Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2010 September 09 - Secretary Diary. 20100909 Śyama-/ Dāmodara-/ Avatārī-deśa. Śyama-/Dāmodara-/Avatārī-deśa

HH Jayapataka Swami Dairy

9th Sept – 13th September 2010

Shyamadesh – Damodardesh – Avataridesh


It was 5th Sunday morning we got a call from Mayapur, if we can arrange visa for Guru Maharaj to visit our yatras in this part of the world on 8th Wednesday.  Naturally, we all jumped in joy, but not sure if it will suit GM’s health condition to travel at this juncture.  We checked out with Avataridesh and they came up that the chances are remote on 6th Monday.  Damodardesh took up the challenge and tried it out – but up until 7th morning we were not sure as for Eid all government offices are closing 2 hours less than their normal working hours.  Until 7th  Tuesday evening also no clarity on visa receipt. While our anxiety is up on the heel, it was equally from Mayapur GM’s was anxious about visa receipt.  Parallely plans for GM’s visit also was underway in all the three yatra’s.  Its only late in the night we were relieved to know that visa had arrived.


Next anxiety started, why in this condition for such a short span GM should travel?  As he has to return back to Mayapur for Radhashtami thoughts flew in if it will be better GM travels after Radhashtami and stay for longer time with all of us.  8th Wednesday morning this critical decision making was pondered and discussed and ultimately landed to GM. But GM did not give a quick answer, he mentioned that ‘Let me think’.  All fingers were kept crossed for GM decision.  And finally GM decided to visit.  All the yatras were informed that GM is visiting on 9th afternoon at last.


9th Thursday afternoon airport was swarmed by dear disciples to receive GM and with so much joy he was bought to Sudevi Mataji’s house.  Upon entry GM saw the JBS deities and was so happy to exclaim ‘Jai Jagannath’.  Radhabhav pr shared itinerary to GM and requested special blessings for Shyamadesh congregation from GM. After change and freshening up prasadam was served. Prasadam was cooked by Sudevi mataji helped by Bhavatarini Mataji.  While GM relished the prasadam he called on Akshaya -  a 12 year old devotee to recite BG Sloka and after that Chaturatma pr led melodious kirtan with classical mrdangam accompaniment by Krishanrajan pr.  In the end he mentioned to Sudevi mataji that his health permits only ¼ the salt one normally requires and in disguise of affirming that salt was very less he shared his maha directly from his spoon to few devotees.  With such personal touch he uplift the soul closer to render pure loving service to the Lord.  After food GM took rest


Around 6 pm, candidates for initiation and shelter filled the hall. GM mentioned that as he cannot talk loudly, if sound system is available it would be better.  As system was available, but mic was not available, Bh.Lucky pr was sent to the market to get one while GM started conducting interviews in batches, conversing in Bengali with Bengali speaking devotees and then in English to next batch.  He ensured every one agreed to follow the principles, if they are already regularly chanting 16 rounds since a year and committed to help GM in spreading SP mission in the future. While Swaminathan pr met for shelter interview, GM enquired from his wife Bhavatarini, what she cooked. This is GM’s special caring touch, which attracts us to serve to the best.


Since it was already 9 pm, but many devotees were waiting outside, Mahavaraha prabhu agreed that GM can just walk to the hall and be back.  Amidst loving devotees GM walked through, but Krishnarajan pr & Sudevi mataji were waiting to do pada puja and GM obliged with kindness., while Radhabhav prabhu did arathi.   GM lovingly spoke to the assembled devotees “In India – people do business with the Lord, demanding health, marriage, education., (temples are crowded with youth during exams).  These material facilities gives only temporary relief, but Krishna can give eternal satisfaction when we take up KC.  I am very happy and thankful that here in Middle East that all of you along with acquiring material benefits are taking up KC seriously”  With deep meditation GM shared the urgency of taking up KC seriously.  Mahavaraha prabhu signalled from the back of the hall that its time up. GM humorously concluded mentioning that he “will end his lecture in just one second – Bangladesh time – which means some more unlimited time” bringing laughter to the entire crowd and wished everybody with “Eid Mubarak”.  When GM returned to his room Mahavaraha prabhu asked GM, that he was supposed to be back after a short walk to the hall,  GM mentioned that mic was arranged all the way and so he has to speak….., With a seeming excuse of mic, GM took the opportunity to preach.  Bh. Lucky and his wife got special blessings to locate a mic in the market within the target time.


GM had light dinner while Sahishnu pr led a melodious kirtan.  Krishnachyuta (KAD) pr for years together had been taking up Chaturmasya and do not shave following ancient ascetics.  GM saw him and waved around his chin questioning his beard.  Krsna Achyutadas prabhu was delighted to share that he is following Chaturmasya., GM mentioned “When I did not shave during chaturmasya my guru maharaja mentioned that its important to keep focus on preaching than growing beard” and went to rest. Ramakrishna pr, Athichandra pr & Venkatakrishna pr took up being in the night with GM.  GM touched the hearts of these devotees personally ensuring that they move out only after sufficient rest for themselves.


10th Friday morning, we found clean-shaven KAD pr beaming with the joy of following the sampradaya. GM’s original plan was to go to Damodardesh only during the middle of Rathyatra.  But GM mentioned to Sudevi mataji, that he wants to be for inauguration.  While Sudevi mataji insisted GM to not exert, GM mentioned that “Its because of Jagannath Ratha Yatra I came to Krishna Consciousness, so I need to be there for inaugurating the event”, how can one object this appeal. It was a whole day program from morning till evening organised by Damodaradesh at one of the well known school hall. GM reached there around 12 noon. As soon as he reached, he did his therapy, walking in the pool for about 45 mins along with HH Maha Vishnu Maharaj. After therapy as we were entering the hall we saw devotees lined up on both side of the pathway for about 100 metres before and received gm warmly. Most of them seeing him after 1 year of gab. After that he delivered for 30 mins lecture to a crowd of 1000 devotees.  The owner of the school hosted GM and HH MVS for the lunch. Then 30 mins of nap. Then went back to the hall to inaugurate the ratha yatra around 5pm. Bigger crowd was awaiting with loud kirtan. The main altar had big set of JBS deities and many sets of small JBS deities were arranged on the other 3 sides of the chariot so devotees could take darshan of their lordship from any angels. After inaugurating GM left to Syamadesh..…


While GM was to be back to Shyamadesh by 6.30pm, he arrived only around 7.30pm.  GM mentioned with a lot of concern towards the 400 devotees waiting, about the devotee who bought him lost his way and said circling his hand “He went round and round and round and round……….”.  As 1st initiation candidates and shelter candidates were waiting for so long. GM asked HG Jagatsakshi pr to instruct on 10 offenses and lead the candidates to take oath in the mic about initiation vows.  Srivasangan and Avataridesh and gave a touching message to take up KC….  With lots of care and completely ignoring all his bodily inconveniences, GM handed over the beads to every candidate and called upon shelter candidates to offer pushpanjali.  Before GM left to his room, he ensured there is one devotee representing him to do avahana on his behalf in the yajna.  GM changed his clothes and before he left the villa, he gave darshan to about 50 devotees from all the yatra’s and touched their hearts.


11th Saturday morning GM was to leave to Avataridesh.  Meanwhile Mahavaraha pr checked out in the nearby Crown Plaza Hotel about the Gym facility and approved that it was ok for GM to for his exercises. GM walked about 250 steps with gentle support around his shoulders from Dr.Acyutananda pr.  GM asked about the dab (coconut water) which was bought for him last evening, when we informed that we did not bring it back along with us from initiation venue, he mentioned ‘it is very wrong’ jokingly.  Arjun Jivan pr immediately rushed and bought 2 dabs for GM. Then Madhavakantha pr guided devotees to apply seasoned ghee on GM right side of the body to improve the blood circulation. He left to Gym with fruit breakfast fed by Madavakanta pr GM was able to comfortably take upto 80 lbs on thighs and 50 lbs on his biceps., this is not easy at all in general.  GM was back and Radhabhav pr requested that Arjun Jivan pr wanted to worship Narayan shila from Badrikasrama,  GM wanted AJ pr to write down and read out the type of worship he will be ready to take up.  Bhaktavatsal pr wanted to have his new born son to be named by GM.,  GM selected Bhadra Gaura out of 10 different names. When GM met Hemango pr, he mentioned that he is ‘Ranger’ probably recollecting ‘Going round and round and round……….’ And blessed his Russian wife Yagna Sita Mataji.  Susantha pr son’s sung melodious kirtan when GM was having his lunch. GM took rest bid farewell to Shyamadesh devotees enquiring about preaching activities to Gaurangi mataji and took off to Avataridesh.


11th Saturday evening GM was received by hundreds of devotees in Avataridesh in Bahurupa pr’s house. GM was welcomed to the hall with guru puja and gave shelter to 15 devotees and 3 vidyarambhas. GM gave a phenomenal class narrating the conversation between Gauranga Mahaprabhu and the parrot.  This parrot was addicted to Gauranga Mahaprabhu and always flapping its wings in the air and chanting ‘Gaura – Gaura’, ‘Gaura – Gaura’.  Mahaprabhu exclaimed, what is this you have to chant ‘Krishna – Krishna’., parrot emphasised, if you want you can chant so, but for me I just to love to call out ‘Gaura – Gaura’, ‘Gaura – Gaura’.  This way GM made the entire crowd addicted to Gaura Prema.  That night service was taken up very nicely by Ramakrishna pr and Avataridesh devotees.


12th Sunday morning GM gave darshan and personally enquired assembled avataridesh devotees and travelled back to Damodardesh to Srivallab pr’s house.  Damodardesh had organised program in D Palace Hotel – A 5 star hotel for the first time.  The hall was decorated very nicely with flowers and melodious kirtan filled the atmosphere.  6 families from Mathuradesh came by road and were eagerly looking forward to see GM.  When GM entered the hall devotees became ecstatic and welcomed GM.  Srivallab pr gave welcome address and mentioned that GM will talk for 25 minutes followed by handing initiation beads, shelter and time for Maturadesh devotees.  GM mentioned in the lecture “take the opportunity of human life and take up KC with care.  Request your friends somehow to start chanting the holy name and assure of becoming happy.  In India, popular serial is ‘Koan banega Crore pathi’ Chanting 16 rounds per day allows you to gain permanent asset of chanting 1 million holy names in a year and 8 rounds a year half a million, 4 rounds quarter million and so forth.” Then Srivallab prabhu had an interactive discussion regarding devotees who leave the yatra for some reason or other, GM gave a specific instruction to this regard “1. You could shift the place only if there is opportunity to increase your devotional service.,  2. You should have ensured that an appropriate hand over of services have taken place towards the services you do currently in whichever location”.  He also specified “There should be adequate arrangements made for ‘Devotee Care’ especially towards aged devotees”.,  When Srivallab pr started another subject for discussion, GM saw his watch to remind Srivallab’s welcome address to bring laughter among the audience.  Subsequently beads were given by GM to 10 initiated devotees.  GM gave shelter to 35 new devotees and got the aspirant forms filled in.


13th morning GM left back to Mayapur to attend Radhashtami from Damodardesh.