the relatives they left and went back to their own places. Sitting there in his house, the lord was chewing on some beetle nut and laughing and having some joking discussions. But Sachimata, she’s still feeling inside very sad because her daughter in law has died. She doesn’t even go by the side of her son. She’s staying far away, out of sight. So then he first they went over by the side of his mother.
Lukita Bodhana Prabhu jananire de kanadira prabhu madhura dukita tumare mata de kiki karo kusalaya nuami dorodeshawaite kota tumi mango kariba to the lord. He went by the sight of his mother and seeing her very unhappy face he said, my very sweet words. My dear mother, why do I see your face so sad? Somehow I come back from very distant lands to bring a good fortune to the family. Ayatuma degi or ti dukita vanan satur kahoda. And I am seeing that in your face. So much sadness. Please tell me what is the cause of this? Sonia put their bhakai ado mukhande. Hearing her son’s words, mother Sachi just began to cry. She couldn’t speak back to him. She was just crying in grief. Prabhu Bali Matami janino saka tomar bodu kichuboji among God says, you see, mother, I know everything.
You think your daughter in law. Anything happened in auspicious sobe sabikohilanasanohondit tuma Brahmani Gaṅgā by Lormi. Then everyone said, listen, Pandit, your Brahmani has achieved Gaṅgā. Meaning she went back to Gadhiya Vijoy Sonegorangosi Hodi Konaki Rohila Prabhu Haitar Mata. When heard of his consorts disappearing then for a minute he put his head down. Priya Viroha duko Korea Sikhar Tushni Hoya Nasar accepted the dear ones separation. Sadness and separation. That person who is the essence of all iveas and all knowledge. You remain for a moment silent. Okando Korana Duka Koneka Korea kohita lagila nijit hiro chitamaya imitating the sadness of materialistic people. Human being. Then he began to speak again with a very controlled consciousness. Prabhu vale mata duko bhavo Kikaron Pavito J. Say kandi veto kalagatiki hokarina sad are you thinking in this way? How can you get rid of this kind of sadness?
This is the way of time. Nobody can control time. The whole material is temporary. All the vedas tell us everything is under the control of the supreme lord. This entire material world meeting together, separation. Who can say anything about this? Everything is under the control of the lord. Whatever happened is by the will of the supreme. So since everything is his work, what cause of sadness is there for us? Samira Kate Gangapai J. Sukiti Targur k. Bha ache bhakovati somebody has already achieved the ganttis even before his. If a lady has already achieved the gantties before the husband, what more good fortune can there be for her? Amato Prabhujanir Prabhuya. Then he went and did his own, left his mother to think about these things. And he went with this other relative and personal people. Sunya Prabhuati Amrita Vocana Sabah Sarvo Duvi Vochan.
When they heard the lord’s really natarian speech and everybody’s sadness was removed. Hanomadevaikunta Nayagori go to the action of it. Shi Kṛṣṇa Jaitananda Chandajan Vrindavandasa to Chuki. So in this way playing in his mellow of education. Lord Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya Mahāprabhu Shi Kṛṣṇa chaitanya Nityānanda being meditated upon by Vrindavan Singh. The song worries about Padma. River Ganges comes and divides into parts off and part is known as the Padma or Padmawati. And that goes into East Bengal. Then the other part is the BHAGiRati comes here into BEngal and to the ocean. The ganges. By dating in the ganges one gets love of Kṛṣṇa very gradually and is free from so many sinful reactions and devotion of Kṛṣṇa. So many good qualities are there for the ganGes, the Padma. If you’re a devotee and you bathe in the Padma, you get love of God.
But if you’re an offender of the Vaishnavas and you bathe in the padma, then you get so many reactions suffering time of what Chitanya? So many devotees are bathing in the GanshIS getting love of God. You know what happens in Bhagmadas that Padmas went through. If somebody’s devotees, they get mercy. If they’re envious against devotees in their day, then they get suffering. You want to take a bath in the Padma river, went all the way up to Śrī Hatha, saw the birthplace of his mother was teaching people on the side of the Padma, said that there’s a pastime when he left love of Kṛṣṇa in the Padma and told that when Naratam Dasakar comes, then you give the love of Kṛṣṇa to him. He went and bathed in the Padma.
Then when he was in a dark complexion, when he bathed and came out, he became very light complexion. So in home the parents couldn’t recognize what happened to you. And after that he was completely transformed and he was in love of Kṛṣṇa. He had a special blessing towards a place. We wrote Savanta, prince from Ayodhya and there mentioned that Lord Ram, he starts laughing and Sītā, Ram and Lakshman, they were in Mahavadvan getting to the Dhamma chorus. And then Sītā answered in Kali Yuga, I appear here this place and I live and I marry you. But then at the age of 24, I take Sanya and I leave. You’re worshipping a golden form of me. That doesn’t sound very nice because stuff was managed to the forest, put out to the forest again by Lord Ram. She brought up love and kush.
There she was in separation with Lord Ram. But she liked it better than being in the palace, remembering always Ram and the tide together alone in the forest. She was happier than being in all the official ceremonies and do the whole king with him. But Ram, he managed to the forest out of put her out in the forest out of some religious principle. At that time was very strict. He was trying to show an example of religious principle. But he was feeling so much separation for her. He would worship her golden deity. And all the ceremonies the husband can’t do. You get married and the husband can’t do any religious ceremony. Without the wife, it’s two halves become united. So when he had to do some religious ceremony, Situ had to bring the golden beanie of Sītā with him.
Without Sītā he couldn’t perform the ceremony. And there’s an esoteric pastime in the lord’s pastime when Sītā was stolen by Ravana, that actually the real Sītā wasn’t taken. But when she went through the Lakshman Rekha, she was taken by the fire God Agni Devan. Instead a shadow Sītā, a material reflection of Sītā was given. And all the torturing was given to this material reflection of Sītā. And then when Sītā came back and she had to go through the Agni Pariksha or the fire test, she walked through fire. At that time, Agnide took the chaya Sītā back and gave off the real Sītā. Well, the chaya Sītā apparently had coming according to some very confidential scriptures, requested the lord for some mercy. I want to serve you. When will I have an opportunity to serve you?
And because all she got was kind of the bad end of the deal, she was a torture by all the demons. And all this tied up to the Ashoka tree and everybody poking and all this horrible stuff. She was begging one time, I can also serve you. So she has the blessing to be the consort of the lord for some time. Let me tell you that you go to Tirupati, that whole pastime there of Padmavati and Śrīnivas, that Padma Vati is the Chaya Sītā. And in Chaitanya Leela, the Chaya Sītā is Lakshmi Priya. And the real Sītā is, Vishink, the China seeds that could be married to serve him. But then after a short time, when he went off to do his Vidya vilas to bring some money home, sometimes the husband has to go out, earn some money.
Any married men here ever have to earn any money for their families then in this case, the wife couldn’t tolerate being without her husband for so long, especially because the husband was Kṛṣṇa himself and she was. So she just couldn’t tolerate it. Finally left to run. Confidential, esoteric. It’s hard to understand all these things, but somehow the leelas of the lord has some interconnection. Kṛṣṇa reciprocates with his pure devotees in different ways through different translila reciprocations, education at that point. And then he got initiated and everything changed. But he was preaching even before then. He was preaching, worshipping his shaligam shila, he was doing his tulsi pūjā every day, his Gandhi staff, worshipping his siksha boos. But he wasn’t consistently completely is only doing the preaching now.
But when he’s in East Bengal, he preached a lot about, he preached another, I mean, tap on vista. Can you imagine? He just meets, he has a dream. This is the supreme meets. The first day he meets, he gets the blessing. The lord says, okay, your first assignment is go to bananas them with an embrace that will ask them for eternal big separation ordered. You have to go 800 miles from here. I’ll meet you there. Later takes a lot of faith. But Lord Chitanya met him later. Maybe about eight years later, 810 years later, Tapa Mishra was there. And Tapa Mishra was the one who received Lord Chitanya. That’s where Sanatan Goswami met. And then for two months, Lord Chitanya instructed Sanātana Goswami about purpose of life. Sato Sadhana and Tapa Mishra could also get connected.
So whatever Lord Chitanya is saying happened because of Tapa Mishra. Then also the Māyā bhadi Sangasis got the mercy kept on. Mishra was chanting. They were having big sun here. Hardy and Banaras, you might have a pastime where they’ll be with the lord for a long time. Or maybe they will be with the Lord for a couple of months or a short time. Lord spill. The Lord is an eager. They want to always serve the Lord, get disassociation, get his mercy. The material world, you have a material dharma is the following rules, regulations. Get freed from sin, go to heaven, get liberation. But in the Chaitanya’s pastimes, he framed it. Because that’s all there is. Activities, religiosity, all those things are promoted.
But something very special is there about devotees getting this love of Kṛṣṇa, where they actually just develop this intense love for Kṛṣṇa and only want to serve Kṛṣṇa no matter what. And there’s no other way to get that love of Kṛṣṇa except by enchanting the holy names. Hari Kṛṣṇa, Hari Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa’s up. But I never got beyond this. Holding all the exchanges between March, Eternia and his mother, same time. This leads up to that. He gets married to eventually, since he’s a householder and he has no wife. His wife used to get married again. That’s when he married. Question on this topic tonight. Yes. To understand that he didn’t reveal it because he’s common as a devotee. And if everybody knows he’s the lord and his pastime as a devotee wouldn’t be affected.
A few confidential servitors may know and they may help him in his execution of his wheela. In general, it’s not effective if everybody knows it. Yesterday’s classroom.
Lecture Suggetions
20001016 Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 7.92) Class
20000824 Śrī Kṛṣṇa Janmāṣṭamī Class (ŚB 10.5.1-2)
20000820 Summer Camp Class (Cc. Ādi 8.5)
20000809 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (5.14.38) Class
20000808 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (8.4.1) at Jagannātha Mandir
20000807 Śrimad-Bhāgavatam (4.12.23-27) Class
20000807 Śikṣā and Dīkṣā Seminar
20000807 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.12.29-32
20000730 Question and Answer Session
20000729 Life Member Program Address [Bengali]
20000728 Life Member Program Address [Bengali]
20000710 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.13.23–24
20000519 Bhagavad-gītā (12.9) Class
20000519 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.13.6-7
20000409 Glories of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī
20000216 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (3.3.23)
20000215 Addressing Devotees
20000214 Temple Inauguration Address
20000214 Initiation Class
20000213 Bhagavad-gītā (12.2) Class
Vintage Caitanya Caritāmṛta Class featuring HH Bhakti Charu Swami
Vintage Caitanya Caritāmṛta Class [Part 2]
Vintage Caitanya Caritāmṛta Class
Ratha Yātrā Class
Vintage Nectar: Bhagavad-gītā Class
Class at Rādhā Gopāla Kṛṣṇa Temple
2003 Sunday Feast Lecture - Bg. 5.9
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Class (5.1.1)
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Class 6.1.62
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.10.43