Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2011 April 20 - Secretary Diary. 20110420 Tirupathi ŚP orders to GM. Tirupati, India

20/4/11 Tirupathi

GM woke up at 6am. While i was cleaning his eyes he told me to get a notebook and pen to write down some of the instructions SP gave him.

I suggested to GM that we will do it after he sits down on the chair since his speech is generaly not clear in sleeping position.

After sitting down he said the following;

Personal Instruction by SP to GM in Bombay
-To get rose every day and offer to SP to increase his longevity.

-To make a road to the Ganges so he (SP) could take bath everyday. Now the Ganges has moved so close.

-To save him from snake which was trying to bit him in bathroom? Happened in Mayapur 

General Instruction for all disciples
-Chant 16 rounds and follow four principles.

-Try to perform cent percent (100%) devotional service

Some instructions related to Mayapur

- I give you the spiritual world and you develope it.

-To make a city 25,000 - 50,000 people can live in.

-Build and help to build the Temple of Vedic Planetarium

-Accomodate Brahmacaris and Grihastas in Mayapur.

-Think Big

-While living in Kolkatta Temple GM was chanting 32 rounds everyday. One day while he was chanting in the Verandah of Kolkatta Temple, SP asked him what are you doing? GM replied that he is chanting 32 rounds. SP said chant 16 rounds and preach.

-SP said if he(SP) leaves his body in Vrindavan then his sarira samadhi has to be built in Vrindavan and a puspha samadhi in Mayapur. If he leaves his body in Mayapur then his sarira samadhi in Mayapur and puspha samadhi in Vrindavan.

-Some are embodied the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust. He was made as life time Chairman of BVSCT

-To develope Nawadhip Dham

-To develope Gaura Mandala Bhumi

-To unite the Sarasvath Family of Gaudiya Vaishnava

-To engage his godbrothers and followers in Mayapur Services

-To preach in Bangladesh and Nepal

-To be a part and serve the GBC

-To engage and empower them (SP disciples in KC)

Instructions in relations to Kolkatta

-We should not give up preaching in Kolkatta City which is my birth place,

-To develope SP's birth place

-To build ten temples in Kolkatta in the future

-Kolkatta Ratha Yatra should be the biggest ratha yatra in the world

-To build a nice temple for Radha Govinda in Kolkatta

-TO have a boat service from Kolkatta to Mayapur with a stop in Panihati,have breakfast in Panihati, and to have a temple in Panihati.

-Preserve the original grass hut in Mayapur

-To have 24 hours kirtan in Mayapur

-TO learn Bengali and Preach in Bengali (SP told GM & Trivikrama Swami)

-If you speak in Bengali people will worship you (to Trivikrama Swami)

-SP told atleast preserve what i have done. If you could expand it is very good.

-While in Mayapur, He called all the sanyasis and GBCs asked them to bless Ganasham Das (BTS) who was going on special mission.

-Help HH Gaur Govinda Swami Maharaj to develope the preaching in Orissa 

-Build temple in Puri

-SP once told, "you sanyasis should take the curse of travelling and preaching unlimitedly. At this time GM was the only sanyasi who was present.In another ocassion he told the same thing as above that time another  sanyasi was there along with GM.

-SP made GM as temple president in Montreal and said train up others to take up and move on to next place. He was the third TP in MOntreal then he opened up another temple in Toronto and was the first TP in Toronto. After moving on to Toronto he handed over the Montreal Temple to Jagdish Pr????? Tripathi

Then SP called over GM to go to LA to meet him. Then SP sent GM to India to help Achyutananda. Before going to India Sp requested GM to go to Chicago and help Bhagawan to open the temple.

-SP told GM to be respectful to his godbrothers

-Sp told GM that we should have our own place in Kolkatta before his(SP) arrival

-1970 on Radhastami GM was awarded sanyas initiation along with Achyutananda Swami

-SP said Achyutananda Swami was the 10th Sanyasi and GM was the 11th Sanyasi in the movement at that time.

-SP Made GM as first President of Kolkatta Temple

-SP told GM to listen to TKG as he is the GBC for India

-Then SP told GM to go to Mayapur and be a co-director of Mayapur along with Bhavananda Swami

-GM was the first temple president in Mayapur with 5 devotees.

-While in Kolkata, SP told GM that he (GM) was a devotee and was born in India in his previous life.

-SP told GM that indians are like coal covered with ashes. Little fanning will make the ashes removed and coal start burning.(bhakti comes out) To preach to Hindus and Indian

-Learn Bengali and become Indian Citizen

-To preach in Bangaldesh and places where Bengalis are.

-To distribute 10,000 big books and 100,000 small books in a month 

-To get the Victoria pond by any means (flaterring)

-SP told GM and Bhavananda that i have 10,000 disciples and you make 50,000 disciples

-The GBC told GM to work along Hridayananda Maharaj in South East USA

-The GBC asked GM to go to South America and work along with Jagjivan Maharaja and Harikesh maharaj

-The GBC asked GM to go to Malaysia and South East Asia to preach

-Once a devotee told GM that one should humble oneself, praise the guru and ask for blessings while being infront of Guru. GM was doing that almost everyday in front of SP. Once GM told SP that, ' I am fool." SP said," Yes you are fool." 

Second time GM said," I am the most fallen." SP replied," You are the most nothing."

Third time GM said,"i want to serve you life after life" SP replied," do not make me to come back.

-Sp told GM that treat this money as my blood, do not even spill a drop. Be frugal in spending.

-SP told everyone (GM was there too) your love for me will be shown how much you cooperate with each other.

-Sp asked GM to Initiate devotees on his behalf in his presence with the understanding that when he leaves we(JPS and others) will initiate on our own behalf.?????

-Publish books since that gm was BBT trustees

-To travel and preach unlimitedly


-Caitanya book to be published with the help of BPS GPS. GM only finished up to the 5th year of the total 48 years life span of GM.