Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2012 February 13 - Secretary Diary. 20120213 Māyāpur GGS Parikrama. Śrī Māyāpur, India

13th Feb 2012
Dis App Day fest of HH Gour Govinda Swami

Today the dis app day festival of GGS was held in the Panca Tattva Extension Hall around 10am. 

This is in the middle of the Iskcon Leadesrship Sanga (1st in Iskcon History) which was held in Mayapur. GM went to ILS, at 12.30noon came back to temple hall for darshan and around 12.45 noon he climbed up the long stairs to go to Panca Tattva Ext hall.

Today he was seen very tired. He could hardly climb up the stairs. Was struggling to even lift his leg. Yet with so much of determination he climbed up to glorify his god brother (GGS) 

When GM climbs this stairs , we occupy the entire space since two people has to hold him, one at each side. While we are just few steps before reaching the top,i saw Niranjan Swami standing behind at the corner of the curve. He was trying to make more space for GM to pass through. When we reached the step where he was standing, GM stopped,and gaze and then embraced him. He then asked how are you and is there anything i could do for you while you are here." Niranjan Swami replied,"with humility " No maharaj i am ok, i am ok here." Then GM continued to walk. 

NIranjan Maharaj was keep standing and watching how GM was climbing up and now carrying on... there was total suprise on his face to see how GM is so determine to glorify his godbrother by taking so much didfficulties.

Even i almost broke into tears. When GM enetred the hall,many of the devotees stood up to offer respect to GM. Some matajis had tears in the eyes, to see how much trouble GM undertook to come up to glorify his godbrother.


---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Letter PAMHO:23165489 (69 lines)
From:      Devamrita Swami
Date:      20-Mar-12 09:39 (22:39 +1300)
To:        Tusti Mohan Krsna (das) JPS (MYR-IN) [141628]
Reference: Text PAMHO:23144512 by Tusti Mohan Krsna (das) JPS (MYR-IN)
Internet:  "Devamrita Swami" <devamrita.swami@pamho.net>
Subject:   Re: for the 63rd Sri Vyasapuja of HH Jayapataka Swami

Dear Jayapataka Swami,
Please accept my obesiances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

For the celebration of your most auspicious appearance day, let me offer an accurate record of a conversation among three of your Godbrothers, mid-March 2012, in Bali, as they discussed the glories of Srila Prabhupada's devotees.

"Can you fathom Jayapataka Maharaja's bhakti determination!"

"During the Navadvipa parikrama, he visited all seven parties, sometimes eating and sleeping in a car."

"Devotees in the Russian parikrama parties would shed tears upon his arrival, feeling his immense determination to share Mayapur-dhama with them despite his physical condition."

"I watched him take a full 15 minute just to get out of a car, what to speak of go up some stairs. Yet, after the intensity of such labored efforts, when his devotee team finally got him to the top of the stairs, where I already was, the first words out of his mouth were: 'How are you feeling? How is your health? Is everything ok for you here in Mayapur?'"

"How soft his heart is, tenderized by genuine love and concern for all!"

In this way Niranjana Swami, Kavicandra Swami, and my lowly self tasted the nectar of devotion.

Your servant,
Devamrita Swami