Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 1991-2000

1997 May 24 - A Travelling Preacher's Diary. by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami. Śrī Māyāpur dhāma

Dear disciples and well-wishers, Please accept my blessings and best wishes. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!


Travelling and preaching isn't always what one expects. Take today for example.

I left Māyāpur at 9am after morning class to 500 visiting students and hundreds of devotees. I had to take breakfast in a moving vehicle trying to reach the airport in time for a flight to Dhaka, Bangladesh. I took lunch prasāda at 7pm in Dhaka due to various delays along the way. Nothing to eat in between. These are things we live with. It is part of travelling and preaching from country to country.

And there's more I would like to share with you in this travelling preacher's diary.