Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2013 January 01 - Secretary Diary. 20130101 Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, Brazil

Yesterday GM departed from Santiago by LA754 at 2.50pm to Sao Paulo, Brazil. About 70 over local devotees came to airport to send him off. Chile is famous for this. Their airport reception and send off. Again being the last day of SP Book Marathon he distributed  a book to another stewardess just before deplaning. She received it with so much appreciation and even took a picture with GM. GM visiting Brazil after 4 years period. We also had about 15 devotees followed GM from Santiago to be with him in Sao Paulo. He was received with grand kirtan at the airport in Sao Paulo. Then we drove for 2.5 hours to Nova Gokula Farm. As we were driving we could see fire works all along the freeways with people welcoming the new year. We reached the main entrance of Nova Gokula Farm around 11.50 pm. About 50 devotees with roaring kirtan welcomed GM and the crew of fifteen devotees who traveled with him from Chile.

It was pitch dark since we were surrounded by tropical forest. They kirtan party was hoping from one vehicle to another vehicle trying to find the car in which gm is in. As soon as they found GM, the kirtan went wild and fireworks started. The kirtan party followed GM car for another 10 minutes until we reached the main temple hall. There were about 500 devotees eagerly waited to receive GM and to together enter into the year of 2013. Yes, it was 0000 hours....when we reached the temple hall. Happy KC New Year!!!!! 

Brazillian love kirtan...and yes,you must see it to believe..was such a wonderful reception. Many devotees are seeing him after four years of gap. Devotees swarmed him. There were about 5 or 6 SP's disciples too waited to receive him. After the pada puja GM distributed new year cookies to all the devotees. He went to bed at 2am. GM will be here till 4th morning.

- Maha varaha D