The following is a class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on April 1st 1999 in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur (India) the class begins with the reading of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6th canto, chapter 5, text 42 & 43
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.5.42
Translation: Although I live in household life with my wife and children, I honestly follow the Vedic injunctions by engaging in fruitive activities to enjoy life without sinful reactions. I have performed all kinds of yajñas, including the deva-yajña, ṛṣi-yajña, pitṛ-yajña and nṛ-yajña. Because these yajñas are called vratas [vows], I am known as a gṛhavrata. Unfortunately, you have given me great displeasure by misguiding my sons, for no reason, to the path of renunciation. This can be tolerated once.
Purport by Śrīla Prabhupāda: Prajāpati Dakṣa wanted to prove that he had been most tolerant in not having said anything when Nārada Muni, for no reason, induced his ten thousand innocent sons to adopt the path of renunciation. Sometimes householders are accused of being gṛhamedhīs, for gṛhamedhīs are satisfied with family life without spiritual advancement. Gṛhasthas, however, are different because although gṛhasthas live in householder life with their wives and children, they are eager for spiritual advancement. Wanting to prove that he had been magnanimous to Nārada Muni, Prajāpati Dakṣa stressed that when Nārada had misled his first sons, Dakṣa had taken no action; he had been kind and tolerant. He was aggrieved, however, because Nārada Muni had misled his sons for a second time. Therefore he wanted to prove that Nārada Muni, although dressed like a sādhu, was not actually a sādhu; he himself, although a householder, was a greater sādhu than Nārada Muni.
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.5.43
tantu-kṛntana yan nas tvam
abhadram acaraḥ punaḥ
tasmāl lokeṣu te mūḍha
na bhaved bhramataḥ padam
Translation: You have made me lose my sons once, and now you have again done the same inauspicious thing. Therefore you are a rascal who does not know how to behave toward others. You may travel all over the universe, but I curse you to have no residence anywhere.
Purport by Śrīla Prabhupāda: Because was a gṛhamedhī who wanted to remain in household life, he thought that if Nārada Muni could not remain in one place, but had to travel all over the world, that would be a great punishment for him. Actually, however, such a punishment is a boon for a preacher. A preacher is known as parivrājakācārya — an ācārya, or teacher, who always travels for the benefit of human society. Prajāpati Dakṣa cursed Nārada Muni by saying that although he had the facility to travel all over the universe, he would never be able to stay in one place. In the paramparā system from Nārada Muni, I have also been cursed. Although I have many centers that would be suitable places of residence, I cannot stay anywhere, for I have been cursed by the parents of my young disciples. Since the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement was started, I have traveled all over the world two or three times a year, and although I am provided comfortable places to stay wherever I go, I cannot stay anywhere for more than three days or a week. I do not mind this curse by the parents of my disciples, but now it is necessary that I stay in one place to finish another task — this translation of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. If my young disciples, especially those who have taken sannyāsa, take charge of traveling all over the world, it may be possible for me to transfer the curse of the parents to these young preachers. Then I may sit down conveniently in one place for the work of translation. Take charge of travel all over the world, it may be possible for me to transfer the curse of the parents to these young preachers.
Thus, end Bhaktivedānta Swami translation purport of the fifth [sixth] canto fifth
chapter forty-second and forty-third verses of the Śrīmad-Bhagvatam in the matter of Nārada Muni cursed by Prajapati Daksha.
Hari Oṁ tat sat.
* * *
Hare Kṛṣṇa!! Hare Kṛṣṇa!! I could not reduce skipping next verse [laughter] I must admit. Bear with me. since it is a very much relevant to my own experience. First you see how Prajāpati Dakṣa is thinking to his own perspective this is a quite common it is a saying in Sanskrit ‘ātmānam manyate jagat.’ what I think, I think everybody thinks the whole world thinks. You tend to judge others by our own (not sure) same thinks. So, Dakṣa was in a particular mental plane. He was thinks from his point of view. He was not able to appreciate the point of view of Nārada Muni and therefore first of all he said at once you took of all my sons make them sādhus who renounce I follow your path. It’s not that I am some materialistic householders I am doing all kinds of vratās and sat-karmas and puṇyas activities so actually I am very spiritual person but this is too much you were know you make twice now, you taken all my children in to the renounce order. Probably parents that have one or two children... someone was telling we have of this sentiment, but I don’t know if anybody can imagine what it is like Ten thousand children or twenty thousand children and all of them take sannyāsa (laughter). It is a lot of effort of making children and if we have got a desire that the children will carry on with the family life or you see anything from the perspective of Dakṣa then it become[s] very difficult to understand. Of course, Daksha’s perspective is not according to the Śrīla Prabhupāda’s verse forty-one - very accurate. Prabhupāda doesn’t accept his logic that one has to first of all suffer. As was explained by Daksha previously “Material enjoyment is indeed the cause of all unhappiness, but one cannot give it up unless one has personally experienced how much suffering it is. Therefore, one should be allowed to remain in so-called material enjoyment while simultaneously advancing in knowledge to experience the misery of this false material happiness.
Then without help from others, one will find material enjoyment detachful. Those whose minds are changed by others do not become as renounced as those who have personal experience.” But Prabhupāda, his personal instruction to us was that “Under the circumstances, unless one gets association of a devotee like Nārada Muni or his servant in the disciplic succession, one’s dormant spirit of renunciation cannot be awakened. It is not a fact that because material enjoyment involves so many painful conditions one will automatically become detached.”
One needs the blessings of a devotee like Nārada Muni. Then one can renounce his attachment for the material world. The young boys and girls of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement have given up the spirit of material enjoyment, not because of practice, but by the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His Servants. Jaya Rādhā Mādhava Aṣṭasakhi Vṛnda kī (All Jaya).
Śrīla Prabhupāda was explaining at the Kumbha-melā, I told this story few times, How to be aah fixed in devotional service means, signifies, one has already cross over all of the preliminary stages of vratās and puṇyas and good births and austerities and penances and so many other pious activities. And then, one devotee asked Prabhupāda that “You see in my life I haven’t, I can't remember having done any pious activity, any vratās anything austere in my whole life, but I can't understand is, how is it possible that I'm today in devotional service, it's inconceivable to me. How could we understand what you are saying Śrīla Prabhupāda?” So then Śrīla Prabhupāda, He replied “Yes I have made your good fortune for you.” That this I grant Indian an honorary degree from the university. But India it's quite common that some chief ministers or Prime Minister gets invited to some big university and gets honorary degree of political science. Because they went to the school of Arts and Science (inaudible 2.17) to become the prime ministers only. They didn't go to school like that but somehow, they got honorary degree. So whatever it might be. In all that there is three ways of perfection, there is the Sadhana Siddhi, there is the nitya-siddha and there is the kṛpā-siddhi. Nārada Muni appeared in this world as Son of Brahmā, He was already a liberated soul, He was already a nitya-siddha. You can say that in His previous life He took the mahā-prasāda remnants from the plate of the Bhaktivedāntas and by their Special Mercy of the Bhaktivedantas he became a Kripa Siddhi.Although many examples of devotees they got a special mercy. Then there are devotees who have performed their sadhana very carefully and in this way they systematically progress in devotional service. And you can say that Śrīla Prabhupāda, traveling around the world, He was giving His association and He was giving His blessings to so many devotees. And as a result very quickly they were able to advance. It’s a very good instruction, if anybody is able to advance quickly in their devotional service, to remain in a humble state of mind and recognize or consider how all the advancement was made by the mercy of the Spiritual Master.
Even though Prahlāda Mahārāja was performing His sādhana carefully, when He was looking, realize that Lord Narasimhadeva, Narasimhadeva offered him all the blessings, his response was, that I have this, that I'm able to see you by the mercy of my guru. And therefore, how can I forget him at this time. I want to continue to serve my Spiritual Master. Since by doing so, I have been able to achieve Your Association. Nārada Muni, He was traveling all over the world, All the universe giving people mercy.
Śrīla Prabhupāda was travelling all over the world, Nārada muni was cursed by Daksha to travel and not have any fixed place of residence Śrīla Prabhupāda in verse 43 he states that in the paramparā he also was cursed, by his disciples, young disciples parents, truly there many parents of the young devotees who joined the Kṛṣṇa Consciousness movement who were not satisfied that their children give up there materialistic activities and engaged in devotional service, so Prabhupāda considered that their dissatisfaction had this effect of a curse on him.He was also not able to stop anywhere for very long, as he said he had 3 days to a week. Śrīla Prabhpada told this not only in his books but on various occasion in his conversations with his disciples. He mentioned this point, he also said that in the holy dham curses don’t take effect. So Nārada muni if he wanted to stay anywhere he would stay in Vrindavan, Māyāpur, anywhere else outside of the dham’s he would be compelled to keep on travelling.
Sometimes Prabhupāda would come here to Māyāpur and spend a month or 6 weeks and translate and then we would have the opportunity of serving his lotus feet while he was here, regularly he would stay at least 2 weeks or 3 weeks. How many of you would like to be able to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda for 6 weeks in Māyāpur dham? (Audience Hari Bol) So HG Jananivas, HG Pankajanghri they got that opportunity HH Subagh swami, I don’t want to call whatever I offered to Śrīla Prabhupāda as service, it was probably a disservice, but I was trying to do something for His Divine Grace and Prabhupāda he was also mentioning that once he left the dham he would have to go on travelling. In Vrindavan Prabhupāda settled down but he wanted to still he wanted to transfer that curse, on two occasions he told me, know my sanyasis have to take the curse I would not be able to travel anymore, so know you have to take this curse and travel, so whenever I leave the dham and the curse takes effect, I am safe here actually.
People get on my case why do you travel ? what can I do, I am cursed. You know what it is like to be cursed ? who can overcome the brahamanas curse, very powerful so devotees shouldn’t get upset that they see some times the sanyasi gurus are travelling, it’s part of the paramparā system. It was also interesting point here today a court case came up in Calcutta that the Adhidharan and Satvik and others have put to say that the paramparā diksha paramparā will stop at Prabhupāda, but the case was adjourned for today and will continue, so, if you want to still make any prayers to Narshingadev, to save us from this other curse of having to spend time and money and a court case, Prabhupāda he said court case are throwing good money after that ,that the judges have no jurisdiction to decide who is a guru, who is a Acharya and who is not an Acharya. So it is quite amazing that such, formally dedicated disciples of Prabhupāda and followers of Prabhupāda are taking shelter of a court, to make such a decision. We got the news that the anyway judge were a little sleepy yesterday, kind of sad,that such a thing is happening. We are reading this verse and this morning I have to write something for that, quick and send it off so it's informing another kind of maṅgala arti which I don't prefer and I was just thinking here how Prabhupad was saying the paramparā system the Curse is handed down so whether like the curse of travelling now Prabhupad is saying that now my young disciples they have to take especially the sanyasis they have to take curse and continue with it. So Prabhupad here he very clearly has the idea of Paramparā system that they wanted a next different things are handed down. So here Prabhupad is saying also, even a curse of travelling is handed to the next generation.(Sankh blowing). It is very obvious that Prabhupad through all his writings through all his teachings he always had this vision of one generation after another. There's no where that Śrīla Prabhupad had ever said that I will be the last diksha guru in ISKCON. Everywhere he is saying that I am the teacher the law of disciplic succession. He personally told me on two occasions, also apart from thousand other places although Ritviks say (unclear 01:50) said that, No there is only 22 places, he say you know. Becoming what you consider instruction. Well the paramparā system that he wanted his disciples preachers should continue to make more disciples. And that's what his desire was. Of course we can't rightly say his desire but he never ordered it. Out of nowhere did Prabhupad ever looked and told you whatever did Prabhupad say I order you to do anything. He no where did that. He nowhere said that I order you. Rather he said my Gurudev asked me to preach in western countries and I have taken up his order as my life and soul. A Guru tells you to do something, it's not like Guru is ordering is to say, 'I here by order you vow to chant your 16 rounds. Prabhupad would say please chant 16 rounds be careful avoid breaking 4 regulative principles'. That's the Guru's order. Your wish is my command. Right?
Just like he told us don't fight, dont't imitiate the Gauḍīya Matt and fight in court. When he was invited to go in court by his godbrothers enjoying the occasion they got his birth place back, then he said No, I don't want to fight over sticks and bricks and all these things. We can make another one, we can preach in another, we can preach in a bigger facility than what they had. And already we had a much bigger facility than the Gauḍīya matt. So I got another this one proposal if you want to fight let's fight preaching not fight in the courts and waste the energy. You don't want to follow the paramparā the Gauḍīya matha court cases.We want to follow the Prabhupad paramparā of preaching.(haribol). In any case,Prabhupad he would say,he wanted his disciples would take up the responsibility, in other words, just as Prabhupada was thinking, handed down as a curse, but it is also the Guru hands down to the next generation the legacy the responsibility to carry on the Guru paramparā. Not only diksha, siksha, training, preaching the whole mood that Prabhupad wanted. He said I built the house of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, I built the structure, but it still has to be filled in. Just like here in Māyāpur many times we see, though the concrete structure,We have to put in the walls, put in the windows, put in the sinks, in the showers, then finally there is a furniture. So there is lots of work for few generations. Prabhupad said I built the structure, I built like the framework. He never said that he did everything that needs to be done, he never said I have given you a complete package. He said there's so much more to be done. Unfortunately sometimes we see that in the absence of expert engineer, like in Māyāpur it sometimes it happened where the contractor while he was building, where there was supposed to be a door he build a wall. He built the room with no door. [Devotees:- Laughter] you know, why did you do ?? ohh.. I misread the plan, then he had break down the wall and put a door in there. So may be that somewhere the devotees have not carefully followed what Śrīla Prabhupad wanted and they misbuilt the Paduka structure, you see. Of course not a major issues like what Prabhupāda wanted there is no indication anywhere that Prabhupāda didnt want guru paramparā to continue, but that’s how we end the way. We apply things, the way that the mistake we made in gurukul, mistake are made in the way husband and wife sometimes
deal with each other, mistakes in why people took sannyas, when they shouldn’t have taken whatever
might be, be it a a thousand and one mistakes. Whatever it is we need to go on building on our strength
as many things we were doing right, like distributing books, congregational preaching and avoid all the
mistakes, correct the errors and build on our strengths. One of the points,Im sorry, morning usually I read
Purāṇas, Bhāgavatam, Chaitanya Caritamrita before the class morning, before I give a class ( not clear)
and one of the points was that ISKCON, after Prabhupad left, because of the Guru Paramparā system
has disintegrated and I couldn’t help respond to that, I mean that’s the most ridiculous thing you know,
no doubt the mistake made in people have the knowledge fulfilled and carry out the duties that
Prabhupad wanted them to do religiously or faithfully, but they say that ISKCON has disintegrated when
Prabhupāda left with 108 Temples and may be the devotee population in tens of thousands at the most
and now we have got, you know hundreds of thousands of devotees all over and a half a million to a
million devotees in our congregation or more than that, for the tax purposes they have declared about
half a million which means that you know, usually when you declare the tax,you give the minimum.So
what to speak of how many followers we have millions and millions, we went up from 108 temples to 400
temples and it is a 3 time increase, you know,so many different things happen, the number of books that
distributed have also increased multi folds. In every area of the spiritual activity has there has been
certain distinct preaching progresses. The devotees,who just not done anything to push forward this
Kṛṣṇa Consciousness movement but you know some judging about Kṛṣṇa consciousness, know
nothing about Kṛṣṇa Consciousness movement so this is the first time getting to know us, he is being
told that ISKCON is disintegrated and we had to go there and tell him you know, its not a fact.This is
how about some judgement ( not clear) things world can see the Kṛṣṇa Consciousness is expanding
all over in spite of the failings of the individuals.
So anyway back here to the Bhāgavatam shloka Prabhupad really wanted us to carry on his mission,
that’s the message I get. He wanted to ensure that we had a clear understanding of what Kṛṣṇa
consciousness was, that it would be enough to take us well to the entire ten thousand years of the kali
yuga. He also told disciples to translate certain sattvik purāṇas, shad sandarbas and in the future, if
somebody became qualified and many other works of our previous Acharyas to also form a resource
especially for those who are studying there but bhaktivendanta and vaishnava, sārvabhauma degree
bhakthi sarvabuama. You see but first of all we need a thoroughly embibe what are all the teachings of
Prabhupad, reading all his books, studying them, applying them, carrying on.
I often in my previous years being here alone in Māyāpur with just a handful of devotees surrounded by
gauḍīya math which seen at that time much more powerful than we were with our grass hut, they had the
big temples, they had the big parikramas. Then I, I was just meditating on the situation that how
Prabhupad had taken seriously the order of his spiritual master and brought Kṛṣṇa Consciousness to
the west. What would have happened if he hadn't done that. What if he had just ended into the court
case with others and sat here fighting around in India and didn't go to the west and carry out the order of
his guru, where will we be, what would have happened, what would have happened to all of us without
Prabhupad having taken on the order. He understood what his guru wanted. He got his orders from his
spiritual master and then he did it ,and then, then in the next I was thinking what happens. So it's like
Prabhupad used to tell that time we were always worrying about not why to care "not sure" that was you
know we were worrying about something much more intense before our eyes was the possibility of a
nuclear war between Russia and America. There was often that fear that anytime the nuclear missiles
may go in either direction and those times we always didn't know too much many devotees we had in
Russia or may be we had so many then just in the bud, just starting but we were very concerned that
what would happen in those days that was the topic of discussion, disciples would ask Prabhupad
sometimes and so that part came what if in the ashes of the nuclear holocaust you are the only devotee
left in the whole city with no more form of communication or transportation to anywhere else in the world.
You got your Bhagvad Gītā and your Bhagvatam set somehow survived the nuclear holocaust and there
your are, Kṛṣṇa devī dāsī or Rādhā devī dāsī may be could be a or and so and so Gopal Das (devotees
laugh) whoever it might be. I am just saying some generic name actually didn't mean you know anyone
specific, could be anyone whoever it might be. What would we do, would we be able to carry out like
Prabhupad did the Kṛṣṇa Consciousness movement, established in the ashes of this nuclear holocaust
or may be five devotees survived, three or two whatever it might be. That was the kind of consciousness
that we were being brought up in, that somehow and other everyone of us need to feel its our mission
even if we were the only one and I would always be amazed that how if I, I would hear from Prabhupad
he really felt like that, alone, that he saw all of his godbothers fighting and quarreling going around in
India and nobody wanted to preach around the world, nobody wanted to unify together under GBC and
all he could think of was my Guru wanted us to work together, my Guru wanted us to preach all over the
world. Śrīla Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur wanted this, wanted book distribution, he didn't want all
this, fighting, quarrels he didn't want this kind of ,just you know colloquial (revindation) "not sure" of
preaching, separate little Gauḍīya matt acharyaships and sometimes Prabhupad was very heavy in his
vyas pūjā offerings, in his, you know he was, different poetry that he wrote it was saying that this type of
consciousness is kanishta adhikāri. At least we should be madhyama adhikaris and go and preach all
over the world and Śrīla Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur said that even if we get one
madhyamadhikari this whole mission is a success. So many heavy things Prabhupad was saying. When
I was here Prabhupad first thing he got when he got the land in Māyāpur then he said lets all out, go and
invite all my godbrothers and the disciples and more godbrothers and the disciples of the godbrothers
who were head of the institutions, come together to Māyāpur, I want to receive all of them here, then he
had all here the day
we installed the Ananthasesaha in the ground, which was the foundation for the whole Māyāpur project,
which is still there in the ground, somewhere in the deer park, so see if we dig around the deer park tell
us there is a deer, we will stop. I am not going to tell anybody where it is, but it is there, it is a secret. It is
there somewhere in the deer park, deer park should probably remain a deer park, nobody should ......,
something that people should not dig around it. You have to dig around 12 feet though, it is deep pit
there and put the Ananthasesha there and invited all of his God brothers and all his God nephews who
were now the next generation of acharyas and he told everyone of them, lets all work together, this is
what Śrīla Bhakti Siddhantha Sarasavati Thakur wanted, let us combine together, form a GBC and work
as one society. But,nobody agreed, everybody backed off, then Prabhupāda said what can I do and
Prabhupāda said I got money and I got foreign disciples who could work together and giving all my
resources to the common effort and I give you all your temples foreign devotees, they can go on your
preaching ,you can have your white elephants on your stage giving lecture how we can all work together
(imbibe) not clear. That is another story. I kept continually saw how Prabhupad against all odds he really
followed his principles. Sometime people portray Śrīla Prabhupad as a variegate preacher that who went
off and did his own thing, there is nothing like that, he was pushed out, he was forced to be on his own,
so went out on his preaching, as soon as he was in a position to start giving, you know,a string. First
thing he said let’s all get together and in few occasions he also he repeated the same message and he
setup ISKCON where we don’t fight with each other that we work together we have a GBC and we
continue to preach as one family. So everyone of us, if we take up this mood of Prabhupad did, he was a
householder when the whole thing broke apart in the gaudyamatt, he was doing his griha dharma, he
was preaching in nāmahaṭṭa,an hour and half from home, printing books, may be publishing books that is
his contribution, then as householder, vanaprasti he was setting up a kind of legal devotees in Jansi
which was a type of a nāmahaṭṭa program and called the bhagavat saṅga in Sanskrit . So Prabhupad he
was going on with his devotional service, he was avoiding all the fights and things and in this way he
established the massive preaching all over the world and even I suggest you that (unclear) the big ticket
if you want it why don’t you go out and do your thing, that not we want to do iISKCON, but what they
have done follow these all the Dīkṣā gurus must start giving initiation, all disciple of second generation
must be declared by the court, to be disciples of Prabhupāda and not disciples of their Guru. How many
of you are going to accept that if high court of Calcutta tells you, that you are not the disciple of your
Guru. What is the meaning of it. What it the meaning, it is so absurd, who is going to accept it, the judge
you know, so and so says who is my Guru and who is not my Guru, I know my idle, so I mean, we are
forced to fight to defend, because we can’t, this is so amazing situation, anyway sorry for vigrasing back
to that. It is said it is your mistake you know who we are dealing with and why we are forced to defend
ourselves. Dayal prabhu(not clear) and others. So they are in Calcutta today in his defense I think. I
have been asked to write things and help from the back here. But in any case, if anything it should really
compel all of us, to really understand what is it that Prabhupāda wanted. So that in the future and future
and future generations that will be coming. Maybe now Kṛṣṇa is showing so that these crazy things like
this don’t happen in the future.
Whatever now if that all the bad things happen also we can deal with it so that hopefully we can establish
what did Prabhupāda really want. And then continue with that for the rest of the Ten Thousand years that
Kṛṣṇa Conscious is supposed to be in this planet, Lord Chaitanya’s movement. You never know what’s
going to happen in the world. There are so many movies going on now, that whatever an asteroid hits
the planet, most everybody gets destroyed (devotee’s laughter) by asteroid hitting happening forth and
happening again, people are saying about so many possible disastrous situations. And then some
people say No! nothing will happen. Or maybe, but that nothing happens, but you should still know what
Prabhupad wanted and we should be prepared to spread Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, in every opportunity
we get, in every town and village, and if some disaster happens and there is nothing left much or much
less left. But we are left or whatever of us is left which ever whatever is remaining Kṛṣṇa conscious
devotees are remaining devotees You should be prepared to continue on, with the Kṛṣṇa consciousness
movement. And even if there is no more connection with your guru.
Whether someone lies in some other continent and there is no one else around. Then the standing order
of Lord Chaitan “Hamare Aghe guru hoy taro hoy desh” such people will have to.probably also become
Diksha Guru’s and continue I am the disciplic succession. These are standing orders and as there are
more devotees and they should shall also create Governing Body Commission and do everything like
prabupad practically had to start from nothing and as he built it up he just built the architectural according
to what he knew, his engineer, his spiritual master told how he wanted it and then prabupad constructed
it. And now we are kind of doing a service to the interior decoration and sometimes we make a mess of
it, we are supposed to do it properly and continue preserving the structure that Prabhupad gave us,
Preserve the Guru Paramparā system. Preserve the whole system of preaching Kṛṣṇa Consciousness
and practicing Kṛṣṇa Consciousness and avoiding Sahajiyas and the Mayavadis and any other kind of
māyā that comes up. So everyone of us should take this that prabupad has asked a sanyasi has to take
the curse of travelling and so also trying to do that sometimes. We don’t have any choice really it has
been handed down so we are taking it on our heads.
Will be staying as a sannyasis and trying to carry out that instructions. But each one of us whether
disciples or grand disciples and the future great grand disciples every one of us has got also so many
responsibilities to fulfill what Prabhupāda wanted. Here by the side of the Ganges, when Bali Maharaj
and how his forefathers tried to liberate his father, grandfather many generations, we have to liberate the
sons of the Sagar Maharaj and therefore he finally was successful in convincing the Ganges to come
down. So it’s like that I also saw that Prabhupāda was successful amongst many and most effectively
carrying out the instructions of his spiritual master and that’s why we call him as 'Prabhupāda'. Because
he did something really distinctive and we can see how, it was handed down to him. So like that every
one of us
has to have followers children & grandchildren, descendants of Prabhupāda we need to also imbibe that
spirit that Prabhupāda had no matter what we are going to stick to our guns, we are going to stick to our
principles and carry out Prabhupāda’s instructions and keeping the kṛṣṇa conscious movement united
and presenting Prabhupāda’s teachings as they are. What to speak of such difficult times? We are
talking about world holocaust, the last person left, even when it is like a fair-weather...things are not so
bad. (Not clear)
Devotees, temples, mahaprasadam, deities so many things no big problem even then we are trying...
sometimes the devotees they are just slacking up on their vows, slacking up on their determination, take
some little excuses or misunderstanding or something and then jumps it...parachute out and plus it’s a
big loss, so very sad to see that. So here being in Māyāpur, so quite a wonderful place to be would like
to do whatever we can do to Prabhupāda’s instruction to make an ideal temple. When Prabhupāda said
“ISKCON Māyāpur is the world’s spiritual head-quarters” he would also say that he was establishing here
shaligram shila worship so that there would be a standard how to worship shaligram shila in ISKCON,
started to worship here. Another was what ever happened in Māyāpur Prabhupāda would consider
should be like a standard and therefore he wanted us to be very careful that we made an ideal
environment in Māyāpur which should be a worthy example for the rest of the movement so it’s also a
big responsibility on all the Māyāpur nivasis. Hope We had a blessing and support for all the devotees,
around the world to help us in making and fulfilling this desire of Prabhupāda to have Māyāpur made us
a[n] ideal temple-ideal community, very big responsibility we had a better situation being in an Indian
environment to preserve our culture, preserve our ethos (as it’s called in academic circles). The ethos
that Prabhupāda has given us... and preserve a great personal sacrifice. Could’ve stayed in Vrndavan
done his bhajan.
To create this Kṛṣṇa conscious movement with so many obstacles and challenges and to not only
created but created it according to the desires and instructions of the previous Acharya’s and not allowed
to other compromises, should be a source of inspiration and strength to every one of us. That we are so
fortunate to be under the shelter of Śrīla Prabhupāda as our founder acharya, as every one of our
shiksha guru (of course his direct initiated disciples - diksha guru as well). We are also fortunate.
Guru Maharaj: - Śrīla Prabhupāda ki
Devotees: - jay.
Guru Maharaj: - Nitāi Gour prema nande
Devotees: - Hari bol!
Guru Maharaj: - Thank you very much. Any question? Yes, prabhu (49.23 to 4.24 not audible).
No, not at all true, ISKCON has not filed any suit against him. In fact, when we met on the 22nd of
February Gopal Kṛṣṇa Maharaj, myself, Sarvdharmya, Bhakti Charu Maharaj with Madhu pandit, Satvik
and Madhu and (49:46 not clear). We gave a two-page request with different reasons why under any
circumstances we should never go to court over this issue. How...disgrace Prabhupāda, waste our
energies, this-that, Oh! I can give you; I can give you the print out it’s so far, the opposite.And at the end
of all our discussions, Madhu pandit told that actually he had already filed a case in the Bangalore court,
because he wasn’t sure that we are going to (50:25 inaudible) so he was trying to protect himself. We
showed him the GBC vote that the order was descended it would be in his hand in a day or two, he said
that “I receive it, I will draw the case.We asked ( not clear) did u file any case?he said no (0:52 not clear)
he took a while, he thought for a minute, he said no. so we suspected that maybe he has got something
(51:10 not clear) In India, none of the leaders want to fight this out in courts. But we had to preach in the
streets to people, you know we preferred that we don’t want to take it to the court because the court
system is just a kind of worms, [Gurumaharaj:- Laughs] to say like that, I don’t know how else to say it I
hope its not contempt to the court (Gurumaharaj & devotees:- laugh) (not clear) so that’s completely a
false, that’s not our strategy, that was never our strategy to fight it out within the court and other things..
Q:(52:10 – 42 not clear) hmm, you put up prayers in that everything will clear up, that maybe Prabhupad desired to clear out all different confusions now, some people say what if this type of question happens 100 years from now and no really, you know all the eye witnesses andall the people with more experienced ones there to answer it could create some bigger confusion so how to say what Kṛṣṇas plan is,only he knows, he is playing on his flute and we are just dancing. We don’t know what his plan, but definitely that should be all of our prayer that whatever tests or challenges come up, we will be able to properly represent Śrīla Prabhupad and see that sucessfuly resolved in such a way that in the future the path for devotee in future generations to practice Kṛṣṇa consciousness should be smoother and be more effective be more, good progress because the whole world is just burning like Prabhupad said the world is just burning and he said that the way that the way that the ( not clear) Ramakṛṣṇa mission was able to get head way after Bhaktisiddantha as long as Śrīla Bhaktisiddantha Sarasvatī Thakur was present it really didn't take him such a big head way there is no popular thing that had him take him off, because he was preaching so strongly but after his demise, physical demise when his followers started to fight in the courts, then people just started giving different vision about what vaishnavism was and seeing that the Ramakṛṣṇa was a better alternative & so all intellecuall people didn’t really consider Vaishnavism for a while & that they started jato mat thato pat was the way. People didn’t really consider Vaishnavism for a while & they just started this jato mat thato pat was the way to go. So Prabhupāda he was lamenting, but when the Vaishnavas fight with each other instead of preaching, it gives opportunity for apa sampradayas and a-sampradayas and others to come up. So we hope that we will be able to do things in the way Prabhupāda wanted, where we can preach our Kṛṣṇa Consciousness in a most effective manner, people will be able to, right know people have a good impression of, in India more than ever before about the Kṛṣṇa Consciousness movement. He said this, if it gets into a whole mud sling in a full court battle all the newspapers will grab it up, it will be a very ugly type of situation and sure kali is, really hoping that this type of thing goes on, hope that Krisha will bless all the devotes with the intelligence to understand that this is not the way to please Śrīla Prabhupāda and we can resolve whatever the misunderstandings are, for the future generations in a more Kṛṣṇa Conscious way. But whatever it is certainly we have to do whatever we can to clean the house, I always remember the temple hall, “aah” Madavendra Purī’s disciple Ishwara Purī had a special blessing, because he served his guru so faithfully even cleaning up his stool.
Lecture Suggetions
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.03.40)
Addressing Devotees
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (4.12.43) Class
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (2.5.6-7) Class
Description of Holy Navadvīpa-dhāma
19991223 Bhagavad-gītā 9.34
19991223 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (4.22.5)
19991218 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (5.5.24) Class
19990929 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.29.74
19990814 Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 7.31) Class
19990620 Questions And Answers
19990603 Addressing Devotees
19990603 Initation Lecture
19990513 Addressing Devotees
19990401 Question & Answer
19990330 Vyasa Puja Celebration 'Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Thakur līlā' - Godruma Dvipa
19990327 Vyāsa Pūjā Talk
19990304 Śrī Advaita Prabhu's Tattva & Pastimes
19990302 Gaura Pūrṇimā Festival
19990301 Diksha & Siksha
19990223 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.6.44
19990119 Bhagavad-gītā 7.18
19990119 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.14.10
19990112 Speaking For Asianet TV
19990104 Initiation Address
19990103 Ratha-yātrā Address
19881005 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya Līlā 20.218
19940915 Bhagavad-gītā 17.16
19980606 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya.13
19980521 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.21.13