Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 December 18 - Secretary Diary. 20081218 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

16th Dec 2008 Morning shift 6am - 12noon
Today is the Holy Disappearance Day of HDG Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaj. Since GM will be busy with his physiotherapy session in the afternoon so we did a small puspanjali program in the morning before the breakfast. We held the picture of HDG Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaj infront of GM and made him to offer flowers while we were chanting HDG's pranama mantras.

While GM was having breakfast we read the transcribed lecture of Srila Prabhupada given on Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaj Disappearance Day in Los Angeles. After breakfast and little nap we took GM to the physiotherapy department. Today his physiotherapy session was quite intense. GM was made to depend more on his body with less support from the therapist. At the end he became too exhausted and we brought him back to his room around 12noon. We made him to lie down and fed some fruit. At 1.30pm we fed lunch for GM.

JPS Servants 

Sponged GM
Made him to sit on chair. He was feeling uncomfortable. We shifted him to sofa.
Today is the disapperance day of HH BSM. We had his picture and GM did offered flower to maharaj while we were chanting his pranams.

Then while GM was sitting on his sofa and having his breakfast i was reading the lecture SP delivered in LA on the disapp of BSM.
After breakfast gm had little rest and then we took to him to physio dept. Today the theraphy session was quite intense than previous days. GM was made to depend on his body, less support. Sitting half way and made him to stand back from half way.

GM became completley exhausted at the end. We brought him to his room.At 12noon we brought him back to his room. Made him to relax. Gave some fruit. At 1.30 pm lunch was fed.