Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 December 06 - Secretary Diary. 20081206 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

6th Dec 2008 Night shift 6pm - 6am

This evening we reached the hospital at 8pm. It took exactly two hours to reach the hospital. There was a big gathering of people close to the area where the hospital is located. Roads leading to Hinduja Hospital were closed. Roads, streets,buses and trucks were filled up with people.Today people were celebrating the death anniversary of B.R.Ambedkar, who is also known as "Father of Indian Constitution"

When i went inside the ICU Bhadra Balaram Prabhu was doing physiotheraphy for GM. I noticed the nasogastric feeding tube was removed from GM's nose. The clarity of his speech has improved further. We started feeding the dinner at 8.35pm. While we were feeding dinner GM was squeezing his fingers of his right hand. Then he said,"My right hand is weak...." I explained to GM,"GM, in the beginning there was no slight movement on you right hand but now you are able to lift the hand upto your chest. You are progressing nicely.After few more days of exercise you will be able to lift high enough to call out Gaurangaaaaa!!!"

Immidiately after this,he tried his best lifting his right hand while calling out "Gauranga!!!" He managed to lift it upto his ear then dropped it immidiately. GM is very alert about his surroundings too. Whenever the machines at the side of his bed beeps he immidiately ask us to check on them. Each time when the hospital staffs or doctors walk into his room he will ask them questions of what they are doing and what are they talking. His memory is still very sharp. He remembers all the doctors names whose attending him.

At 10.15pm we did the face and speech theraphy for GM. Before GM went to sleep Madhavakanta Prabhu brought in the pictures of Their Lorship Sri Radha Rasabihari and Hanuman Ji. GM told him to touch the pictures on his forehead and requested him to put Hanuman picture within his sight. Next day morning at 6am after applying tilaka on his forehead we started the morning program with mangala arati song. GM was trying to sing along with us until we finished the whole program. We noticed he was moving his lips accordingly from the beginning to the end of all songs.

Though this report appears to be very positive,pls remember that GM's bodily immune system is very low and chances for infections are high. Therefore we have to keep praying intensely until GM recovers completely.

JPS Servants