Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 1991-2000

1997 May 29 - A Travelling Preacher's Diary. Barisal, Dhaka. Bangladesh

My dear ones, Please accept my best. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!


The flight to Dhaka from South Bangladesh was again short and the view from the plain showed the green beauty of Bangladesh which is a part of Gaura-maṇḍala-bhūmi.


After my arrival in Dhaka, I went to the house of a very staunch supporter and renowned national Hindu leader who is kind enough to act as our official chairman. We discussed with a dozen or so devotees about the legal challenges facing us in different areas and the need for pursuing some legal cases in defense of our rights. We made two committees and some action plans.

I had nice prasāda brought in a thermo tiffin carrier from the temple. The proper diet. I could log onto internet and receive and send my mail. My travelling secretary on this trip is basically computer illiterate so I am compelled to do the routine stuff like logging in and getting email. Hopefully such things could be done by the secretary, leaving me free to do more important tasks. I write Madhusūdanī Rādhā devī dasi an urgent reply since she has written URGENT! URGENT! URGENT!!! on her letter.