Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 November 22 - Secretary Diary. 20081122 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

22nd Nov 2008 - Morning Shift 6am to 2pm

HG Revati Raman Prabhu and myself was on morning duty today. Dr.Shiromani from the Bhaktivedanta Hospital told us that GM has been breathing without the ventilator support for the last 24 hours. He was exhausted. At 8am doctor asked GM whether he needs ventilator support? GM said,"No." Doctor asked him again,"Are you ok?" GM replied,"OK." Though he was exhausted due to breathing for such a long hours he was very determined and maintained his will power which he always does. He strongly wanted to carry on breathing without the support of ventilator. Last evening GM spoke for the first time with the help of speech valve. But this morning he spoke the above mentioned two words 'No & Ok' without the speech valve. Though it was not so clear but could be understood at close range.

At 9.30am before we fed breakfast for GM the nurses did suction of secretions which was accumulated inside in the trachea through a tube. This is quite a painful and a tiring process. GM became more tired after that. His face turned reddish with tears welling up in his eyes. Then HG Revati Raman Prabhu started feeding breakfast(oats) to GM. While he was feeding Dr.PP Ashok came for his morning routine check. Dr.Ashok asked GM, "Are you ok?" GM stretched out his tongue little longer asking to feed him more. Dr.Ashok with smile on his face said,"Hmmm! Good! Good!"

At 10am HG Janmasthami Prabhu, the Chairman of MIHE visited GM. At 12.30 in the afternoon when we were getting ready to feed lunch for GM, HH Devamrita Swami came to visit GM. Devamrita Swami said ,"Maharaj Thank you for staying with us." GM replied,"Thank you!" Then GM started to speak more to maharaj but rest of the words could not be heard. Then Dr.Hegde came for his routine check. After the routine check HG Revati Raman Prabhu fed lunch for GM. After the lunch and with the permission of Dr.Hegde the nurses fixed speech valve for GM.

Following is the summary of the conversation that took place between HH Devamrita Swami (DMS) and GM after the speech valve was fixed. Conversation was noted by HG Revati Raman Prabhu.

DMS: Maharaj, thank you for staying with us. I came directly from the airport to see you.
JPS: Thank you for coming. How are you?
DMS: I am doing fine, you are also doing fine.
JPS: I don't know how long the Lord will keep me here.
DMS: Your breathing is so nice like sankirtana, Mahaprabhu's sankirtana. Recover nicely and perfectly, no hurry.
JPS: Nodded his head.
DMS: You should come out fast and dance in front of Their Lordships Radha Madhava and Panca Tattva though no doubt you are already doing that in your heart. This is a best time for you to stay in Mayapur and write commentary on sastras.
JPS: Any idea?
DMS: Caitanya Bhagavata. You know Bengali, translate and comment according to modern people. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswathi Thakur's commentary is too technical and modern people do not understand. You should write in the line of Brihad Bhagavatamrta by Gopiparanadhana Prabhu. Till now i haven't read Caitanya Bhagavata, only Caitanya Caritamrta, the moment you complete i will read your Caitanya Bhagavata.
JPS: How long you will stay?
DMS: Four Days

End of the conversation

GM's speech valve was removed after the conversation. Reading reports like this may give a picture that GM is doing very well. But please keep in mind that GM is not out of danger hundred percent and he is gradually coming out of it. According to doctors, GM is in crucial point of recovery, coming out of the ventilator. He still has a long way to go for full recovery and by Lord Krishna's mercy he will acheive that. So please keep praying until GM recovers completely.

Yours in the service of GM,

JPS Servants