Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2012 January 29 - Secretary Diary. 20120129 Hyderabad - Inspiration. Hyderabad, India

29th Jan 2012 Hyderabad

We visited Hyderabad for the opening of the temple extension buidling. 29th was an Initiation day. GM initiatied about 20 devotees. While GM was in his room and ready to go down, he heard from Guru Das(disciple of Romapada Swami) that RPS is here in the next room. He is not feeling well, having some knee problem.

GM told us to take him to RPS room to visit him. When we entered RPS was taking some kind of home treatment for his knee. he was sitting on his bed while one of his servant was giving him treatment.

They had about 20 mins conversation. In that RPS said my problem is peanut compare to what you are going through. You are going to through so much and yet carrying on.

So GM post stroke life style is always an inspiration for his godbrothers and devotees all around the world. Many of his GBs & GSs and general devotees has shared this to him.