Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 November 26 - Secretary Diary. 20081126 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

Dear Mataji, PAMHO! Kindly edit the whole letter before sending.

26th Nov 2008 - Morning Shift 6am - 2pm

7am: I went into the ICU to see GM. He looked very fresh with clean shaven face and was relaxing on his bed. When he saw me next to him,he asked,"Were you here since last night?" I said,"No.Bhadra Balaram Prabhu was here and i just came in for my morning shift." I called in Srivaspran Prabhu to come in and read from Caitanya Caritamrta for GM. GM is still without the speech valve. Sometimes his voice is not audible and sometimes it is fairly audible.

8am: Dr.Siromani and Dr. Acyutananda went in to see GM. Dr.Siromani was showing GM all the get well cards she received. Yesterday GM was told that HH Radhanath Swami suppose to come to visit him but he was not able to come because he is not feeling well. Dr.Acyutananda is an official doctor who looks after maharaj health.So this morning GM asked Dr.Acyutananda Prabhu," How is maharaj health?" Dr.Acyutananda commented on HH Radhanath Maharaj's health.He then continued,"Today is also Radhanath Maharaj tithi vyasa puja. But he has cancel the vyasa puja celebration because of your health condition." GM with his eyes wide open,said,"He should celebrate it. It is one day per year for the disciples." Dr.Siromani immidiately passed this message to Dr.Madhavananda at Bhaktivedanta Hospital.GM also commented to about some defects on his eyesight. Dr.Siromani said she will inform the ophthalmologist regarding this. 

8.30am: We fed GM with 3 mashed kiwi fruits mixed with almond powders. He finished them all.

9.15am: Dr.Ashok came in for his routine check up. He told GM,"You are doing too good." GM asked Dr.Ashok,"How are you doctor?" Dr.Ashok said,"Oh i am fine." 

10am: While i was chanting in the relative waiting room, Dr.Siromani said the physiotherapist calling you to come in. When i went in the physiotherapist explained to me that today is the first day where they are going to try making GM to sit on the bed with legs hanging down without any support on the back to lean. Two nurses,Miss Priya and Miss Vanita, the physiotherapist and me lifted GM and made him to seat on the bed. It was quite an endeavour. while lifting I saw how much GM has lost his weight. Muscles below his both upper part of the arms was hanging down. 

The physiotherapist was addressing GM,"Guru Maharaj! Guru Maharaj! Keep your head straight up. and sit straight." GM tried but he keep falling sideward and was not able to sit on his own without the support for the back.I realised how weak his body is. The bed was lowered down to help GM put his feet on the floor. Physiotherapist told GM to put his feet firm on the floor and hold the side railigs of the bed. Even then GM was keep falling sideward. Then 2 male attendants came in to help holding GM. Then i noticed GM's sikha was matted and tangled because constantly lying on the bed. We combed his sikha only once or twice in the last 32 days of him being in the hospital.

I told Miss Priya that we should comb the sikha and makes it to look neat. I brought GM's comb and hair oil. While they were holding GM i started applying oil on GM's hair. I did it so gently. Miss Priya and Miss Vanita was seen little uncomfortable. They told me, "We can only keep him to sit on this position for 10 minutes and you have to finish combing his hairs by then. Two minutes later one of them grabbed the comb from my hand and the other one brought a bigger comb to comb GM's sikha. I was applying oil meanwhile they were combing. I told them try not to loose a single hair. GM heard what i was saying, he said,"Dont cut my sikha." 

I explained GM about the condition of his sikha hairs and what are we trying to do for him. He nodded yes. While they were combing, Gm shouted,"Ahh! Uhh!" I told the nurses,"careful! Careful!". Both the Marathi nurses asked GM,"Swamiji paining no? paining no?" But they were keeping doing the same thing. They were very personal and caring towards GM. In twenty minutes we finished working on his sikha. Though we lost bid of his hairs but they did a good job. His hair was tied in a long thin plait. I was explaining to GM of what were they doing to his sikha. He said,"Rolled it up and put band."  They did that too. After that GM was put back into his original position back on the bed. He was asking the nurses to put him on the chair. They did that after 15 minutes.

11am: GM was asking water since he was feeling very thirsty. He asked for Tata Himlayan water. Then i fed breakfast for him. While i was feeding breakfast to GM, Marici Prabhu came in to see GM. GM asked him how is he? How was South America Tour? Marici Prabhu explained to GM about his tour to South America. Even with this kind of health conditions GM's interaction with Marici Prabhu appeared to be normal. Later Ophthamologist came in to check GM. They advised GM to blink his eyes very often. Right now he is not able to do that because of weak muscles. 

Then Marici was showing about the get well painting sent from Santiago,Chile. Then collection of beautiful get well cards put together in a single folder from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were very attractive.

2.30pm -  Lunch was served. All the food items were overcooked and looked very soft. We mixed them well and was feeding GM little by little by spoon. GM commented prasadam was great. At the end Marici asked him what else he want? GM said,"cake." 

Yours in the service of GM,

JPS servants.

I also told the nurse about seeing the double images.

She did a test on GM. And she commented that GM is able to see up and down but his eye balls are not moving to the sides and the movement of his eye balls are not sync properly due to some damage on nerves. It will heals naturally and it is a slow process.