Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2013 March 06 - Secretary Diary. 20130306 Rukunpur. West Bengal, India


About few days before today(6th)GM was keeping talking about taking the parikrama party to Rukunpur. Infact according to Gauranga Prema Swami GM is been talking about visiting this holy site along with parikrama party for the last 21 years. After GM insisted so much in a meeting which took place betwen GPS, BPS, Sankarshan NItai Prabhu, the party of four men went this morning to visit this place to check out the possibility of taking the parikrama party there. (GPS, Madhava Hari Pr, SND and Madhava Kanta Prabhu)

The party left ISKCON Mayapur at 6.45am and drove to Rukunpur. It is about 30 mins drive. The party came back to ISKCON Mayapur at 8.45am. After going there they found out this place was visited by Lord Rama during his exile in Treta Yuga. During Kuruksetra time Lord Balaram came here and killed a demon Kalasura. This holy site is located in the last corner of Simantadwip. It is also known as Ram Tirtha. 

Also Lord Nityananda Prabhu visited this place after his wedding along with Mother Vasudha. He stayed fro some time at this place. There is a deity of LN& Vasudha and their son Bir Chandra. Lord Rama Deity is also here.

Ganga Is about 700 metres from this place.

Rama Tirtha (Rukunpur)

My dear Balarama, You are the most powerful person and You are pleasing to everyone. Unfortunately, I forgot Your glorious, exalted position, but now I have come to my senses and I remember that You hold all the planetary systems on your head merely by Your partial expansion as Sesa. You are the sustainer of the whole universe.

My dear Supreme Personality of Godhead, You are full of six opulences. Because I forgot Your omnipotence, I have mistakenly disobeyed Your order and thus I have become a great offender. But, My dear Lord, please know that I am a surrendered soul unto You. You are very much affectionate to Your devotees, therefore please excuse my impudence and mistakes, and by Your causeless mercy may You now release me." (Krsna Book)

When Lord Balarama was touring the holy places He came to this place to bathe in the Ganga. Anyone who comes here in the month of Kartik, on the full moon day, and takes bath will get the same benefit as visiting Haridwar and taking bath a hundred times.

The following story is narrated in the Garga Samhita: The great Kol demon who lives in this area was keeping the people here under his control by his mystic powers. When the people saw Balarama coming they requested Him to kindly dispose of the Kol demon. They said, "In Mathura, You have killed Kamsa and every one is very happy, but for us Kamsa is still alive in the shape of the Kol demon."

When the Kol demon heard that Balarama had arrived there, he came before Him with many thousands of elephants and chariots and surrounded Balarama on all four sides, who immediately took up a large club and started to smash the elephants, chariots, and infantry in the same way as king Indra used to cut off the wings of the mountains.

When Balarama had destroyed the Kolasura's army, He caught hold of Kolasura and started to beat him. When the demon lay dead, the demon's maya lifted and everybody felt great relief. Thereafter the people offered worship to Balarama's lotus feet.

This story is mentioned in Garga Samhita.

This is one of the borders of the Navadvipa Dhama.