Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 November 09 - Secretary Diary. 20081109 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

It seems like GM is maintaining his consciousness level as it was from the afternoon of 8th Nov. Last night we were reading Cc till 11pm. He was in a deep sleep. This morning (9th Nov)at 5am i sneaked into the ICU room to check his condition.

GM's eye was wide open. He looked very fresh. I called him and said few positive and encouraging words. I rubbed his left hand mildly, he grabbed my hand and lifted them without my help. Then he opened his mouth and trying to speak something. I saw he was twisting his tongue. Unfortunately a nurse came and told me to go out and come back at 6am.

At 6am his eye was still wide open like fully awake. I asked the nurse whether i can speak to him? She gave me the permission. I told GM,"Today is the first day of Bhisma Pancaka Vrata, many devotees in Mayapur Dham are observing this vrata for your speed recovery." He turned his head more towards me bringing his ear more closer towards me. Then i repeated the same thing much louder. He seems to understand of what is said. Then i held Sri Sri Radha Madhava picture for 2 minutes infront of him to take darshan. Followed by Lord Nrshingadev picture. When he saw Lord Nrshingadeva picture he lifted his left arm again trying to touch the picture. I brought the picture closer to his hand.

Again the same nurse who gave me permission interruptted me. She told me my presence there is disturbing her job and ask me to go out for a while. She seems like little moody today.

Anyway it is good that GM is maintaining his consciousness level since yesterday afternoon.

Maha Varaha
(Text PAMHO:16450971)

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