Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2013 February 27 - Secretary Diary. 20130227 Lion Nail . Śrī Māyāpur, India

On the 25th Feb 2013, Mayapur Dham

Prahlad Nrshima Prabhu came to meet GM on around 7am. We both met at the third floor elevator gate. I told him generaly gm does his chanting in the morning so no one is aloowed to talk to him much. INfact because of the GBC meeting period , we are not allowing anyone to meet GM in the morning and afternoon hours. All the darshans are scheduled in the night after dinner.

He said i dont have much to talk, just wanted to update about the my preaching tour. I took him anyway. After entering GM's room he updated gm about his preaching tour he undertook and that he is going to travle. Since he is good at astrology he also was telling GM about some update on GM astro points. 

Suddenly told him that my lion nail was given away by EKG to one devotee in HKG (Mukesh) so since then for the last almost one year i dont have the lion nail which was offered to Lord Nrshima Dev. I very much wanted to have one for me.Then PNP told GM that he will try to get one for GM as a service for GM. May be from SOuth India.

The next day on the 26th Feb while he was infront Lord Nrshima in Mayapur, he was praying to him that my gm is desiring to have a lion nail for him which is offered to you. But where am i going to find it? In Mayapur you are the only lion, so pls help me to find one. I can only ask you.

As soon as he finished his prayers to LN, HG Ganga Prabhu passed by hium. He greeted him , welcome to Mayapur and gave him an embrace. PNP then explained to him about GM desire to have a lion nail offered to LN. Immidiately Ganga Prabhu told him that he has one with which was given to him by his father as a wedding gift. He got this from South Africa. PNP could n't beleive it. The same day he got the nail and the next day morning he gave it to the pujari to be offered to LN. LN was bathed with the gold plated lion nail. 

About 7am in the morning of 27th feb he came up to see GM. I was checking GM BSL and GM was lying down on his bed. He came and said , gm pls listen to this miracle of what happen. He narrated the whole story of how he got the lion nail. Then ofered to the GM as a prasadam of the lord. Lord Nrshima dev ki Jai!!!!!