Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 December 14 - Secretary Diary. 20081214 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

14th Dec 2008 Night Shift 6pm - 6am

At 7.20pm GM had his evening fruit. After the evening fruit Braj Hari Prabhu,myself and Bhadra Balaram Prabhu made GM to sit on the edge of the bed for 15 minutes. He was sitting without any support. Then we made him to relax on the bed before taking his dinner. While relaxing GM was discussing with Braja Hari Prabhu about the facilities available for him to stay in Juhu Temple. 

After the dinner we cleaned GM's mouth and brushed his teeth. Dr.Acyutananda ,who is representing the Bhaktivedanta Hospital is been coming for the last one month without fail as a doctor on night shift. At 11pm we both made GM to lie down on his left hand side for him to take rest. 

Everynight GM goes to sleep by lying on his left hand side. Then around 1am we change his position to right hand side or sometimes facing up. Tonight, after changing his position,Dr.Acyutananda held GM's hand and brought his hand next to railing of the bed for GM to feel the servant's calling bell.
He told GM,"Maharaj the bellll(bell) is here. Maharaj the bellll(bell)...is here." with the 'l' sound little thick. GM replied while pointing his belly,"My belly is here, My belly is here." Then GM broke into laughter, Ha ha ha...Ha ha ha.

JPS servants

Then a facial therapy was given.
GM was eating his evening fruit at almost 7.20pm
Made GM to sit on the edge of the bed for 15 minutes
Then Dinner
Cleaned his mouth and brushed his teeth
Face theraphy
Apply moisturizer cream on his legs
put him on LSD and made him to sleep
At 1am GM woke up and asked to changed his position facing up.
Bell is here- wireless bell
Each time we have to check his cateheatre for passing urine
In between i have to wake up few more times to attend GM to help him clean his mucus.