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20100320 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.15.14

20 Mar 2010|Duration: 01:06:41|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Los Angeles, USA

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ
 paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande
śrī caitanya īśvaram

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.15.14

gayād gayantyāṁ citrarathaḥ sugatir avarodhana iti trayaḥ putrā babhūvuś citrarathād ūrṇāyāṁ samrāḍ ajaniṣṭa; tata utkalāyāṁ marīcir marīcer bindumatyāṁ bindum ānudapadyata tasmāt saraghāyāṁ madhur nāmābhavan madhoḥ sumanasi vīravratas tato bhojāyāṁ manthu-pramanthū jajñāte manthoḥ satyāyāṁ bhauvanas tato dūṣaṇāyāṁ tvaṣṭājaniṣṭa tvaṣṭur virocanāyāṁ virajo virajasya śatajit-pravaraṁ putra-śataṁ kanyā ca viṣūcyāṁ kila jātam.

gayāt—from Mahārāja Gaya; gayantyām—in his wife, named Gayantī; citra-rathaḥ—named Citraratha; sugatiḥ—named Sugati; avarodhanaḥ—named Avarodhana; iti—thus; trayaḥ—three; putrāḥ—sons; babhūvuḥ—were born; citrarathāt—from Citraratha; ūrṇāyām—in the womb of Ūrṇā; samrāṭ—named Samrāṭ; ajaniṣṭa—was born; tataḥ—from him; utkalāyām—in his wife named Utkalā; marīciḥ—named Marīci; marīceḥ—from Marīci; bindu-matyām—in the womb of his wife Bindumatī; bindum—a son named Bindu; ānudapadyata—was born; tasmāt—from him; saraghāyām—in the womb of his wife Saraghā; madhuḥ—Madhu; nāma—named; abhavat—was born; madhoḥ—from Madhu; sumanasi—in the womb of his wife, Sumanā; vīra-vrataḥ—a son named Vīravrata; tataḥ—from Vīravrata; bhojāyām—in the womb of his wife Bhojā; manthu-pramanthū—two sons named Manthu and Pramanthu; jajñāte—were born; manthoḥ—from Manthu; satyāyām—in his wife, Satyā; bhauvanaḥ—a son named Bhauvana; tataḥ—from him; dūṣaṇāyām—in the womb of his wife Dūṣaṇā; tvaṣṭā—one son named Tvaṣṭā; ajaniṣṭa—was born; tvaṣṭuḥ—from Tvaṣṭā; virocanāyām—in his wife named Virocanā; virajaḥ—a son named Viraja; virajasya—of King Viraja; śatajit-pravaram—headed by Śatajit; putra-śatam—one hundred sons; kanyā—a daughter; ca—also; viṣūcyām—in his wife Viṣūcī; kila—indeed; jātam—took birth.


In the womb of Gayantī, Mahārāja Gaya begot three sons, named Citraratha, Sugati and Avarodhana. In the womb of his wife Ūrṇā, Citraratha begot a son named Samrāṭ. The wife of Samrāṭ was Utkalā, and in her womb Samrāṭ begot a son named Marīci. In the womb of his wife Bindumatī, Marīci begot a son named Bindu. In the womb of his wife Saraghā, Bindu begot a son named Madhu. In the womb of his wife named Sumanā, Madhu begot a son named Vīravrata. In the womb of his wife Bhojā, Vīravrata begot two sons named Manthu and Pramanthu. In the womb of his wife Satyā, Manthu begot a son named Bhauvana, and in the womb of his wife Dūṣaṇā, Bhauvana begot a son named Tvaṣṭā. In the womb of his wife Virocanā, Tvaṣṭā begot a son named Viraja. The wife of Viraja was Viṣūcī, and in her womb Viraja begot one hundred sons and one daughter. Of all these sons, the son named Śatajit was predominant.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.15.15

tatrāyaṁ ślokaḥ—
praiyavrataṁ vaṁśam imaṁ
virajaś caramodbhavaḥ
akarod aty-alaṁ kīrtyā
viṣṇuḥ sura-gaṇaṁ yathā


There is a famous verse about King Viraja. "Because of his high qualities and wide fame, King Viraja became the jewel of the dynasty of King Priyavrata, just as Lord Viṣṇu, by His transcendental potency, decorates and blesses the demigods."


Within a garden, a flowering tree attains a good reputation because of its fragrant flowers. Similarly, if there is a famous man in a family, he is compared to a fragrant flower in a forest. Because of him, an entire family can become famous in history. Because Lord Kṛṣṇa took birth in the Yadu dynasty, the Yadu dynasty and the Yādavas have remained famous for all time. Because of King Viraja's appearance, the family of Mahārāja Priyavrata has remained famous for all time.

Guru Maharaja: What was the name of the son who was the … fall in the forest? You know the son of Dhristadyumna…

Devotee: of all these sons, the son named Satajita was predominant.

Guru Maharaja: Just as Satyajita… what is the name… he who is victorious over the enemy. Satru is enemy, and Jit is victorious right?

And … has some meaning.

I was asking what is the meaning of the name…

Most people don’t know any meaning. Now the vedic names have meaning. So, Like Dhiradutta – great charitable person or any name… in the vedas it all has some meaning.

I will speak a little bit about this, otherwise today I am told this Ramanujacharya’s affairs.

So, there are six of them… just like this one son, he stood out in the dynasty of the Priyavarta Maharaja. So, that he was a very famous person. Like that… of course every one of you should try to stand out as a very good disciple, grand disciple follower of His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Because of Prabhupada this sampradaya became very well known all over the word, and therefore we are very much fortunate that we can follow the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada.

I once approached Prabhupada. I said, I am the most fallen. Prabhupada interjected, You are not the most anything. So, this saying was famous, but it was to me that he said so, I am not the most fallen, and not the most anything. So, but Prabhupada, he is the most illustrious of all spiritual masters. because he took the order of his guru and went all over the world to every continent, and brought Krsna consciousness.

Srila Prabhupada ki….

Actually the other gurus are very great, but because Prabhupada took the message around the world, therefore this sampradaya became so much recognized.

Once one of our members, they went to the …18.35… what is happening? What is happening with gentleman... Oh, yes small movement. ….

But you don’t know, you people… America …. generally speak like that.

So, somehow Iskcon has got some power in some places of the world, and that’s because of the greatness of his divine grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami prabhupada.

Prabhupada ki…

So, we want to all follow Prabhupada’s footsteps. We want to be a fragrant flower in the dynasty. Not a stinking flower.

So, we should try to do whatever we can to… when you go back to Prabhupada, he will thank you. At least you are a sincere, we want to do… to be able to go back to Srila Prabhupada and have him walk on us with open arms.

So, here of course there are many great devotees in the New Dwaraka, I am really very appreciative to get your association, that here the book distribution and the prasada distribution, deity worship, everything is quite nicely done. So, I am very honored to be here.

About Ramnucharya… I had the good fortune that he had most of his pastimes in the South india which I am the G.B.C for. So, I have been able to study a little bit about Ramanucharya. Of course, so much could be said. I also say a little bit. He was… he is said to be the avatara of Ananta Deva, Ananta Sesa. That he came to establish the Vaisnava Dharma. He came after the Sankaracharya. He brought most of the people in greater India back to the Vedas.

There are some people like in Sri Lanka and Thailand that … Buddhists, but in India most of the Buddhist became followers of Vedas. That’s thanks to Sankaracharya, but Shankaracharya preached in disguise Buddhism. He was a Avatara of Lord Siva. So, he taught the Mayavada.

Now Ramanujacharya, he brought the… he established the Vaisnava dharma, and his siddhantha is known as Visista Advaita I think. So, when he was a child, at that time he stood out as a great scholar in Sanskrit, but his Sanskrit guru was so affected by the mayavadi philosophy. So, he … the guru, he translated this one verse which describes that Vsnu is like a lotus in the pond, but he translated it that Vsnu is like a red tail of a monkey. He used more graphic word that tail… behind.

When Ramanujacharya heard this, he was messaging the feet of his teacher, he started to cry, because it was so painful for him. How Vsnu is being described as the red behind the monkey. He dropped the water, fell on the leg of the guru. So, the guru, “You are crying? Why, why.”

“Oh, your interpretation of this verse is such that it makes me cry.”

“What other interpretation could possibly be?”

And then he gave the direct interpretation which is that this … he is like a lotus, a red lotus on the water of the pond. So, not like the behind of the monkey. A red behind the…

So, then his teacher said, if this student who is around you know defeat all the mayavadis, So, we should kill, get rid of him, while we can, otherwise in the future there will be great scholar and nobody will be able to stand him. So, as a young mendicant monk, he would go, he would like this different grades of Sanyasa. So, like bahudaka, kutichaka, parivrajaka and paramahamsha. So, like this he would go to the relatives, and so he want to one cousin, and he was begging bowl, and the cousin gave him some food, as if happened that the bowl fell from his hand, broke, and a cat came and ate it. So, no sooner than the cat eat it, ah…. it died. Such a strong poison, it killed the cat immediately. Well, Ramanuja lost his appetite. I guess he would do.

“I don’t think I will eat today.” So, he didn’t eat for many days. And then his disciples… by that time he had a few disciples, they wanted to see his... another like a another teacher who was a Vaisnava. So, he went, the teacher came. When he heard that “Oh the teacher has come, he is going to cross the …what you call that… Kaveri river. Now the Kaveri in the summer, it dries up, and it is very… it is all sand. I don’t know if you had been there, but it is very… it is like one or two kilometers wide. So, this Srirangam is in the middl, and this Kaveri goes on two sides.

So, we heard that his teacher had come. So, he went out in the middle of the Kaveri, it was all sand, and he paid his dandavats, his flat obeisance’s to the guru, and all his disciples, they also did, but they were wealring, they walked in the hot sand, it was so hot, May in india, it is really hot, really really hot.

So, they couldn’t take it. One day got up, and then one disciple he laid down next to Ramanuja, …29.00… over his chest, and then the teacher said, “This one, this disciple you can trust. That this one, the pain of the guru is more intolerable than his own… haribol..

So, after that Ramanuja had food only from that disciple cooking. So, like this he began to preach and he was very famous, he became the disciple of Yamunacharya. Yamunacharya was a great preacher before him. There is some story with Yamunacharya but I forget. So, somehow he understood what Yamunacharya really meant. So, he was to be the next Acharya in the Sri Sampradaya.

So, at that time, in South India there were like kings who were Shivaites and kings who were Vaisnavas. So, it so happened that Srirangam was in a Shivaite kingdom. So, this Shivaite king, he raided Ramanujarya in Srirangam, and his idea was, he wants Ramanucharya to declare that Shiva is supreme, not Vsnu. But they somehow got the news that this king was coming. So, the secretary who was the one that could cook for Ramanucharya, he gave his, he was a grihastha. So, he gave his grishastha cloth to Ramanuja. He took his sanyasa dress, and Ramanuja escaped by some path, and went to Malcote where there was a Jain King, and some… there, so, then the king thought that the secretary was actually Ramanuja. So, he took that secretary, that previous Vaisnava teacher, and he said, “You must declare that Shiva is the supreme.” They said, “We cannot. He is not supreme. He is worshipable, he is very adorable, but the Vedas say, “Vaisnavanam yatha sambhu. Sambhu is the greatest of all the Vaisnavas.” So, we cannot say that he is supreme.

“You people are blind, blind. You don’t see the truth. So, I will make you blind.” So, he poked out their eyes and beat them and left them. So, all this was certainly taken by the followers of Ramanuja and they actually killed his guru, his teacher. So, later the king died, and his son was not so bad.

Meanwhile, while Ramanuja was in Melcote, he converted the Jain King into a Vaisnava. There in Malcote there is some ancient temples. There is the Yoga Narasimha temple, and there is one Narayana temple. So, he also revealed the glories of that place. So, then later he was told they were safe to come back to Srirangam. So, he came back. But his disciple being blind, his secretary was not so useful. So, the secretary, he stayed in the Kanchipuram, and there he was singing bhajans before the deity of Bharadraja, the king of giving blessing. This Varadaraja deity is famous for giving blessings. So, he was chanting and this Varadaraja deity said, any blessing you want I will give you. He said, well, those who did this to me, who blinded me maybe forgiven, because they didn’t know what they were doing. So, like that. And the second time he again prayed for some other people. Then he went to see Ramanuja… so, in Srirangam, Kanchipuram, Srirangam, maybe about two hundred kilometers. So, there he saw Ramanuja. Ramanuja said, I heard that the deity is offering you blessings. If the deity offers you any benedictions again, please tell him that your guru has some property which is not working, which is not complete. If you please make my property complete. Guru’s property, the guru will be very happy. So, you ask such a thing to Varadaraja. Because he knew that this disciple would never ask anything for himself. So, he went back to Kanchipuram, there he was offering the bhajan. Again the deity said, “I will give you a benediction. What do you want?” So, this time he said, “The guru has some property which is not complete, it is broken, so if you fix it, he will be happy.”

No sooner he said that, his eyes came back…. Haribol… Haribol… Haribol…

Because the guru, he was thinking, “My property is the disciples, and he is not complete, so blind disciple at that time was very difficult. He couldn’t function as a secretary. So, in this way, he tricked the disciple to get a benediction from the deities. So, his eyes came back.

So, like this, so Ramanuja had disciples who were… he converted many people. So, he … there were three thieves. One was a thief, he could open any lock. And the other was, he could walk on water, and the third one, he had some… I don’t remember what the third one was…

Anyway, so, they went and they stole golden Buddhas. Maybe not good to say that. He melted it down and made it into… like he covered the Srirangam, to see the top of the temple, that is solid gold. And so, also the Tirupati temple is gold, I don’t know if it is from the Buddha. But they use their skills… the old king of Banditas. Now when all the temples were refurbished and fixed up, then Ramanujarya, he was afraid, what is this bandit is going to do, they are going to get into trouble. So, he took them out on a boat. And he didn’t look left or right. He looked, in the festival there were thousands of people. Big festival, car festival, like Jaganatha car, they have a car festival in South India. So, but this person, he was fixed. He was watching this lady, and he looked at her, he looked at her. So, later after the festival, again somehow this person, he walked by Ramanuja, and Ramnuja, who is this guy? Why he is looking at the lady? He doesn’t look at Vsnu, nothing. So, he sent one disciple, he tapped on him, …what do you want?

Ramanujarya is there, he wants to speak to you.

So, he went over. He said, why are you walking backwards holding a umbrella for a lady?

That lady, she has got the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I am infatuated by her eyes. So, he was in the courtyard of the royal court, and she was dancer or something. So, then Ramanujarcya said, what if I show you eyes which are more beautiful.

Ok, I don’t moind.

You come here at six o clock tonight. I will show eyes which are more beautiful.

So, he came six o clock. He covered his head with a bag, took to the sanctum sanctorum of Ranganath deity, then he opened his thing and put a lamp by the eyes of Lord Ranganatha. Then he saw Ranganatha in his full glory, and then he could realize that these eyes were the most beautiful, the most beautiful. So, then he turned around Ramanujacharya.

So, Ramanujacharya, that became his secretary. His name was I think Khuresh. So, later Ramanuja had him marry that girl. He was a grihastha. So, some of the sanyasis, they complained, why is a grihastha your secretary? Why not one of the sanyasis? We sanyasis are more austere.

Well, let’s see, I will show you how austere you are.

So, then he told two other disciples to go up and to enter into the house of Khuresh when he was not there, and steal the gold ornaments from his wife. So, the wife, she saw this, she was lying down on her bed, and she saw the two disciples of the guru going down from a rope into the room of the … so, she thought, O! If the disciples of the guru are coming here, my god-brothers, they must want something, So, I will just lie quiet. And she is lying, she feigned she was asleep. So, they took the gold jewels and the gold bracelets off her, but she was lying on one side. So, he thought, how you are going to get the other? So, she was thinking, O if the guru needs the golden ornaments, I am lying on my one side, and let me turn over and make it other side. So, she turned over, and they got freaked out, “O no, she is waking up”, they ran out. So, then the husband came, and they had an instruction to just sit in a hidden place and see what happened. So, the husband came back.

“So, why are you wearing bangles on half and half no bangles?

So, she told what happened.

You see, you thought that was your property and you are going to give it to the guru, that’s why only half was taken. We have nothing, whatever we have is just the guru’s property, we are just the caretaker, your false ego, you couldn’t give anything to the guru which is his anyway.

I am sorry, very sorry. Yes I don’t know.

So, the secretary heard this, and he went back and he reported to Ramanujacharya. So, then Ramanuja said, now go back to the sanyasi ashram and take one sanyasi loin cloth, their kaupins and switch it with the other. So, they went in to the ashram of the sanyasis, and there they switched around the kaupins, one with the another. And so when the sanyasis, what you … why you go my loin clothe?

You have mine… and they were fighting, and that day became late for mangala arati, late. All were... pieces of clothe, just loin cloth, nothing. So, and then when they went back, the secretary reported, this is what happen to grihasthas, this is what happened to the sanyasis.

So, then he said, you people, you are sanyasis, so austere, but you are fighting over your loin cloth, and they are lamenting that they can’t get all their gold. So, who is qualified and who is not qualified to be my secretary”

They said, ok, ok, Khuresh ki jaya.

So, anyway, I should end here.

I just want to tell one last thing.

See, Ramanuja, if you go to the Ranganath temple, we had the good fortune a few years ago. We didn’t know but our safari went to the Sri Ranganatha temple, and they were closed like for two or three months for refurbishing. Every hundred years they refurbish. So, somehow we came at the exact time they are going to open the deity. So, they had A section, B section on the roof. C, D, E, F, G, went on. Somehow, we got, I got, few got the A section, and rest got the B. So, we were right in the very front. So, they had the… the system was that they are going to do the abhisekh of the golden what you call… what’s that called in English? The temple of dome, the temple… Kupula … the gopuram is the feet of the Lord, and this is the head. It’s over the head of the deities. It is the Kupula I guess in Italian.

So, you do abhisekh of that, and also simultaneously all the abhisekh of all the gopurams, and then they had abhisekh water, they threw it over the heads of the devotees. So, whoever got the water, they said they go back to godhead. So, people are mad to get the water. “We want the water.” And then they open up the deity for the darshan. That one day the temple was under the control of the police, otherwise they have the temple guards… five hundred thousand… so, somehow the police let us go. They have one door called the Vaikuntha door. Usually it only opens on Vaikuntha Ekadashi, but this hundred years refurbishment, they opened that door, and anyone who goes through the door, there is a roof, there is a little carving of lizards called tiktikis in Bengali. I don’t know… whenever Prabhupada would say something, they would..tk tk, tk… if they … confirmed.

That’s how you know. So, they said that those lizards are there in the Vaikuntha, and when you go through the gate, if you have gone through the Vaikuntha door, they go… It is ok, tik tik, he can go, she can go. So, somehow you got all the devotees are through the Vaikuntha door.


So, you are there?

Lucky. [laughter]

There are many other things, one is the halls made by Arjuna, but what’s very interesting is that Ramanuja, his body is still there. He just sat down one day, said, “I am leaving.” Or may he didn’t say anything, just sat down and he went into meditation, and he never moved. He is still there. It is like covered him with some kind of sandalwood and saffron. Only thing left uncovered is his thumbnails. So, if you ask the pujari, please show the thumbnail, he uncovers and shows you the thumbnail. Otherwise the rest of the body is covered with this sandalwood. So, the same Ramanuja, he never decayed, his vapu, his body is there. And you can still see his thumbnail if you want. So, somehow Lord Caitanya, he took the son… Venkat Bhatta who is Gopala Bhatta. He took him to Vrndavana, he sent him to Vrndavana, to be one of the six goswamis, so that’s our Gopala Bhatta Goswami. So, he wrote all the samskaras and pujas for Iskcon, for our sampradaya.

So, we are very much, although we are coming tactically from the Madhava line, we are very much, our ceremonies are very similar to the Ramanucharya, because Gopal Bhatta, he was the one who gave us all the ceremonies. So, like that we are connecting with all the sampradayas, in Vaisnava sampradayas. Little bit Sankaracharya also. So, today is Ramanuja appearance day, he is our great preacher, a great spiritual master. Also, we can pray to him that we also will be able to spread the Vaisnava movement here in the U.S. Actually the people in America, they need Krsna consciousness very much. So, we hope that all of you will be able to bring many people to Krsna, and for that we pray for the blessings of Ramanujacharya.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna
Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Any comments? Questions?

Question by devotee: In the verse Srila Prabhupada points out that a flowering tree, a sweet smelling flowery tree in the forest makes that forest famous, increases its reputation. But we have also heard that a bad apple spoils the whole basket. So, the question is, where do you line between trying to protect your basket and being compassionate or tolerant?

Guru Maharaja: Well! In this thing I mean, Prabhupada, he was very merciful, and he kept some leaders and G.B.C’s, but when he was leaving, he said that I could do it. I could keep… you may call it rotten apples or trouble cases. Seeing the position because we have …56.48… Prabhupada, and he was always seeing. So, he could do that. But he said, after this you can’t do that. So, the G.B.C now, if you do some two rounds, they remove you from position as a Guru or as a G.B.C or as a temple President. Because that was the instruction of Srila Prabhupada.

He could be a little extra merciful. Now we also give people the chance to do service, but if they don’t live in our community, I heard … 57.37… who stays here or not. I mean they should follow the basic principles, they should be good examples. Otherwise, we let people come to your functions, our temple. But if they start to preach against Srila Prabhupada, or against our sampradaya, then of course you know there is a line. We want to give them a chance, if they want to come and associate, but if they come to spread poison, obviously we can’t give them this forum to do that, they got the whole world to spread their… whatever their message is.

Our temples should be… like we have in Bengal, we have this false kind of Avatara, he was … his followers would chant, “Rama Narayana Rama.” So, one day they came to the temple and they chanted, “Rama Narayana Rama.” And I told, listen, “Nothing doing, in this temple it is Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare… So, Prabhupada said that when you go out preaching, we got to be a little diplomatic, but when it comes to our place, it is like you are the shop, they sell such and such price. So, if you are going to come to our temple, we set the price, we tell, “This is the standard you follow, you live here, this time you can visit here, and if you want to do more than that, you are welcome.”

There are some people who are not welcome. Even amongst the Gaudia sampradaya, there are members of the Gaudia sampradaya which are not welcome in other Gaudia mathas. We had a… what is called, Saraswata Gaudia Vaisnava association in Mayapur. It still exists.

I heard now that for two three years there were some rift between us but, I heard that …60.25-60.30… …but in our meetings they said that, they agreed that they won’t reinitiate Iskcon devotees, similarly, we would not reinitiate their devotees. Of course we don’t do it anyway, but….we have what you say, there is one person, he reinitiates anybody from any sampradaya. I don’t mention his name. But I think he is Gaudia matha. So, he is now welcome anywhere. It is not only Iskcon, but it is other …

So, like that there are certain who we can’t open the door if they come here and they bewilder the other new devotees. You know, if you going to come and associate, and see the deities, should be alright, I don’t know what your policy is but…. in November we let the, but if they want to preach or chant other mantras or something we don’t, we don’t allow.

We got here Srivasa prabhu, maybe he can say.


Srivasa prabhu: Our policy is that if someone comes from the Narayana camp or some other camp, we ask them to leave the property, we don’t allow them to stay here. Or if they are Ritwik philosophy we don’t allow them here either.

Guru Maharaja: Maybe in Mayapur it is hard to recognize who is who. You got so many people from… but if they start giving out fliers and books and stuff, then you know, that is crossing the line. We can’t let them visit the Iskcon campus. So, then they don’t…. then they go outside on the streets… but anyway, we can’t… at least we keep them out of the campus.

Like Prabhupada was… he was following this standard in Vrndavana when Nitai Das, he got reinitiated from some… some babajis. So, Prabhupada said, he became a snake, he preached against Iskcon. So, somehow who has taken reinitiation, who preaches against … they weren’t allowed into the Vrndavana campus. Of course, we have some people who say they are tricked to be reinitated, they really want to be a part of Iskcon. So, I don’t know, here what they do, but if they sincerely show that they want to be a part of Iskcon, depending on who they were initiated by, we give them initiation. Otherwise, we accept them as our siksha guru, siksha disciple, and they are allowed to stay, but … or visit. But they have to prove that they are not going to make some things against Iskcon.

That’s what we do in Mayapur.

So, thank you all very much.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada ki….

All glories to Ramanucharya ki…

Samaveda bhakta vrinda ki….

We have some prasadam cookies…

Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprema dāsa (22 August, 2020)
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