Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2007 November 25 - A Travelling Preacher's Diary. Annual Festival. Vishakhapatnam, India

20071125 Annual Festival

On 25th November 2007 I went from Māyāpur to Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. They had an enthusiastic reception at the airport with a large welcome banner expressing “Welcome His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja!” Devotees were not only chanting, but dancing very exuberantly. Police men accepted sweet balls as I left the airport building! Devotees threw flower petals.

We got into vehicles and went to the local temple where we had darśana of the Śrī Śrī Rādhā Dāmodara, Jagannātha, Gaura Nitāi and Gopāla in a small marble temple and hall. I gave out cake to the devotees.

9 KM from the ISKCON Temple is the new site of the new Beach front Temple. We had initiation fire sacrifice and afterwards lunch. In the evening I gave a talk before a packed pandal with about 10000-15000 people around. Everyone stood up and raised their hands in surrender. Some danced in the front of the stage! Here the people are very respectful and follow what they are told to do submissively. After my presentation I went around the 100 or so stalls to give them Narasiṁha Oil and see what they had. It was really crowded with people.

This festival was very nice. I sat down in front of the stage in a VIP seat and listened to a group of musicians singing Annamācārya bhajanas in glory of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Although I don’t know much Telegu language the bhajana sounded very nice. This was how I spent my day at Vishakhapatnam the home of Siṁhacalam Narasiṁha Mandir.

So what do you have in store for me?

I hope this finds you healthy and happy,

Your well-wisher always,

Jayapatākā Swami