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19850612 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.1.22

12 Jun 1985|Duration: 00:30:59|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|New Orleans, USA

June 12, 1985Srimad Bhagavatam 6 1 22 Bhaktivedanta Manor England


Srimad Bhagavatam (SB)


Wednesday, June 12, 1985


Enlightenment 3

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The following is a lecture given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami on June 12 in 1985 at Bhakti Vedanta Manor in England. The class begins with the reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam sixth canto, chapter 1 verse 22


bandy-akṣaiḥkaitavaiścauryair garhitāṁvṛttimāsthitaḥ  bibhratkuṭumbamaśucir yātayāmāsadehinaḥ  Word for word: bandī-akṣaiḥ — by unnecessarily arresting someone; kaitavaiḥ — by cheating in gambling or throwing dice; cauryaiḥ — by committing theft; garhitām — condemned; vṛttim — professions; āsthitaḥ — who has undertaken (because of association with a prostitute); bibhrat — maintaining; kuṭumbam — his dependent wife and children; aśuciḥ — being most sinful; yātayāmāsa — he gave trouble; dehinaḥ — to other living entities. Translation by His Divine Grace Srila Abhaycharan Bhaktivedanta swami Prabhupada.


This fallen brāhmaṇa, Ajāmila, gave trouble to others by arresting them, by cheating them in gambling or by directly plundering them. This was the way he earned his livelihood and maintained his wife and children. Translation and repetition: This fallen brāhmaṇa, Ajāmila, gave trouble to others by arresting them, by cheating them in gambling or by directly plundering them. This was the way he earned his livelihood and maintained his wife and children.


Purport by Srila Prabhupada This verse indicates how degraded one becomes simply by indulging in illicit sex with a prostitute. Illicit sex is not possible with a chaste or aristocratic woman, but only with unchaste śūdras. The more society allows prostitution and illicit sex, the more impetus it gives to cheaters, thieves, plunderers, drunkards and gamblers. Therefore we first advise all the disciples in our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement to avoid illicit sex, which is the beginning of all abominable life and which is followed by meat-eating, gambling and intoxication, one after another. Of course, restraint is very difficult, but it is quite possible if one fully surrenders to Kṛṣṇa, since all these abominable habits gradually become distasteful for a Kṛṣṇa conscious person. If illicit sex is allowed to increase in a society, however, the entire society will be condemned, for it will be full of rogues, thieves, cheaters and so forth Thus ends the Bhaktivedanta Purports and translation verse 22 of canto six of chapter 1 of the Srimad Bhagabatam. The Chapters title is the life and history of the life of Ajamila.


Ajamila, started out his life as a Brahmin, where he had married chaste wife, after performing Bramhacharya perfectly he married, well situated but by becoming attracted to a loose women, leaving his own wedded wife started to live with this prostitute, this loose women, as a result all his good qualities were lost to the extent he became a kind of gangster. He was, plundering people, cheating people and doing all kinds of sinful activities simply for bringing money home to this woman abandoning his own so this has happened even in thousands of years ago, today its happening regularly. Therefore in society there are so many disturbances. So many divorces, so many problems in the family which is creating so many problems socially, the Government do not know how to cope with it. The solution is actually Krishna Consciousness. If the people have to become more 06.45 redirected Towards self-realization, if he develops a taste for Krishna Conscious activities, then only way they have the strength. Or they have the presence to be able to stand the natural allurements that normally still the mind away. Instead today any kind of self imposed austerity is considered to be harmful. Against one’s nature one is told by the great psychologists and so on, but one should always follow ones urgency not restrict oneself, even if said by some so called Bhagawans , not our beloved Bhagaban , so called incarnations, Bogus gurus who they are also saying the same thing that everyone should follow their impulse until in his ashram there is huge outbreak of congenital diseases and things like that so now we have to with the spread of Aids, harpies and all these things, he have to change his throne. If he gets cancer of the throat so these are the problems that come up. Even if one wants to follow ones urgency to do whatever ones senses asks one to do the material nature says not to be more ferociously kicked. So they get it from all the different direction. Actually once Srila Prabhupada had given the simple formula it’s the solution to the social problem, all the other mechanical material solutions are trying to give will be ineffective. But amazing thing is that the parallel between here is Ajamila who was one rare soul that we have in the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya we have Jagai and Madhai who had basically the same philosophy , they were borne in Brahman family, they are borne in Navadbipa, had every opportunity to achieve self realization. Instead they went on the same path robing people, raping people , taking their money, through all means of cheating, drinking, Prostitution, they were into everything. They were 500 years ago, the two of them had become fallen just as Ajamila although they are not attached to one particular women they have well very loosen in that regard, somehow on other Ajamila he had to wait to the time when he was dying somehow he remember the name Krishna, he chanted and he was delivered. Jagai Madhai did not have that culture although they had born in a Brahman family there was not any visible hope of them remembering the name of Krishna, but instead by the causeless mercy of Lord Nityananda, He went to them and begs them to chant.


Even though he was beaten by them, he continued to employ them to take up the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. So it is a case to save Jagai Madhai eventually followed his instruction but then a few moments they took initiation , went down to the Ganges, took bathe and back and took initiation. And begin to seriously chant. Then when they chanted they developed this higher taste. Then they were able to maintain the rules and regulations of krishna consciousness of their entire life very strictly. But Madhai he was haunted by the when he could not imagine he become a devotee. He was haunted by that actually12.24 (not audible) Lord Nityananda. You can imagine that some personal Harinama, beat or do something hit the Guru and later on he surrendered and then became a devotee, that will be under mind that I had committed this offence to the Guru, it’s a natural thing so he approached one day Lord Nityananda , fell down to his feet and said that you have to forgive me. I have already forgiven you. No no, I had offended you, I struck you on head that you must you must give your forgiveness to me. He said I never took any offence, how can I forgive you? I took you just like my small child, its just like the mother holding the baby on the lap the baby shading the mother, kicking of 13.10 infant, but the parents does not think this is very serious, this is not hitting 13.36. So Lord Nityananda was saying like that I actually just took it as you are my small child, and I never took any offence. So then Madhai is still feeling guilty,( Gurumaharaja is laughing) so then he said well ; but I have committed so many offences to living entities, I have beaten people, I rob them, I even murder people, I have created so much fear and anxiety in the minds of the people, of living entities, how will I get purified for all my offences to the to the dhambais to the residence of the holy dham. So then Nityananda said ‘hu’ (all are laughing)


Because the sense were already like that, that was recorded when Lord Chaitanya delivered their sinful reactions, their Karmas, those are immediately wiped away because of all those aparadh so many Vaisnavas. Thank my lord, Yamaraj heard about the mercy of Nitai Gour, and Jagai Madhai hearing that he was so ecstatic by their causeless mercy he fell unconscious, he completely went on trunce. All the people in the Yamaloka they thought that Yamaraja had gone unconscious because he was just shocked,( gurumaharaja is laughing) that these two sinful people they had so much recorded, Just like district attorney or the public prosecutor who has who was just ready to sued them 15.35 against the government party, He had thought that he had gone into shock (laughter) because he is working as years and years keeping track of every activities (devotees laughing) they were just ready to get Jagai and Madhai,but actually these was because of the ecstasy and no one could Yamaraja back to consciousness until Lord Shiva and Narada Muni came by , Lord Shiva rather was with him. And they started a big Kirtan and that revived Yamaraja. But you know there is a difference between Karma and between Aparadh. So a karma can be away, you can have your karma quenched away very easily. By chanting Hare Krishna, by surrendering to Krishna, but the offences those are under spiritual platform,So those remain perpetually until one takes some spiritual regress. Just like there is the famous history, how Lord Chaitanya was giving everyone his mercy, giving them love for Godhead, someone had said, please give your mercy to your mother, Sachi, he said I cannot do that. She cannot have love for Godhead. What? Your mother. She is the greatest devotee, she is always serving you, she is always thinking about you, she is doing devotional service 24 hours a day. ‘She cannot have love for godhead’. Lord Chaitanya said. The devotees said how how she can get! (laughter) . they started fasting and crying. They came on such a anxiety. Mother Sachi; what is the reason, what does she done? She is a Vaisnava aparadhi, she had offended a vaisnava.


That is a big thing, and every one begins thinking mother Sachi, what offences she has committed? She is faultless in every respect. Lord Chaitanya said no. he had offended a devotee. So everyone ah ho is totally disturbed by the 18.00 to 18.03 so eventually they were able to get Lord Chaitanya to say that what offence had mother Sachi do.


So of course mother Sachi eventually got forgiven for her grave

Offence uh but the example was given that if you are mother of God unless you are forgiven for Vaisnava aparadh that you cannot get pure love for Godhead. So Jagai Madhai , specially Madhai he was the one who is in real anxiety, that he committed offences to Lord Nityananda, accomplished residence of the Holy dham, so he was thinking any hare Krishna, that I have never been back to godhead, he was not worried even so much in that sense that he was worried in a nutshell 19.10 to 19.13 He committed so many offences, he was thinking how to, how to correct that. So then Lord Nityananda told them well, there is a way. You can correct them. By the Lord Nityananda’s causeless mercy he gave a mean to Madhai. He told them that you should built here a bathing ghat for all of the residence of the holy dham, and by their coming and using the bathing Ghat , you know bathing ghat,steps things going down into the into the 19.54 into the Ganges. Right down to the Ganges. Because that time the Ganges was going right by the birthplace. So they built steps and 20.7 going right down into the Ganges. So Lord Nityananda said you built for them a bathing ghat 20.18 you know Jagai Madhai, they used to just go to the public bathing ghat stand on the top and tell the little old ladies and the innocent people : get out.(devotees laughing) this is our bathing ghat. They were real gundas . People just shocked. Run. As they could do anything, and so... they were particularly, just purposely go and offend a Brahmana, offend their Guru, offend their mother and offend any any . They study as brahmana, you know what was the worst sinful activitiy? Most offensive thing you can do? They go and do that. (Devotees laughing). No ordinary they knew from their childhood that these were the offensive they purposely go and commit those acts. So (Gurumaharaja is laughing) Madhai he was on real anxiety once he came back to his consciousness. so when he get this opportunity from Lord Nityananda that I can built a bathing ghat and I could possibly got forgiven by all these Vaisnavas and be purified in these way allowing people to go and bathe in the Ganges in the Hoy dham of Navadbip so with his own hand he took implements and start cutting with his oun hand these huge bathing area.bring down stones, cutting and constructing with . with his own hand it took a considerable amount of time to built a very large bathing place for all of the people of Navadbip. And that became famous as Madhai ghat; different from the Jagai Madhai ghat thet they forced. That is madhai ghat which he made . there are five principle ghat, borokona ghat, one of them was Madhai ghat which he constructed. So then people; they were very happy to go and use the Madhai ghat. Became very famous. And this way Madhai became 22.31 of his offences.with the mercy that Nityananda gave him that opportunity. So it is important to see how these offences offended karma are two different area going on side by side . Lord Nityananda and Lord Chaitanya what their special features, their special characteristics is they don’t take offences. Facts on the purports to the Chaitanya Charitamrito, Srila Prabhupada explains how by chanting Nitai Gour even some apa sampradaya some non bona fide groups also gets some feelings of love for Krishna in these momentarily . Just by chanting the names of Lord Chaitanta Nityananda. Because they don’t take any offence. If you chant the name Krishna with offences you can chant for a millions and thousands of births without getting love for Krishna, but by chanting the name “ sreekrishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda, sree adavaita gadadhara sreebashadi gour Vaktobrindo” then one can easily become 23.53 from their offeces. So of course we don’t want to be like Hati –snana or a elephant birth. In Mayapur now we have four or five elephants when they take a bath they go out and they take all the dirt and throwing over their body. That is the nature of the elephant. So we don’t want to chant Lord Chaitanyas name and go and commit offences. We want to be Jagai Madhai who were after they are delivered they were very conscience and they were very careful to avoid any further activities , to avoid any offences, to try to correct any offences they have committed. They were very careful to defend and protect and nourish and care for their devotional creeper. We are the custodian of the devotional creeper just given by the spiritual master at the time of initiation. We should protect and take care of it, we should see that it is not run over by any mad elephants overrun by any weeds growing on the side of it. We should water it regularly , this is our responsibility, so because Ajamila somehow does not mention that he actually had not committed any offences yet he had committed a lot of sinful activities, but he had not committed offences to any vaisnavas by his good fortune. Does not mentioned that. So when he chanted the name Narayana, it was actually offenceless. He was sinful but he was not offensive. You are just on total maya 25.44 you chant and became back to his Krishna consciousness ,all of those karmic reactions was washed away. Nitai Gour prem anande Hari hari bol. So this is why we say “apavitra pavitraba sarvabastha Gatohapi ba, ya smaret pundarikaksha sa Bahayavantara shuchiha” sree Vishnu, SreeVishnu Sree Vishnu. By chqnting the name of Vishnu one becomes totally purified within and without. So the solution the purified socially, to be purified individually is starting chanting the holy name. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare Hare Hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare 26.36 people to save them by chanting Chaitanyas name. “ sreekrishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda, sree adavaita gadadhara sreebashadi gour Vaktobrindo” Break Time for question. Devotees speaking ( not audible) (devotees laughing) I wanted that anyone don’t know that. Just seeing if you are interested. Lord Chaitanya said that mother Shachi had committed an offence against Advaita Gosai. They said that what offence she committed against Advaita Gosai? He said well. When my elder brother Biswarupa , he used to always go and listen toAdvaita Goswami’s Bhagabatam classes that make to help him very spiritually strong, and parents are always afraid that he can go out and take Sannyas, apparently this is a very big fear, that you don’t want in india one don’t want their children to take Sannyas become civil ally death, spiritually liberated, its because of their attachment to the children. A kind of natural, so but although material. So she was said lord Chaitanya to get Biswarupa and return back, and Lord Chaitanya he went to Bhagabatam Class, sit trere also for some times, tey will get late. And then mother Sachi started to criticize advaita, that you know he is preaching Krishna consciousness to little children, misleading them in this way, something like you know may be he will take Sannyas, she said some kinds of little offensive things you know 28.56 how many mothers have said that now a days but ; she said something on one or two occasions and that were write down on her spiritual count. Criticize pure devotee, incarnations, 29.12 avatara. So everyone said then how can she be forgiven then for this offence? See can just go and ask Advaita Gosai to forgive her. So they all together and Lord Chaitanya went with mother Sachi and she requested Advaita Gosai that everybody here for? Whats happening you know, asked mother Sachi .they said well. Mother Sachi said that I have offended you , I want you to forgive me, WHAT? He said, you offended me? Mother sachi she was: she went into a ,,you offend me? There is no possibile way that you can offend me. And then he started saying Mother Sachi , he was the greatest , he start s glorifying mother Sachi, he went into such ecstasy glorifying his devotion, his enthusiasm, spontaneity , everyone, he started just like mother Yashoda and he went on to such ecstasy he went 30.15 and fooo! He fell down (devotees laughing). Then lord Chaitanya said yes , your chance, grab him now, he will never let her , you can’t touch my feet 30. 27 , you cat offend me, you are great , I am fallen, you so then mother Sachi 30.35 she took the dust from from Advaita’s feet when he was stunt then when she grab the lotus feet and get the dust then she was 30.48 and get pure love for Godhead. Devotees saying ‘Haribol’ Mother Sachi ki Jay Jayapataka swami Acyarapada ki jay.


Name : shantipriya janaki devi dasi, Bangladesh. Date : 26th June 2016.

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