Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 1991-2000

1997 May 29 - A Travelling Preacher's Diary. by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami. Calcutta (Kolkata)


Back in Calcutta airport, I have no time to change my clothes from civilian to devotional before going through immigration. Before I am through, some sharp officials come and see me, asking why the new dress. I explain “Muslim country” or something and go into the bathroom and change into my normal sannyāsī attire. Now everyone recognizes me and comes for prasāda. Everyone in Calcutta airport wants to go to Māyāpur and asks about special arrangements to do so. The Assistant Commissioner of Customs also told me she would like to come in June. Unfortunately, I won’t be there in June.

I arrive in the Calcutta Temple and devotees greet me with a kīrtana. I am so happy to be here under the shelter of Śrī Śrī Rādhā Govinda and Gaurāṅga Naṭarāja, Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Gopīnātha and Śrī Jagannātha-Baladeva-Subhadrā. These Deities were installed by Śrīla Prabhupāda and worshipped by His Divine Grace.

Śrīla Prabhupāda said serving in his birthplace city gives 10,000 times the blessing of serving in an ordinary place. I pray to the Deities and beg for Their causeless mercy. I pray for my disciples (dīkṣā, shelter and śīkṣā) and make some special reports and appeals. Coming before these Deities means coming before my Master and Lord. The small Rādhā Gopīnātha Deities are not simply utsava-mūrtis, but Śrīla Prabhupāda’s travelling Deities which he took in the late 60’s and early 70’s for some years. While they were Śrīla Prabhupāda’s travelling Deities I was asked to worship and bath Their Lordships. They are very merciful.

Lord Jagannātha and Baladeva are still enjoying Candana-yātrā and Their Lords look very happy covered in golden sandalwood paste. I pray for Their blessings for my upcoming tour around the world, the Bangalore inauguration and (if it pleases Them) to return for Their Ratha-yātrā festival on July 6th, 1997.

The Calcutta ISKCON devotees organized a little reception. Almost 75 persons attended. I discussed with some visitors about their spiritual problems. Prasāda was nice according to my requirements. Then I went to my room to send some last emails and retire.

Some newly wed disciples came to see me about some serious misunderstandings in their budding married life. I preached to them about attitudes, behavior, and some principles to guide them. I declined getting into the “nuts and bolts” review of their emotional problems and possible specific solutions since that was really not my role as a sannyāsī. I have a different point of reference and I advised they consult a senior householder for some specific advice on building up their relationship positively and things to watch out for. They leave happier than when they came. Hari bol.

I hope that this finds you all in very good health and blissful in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness.

Your ever well-wisher,

Jayapatākā Swami