Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 November 18 - Secretary Diary. 20081118 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, india

18th November 2008

This morning i was on morning shift. When i reached the hospital around 6.30am, i saw Atcyutananda Prabhu who is also a doctor sitting outside the ICU ward. I went in looking for Bhadra Balaram & Sitaram Prabhu who were in the night shift.  SRLD was holding a chalk and a slate in his hand. BBDA prabhu was holding the alphabets board in his hands. I saw they were trying to communicate with GM. 

When BBDA saw me he told GM,"Maha Varaha is here." GM turned his head to left side looking for me. With his sharp look he raised his left hand with the palm facing the ceiling. I understood he wants me there, i joined my palm with his. Immidiately he pulled my hand towards his belly and was trying to say something. He seems to be very active. His limbs movement were very good. He could lift his left hand upto the forehead. Also he could lift the right hand a little. Never was like this before.

BBDA said GM is been trying to say something but we couldnt figure out what it is. We got the first letter. But the second one is difficult. First word is 'Want' second one goes 'EME..'We tried couple of times still we failed. We managed to get 'EMECCA//CAK' only.

By then he was little tired also.We let him to take rest. GM was very active today. He always wanted to communicate with someone. keep hitting the side of the bed with his right hand and calling us to come next to him with his left hand. 

When Dr.Acyutananda and Dr.Siromani were conversing about GM next to his feet, Dr.Acyutananda said that GM legs are little weak. They noticed GM started kicking his legs. GM was calling Dr.Siromani to come but the other doctor said not to go and let him to take rest.

Many times he was trying to communicate. When the hospital coordinator came in to see GM. During the conversation between he picked up the word hindu. Then he asked Dr.Siromani about that. She used Alphabets boards to communicate. GM asked which hospital is he now? Hinduja. How much is his medical cost? Mr.Hinduja came to see GM and he most likely will waive his medical bill. Dr.Siromani explained when GM was admitted, what date it is today?, How many days had passed. Dr.Siromani also introduced all the nurses to GM. She said they are taking good care of him. He showed thumbs up to all the nurses as a sign of thank you!

Aroud 12 noon i went in again to get the caranamrta container. That time I saw a nurse and her two male assistants were next to GM. The nurse told me that i should saty out since they are going to change GM position to avoid bed sores. As i was leaving the bed GM noticed me and started to hit the side of the bed. The nurse called me , Swamiji wanted to speak to you. I went in again. GM pointed his thigh. I asked him,"do you have pain on your leg? He nodded yes. I told GM that i will come back in 10 mins time after they do some logrolling to you. I will comeback and do some massage. GM nodded.

1pm HH Sacinandana Swami, HH Candramauli Swami and Krsnananda Prabhu came to visit GM. First SNS went in for 20 mins. Then CMS. Then Krsnananda Prabhu. SNS told us outside the ICU that he told GM that he visited him before. GM showed his 2 fingers. SNS was shocked to see that. He told him yes i visited you twice. And this is the 3rd time. When i took Krsnananda Prabhu inside to see GM, he told him about the last class GM gave in Chowpatty temple for about 2000 youths who attended the youth festival. He said many youths are looking for his association.GM blessed him by putting his hand on his head. GM spirit his very high. 

Around 2.00pm i went in again and read HH Devamrita Swami's letter and Atma Tattva Prabhus letter. I asked him, do you remember Atma tattva Prabhu? GM nodded his head. Then i went on reading. After that i asked whether i should him give him a massage on his leg? He said yes. I was massaging both his legs and he fell asleep.

At 2.45pm after Dr.Hegde's routine visit, though GM was on full ventilator, Dr.Hegde still allowed for oral feed to be given to GM. Nurse was feeding some custard for GM. It was pink color. Dr.Siromani told me to go in quickly with the kitcheri as she saw they are feeding GM with hospital food. I ran in with the kitcheri cooked by Vasudeva.
The nurse allowed me to feed GM. Asray Govinda who is spending his last day in Mumbai in GM service was there next to me. I gave him the chance to feed GM. I told GM that Vasudeva Prabhu has cooked nice kitcheri for him and we are going to feed him in short while. He nodded his head. While AGD was transfering the kitcheri into a small feeding bowl GM was hitting the side of the bed. And called me to come. He showing a sign that he is hungry and wanted to eat now. 

I told GM to wait for a while till a nurse come. I told him we can only feed him under the supervision of a nurse. So i told him to wait for few minutes. He understood the situation and waited. Nurse came back in 2 mins. We started to feed the kitcheri. He took about 5 spoons. Optamologist cmae and intterupted. 


Around 6pm HH Lokanath Swami Maharaj came to visit GM at Hinduja Hospital. Maharaj is coming after the one month Vraja Mandala Parikrama and 3 days Puri Parikrama. Maharaj was with GM for almost 1 hour 15 mins. He was explaning about the Vraja Mandala Parikrama and also the Puri Parikrama. According to maharaj about 5000 Puri Parikrama participants offered each of their sankalpa in the name of GM infront of the Simha Dwara (Lion Gate)of Lord Jaganath Temple.He went on explaining in detail about the success of the parikrama and how the devotees are missing his transcendental association. Before HH Lokanath Maharaj left the ICU ward he asked GM if there is any message for the devotees? GM pointed out the word 'Gauranga' & 'Haribol' on the alphabetical board.

JPS Servants